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Chained to You, Vol. 3-4 Page 19

by Alexia Praks

God, that sex they'd had previously had been simply mind-blowing. She'd been passionate and wild, and she'd even uttered, "I Love You," to him.

The moment those words reached his ears, James had felt overwhelmed--passionately so. Fact was he hadn't heard those words said to him since he'd been in his late teens, when girls at college would confess they loved him. Ever since, however, he'd come to realize what they actually meant was they loved his good looks, his large cock, and his money.

When he'd started going out with Whitney and then eventually married her, he assumed she was different. He assumed because the woman never said those words to him, she wasn't after his looks, his ability to fuck, or his money. Well, now he knew better. She'd never said those words simply because she truly never loved him. Aside from the fact that, yes, she was also one of the top few who really was interested in his money.

I Love You. The words kept ringing in his ears, reminding him of what had just happened between them.

Fuck, why the hell were they quarreling? And this hidden side of Mia--her stubborn defiance and fighting spirit. Yes, he'd assumed she had it in her. He'd guessed as much when she'd showed up at his house to negotiate for her brother's release. She was young, alone, and had no support. A girl like her should be crawling on her hands and knees, hiding in corners in fear in his dark and dangerous world. But Mia? She was different. She marched right up to his house--well, in her case, to his bedroom--naked and enticing--and demanded an audience.

To see this strong side of her did something to him, though. It awakened something within him. Fuck! What was it? What were those feelings? What was that urge? What was the rush, the excitement aggressively coursing through his body?

Oh yes. He knew what it was. He was fucking irritated. Pissed. And yes, he was so fucking excited. God, the urge to control that stubborn spirit was truly something that made his head spin in thrill.

As he stood there analyzing what the hell had happened between them, his hands fisted tight. Then he noticed something.

Fuck! He was hard.

Holy shit! Was he turned on? When they were fighting.

James took a deep breath and then chuckled. Well, obviously, where Mia was concerned, he bloody hell couldn't help it, could he? He was turned on when she showed him her fighting spirit, her non-submissive side.

He unwrapped the towel from his waist and then headed to the door. He wasn't about to hide his arousal when they were going to negotiate and make amends, was he? Oh no. Hadn't she appeared so excited when he had her touch his aroused cock? Then when he'd fucked her? He'd seen her shuddering and squirming in delight. Well, he'd use his body to his advantage, then. He'd use his naked body in its most aroused and enticing form to seduce her into succumbing to his demands.

In the living area, he found her standing by the window, staring off into the darkness at the city below. She was wearing shorts and a pajama shirt, which he'd be ripping off in a few minutes.

"Mia," he called out.

She turned at his voice. Instantly, she gasped upon seeing him in all his naked glory. She stared at his aroused cock a bit too long, which James noticed and was secretly pleased by.

Mia blushed intensely when she realized she was ogling him. Embarrassed, she swiftly shifted her eyes to rest on the couch instead.

"We need to talk," he said calmly, his voice demanding no argument. "About your job."

When she didn't respond, he approached her. Mia was quick to react. She paced around the couch to keep her distance. James found the attempt amusing, because really, she wasn't going to get away. In a few minutes, she'd be in his arms, and he'd be fucking her again, right here in the living area on that couch.

Mia folded her arms across her chest and said, "If you must know, Mr. Maxwell, I'm still upset. There's nothing further to talk about. I'm going back to Mystic Spring, back to my job."

With that, she turned on her heel and headed toward the door leading to the bedroom. Oh no. James wouldn't have any of that. Fucking hell if he'd let his attempt at reconciliation end here.

In two swift strides, he was beside her and caught her in his arms. He imprisoned her tight in his embrace. "Sorry, sweetheart, but it won't do for you to be so far from me."

He felt her stiffen at the statement. He continued. "It's a violation of the contract."

Mia said, "But I don't remember anything about not allowing me to have another job. So it's not a violation of the contract."

