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Ruthless Knight: A Standalone Enemies-to-Lovers Romance (Royal Hearts Academy) Page 41

by Ashley Jade

His jaw works. “Seriously?”

Oh, shit. I definitely didn’t mean it like that. There is definitely no mistaking that. “I meant all the way.”

“No. Only about halfway. I’m trying to go slow so I don’t hurt you.”

That’s not gonna work for me. I’ve always been a rip the band-aid off type of girl.

“Do you think you can just…you know.”

“Push through?”

I nod so hard I’m surprised my head doesn’t pop off. “God, yes. Please.”

I brace myself for the pain, but he stops again.

I’m about to yell at him, but the adoration in his eyes is so overwhelming my heart somersaults.

“I love you, Sawyer.”

Leaning in, I kiss his lips. “I love you, too, Colton—Oh.”

His cock slides into me in one swift stroke.

“Fuck,” Cole rasps.

A sharp stab that eases into a throbbing ache permeates through me. I force myself to breathe through it as I stretch to accommodate him.

Cole leans his forehead against mine, his breathing frantic. “God, you feel fucking amazing.”

I run my hands up his back. “You do too.”

There’s still some discomfort, but despite that, I have no doubts about doing this.

There’s no one else in the world I want to give this to.

Just Colton. Only ever Colton.

His forehead wrinkles. “Let me know when I can—”

“Now,” I breathe. “Please.”

Our gazes collide as he begins to thrust.

“Sawyer,” he groans, his voice hoarse, ragged.

I draw tiny circles on his back with my nails. “You can move faster.”

I want him to enjoy this.

Plus, I know he’ll make it up to me during the next round when I’m a little more relaxed and a lot less sore.

Lifting one of my knees, he withdraws and drives back in. “Jesus.”

“I love you,” I whisper again, gripping his butt to pull him deeper.

Having sex with him doesn’t feel like breaking an oath to God…it feels like giving something special to my soulmate.

His eyes darken with absolution as he peers down at me. “I love you.”

My eyes flutter closed as he resumes his slow, steady rhythm even though it must be killing him to do so.

I meet his gentle thrusts with my hips. “Faster. Please.”

“I want to make you come.”

That’s not gonna happen. Not this time anyway. “You already did, remember?”

His face strains with pleasure as he picks up the pace. “I meant…again.”

While I applaud the effort, my body is far too restless. “You can do it after.”

He looks like he wants to protest, but I pull out the big guns. “I want to feel you come inside me.”

His eyes turn hooded and he groans low and deep. “Jesus fucking Christ.”

He thrusts his hips so fast my legs shake.

A moment later a strangled groan leaves him, and he shudders, letting himself go.

He buries his face in my neck, inhaling me. “I…fuck.”

“It’s okay.” Running my fingers through his damp hair, I tell him the truth. “It was perfect.”

So perfect.

So us.

So real.

Chapter 81


I’ve been watching Sawyer sleep for the last thirty minutes.

She looks so peaceful I didn’t have the heart to wake her before I left.

So I stayed.

“Morning,” I say as she wakes from her slumber.

Yawning, she nuzzles against my chest. “Good morning.”

“How do you feel?”

I know she was sore last night, but I’m hoping it’s gone now.

She looks up at me, her finger trailing up and down my ribcage. “Different.” She smiles. “But a good different.”

She looks a little different too…like she’s glowing.

I kiss her bare shoulder. “Love you.”

Her smile grows. “Love you.”

We stare at each other, grinning like two love struck idiots before Sawyer gasps. “Shit. What time is it?”

I glance over at the clock on the nightstand. “A little past nine. Why?”

She digs the heel of her palm into her forehead. “I was supposed to go downstairs with the rest of the bridal party for the breakfast sendoff.”

I have no idea what that is. “Breakfast sendoff?”

“My sister leaves for her honeymoon today. They wanted to have breakfast with the bridal party before they left.”

I toss back the comforter. “I’ll be out of here in three minutes.”

She tugs on my arm. “No.”


“Don’t go.”

She looks over at the empty still-made bed across the room. “I’m assuming Clementine is down there…which means we still have at least another hour to ourselves.”

“What about the breakfast sendoff?”

“Her new husband is taking her to France for their honeymoon. Trust me, she doesn’t need her little sister to be there for her breakfast sendoff.”

Biting her lip, her hand disappears under the sheets. “However, there is something I need right now.” She wraps her hand around my cock. “Good Lord, Cole. Are you always this hard in the morning?”

Yes. “When I wake up next to a sexy, naked girl I am.”

Smiling coyly, she plants a row of kisses down my torso. “Well, this sexy naked girl wants to have some hot, naked sex with her boyfriend before her roommate comes back. You up for the job, Covington?”

I gesture to my dick. “You tell me, Church.”

She pouts. “I don’t know. I’m not convinced yet.”

A groan lodges in my throat when she lowers her head and sweeps her tongue over the head of my cock.

Six months ago, if anyone would have told me I’d be driving cross country to declare my love to a girl who had every reason to hate my guts…I never would have believed them.

