Page 18

Chained to You, Vol. 3-4 Page 18

by Alexia Praks

I gasped the moment I felt his cock in my hand. It was large and hard and certainly hot... So very hot.

James chuckled in amusement. "Doesn't quite wrap around, does it?"

I blinked. Confused. What doesn't quite wrap around what? What exactly did he mean by that?

I stared at my hand longer, at the slim fingers. Then slowly, it dawned on me.

My face flamed red instantly. Gosh! How I wanted to hit him. How rude of him to imply such a thing. Yes, I knew my hands were small. And yes, I'd admit it couldn't completely wrap around his fully erect beast, but he didn't have to sound so pleased and amused about it.

More than annoyed, I pulled my hand away and was about to leave when James caught me about the waist and pulled me back. I found myself by the basin and facing the mirror again, James behind me, intimately close. I felt his naked skin against mine, and oh God, it just was so good.

James buried his face in the crook of my neck and started kissing me sweetly, slowly, seductively. At the same time, his hands were busy caressing my breasts and taunting my nipples, pinching them and squeezing them until they were once again sorely sensitive and aroused.

"I love your small hands," he said roughly. "I love everything about you."

His words made my heart glow with delight. God, how I wanted to say I loved everything about him, too. That I really loved him, like the way Mom and Dad had loved each other... the romantic way, unconditional, where we cherished one another until death do us part.

But I couldn't really tell him that, could I? James only loved my body. He loved having sex with me. It was purely physical. There was no emotional connection whatsoever. His love and my love was completely different, and I understood that. So why then did it hurt so much inside to know that was all he loved about me? Wasn't it enough for now? Had I not told myself to wait, to work harder to get him to really fall in love with me for who I was? For me as simply Mia Donovan?

I whimpered a little at the thought that struck me, at the abrupt turmoil of emotions that attacked me out of the blue.

"I love everything about you," he said again, kissing and caressing me harder as if I were precious to him.

I groaned as I arched my body against him, allowing him more access. While this was happening, he rubbed his cock against my pussy from behind, making my body squirm and burn for him.

"Mmm..." I groaned. "James..." I whispered softly. "Please."

He chuckled, understanding my plea. He moved into position as I eagerly waited for him to enter me. And then when he did, I groaned in satisfied delight.

He fit perfectly. His firmness and heat invaded me, which was driving me insane.

With his cock deep inside me, he hugged me tight from behind as if he were afraid to let me go. And I, too, felt that way. So afraid of losing him. So afraid to be alone again.

I stayed there, enveloped in his strong arms, my eyes closed, savoring the beautiful moment, he and I together as one. James then started kissing me, and at the same time, he started moving in and out of me, thrusting and thrusting and thrusting. Oh God, it felt good, and I groaned in delight.

"Ahh..." I sang to him, my voice erotic and soft. "Oh... James... I love you... I love you..." I couldn't help myself, crying out what was in my heart most--mindlessly, shamelessly, and eagerly expressing my love for him, telling him how much he meant to me.

At that moment, I felt James stiffen and halt his movement, as if he were shocked at my words. Instantly, my heart raced, and I felt a little sick.

Oh God! I hadn't meant to say those words. I hadn't meant to say anything at all, but the overwhelming emotions of being with him, connected to him, it was unbearably wonderful, and I slipped up.

I felt cold, alone, and unwanted as I stood there, staring into space, flabbergasted with myself, at what I'd just done.

I love you. The words. They just slipped out so easily. Yes, I'd just told him I loved him. Oh God! What had I done? He was going to walk away now, wasn't he? He was going to keep a distance between us now, wasn't he? Or perhaps he'd tell me coldly and firmly that our unconventional relationship as master and mistress was purely physical and nothing more. God, oh God! I knew that. I didn't need to be told twice. But...

But I fell in love. How the heck was I supposed to not fall in love with James Maxwell?

