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Chained to You, Vol. 3-4 Page 20

by Alexia Praks

"Come on," he said, leading me out the door.

James and I spent an hour walking the mall and shopping for suitcases. I wasn't particular about luggage and, in fact, thought any old one would do. James, however, insisted I get a matching set. Thus, I found myself getting one of those very fancy, expensive Louis Vuitton traveling collections. By the time we were done shopping, I felt awfully guilty for spending James's money yet again.

We were in one of the restaurants, having lunch, when I couldn't help myself and said, "James, I know I'm... um..."

Gosh, how did I even go about this? Telling him I didn't want to be so indebted to him even though I was supposed to be his mistress.

James cocked his head to one side. "What's the matter?"

I licked my lips and then cleared my throat. I stared down at my food as I said, "You're spending too much on me."

"Oh? You don't like that?"

I shook my head. "Well, it's not that... I just don't want to be indebted to you. That's all." I glanced at him and noted his dark frown. My heart constricted in dread. "What I mean is"--I continued hurriedly--"I know we have a contract and I'm your mistress and everything... but is it normal for you to spend so much money on me?"

James folded his arms across his chest and leaned back in his chair, his eyes still intense on me. "It's normal for me where you're concerned."

What the heck did he mean by that?

"Do you do this to your other mistresses, too?"

That got the fire in his eyes going, and I knew the moment I'd finished the rhetorical question, I was stepping on dangerous ground.

James leaned forward over the table, his face close to me, our noses nearly touching. "You're my first and only mistress, Mia." Then he kissed me hard, right there in a crowded restaurant.

I blushed intensely, and when he moved back, I noticed people were staring at us. There was even a group of teenage girls giggling as they watched us from a distance.

"James, you mustn't kiss me in public. People can see."


I frowned. "What do you mean and?" I asked, mortified. "They'll assume we're a couple." Which, I wanted to add, we were not. Not a real, loving couple like boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife anyway. We were just master and mistress, held together by a contract because of a damn two million-dollar debt. Gosh, the thought made me feel more than a little mortified.

"I personally don't care what people think, Mia. I'm the type of person who does what he wants."

Yes, of course I knew that. I couldn't imagine a billionaire like James, or any wealthy man for that matter, would care one way or another what others thought of him. To do so would surely be a barrier to their tremendous success. After all, one couldn't possibly make the whole world approve of oneself.

He whispered softly to me, his warm breath fanning my skin seductively. "And if I want to kiss the woman I adore in public, no one is going to stop me." He grinned and his eyes sparked.

My stomach tingled deliciously in reaction to his handsome smile, and my whole body shuddered in delight. So he adores me? His blunt declaration made me deliriously happy, and I blushed intensely.

I licked my lips and said, "I see," because really, I didn't know what else to say.

James must have felt pretty smug, because he had a satisfied smile on his face as he sat there watching me as I played with my food.

Some twenty minutes later, we were done with lunch. When we headed out of the restaurant, James held my hand. I noticed the group of girls watching us and giggling again. One even gave me a thumbs-up.

I gave her a shy smile in return. They must have thought I'd caught myself some very big fish indeed. If only they knew the real truth of the relationship between us.

Once we got back to the hotel, James returned to work while I continued with my packing. Standing there in the walk-in closet and looking around at the array of clothing James had bought for me, I sighed, disheartened. It was only now I realized I had so many clothes. And how was I supposed to fit all those into just three suitcases? I supposed the only way to solve that problem was to either leave some of the dresses behind or ask James to buy me another carrier.

Of course, I didn't want to do either of those things. It was nice enough of him to buy me brand new clothes and, of course, the suitcases. And since he was still very busy with work, I didn't want to bother him with my dilemma.

"Surely," I muttered under my breath, "I can fit all of them into the suitcases." With that determination in mind, I got down to my knees and started placing the folded clothes neatly into the cases.

It was some hour and a half later, after arranging and then rearranging, when I smiled in relief, congratulating myself. "Thank God," I said, nodding. Somehow, I had managed to fit most of the stuff in, including three pairs of shoes.