Funny how things work out for the best.

“Fuck.” I fist the sheets as she pulls me into her mouth and sucks me long and deep. “Jesus.”

My girl has a mouth like a goddamn Hoover.

I look down at her. “Sawyer.”

She releases me with a wet pop. “Yeah?”

I drag her up my body. “If you keep sucking my cock like that, there will be no hot naked sex.”

Rolling her over so she’s on her back, I nudge her thighs apart and maneuver between them. “Just so you know, you will be coming all over my dick this time.”

She smiles coyly. “Whatever you s—”

A hiss escapes her mouth as I thrust inside her.

“You okay?”

Eyes fluttering closed, she hums. “More than okay.”

Grabbing the headboard for leverage, I pick up my pace. “Have any other family functions you need to attend today?”

“Nope.” Her eyes pop open. “Why?”

I give her a smug smile. “Because an hour won’t be long enough.”

I want an entire lifetime with Sawyer Church…and then some.

Chapter 82


“I just need twenty-five more,” I whisper. “That’s it.”

Oakley frowns. “You said that last time.”

To be fair, he has a point. But that was for the wedding, which was almost two weeks ago. This bottle is to maintain my weight loss.

“I really have to study—”

“You already got accepted into Duke’s Heart, remember?”

I don’t understand why he’s being so difficult about this. It’s not like I’m asking him for actual drugs.

“I know, but we still have a few more exams coming up, and they really help me concentrate.”

His jaw works. “Then maybe you should go to a doctor and get a prescription for them.”

“Last bottle
, I promise.” I lean in. “I just want to end my high school career on a high note. Plus, I just found out today that I’m up for valedictorian.”

His eyebrows raise. “Really? Shit. That’s awesome, short stack.”

“I know.” I can’t help but smile. The news just about made me pass out from happiness. “But it’s between me and Miles Wilson, and you know how smart that kid is. I can use all the help I can get.”

“Fine, I got you.” He wags a finger in my face. “But this is the last time.”

I’m totally okay with that. “Dea—”

“What’s the last time?” Cole interjects, sliding his arm around my waist.

Shoot. The hallway was empty twenty seconds ago.

“That she insists on tutoring me on a Saturday,” Oakley yells. “It’s fucking up my schedule. I’m done with this shit.”

I give Oakley a grateful smile.

“Dude, relax,” Cole exclaims. “Sawyer’s trying to help you graduate this time, remember?”

Oakley looks sheepish. “Yeah, I know.”

“Don’t worry, douchebag. She can’t tutor you this upcoming Saturday,” Bianca says as she joins our little circle.

Color me confused. “Why?”

“I need you to go shopping with me.”

I’d rather put a fork through my eye.

I look at Cole for help.

“She can’t. We have plans.”

Bianca’s eyes narrow. “It’s almost a week away. What kind of plans could you possibly have that I don’t know about?”

Good Lord. Stalker much?

Cole gives me a lopsided smile. “The kind that involve not having any clothes on.”

Bianca crinkles her nose. “Gross.”

I slap his arm. Just because we’re having sex—okay, great sex—doesn’t mean he has to announce it to the whole wide world. Or his sister.

“We’re going to the movies…and then Christian’s.”

It’s the only believable thing I can think of. Plus, we haven’t been there together since the shit hit the fan way back when, and I want to prove to everyone that Cole and I are doing just fine.

Put Casey and the rest of those shit-talking bitches in their place.

Bianca shakes her head. “No movies. What I have planned is going to take a while.”

Cole leans in, his breath tickling my ear. “What I have planned is going to take a while too.”

I fight back a shiver. Safe to say I much prefer his plans to hers.

Bianca whacks him with her notebook. “Again…gross.” She leans against my locker. “Look, big bro, I’m gonna make this real simple for you. Do you want me interfering in your relationship with Sawyer like I do with Jace and his skank?”

I glare at her. “Hey—”

“Fuck no,” Cole says.

“Great. Then keep your dick in your pants and let me steal your girl for one afternoon.”

“Bad idea, bro,” Oakley grumbles. “Trust me.”

Bianca flashes him some teeth. “Don’t worry, unlike Oakley’s hoes…I’ll give Sawyer back.” She blows me a kiss. “See you on Saturday, lover.”

Chapter 83


“Remind me again why we’re here?” Dylan grumbles as we walk into the store.

“Because Bianca asked if I would go shopping with her and I’m not going alone.”

It would be the equivalent of facing a firing squad.

“You know she hates me, right?”

Yup. It’s another reason I invited her.

As difficult as Bianca can be, I also consider her my friend. I’m hoping forcing my best friend and my new friend to hang out will end this feud between them for good.

Then we can all hang out.

“Just give her a chance, Dylan. She’s not so bad once you get to know her. Promi—”

“Hold up, I don’t recall ever inviting the murdering thot my brother’s fucking to join us.” Bianca interjects.

On second thought, maybe this was a bad idea.

Too late to turn back now.

I draw in several deep breaths before I address the elephant in the room. “What happened to Liam wasn’t her fault, Bianca. Deep down you know it’s true.”