He chuckled. "It's a twenty-four-hour service, Mia. How will our relationship work if you're so far away?"

She stared at his massive chest and said, "You can always make a visit."

"I'm a busy man, Mia," he replied bluntly.

"I know that," she muttered, her eyes downcast.

James noted the soft, docile voice and knew she was thinking things over. He knew he was at the advantage, and thus, he snuggled his face at the crook of her neck. He kissed her lightly to show her he didn't want to fight anymore. Not that they'd been fighting very long.

"I know that," she said softly, turning her lovely face to look up at him. "Me having another job isn't really a violation of our contract, but it's the distance, isn't it?"

James knew where this was going and couldn't help but smile at her quick thinking. "Yes."

"How about I find myself another job?" she asked, her eyes gazing at him through her long lashes.

James wasn't going to ruin the moment. Whatever made her happy, he'd oblige. Just as long as she was with him. There'd be plenty of jobs in L.A. for her to choose from, so there was no problem.

He snuggled his face deeper into her hair and said tenderly, "Sorry I made you upset."

Fuck! The words just came out of nowhere. There. He just said it, and he didn't even think about why. He'd never apologized to a female for upsetting her before. He'd never, in fact, been aware of making any female upset in his life. So why now? Why with Mia?

He didn't know, and he was more than a little confused at his own words and actions. But fuck, he didn't want to think about that now. All he wanted to do now was kiss her.

And he did--kissing her continuously at the base of her neck, inhaling her beautiful scent.

Why the hell did he feel like he simply wanted to bury his face in her hair? Being like this with her in his arms, feeling her soft, warm body against him, and breathing in her sweet scent was pure heaven for him. It was fucking satisfying, especially when it had been quite torturous for the past four days when he hadn't been able to see her properly, when he couldn't kiss or fuck her.

Thinking back to this evening, when he and Matt had been entertaining their client from Hong Kong, the chain hotel billionaire Mr. Wong, all he'd been able to think about was Mia. Then when William happened to walk in with his beautiful pet, Savanah White, he couldn't stand it. Seeing William so intimate with the girl only made his heart ache because, fuck, the picture only reminded him how much he wanted to be with Mia. Thus, before dinner was even over, he'd told Matt he was leaving. He excused himself to Mr. Wong and headed straight back here.

Upon opening the bathroom door here at the hotel suite and the instant he'd seen Mia in the bath, her face pale as if she were having a nightmare, his stomach lurched with dread. She was going through it again, her unpleasant past, her demons.

Fuck, how he wanted her to confide in him, to share her past with him. He knew, however, he couldn't force her into that, not until she was ready.

Mia's voice drew his attention back to the present. She said, "I'm sorry, too. I'm... I'm sorry I called you all those mean things. I mean... you know... that you're a control freak... that you're..."

He chuckled, amused at her assumption of his character. "I am?" he asked.

She blushed and stammered, "Well, yes, of course. The way you made me say and do things... and stuff..." She licked her lips, her eyes downcast. "But... but it's quite nice being controlled by you, too, you know."

James felt his breath catch at the back of his throa
t. What was this feeling? It was warm and cozy, like Mia herself had captured his heart and caressed it lovingly within her hand.

"Really?" he asked, keeping his voice cool. "Then show me how much you like it. Show me how much you like being controlled by me."

She hastily added, "But I like defying you, too, if you must know." She giggled. "It was fun." She admitted.

He chuckled lowly. "You have a stubborn side, and I like that," he said, moving his hand to cup her breast. Then he proceeded to fondled them as he kissed her neck.

She gasped and shuddered deliciously at his touch. "James?" she asked softly. "Are we going to do it again?"

"Hmm," he replied. "You've already seen how hard I am." He rubbed his erect cock against her to remind her how hard he was for her, how ready he was to fuck her.

She squirmed at the contact and said accusingly, "But I wasn't even in the room with you before you came out."

He chuckled. "You turned me on when we had our little fight back there."