No. No. No. No, wait. Perhaps it was just my infatuation, as Andy had said. Perhaps it was merely due to the heat of the moment? When one felt just so good during sexual intercourse that one slipped up and said inappropriate things such as I love you. But really, what they truly meant was they loved having sex. Or was it perhaps that I needed time away from James to really understand myself and what types of feelings I had for him?

James plunged roughly into me again, surprising me out of my thoughts. At the same time, an overwhelmingly powerful sensation coursed through my body, making my head spin in delight and taking my breath away. Once I came back to earth, once I was able to breathe again, James pulled me against him so tight our whole bodies connected.

"I like the sound of that," he said into my ear.

I blinked and held my breath as I stared at us through the mirror. I noted James's face was hard and dark with a hint of an amused smile playing across his lips. Whereas I, on the other hand, had flushed pink and my eyes were bright.

James licked and bit my ear as he continued to pound into me, which made my body dance with him in an erotically sexy way.

We were in a beautiful rhythm now, moving along to his pounding, in and out and in and out. His cock was rubbing sensually against the lining of my pussy, which was making my muscles convulse and pulsate in ecstasy. My body buzzed and flared with intoxicating sensations as I cried out to him how happy and pleased I was to be fucked by him.

"Fuck," James said darkly. "Oh, angel, your pussy is so sweet."

I groaned in response and raised my arms to wrap around his neck. I begged him for a kiss as he continued to pound into me, which he obliged. When I pulled away a little later because the pleasure was making me weak and nearly insane, I rested my weight on the basin for support. At the same time, James increased his pace, screwing into me so hard and fast that I couldn't hold bear the force of his strength.

I held tight to bench before me and continued to groan out loudly, crying out erotic sexual cries that were sure to be heard from the other room if anyone were there to witness our lovemaking.

Oh God! I couldn't breathe. My chest felt filled to the brim and tight, while my whole body was buzzing. James was going all out now, thrusting into me like a raging bull, and I loved it. The action increased the pleasure meter, and it was driving me insane.

"James..." I cried. "Oh, James... Ahh..."

"Fuck, Mia," James whispered into my ear. "Fuck!"

I cried as he drove into me harder and harder and faster and faster, his cock slamming into me roughly. I knew it wasn't going to be long before we released.

Oh God! My whole body tensed in a split second as my muscles convulsed and twisted and pulsated. Then I came, long and hard, as I shuddered in delirium there against the basin, with James behind me, kissing my neck and embracing me in his arms. I felt exhausted and collapsed, heaving heavily like I'd just finished a marathon.

I shut my eyes, savoring the moment, savoring James within me, hugging me from behind as I took slow, deep breaths. When I came to and opened my eyes again, I saw James watching me, a handsome smile on his lips.

"That was spectacular," he said.

I gazed at him, and slowly, I remembered what I'd said. The words I should have kept to myself, locked deep within my heart. Sooner or later we'd have a serious talk about the love subject. It had no place in the domain of our relationship.

I licked my lips and opened my mouth, intending to tell him to forget about what I'd said earlier about being in love with him. He, however, interrupted me and kissed me hard on the lips, as if to shut me up. Then he moved over to kiss my forehead fondly.

Once he was don
e, he said, "I need a shower. Unless you want to join me." He chuckled. "You're welcome to."

I straightened and shook my head in the negative. Not now. Not today. Not when my mind was in a muddle, even after that amazing sex we'd just had. I needed to think. I needed to clarify what I needed to do next.

"No... that's okay," I said, grabbing a towel from the top shelf. After wrapping it around myself, I said, "Can... can we talk after you're done?"

He stood there looking at me for a moment and then nodded.

Chapter 31


I sat on the bed, staring into space, my mind on James as I heard the shower going. The amazing sex and the words I'd said to him were still playing within my head. Why oh why had I said it? It was then I remembered once again I had to tell James about returning to Mystic Spring, returning to my job.

"I'll tell him when he's out," I said, nodding, my stomach lurching with dread. I wasn't looking forward to it, but it had to be done. I couldn't put it off anymore. My annual leave would end soon, and my bastard of a boss would be livid if I didn't return to work the day I was due back. Besides, there was also the fact that I needed to distance myself from James, so I'd decided to clear my head so to speak.