She tosses the shirt she was appraising on a table. “I don’t want her here.”

Dylan throws her hands up. “Fine by me.”

She starts to leave, but I grab her arm. “Not so fast.” My gaze ping-pongs between them. “I know you two have your issues with each other, but you also have something very important in common.”

“Please,” Bianca exclaims. “I have nothing in common with her.”

“You both love Jace,” I remind her. “And it’s really not fair that the two most important women in his life are constantly bickering with each other.”

“It’s not my fault—” Dylan starts to say, but I shush her.

“I know.”

“It’s not my fault either,” Bianca argues.

I give her a look. The fighting is definitely her fault.

“Whatever. I’ll never forgive her for what she did.” Her features soften the tiniest bit. “But she can stay…I guess.”

It’s not much, but it’s something.

Dylan starts to protest but I whisper, “Take the olive branch.” I squeeze her hand. “For Jace.”

She looks up at the ceiling and huffs. “Fine.”

Bianca fingers a row of clothes on hangers. “What size are you, Church girl? I’ve already picked out a few things, but I want to make sure they’ll fit.”

I look at Dylan because Bianca can’t possibly be talking to me.

My eyes swivel around the trendy boutique. A single outfit here costs what I make in a week. “I thought we were shopping for you.”

“Do you really think I’d ever ask you to help me shop for clothes?” Clutching her chest, she snorts. “Oh, God. You did. That’s cute.”

“Yup,” Dylan mutters behind me. “The girl is a real peach.”

“Sorry, but this isn’t—I wasn’t planning on shopping today.” I wince when I notice the price tag on a dress she’s checking out. “And even if I was, this is not the place I would go. I can’t afford anything here.”

“Figured as much.” Bianca flashes me her credit card. “That’s why I brought this.”

She’s out of her mind. “I’m not letting you pay for my clothes.”

She makes an irritated noise in her throat. “Look, I really don’t do well with the whole back and forth thing. So, let’s skip the argument altogether and you do what I say.” She shoves a short white dress in my direction. “Go try this on.”

Not only does the dress look too small for me, it’s not my style…at all.


She purses her lips. “We’re friends, right?”

I eye her warily. “Yeah.”

“Well, as your friend, I refuse to let you keep walking around looking like some kind of Amish homeless person.” Disgust fills her features. “It was adorable at first, but now not so much.”

“Gee thanks.”

“I’m not trying to insult you. I’m just being honest. Prom is five weeks away, and I promise you you’re going to feel worse than dog shit when Cole is crowned prom king, and Casey is crowned his queen. Again.” She goes back to rifling through racks of clothes. “Besides, I really need a new positive project to focus my energy on. Giving you a makeover is perfect.”

I can’t let her do this. “No—”

“My birthday is in June,” she says, cutting me off. “Consider this your super early birthday gift to me.”

“She doesn’t need a makeover,” Dylan says. “She looks great the way she is.”

Bianca makes a face. “Says the girl who lives in ratty jeans and concert t-shirts. No wonder you two get along so well. Stevie Wonder can pick out better clothes than you idiots.”

Dylan and I exchange an exasperated glance.

“Fine,” Bianca snaps. “Don’t let me help you. Bu
t don’t come crying to me when Cole goes back to Casey after prom.”

Nerves bunch my stomach. I don’t think for one second Cole will leave me for Casey…but I hate the tiny part of my stupid brain that still feels like he might leave me for someone better.

And by better? I mean prettier and skinnier. Especially after college when he goes pro. Girls throw themselves at him already…I don’t even want to think about how much worse it will be in five years.

“One outfit,” I grit.

Bianca’s lips twist. “Three. Plus, a prom dress, a haircut, and a dye job.” She pulls her phone out of her purse. “Do you know your lens prescription offhand? I’m gonna tell my dad to bring home a few contact samples from work.”

She can’t be serious. “One outfit, no prom dress, and a trim.”

There. Compromise.

“No.” She folds her arms across her chest. “Two outfits. A prom dress that I will let you have marginal input on. A trim with some long layers for dimension, and a few face framing caramel highlights. Oh, and a trip to Sephora. That’s as low as I’m willing to go.”

I don’t think Bianca understands how bartering works.

Or maybe she does, because somehow, I find myself agreeing.

“I told you it wouldn’t fit,” I gripe as I pull the skin-tight red fabric over my hips.

Whoever made this must have given no fucks if the person wearing it would be able to breathe.

Bianca marches over to me. “You’re kidding, right? That’s exactly the way it’s supposed to fit.”

I look at the tag. “This says it’s a size six. I am not a size six.”

It seems like just yesterday a size fourteen was feeling too snug on me.

Bianca smiles as she turns me toward the mirror. “You are now.”

She takes the ponytail out of my hair and runs her fingers through my dark locks. “Dude, not to go all lesbo on you, but you’re hot.”

Holy shit.

“Wow, I look…different.”

It’s as if I walked into one of those fun-house mirror things at a carnival.

The one that lets you see what you’d look like if you were thinner and prettier.

Only this isn’t fake.