Page 59

The Touch Series Box Set Page 59

by t. h. snyder

After a few minutes Pete and the lady come back over to me with a few items. Pete walks into the dressing room and a couple of minutes later comes out wearing the most amazing suit I’ve ever seen on a man.

It could just be that it’s Pete wearing the suit, but holy shit he looks hot. I stand from my chair to get a better look at this incredible man standing before me.

His suit is charcoal, with a light blue dress shirt that makes his eyes pop and a grey and blue stripped tie.

I move my hand to my mouth for fear that it’s hanging open or that I might be drooling.

“You like it?”

“I think like is an understatement. You look amazing, Pete.”

“Perfect, I’ll take it,” he tells the lady as he heads back into the dressing room.

Once he comes out, she properly hangs and folds his items, asking Pete to follow her up to the register. I wait for him by the door, and when he’s ready we walk out of the store and back onto Newberry Street.

“It’s your turn now, Belle,” he says, leading me down the street.

I look in a few windows to find the perfect dress for tonight.

Stopping dead in my tracks, I’ve found it.

I pull Pete into the Crush Boutique and walk straight over the black cocktail dress I saw in the window. It’s perfect. I look through the rack for my size and grab the hanger.

“I’ll be right back,” I tell him as I walk toward the dressing room.

As I put it on I feel amazing. The dress fits my petite body perfectly and accentuates the little bit of curves I have to my body. This is the dress that will make Pete’s mouth drop and drool all night long.

I walk back out of the dressing room with my dress in hand and head toward the registers.

Pete meets me as the cashier is ringing up my purchase and insists this is his treat for me.

I’m in complete awe of him and can’t wait to see what else he has in store for us today.

So far, we’re off to a good start. Both Emma and I have chosen our outfits for this evening. Now all I have to do is get her back to Derrick’s place and get ready without attacking her.

I pull into the driveway and help Emma carry our bags into the house.

“I’ll get ready in Derrick’s room and meet you downstairs once you’re all set.”

She gives me a smile and I can only imagine what’s going through that pretty little head of hers.

We make our way upstairs and I quickly get ready. It doesn’t take me long, but to pass the time I start to pace around the room. I’m excited and nervous about tonight. I’ve never put so much thought into planning a date before. I want Emma to know that I cherish her and that she means the world to me. I open the door to Derrick’s room and start to walk down the hallway when I hear Emma open her door.

She stands before me in an amazing black dress that fits her tiny frame like a glove. She looks fucking hot as hell and is wearing a pair of heels that make her legs look unbelievable.

“Does this suit your request for wardrobe this evening?” she asks.

“Belle, we need to leave now,” I tell her as I start to walk down the stairs.

“Pete, you’re crazy, but I love it.”

“We may be dressed for a night out, Emma, but I cannot wait to get you out of that dress later tonight.”

She lets out a giggle and pulls herself against my body.

“We really should get going; I have reservations for us at six and I know we’ll hit traffic heading back into the city.”

She nods her head and follows me out the front door.

We arrive at Ristorante Toscano shortly before six o’clock. I watch Emma as she takes in the ambiance of the restaurant and the owner greets us at our table.

“Well hello, Pete, it’s so good to see you again,” Francesca says to me.

I stand from the table and pull her into a hug. “Francesca, this is my girlfriend Emma. Emma, Francesca’s brother recently worked with the team on a new business he’s planning to remodel uptown.”

Emma gives Francesca a smile and extends her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“If either of you need anything please let me know. We’ve prepared a spectacular menu for you this evening; I do hope you enjoy it.”

“I’m sure we will. Thank you so much.”

She walks from the table and I turn back to my girl.

“This place is beautiful, Pete,” she says, taking my hand in hers.

After a few moments, our first course is brought to the table.

“I hope you’re hungry.”

“Actually, I’m starving,” she says.

Throughout our meal, I watch Emma’s expressions, her body language and her reactions during our conversations. I’m becoming more anxious as we near the end of our meal. I want to take her home with me so badly; it’s beginning to drive me nuts.

After we finish the last of our meal, I lead Emma out of the restaurant and back out to the truck.

The drive to my house is only twenty minutes, but I felt like it took us twenty hours. I pull the truck into the driveway and rush to the passenger side of the car to get my girl.

We walk toward the front of my house hand in hand and I can almost feel the nerves we both feel pulsating through our hands. I open the door and we walk inside. Without a word, I lead her through the house and up the stairs.

As soon as we reach the top of the stairs I feel Emma pause.

“You okay, Belle?” I ask, turning to face her.

She nods her head and smiles back at me.

“Pete, I just want to thank you for today; it was absolutely amazing.”

“Today, tomorrow or ten years from now I’ll always do what I can to make you happy, Belle.”

“You make me happy every day, Pete. You have no idea how much you mean to me.”

“I think I do, Belle, now let me show you.”

I take her hand and lead her into my bedroom.