I was just heading back out into the bedroom to retrieve some other items to be packed away when I remembered I hadn't yet told Savanah about my upcoming departure to L.A.

I rushed around the bed and grabbed my cell phone. A few seconds later, I was listening to the sound of the phone ringing.

"Hello?" Savanah's voice came through.

I smiled. "Hey, Savanah, it's me."

I heard a chuckle. "Mia, hey. What's up?"

"Err... Actually, Savanah, I forgot to tell you... Well, I've only found out myself yesterday evening..." I paused. "Savanah, I'm leaving Vegas tomorrow."

"What? So soon?" She sounded upset.

"I'm so sorry. James has to return to L.A. and his daughter..."

"I know," she said. "I understand... I mean, he's based there, isn't he?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Well, can you come over to have dinner with me tonight?" she asked.

I nodded, knowing James was probably going to be busy again tonight. That meant I would be having dinner by myself. After all, Andy had told me Matt was taking him out to a fancy place tonight, so he wouldn't be able to entertain me.

"Yes. I'm sure I can come. Where do you want to have dinner?" I asked.

"Actually, William's penthouse."

I blinked. William's penthouse? Was that going to be all right? Would William be there?

Savanah answered that question for me. "Don't worry. William is going to be out this evening, so it's just you and me. Girls' night in." She chuckled. "Don't you think that'd be fun?"

I nodded in agreement. "Of course," I said. "I'm looking forward to it."

A moment later, after I'd told her I'd see her soon, we hung up. I spent a bit more time packing and tidying up, making sure I wasn't missing anything. It had been a lot easier before when I didn't have a lot with me, with just my backpack and a few worn-out items of clothing. Now, however, there were so many, and I had no idea how to deal with it, this packing and stuff.

By four in the afternoon, I got tired of it and decided to take a bath and get myself ready for dinner with Savanah.

Chapter 34


I wasn't sure if it was a good thing to see James do a double take the moment he walked into the living area. It had been the first time I'd seen him do that. Surely, I wasn't wearing something so glamorous it was worthy of such avid attention from him this evening. It was just a simple white dress that wasn't showing much of anything. My hair was French braided, and my makeup was done neutrally. When I'd had a glance at myself in the mirror, I thought I looked like some innocent girl on her way to church.

James had a dark look on his face that made me nervous. It wasn't the usual spark I'd seen so many times when he saw me in something sexy, like the erotic lingerie or the silk cocktail dress. This was something more. It was deeper and, quite frankly, notoriously wicked and iniquitous.

His stare made my stomach flip in both dread and excitement. There was a sort of hard line to the features of his face that made him look like a devil in heat.

I licked my lips and said, "Hi. You're back early."

James was still staring, his eyes roving over me, ta
king in every inch. He smirked. "I don't remember buying you that dress."

I shrugged. "It was among the others from Fleur," I said. "Maybe you've bought so many you've forgotten." I cocked my head to one side as I glanced down at myself. "Although, I didn't know you liked this sort of thing on me. It's quite nice, isn't it?"

It was true this dress was completely different from the others. This one was very modest in an almost schoolgirl style.

"I didn't know either," he said, walking toward me, his eyes dark.

Once he was close, he drew me to him and planted a kiss gently against my lips. When he urged me to part, I obliged, and he eagerly plunged in his tongue.

He was slow and erotic, his tongue playing and teasing me. This was a different James. This James was gentle, taking his time. This James made my heart flutter with joy.

I groaned softly, my hands clutching onto his jacket as he continued to leisurely explore me, tasting me and teasing me, slowly burning me and igniting my core.

When he finally terminated the kiss, I was breathless and dazed. My knees were weak as I leaned against him for support.