"Really?" she asked naively. Then she muttered to herself, "I turned you on when I defied you." She laughed softly. "Just like that other time."

"Like what other time?" he asked. Then he remembered the first day she'd come up to his house to negotiate her brother's debt. He chuckled at the reminder.

He squeezed her breasts hard in his palms, and Mia gasped out in delight. "Oh..."

"You like that, eh?" He teased. He squeezed the flesh again, harder this time, and Mia cried out softly.


James wasn't able to hold on any longer. He roughly pulled her sleepshirt off her body, which was followed by her tank top. Her shorts and panties came after that.

Naked, the woman was simply divine to behold, and James found he couldn't take his eyes off her.

Standing there before him, Mia groaned softly. "James? Please stop looking at me like that."

James cleared his throat, shifting his eyes from her aroused breasts to her lovely face. "Why the fuck not?"

Mia licked her lips, feeling her core twisting and burning and her whole body shuddering under his intense stare. "It looks like you want to eat me or something."

A glint appeared in his blue eyes. "That's exactly want I want to do, Mia. Eat you up. Taste every inch of you."

She swallowed at his erotic declaration. "I'm not food, you know."

James licked his lips. "No, you're not. You're my dessert." With that, he caught her wrist roughly and pulled her to him.

Mia stumbled and landed against him. With her in his arms, James pulled her down with him onto the sofa. There, he turned her over so she lay beneath him. Then he leaned forward, opened his mouth, and devoured her breast.

Mia gasped the instant she felt his hot mouth on her. "Agh..." She groaned as he licked her. She bit her lip when he moved his attention to her other breast.

"Dessert... is still food... which... which I'm not," she said brokenly, squirming beneath him.

James wasn't in the mood to argue. He lifted his head and shut her up by kissing her passionately. He urged her lips to part for him, which she eagerly obliged. Then he plunged his tongue in and started to wildly explore her.

"Mmm..." she groaned as his tongue stroked hers.

When finally he terminated their kiss, Mia was dazed and breathless.

"James..." she called out softly.

"What is it, sweetheart?" he asked, his eyes intense on her.

She licked her lips. "You're... you're hotter than usual," she said, glancing at the erect beast snuggled between her legs, against her pussy.

James chuckled in amusement. He hadn't even put it in her yet, and she'd already noticed his cock was more aroused than usual.

"Hmm..." He rubbed it against her.

Mia groaned and her body squirmed.

"How does that feel?" he asked teasingly. "Good, huh?"

Mia gritted her teeth as she nodded to tell him it was wonderful.

Fuck! James couldn't control himself. She was too cute for words, and he plunged his cock into her, driving the beast into the deepest part of her.

Mia groaned, and her whole body shook at the contact. When he started pounding into her, she clung onto him for dear life.

Chapter 33


When I woke the next morning, it was to James kissing my cheek. His warm breath seductively caressed my skin as I stirred and fluttered my eyes open.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," he whispered.

I reluctantly groaned and asked softly, "James?"

"Hmm?" He kissed me again, his lips warm.

"What time is it?" Then, because I couldn't help myself, I yawned.

"Seven," he said.

I rubbed my eyes and then turned to look at him fully. He was leaning over me, his face close to mine. I moved about in my spot and tried to make myself sit up. James wouldn't let me, however, and I found myself lying there below him in such a vulnerable position. His beautiful Prussian-blue eyes were so intense that I became nervous all of a sudden. I glanced away, casting my eyes downward to avoid his passionate stare.

That was when I noticed he was fully and immaculately dressed in his powerful suit, per usual. Gosh, the man still looked as darkly gorgeous as ever, even this early in the morning. Whereas, I, on the other hand, must have looked like shit.

I cleared my throat and asked, "Are you leaving for work now?" as my eyes drifted back up to his handsome face.

He nodded. "I'll be back at eleven to pick you up."

I cocked my head to one side as I started twirling my long hair about my fingers and thumb. As far as I knew, I didn't need to go anywhere today, so why was James picking me up?