I pull her into me and capture her mouth with mine. There’s no hesitation as our tongues begin to touch and savor one another.

I reach behind her and begin to pull the zipper down her back, allowing her dress to fall down her body. Her perfect body is completely naked in front of me.

She stands on her tip toes and pulls my jacket off of my shoulders and lets it fall to the floor.

I pick her up and carry her to my bed. Hovering over her body, I lean in to kiss her softly on the lips.

“Emma, you are so beautiful. I will never take a day for granted that you are mine.”

I run my lips down her neck as I lick and suck below her ear. I treasure her as I continue to kiss and nip down her body to her breasts.

“Pete, please,” she cries. “I need you now.”

I run my hands down the sides of her body and touch her most sensitive spot. I can feel her wetness and how ready she is for me to make her mine.

I push myself off of the bed to stand and look down at this woman lying before me. I quickly remove my tie, unbutton my shirt and remove my pants. As I start to remove my boxer briefs, she sits up on the bed and watches as I pull them down and allow them to drop to the floor.

I hear her breath hitch and there’s no denying that we are both ready for this moment. I reach into the side table next to the bed and pull out a condom. I look into her eyes and she reaches her hand out to take it from me. She carefully tears the package, and as I kneel onto the bed, she pulls it down my length.

I move my body over hers and kiss her with all the love I feel for her.

Slowly and gently I ease into her warmth, not wanting to take this moment too fast. She rakes her fingers down my back and I rock into her a bit deeper. Once she’s taken me in, she wraps her legs around my hips and I begin to make love to her. Our rhythm is perfect; it’s like nothing I’ve ever felt with another human being. There is no doubt in my mind how much I love my Belle and I’m finally about to show her.

The past few months have been a compete whirlwind
in the lives of my Boston family.

I busy myself in the kitchen preparing the food for our barbeque. Everyone should be here in the next few minutes and I can’t wait to spend Labor Day with our close knit group.

It amazes me how far we’ve all come since I first moved here several months ago. If someone were to tell me that I was going to be as happy as I am right now, well let’s just say I may have kicked them with my pointy hooker boots.

I’m happier than I’ve ever been and I can’t thank Riley and Char enough for pushing me to move up here. This place, although scary and intimidating at first, is now my forever home. Moving in with Derrick was interesting to say the least, but now he’s one of my nearest and dearest friends. Pete came into my life when I needed him the most. He’s the man I’ve looked for my entire life and didn’t realize even existed until I saw him that first night at Derrick’s house.

Together, the six of us have experienced loss, heartache, second chance love and a rekindled romance. We’ve been there for one another through it all and I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done without them.

We have so much to be grateful for and I know there are only better things to come in all of our lives.

A lot has changed since that night I spent with Pete. It’s a night that I will remember as long as I live. Not just because it was the first time we made love, but it was the night we experienced the start of our lives together. Pete is my soul mate, my best friend and the man that loves me for who I am. He has seen me at some of the lowest points of my life, but no matter what emotional state I’m in, he’s there to pick up the pieces and make me whole again. He’s touched me in a way that no one else ever has—mentally, emotionally and physically. I never knew I could feel so connected to another person. I’ve realized just how much someone can mean to me since I’ve met him and he doesn’t let a day go by without telling me how much he loves me. He cherishes me, nurtures me and always puts my needs before his own.

Things got a little crazy after the accident with Riley and Char. We all stood by Riley’s side as he watched the love of his life lie in a hospital bed. There wasn’t much we could do to help either one of them, but the day Char opened her eyes was one of the happiest days of my little brother’s life. It was a struggle for a while until Char was able to come back home, but after numerous therapy sessions, she was back home acting like the tough cookie we all know and love.

As for Chloe and Derrick, their love was apparent from the moment I saw the two of them back together. Chloe went to her final interview with the Red Sox and kicked some serious ass earning a position on the media team. I don’t know who was happier: Derrick at having his girl back in Boston or Riley knowing that he’d have season tickets to his all-time favorite sports team for life.

Pete and I talked about the idea of me moving into his house with him. I was a bit hesitant at first and scared to take that leap in our relationship. I waited for a few days before making my final decision, but I knew in the back of my mind what I really wanted to do.

Spending time with Pete is something I’ve enjoyed doing since before we entered our committed relationship. It was a no brainer that we were meant to be together, and as much as I told myself that I was scared, he’d eased my insecurities. He truly is my better half and I don’t want to spend a day not being by his side.

We’ve all experienced a lot together, and no matter what life throws at us, we’re right there to help and support each other.

Riley has been holding onto the engagement ring he bought for Char, but won’t tell us when or how he plans to propose. I don’t know if he’s scared because of what happened the last time with the accident, or if he’s just waiting for the perfect moment.

Chloe threw us all a curve ball by proposing to Derrick on the pitcher’s mound at Fenway Park. To this day, Derrick raves that it was the best proposal he’s ever heard of, but I think he’s slightly biased. The girls and I have been running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to organize their wedding that will be taking place in the next few months.