James moved over and cupped my breast through the fabric of the dress. I groaned because I knew what his intention was. Despite the fact that he'd already turned me on and I wanted more than anything to let him do sexy, erotic stuff to me right now, I had to control myself. I had a dinner date with Savanah after all. It wouldn't do for me to be late, especially when I wanted to spend time with her. Who knew when I'd get to see her again? I wasn't in control of my own traveling plans for the next five years because of the contract with James. And neither was Savanah, as I knew she was under William's patronage.

I said, my voice weak and shaky, "James, I have to go."

James snuggled his nose in the crook of my neck and asked, "Where are you going?"

I made him move back from me because, really, I simply couldn't think straight when he was so close. Gosh, his heat and smell was driving me senseless. As always, his presence made me want to throw away my morals and simply allow him to ravish me in every way he desired until I was spent. God, I was such a wanton wench, wasn't I?

"I have a dinner date with a friend."

James cocked his head to one side. "A friend?"

"Remember?" I said. "Savanah."

"Ah, her." He nodded. "At William's penthouse, I presume?"

I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not for James to know so much about me and everything to do with me, even my new friend Savanah and where she lived.

"Yes." I nodded, taking a step back. "I think Patrick is waiting for me downstairs," I said to hint at the fact I really must get going.

I managed to escape his fervent clutches somehow and hastily rushed into the bedroom. There, I retrieved my handbag and shoes and then returned to the living room to find James on the phone. He was busy talking, and because I didn't want to disturb him, I waved and headed to the door.

I was just about to exit when I felt James's hand on my wrist, pulling me back against him. He buried his face in the crook of my neck. "Sure, I'll behave myself. Just make sure you do the same."

He sounded both amused and pissed, and I wondered who he was on the phone with.

I glanced over at him, wondering what he wanted now, since his embrace was so tight. Truly, I didn't have a moment to waste if I were to get to Savanah's place on time.

"James," I said, my voice weak. I tried very hard not to feel too comfortable in his arms, which was simply impossible because the man knew just how to make me melt into him. "I really must get going now."

"I'm coming with you," he said bluntly.

I blinked. "Excuse me?" I turned in his arms to look up at him. "What do you mean--"

He cut me short. "I'm coming with you." With that, he took my hand and led me out the door.

Some ten minutes later, in the car, I started the conversation by asking, "So what about your dinner meeting with your clients tonight?"

"Don't have one," he said.

"What about work?" I couldn't help asking.

He smiled and said, "I didn't know you were interested in my work life."

I blushed. "I... I was just wondering; that's all." I defended myself. Then I thought it was more like I was worried about his work. I didn't want him to ruin his business and, hence, lose his important clients because of me. I'd feel so guilty over it.

He moved his hand over to cup my face and caressed my cheek fondly. "Business sorted, for now."

"Oh." Then something else entirely hit me, drawing my attention from James. "Oh shoot!" I hastily searched my bag for my phone. "I forgot to tell Savanah you're coming for dinner as well."

I found the phone and gave Savanah a quick call. Thank goodness she wasn't at all upset James was tagging along. Although, I had to admit she sounded rather nervous, which in turn made me anxious, and I had to apologize to her profusely for the short notice.

We arrived at the Bosworth Hotel and Resort some fifteen minutes later. The place wasn't so different from The Maxwell after all. It was busy and lively with tourists and businessmen enjoying their time drinking, dining, and gambling.

Once we came to the penthouse, which resided at the top floor of the building, I noticed James's stance was rather tense. I couldn't help myself and glanced over at him, more than a little worried. Personally, I hoped William wasn't around. After all, the two, despite being friends, didn't really get along well.

"James?" I asked, drawing his attention to me. "Are you sure you want to... um...?"

James snorted with amusement, as if he knew what my concern was and what I was about to ask.

"It's fine," he said bluntly. He stepped forward and knocked on the door loudly to inform Savanah of our arrival.

Gosh, I truly hoped everything would go all right tonight. I knew Savanah personally hadn't yet met with James, and I wondered contritely if she could handle being around him. He was rather intimidating after all. Although, come to think of it, William wasn't much different in term of personality. There was their arrogant, dark demeanor. So surely, if she could handle being around William, she'd be fine with James.