Being so close to him so much, I had come to realize, confused me, both emotionally and mentally--for example, what just happened in the bathroom. Was it truly love I had for James, or was it simply an infatuation, as Andy had put it? I had no idea, and I knew it'd get worse the more time I spent with James and the more I got to know him.

I headed over to the walk-in wardrobe while my brain speculated how I should begin the conversation when James was out of the shower. Clutching the towel wrapped around me, I searched my section for underwear. First, I found a pair of lacy panties in black and pink and then a silk and lace tank top. The panties fit me perfectly, but the shirt was a little too big on me, making the thin strap fall down my slender shoulder. I shrugged since it was only an undergarment. After a bit more searching, finally I found a suitable sleeping garment to wear. A long, loose T-shirt and a pair of shorts. I put these on and then headed back into the bedroom.

I was just getting into bed when James came out from the bathroom with nothing on but a small towel wrapped about his waist.

I simply stared at him, at the exquisite man before me, his dark hair wet and his toned, muscular body smooth and dripping wet. He was gorgeously hot, and my tummy tingled deliciously in response. I cleared my throat as he grinned at me.

He rested himself against the doorframe as I flicked my eyes away from his handsome form. I knew the more I looked at him, the more I'd drown into those beautiful Prussian-blue eyes of his and the more I'd want him to do those wonderfully exquisite sexy things to me. I didn't want that right now. Not when I needed to keep my head clear. When I wanted to talk to him about our master and mistress relationship, about how that was going to work when I was going to be living so far away.

Was he going to make a once in a blue moon trip to Mystic Spring to visit me? Was I only going to see him once every few months? The thought that was likely to happen made me feel sick to my stomach. I didn't want to have to be so far away from James. I knew it was silly to fall in love with a guy I'd only just met. But that was how it was. I'd fallen for James Maxwell, a billionaire elite who ruled the underground business world.

No. No. It wasn't love I felt for him. It was simply an infatuation. Yes, an infatuation.

A lump formed in my throat once again, as I knew I was a stupid girl. I'd put myself deeper into danger by getting myself emotionally involved with James. Just because he was nice to me, took care of me, and saved my brother's life didn't mean he'd return my many feelings for him.

As I gazed at him now, so relaxed and grinning at me, I knew there was only one way to keep myself--physically, mentally, and emotionally--safe and sane. I needed to return to Mystic Spring and be as far away from James as possible. It'd be hard at first, but I knew it was for the best. I knew I'd forget about him sooner or later. Then when he made the occasional visit, we'd have wild, passionate sex, but I'd do my best to keep my emotions at bay. I knew that was the only way. And I knew I could do it.

I licked my lips, my heart racing as I pushed myself to utter the words. Then, of course, no words came, and I cursed myself, my face flushed.

"What's the problem, honey? Cat got your tongue?" He teased.

Slow down, heart, I said internally. I licked my lips again and then said, "James?"

"Hmm?" He came over to my side of the bed. There, he cupped my face while his thumb gently caressed my cheek. His touch was so warm, and I didn't want him to let me go.

"I..." I bit my lower lip as I stared at his six-pack abs. God! He had amazing abs. Instantly, I wanted to run my fingers along this body, stroking him, touching him, and caressing him like he did me.

No. No. No. Stop it. Keep your head clear.

I flicked my gaze to his face and regretted it instantly. His Prussian-blue eyes were so beautiful they took my breath away. He was indeed an exquisite specimen.

This was not good. Why did I keep thinking about how handsome James was and wanting him to make love to me?

I was pissed with myself. I needed to keep a good distance between us. I needed to be logical.

I brushed his hand away, moved out of the bed, and went to stand on the other side. I clutched the material of my sleep shirt and said, "James."

"Hmm?" he replied.

When I looked at him, I saw he had a scowl on his face. I wasn't surprised. I'd just brushed him off. I thought I might have pissed him off a little. I decided it was a good thing.

"James, I have to return to Mystic Spring."