So much has happened, but I can’t imagine any of our lives to have taken any other path.

As I set out the side dishes and fill a plate with food for the grill, I feel Pete come up behind me as he wraps his arms around my body. We may have fought the shock factor, but I can still always sense when he’s near me. I don’t have to see him or hear him to know when he’s close to me; I can just feel his presence.

He leans his head down next to mine and peppers kisses along the side of my face.

I squirm in his arms as he begins to laugh.

“Can I help with anything, Belle?” he asks, turning me in his arms.

“Nope, I think I’m all set,” I say with a smile.

“You really went all out today. Look at all this food. Are you planning on feeding our entire neighborhood?” he asks, leaning down to place a soft kiss to my lips.

“Ha, you’re funny. You know how you guys eat. I didn’t want us running out of any food. Plus, Derrick called this morning to say that Bryce, Teresa, Bud and Rose are coming, too.”

“Okay, sounds good to me. The more the merrier.”

I step up onto my tip toes and kiss him.

“I love you, Pete.”

“I love you more, Belle.

I lean my body into his as he kisses me. I can never get enough of him.

A knock sounds at the front door and I hear everyone as they start to come in the house.

“Hey guys,” I say as they start to walk into the kitchen.

Pete and I break free of one another and I start to hug everyone as they walk in.

“I brought wine,” Char says, lifting up two bottles of our favorite white merlot.

“I brought dessert,” Chloe says, setting down two plates of goodies onto the counter top.

I watch as Riley looks around the room and shrugs his shoulders.

“I brought an empty stomach,” he says and we all start laughing.

“Come on, guys, let’s head out back and we can get the grill started,” Pete says, grabbing three beers from the fridge and heading out back.

“Our parents should be here soon,” Chloe says, reaching for a carrot stick.

“I’m so glad they all decided to come,” I reply, taking a seat on a stool.

“Me, too,” Char and Chloe say in unison.

The three of us start to giggle and begin to munch on the snacks I’ve laid out.

The doorbell rings and I hop off the stool to get the door.

“Hey, guys, so glad y’all could make it.”

They all walk through the door and greet me with hugs and more plates of food.

“You guys didn’t need to bring anything, we’ve got plenty,” I say, leading them into the kitchen.

“We couldn’t come empty handed and I know how much Riley can eat,” Teresa says, pulling her girl in for a hug.

“The guys are out back meddling with the grill. You’re more than welcome to stay in here and chill with us girls or go out and show them how to man the grill.”

“I’ll show them how it’s done,” Bryce says, giving Bud a nod to follow him out back.

I look around the kitchen and smile.

Chloe is right, with all of our busy work schedules it’s rare that all of us can be in one place at the same time.

I couldn’t be happier to have my forever family here with us today.

Our barbeque is a success, not that I had any doubt. We eat, drink and talk about all of our plans for the rest of the year. Chloe stresses that we still have quite a bit to do for the wedding and I know that Pete wants to make a trip home to his sister for the holidays. The next few months may be jam packed, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Just as the girls and I finish cleaning up the kitchen, Pete comes in to let us know Riley built a fire in the pit out back. We grab our glasses of wine and head outside to be with our guys. Together, the ten of us sit in a circle and enjoy one another
’s company.

Pete wraps his arm around me and I scoot in closer to him.

He whispers in my ear, “I love you, Belle. Thank you for making me a bigger part of this amazing family.”

I lean into him as he grazes his hand along my cheek.

Never in a million years would I have thought I’d feel like this again. Pete has been the man who has listened to my cries, wiped away my tears and cared for me before I ever knew how much he meant to me.

I look into his eyes and see the man I’ve been waiting for my entire life.

“Thank you for loving me, but I love you more.”

I’m no longer scared of where this will go; I can now say that I’ve been touched by another.

Permanent by David Cook

Slipped Away by Avril Lavigne

Stronger by Sara Evans

Irreplaceable by Beyonce

Take Care by Rihanna and Drake

The Finish Line by Train

The Only Exception by Paramore

Who I Am by Nick Jonas

You and Me by Lifehouse

Lucky Strike by Maroon 5

Fallin’ For You by Colbie Caillat

Two is Better Than One by Boys Like Girls

You Found Me by Kelly Clarkson

We Belong Together by Gavin DeGraw

Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran

Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts

Changed By You Between the Trees

Near To You by A Fine Frenzy

I Feel Like That by Jason Walker

This is the craziest night of my life. I’ve never seen anything like this. The fans are screaming. Everyone is up on their feet cheering their team toward victory.

I look over to Riley to see him in all his glory, watching his team play in what we hope is the final game of the 2013 World Series.

I still can’t believe Chloe was able to pull this off and get all six of us tickets.

I watch as Shane Victorino moves up to bat. Holy shit, bases are loaded as he hits the ball deep enough to hit the wall. Three runs score giving us the lead over the Cardinals and it’s only the bottom of the third inning.