When I heard the sound of the door clicking open, I returned my attention there, expecting to see Savanah greeting us. But of course, my anticipation was completely wrong, because standing there so imposingly and staring at James with a dark, handsome smile on his face was William.

My first thought was, Oh God! He is going to be around for dinner? Savanah hadn't told me he'd be joining us. I'd thought she had said he'd be out for the night.

I secretly glanced at James, wondering what his reaction would be. Would he be pissed to see William around? But then again, that couldn't be helped. This was, after all, William's penthouse. The man owned the place and, of course, the whole building.

To my utter relief and surprise, James didn't seem to react one way or another toward William. He seemed calm and composed, as if this were just another meeting with a friend.

"Hello, James," William said, a sarcastic grin playing about his face.

"Hello, William." James returned the greeting.

As I stood there watching the two men staring at each other, the scene reminded me of that night when I'd first arrived in Los Angeles. It was the night James had taken me out for dinner and offered me a proposal I couldn't refuse in order to annul my brother's debt. When we'd come out of the restaurant, William had turned up to greet us in the parking lot, along with his men, armed and ready for a showdown.

Back then, I'd thought they were mortal enemies for sure. But of course, I had been wrong, and truth be told, I was glad. James and William as friends, despite not getting along as well as friends should, suited me better. First of all, there was Savanah. I honestly couldn't imagine being friends with Savanah when our respective men were arch enemies. More so, however, was the fact that I knew William had strong influences, and if anything dangerous were to happen to James, I knew William would step in and help out, which was mo
st likely due to the nature of their business.

The two men were still staring at each other, and honestly, I could feel the tension in the air between them. Suddenly, I dreaded dinner. Were they going to be like this the whole evening? And ruin my time with Savanah?

William turned his attention to me then and even gave me a bright smile. "Hello, Mia."

I smiled uncomfortably and said, "Hi, William." Then I couldn't help myself and asked, "Are you staying for dinner?" In which case he laughed out in amusement.

He opened the door wider. "Yes, I am," he said, ushering us in. "I couldn't leave Savanah alone to deal with guests, could I?"

I pulled a face and said, "Just as long as you don't ruin it for us." I stared meaningfully at him, and both men laughed.

William said, "Feisty, aren't we? I'm still interested in you, Mia. Are you sure you want to be with James? He's a bastard. You know that, right?"

I glared at him. "I like being with James, thank you very much."

James said, "I thought you said you'd behave yourself, too. I'm doing my best not to smash in your face and ruin tonight."

William had the gall to laugh. "Sorry," he said. "I can't help it. I promise to be nice once we're inside."

James and I stepped over the threshold of the penthouse. Once we were in the living area, I scanned around in appreciation. The place was spacious, very modern, and had a great view of Las Vegas, just like James's suite back at the hotel.

Savanah came rushing over to me then and took my hands in hers. "I'm so glad you came," she said, smiling brightly. "And you look so cute in that dress."

I chuckled and glanced down at myself. "Thanks," I said. "And this place is awesome."

She nodded. "I know. I love it here, especially the view." She looked around the room with affection, her eyes bright.

I watched her, feeling a sense of relief that she looked happy here. I was glad because that meant William must be nice to her and not mistreat her, which I dreadfully feared. I didn't want her to suffer, because I personally knew how painful it was to receive such mistreatment. Furthermore, I had come to care for Savanah, despite us knowing each other for such a short time.

William came over and handed me a glass of Champagne. I thanked him before taking a sip of the bubbly. From the corner of my eyes, I noted James had taken a seat on the sofa, one leg crossed over the other, with a glass of Champagne in one hand. William joined him a moment later, and the two men, despite the air of tension between them, started conversing. It was then I wondered if they were enduring each other's presence for our sake. The thought was certainly viable and, indeed, made me deliriously happy. James was willing to sacrifice his time to be in the company of a friend he didn't much like for me. And William was doing the same for Savanah.