"What for?" I couldn't help asking.

"We're going to buy you some suitcases."

"Why?" I asked, wondering what they were for.

"You think you can put all your new clothes into that backpack of yours?" he asked teasingly.

I blinked. Then I blushed. Of course. How silly of me. James had bought so many new clothes for me here in Vegas, and they'd need suitcases to be packed into for traveling. After all, we were returning to L.A. tomorrow.

I nodded. "I forgot," I said.

He gave me another kiss on the forehead as I held my breath, pleased at receiving such tender affection so early in the morning. I was smiling when he finally moved back and headed to the door.

"I ordered breakfast for you," he said, nodding to the silver platter and lid sitting on the side of the bed.

I gazed at it, smiling. Breakfast in bed. Nice.

He must have figured out my thoughts and chuckled. I blushed in response.

"I am starving," I said, my head held high.

"That spaghetti Bolognese didn't fill you up last night?" he asked teasingly.

His question got me curious. "How did you know I had spaghetti Bolognese?"

"The smell," he said.

Of course. The aroma of the Bolognese sauce must have been so strong it still lingered by the time James returned last night.

I wondered if he didn't like it that I used the kitchenette. More so, stinking up the place with Italian food.

"Sorry," I said, my voice low. "I didn't want to go out to eat. Also, I wanted to cook." I wanted to add that I loved cooking and it would please me very much if he were to eat my food. But of course, I knew otherwise. What billionaire ate at home? Didn't they always go out to eat at some five-stars restaurant where food was made by top chefs?

James retraced his steps to the bed and then leaned over me again. With his face close to mine, he licked my lips, which made me jump. I swallowed hard at the erotic contact. What was this all of a sudden? Gosh, my whole body was flaring with heat at the unexpected touch from James.

"Next time, cook for me," he said. "I want to taste your food. It smelled wonderful."

My breath got lodged in the back of my throat as my heart skipped a beat. A sort of glow radiated within me. I was at a loss for words, and James knew it. He knew he had m
e right where he wanted me. At least I thought so anyway. But I didn't care. I wanted to cook for him, and I wanted him to like my food.

James kissed me again on the lips and then moved back. "See you soon," he said. Afterward, he really did leave the bedroom.

"Okay," I replied loudly so he could hear me. A moment later, I heard the door clicking shut.

I sighed and giggled to myself. Gosh, I couldn't wait until the day came when I was really going to cook for James. The very thought excited me. And that kiss just now. It was just like Dad used to kiss Mom. The love and devotion they had for each other...

I paused right there. Wait. I shook my head. This feeling... It was probably only on my side. For James, that morning kiss must have meant nothing much to him.

I sighed and threw myself back onto the mattress, telling myself not to overthink things. At least, I thought I'd had a very good sleep last night, which I hadn't in ages.

Last night after James had his way with me, I'd fallen asleep like a dead log. My usual nightmare hadn't interrupted my serene snooze time either, and I was pleased. Of course, having such a manly, warm body beside me helped, too. Especially when I was being cuddled in such a warm embrace.

I stayed in bed for another half hour before I finally decided to get up and get myself ready for the day. After I had a shower and dressed myself in a cute dress, I enjoyed the breakfast James had ordered for me. Then I decided to organize my many clothes in the walk-in closet. By the time James returned to retrieve me at eleven, I had everything sorted out, ready to be put into suitcases.

Standing there at the door of the closet, James chuckled as he watched me.

I glanced at him over my shoulder, still on my knees and busy folding dresses. "Hello. What's so funny?"

He came to stand beside me and tousled my hair fondly. "I guess you'll need a maid to help with your wardrobe soon."

I blushed at his remark. Gosh! Me having a maid?

I shook my head adamantly. "No thank you. I can manage," I said, folding out a blue dress neatly and then putting it into the dress section.

James leaned over and gave me a kiss. I sighed and smiled pleasantly as his warm lips met mine. When he moved back, he took my hand and guided me up with him.