He was quiet for a moment. Then he cocked his head. "Why?"

My mouth nearly dropped open at his blunt query.

I sighed. "You know why. I have a job to go back to."

"Mia," he said, his voice clam and cool. "This is your job now."

Yes, I knew being his mistress was my job now. Well, one of my jobs anyway.

"I know, but--"

"You're not going back to Mystic Spring, Mia," he said in a tone that demanded no argument.

"Why not?" I asked, pissed all of a sudden.

"Because you're my mistress now," he said bluntly. "My mistress doesn't work."

Suddenly, I was seething with anger. I folded my arms across my chest and glared. "Pray tell, Mr. Maxwell, how the fuck am I supposed live without money? If you haven't already figured it out, Andy and I weren't exactly born on a silver platter."

The moment I finished my statement, I saw the dark fire in his eyes and the coldness on his face. My stomach lurched with dread. Oh God, he was very pissed now. But then again, I couldn't help myself. After all, how could he understand my insecurity?

He was born into a filthy rich family, a family with power and influence, and he never had to suffer through the painful hardship Andy and I had gone through. The constant fear of not having enough to pay the bills or to have food on the table. My job and the income it provided was a security for me, an insurance of sorts, telling me I was doing okay, that I didn't need to depend on anyone else anymore. And for anyone to take that away from me, it was a slap in the face.

Yes, he was right. I was his mistress now, and his mistress didn't work. His words made me feel as if he were cutting me off from my life source.

I was shaking with anger as I fisted my hands tight. I had no idea what came over me all of a sudden. I had no idea why I was so angry with him. Was it because I knew my feelings for him were never going to be returned?

I didn't know. I only knew right there and then that I was going to have a fight with him. That I wasn't going to back down. I wanted to return to my job, and no matter what he said or did, I wasn't going to change my mind.

I raised my head high and said through gritted teeth, "I'm going back to Mystic Spring, Mr. Maxwell, back to my job. You have no say in the matter."

"I have every say in the m
atter, Mia," he said coldly. "I own you."

My heart shattered.

I own you? The words killed me. Was that all I was to him? I, as his mistress, was merely one of his many properties?

Come to think of it, that was true. I was simply his plaything, his toy that was worth two million. I was nothing. Nothing to him.

Oh God! I could feel the rage within me erupting. My heart was thumping so hard and so fast, and my pulse was racing. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I inhaled and exhaled sharply.

I was livid. How dare he? Oh, I'd show him this toy of his had a mind of her own. She had a will that wasn't going to bend to his whim.

I climbed on the bed and stalked to him. There I stood, my head a little higher than this muscular man who was over six feet. I glared at him, my face close to his. I was at eye level with him as I said, "I'm not one of your properties or your toy, Mr. Maxwell. I'm a human being. Yes, I may be your fucking mistress. Yes, you can fuck me all you want, but you can't bend me to your will. I'm not going to fall for you, Mr. Maxwell. Never. Never ever in a million years will I ever fall in love with a man so fucking controlling, so fucking overbearing!"

With that, I turned on my heel, jumped down from the bed, and marched out the door of the bedroom. There, I slammed the door shut as a parting shot.

Screw him, I thought. Screw that blasted gorgeously hot billionaire James Maxwell. Nope. I wasn't going to fall in love with him. Never! Ever!

Chapter 32


He didn't want her to work. What is so fucking hard to understand about that? James thought in irritation. He'd provide everything for her, even a regular income. He was a generous man when it came to a person he adored, and Mia was definitely one of those people. So why the fuck did she behave like he'd crushed her heart when he refused to let her return to Mystic Spring, which was no longer her home?

"Fuck!" he swore under his breath as he raked his fingers through his thick, dark hair.

Was she really going to defy him and return to the small town? What with that two hundred bucks of hers? Furthermore, her sick bastard of an uncle was still on the loose, prowling the country, searching for her and her brother. He had no doubt the manic would kidnap Mia if he found her. Fuck, didn't she realize her life could be in danger? That he personally wouldn't be able to protect her if she were to return to the other side of the States?