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The Touch Series Box Set Page 60

by t. h. snyder

This is incredible.

The next few innings are intense to say the least.

Riley pulls me into his arms as we score another run, I look to him and the smile on his face is like nothing I have ever seen before. He is so happy, it's priceless.

I glance down the row at the rest of our crew.

Derrick and Pete are fist pumping and Chloe and Emma are laughing hysterically.

Riley steps away from me for a moment and I’m not quite sure what the hell he’s doing. He looks at me with those hazel eyes and mouths I love you.

I smile up at him and blow him a kiss with a wink.

He points up to the jumbotron. My eyes follow his and I can’t believe what I see…it’s us.

Riley and I are up on the screen and flashing below our picture is Charlotte Jayde Taylor Marry Me.

My mouth drops to the concrete floor of the stadium and I look at him in awe.

He nods his head and gets down on one knee. I look over him and see Emma and Chloe in tears, Derrick smiling like a fool and Pete smiles big and winks at me.

I can’t believe this is happening…here of all places.

I look down to Riley, who is holding a ring box in his hand.

“Char Taylor”, he screams as the people around us go instantly silent. “I hit a single with you within only a few days of meeting you. I rounded off to second a few days later and was stealing third before I knew what was happening. In a short time I was rushing to home plate where I knew you were waiting for me. Our love is something that people can only dream of in their lifetime. I want a life of homeruns with you, babe, you and only you. You’ve touched me in a way that no one else has. You are my true love today, tomorrow and forever. Say yes and be my wife, Char.”

The tears are streaming down my face as I pull him up to stand next to me. I wrap my arms around him and he lifts me off the ground.

“Riley, I love you so much. Of course I’ll marry you.”

I pull away just enough to look into his eyes and see a tear rolling down his cheek. I wipe it away with my thumb and he leans forward just enough for our lips to meet. Our kiss is slow, passionate and full of love. This man is my life and I wouldn’t want to spend a day without him.

He sets me down on my feet and the crowd around us begins to cheer. Riley pulls the ring out of the box and slides it onto my ring finger.

I look down at my hand. Riley has picked out the most perfect ring I’ve ever seen. The round diamond solitaire is set in an antique-like platinum band surrounded by diamonds on either side. It’s absolutely beautiful, I love it.

Derrick knocks Riley out of the way and pulls me into a hug, then Pete and then my girls.

Today is the best day of my life and I know I have so much more to look forward to with this man, the love of my life.

One day soon I will become Mrs. Riley Kincaid.

The smell of coffee awakens my senses and I open my eyes. I roll over onto my back to see my two best friends sitting at the foot of my bed with huge smiles on their faces.

Oh, it’s too early for their cheery dispositions. I let out a groan and pull the covers back over my head.

“Go away, you two. It’s way too early, the sun isn’t even up yet,” I mumble into the covers.

“Come on sleeping beauty, we have a lot to do,” Emma says, pulling at the bottom of my covers.

“Get your ass out of bed. We’re going to need all the help we can get to make you look presentable,” Chloe says.

I peek my head out of the covers and give her a wicked smirk while I sit up in my bed.

“Ha, I knew that would get you up,” Chloe says with a laugh.

I close my eyes and shake my head as I attempt to pull the ponytail out of my long locks and fix the mess of hair that is falling down around my face.

A burst of butterflies start to swarm in my stomach. I can’t believe today is the day I’ve been waiting for my entire life.

I reach for the mug of coffee Emma is holding and take a sip.

Come on, caffeine, perk my wits and wake me the hell up. I swallow the warm, delicious caramel vanilla goodness and suddenly I feel the need to be sick. I hand the mug back to Emma and toss the covers off of my body.

I rush to the bathroom and release the contents of last night’s dinner into the toilet.

“What the fuck, Char?” I hear Chloe scream behind me.

She grabs for my hair and kneels next to me on the bathroom tile floor.

I look to her and the expression on my face must be of pure agony.

Another gut wrenching wave of nausea hits and I’m forced to lift my head back over the toilet.

“Girl, what is your deal?” Emma asks.

I shake my head back and forth and lift my hand for one of them to give me a towel.

The water in the sink starts to run and then a warm cloth is placed in my hand. I lift my head and bring it to my face to help soothe my now pounding head. I close my eyes and wipe my face while trying to sit up.

I open my eyes and look between Chloe and Emma. Their faces are expressionless as they both stare back at me.

“You okay?” Chloe asks.

I pause for a moment, trying to regain my composure.

“I think so,” I reply.

“Do you feel like you’re going to be sick again?” Emma asks.

“I’m not sure,” I say, trying to sit down on the cold tiles.

I take the next few moments to settle my nerves hoping it will help ease my stomach.

The doorbell rings and I look at the girls.

“I’ll go get it,” Emma says, walking out of the bathroom.

“Char, are you going to be okay? Can I get you anything?” Chloe asks, rubbing her hand up and down my back.

“I think so. I woke up and my stomach started doing flip flops, then when I took a sip of coffee I felt like I was going to be sick. Well, obviously I got sick, but I think I’m okay now.”

“Aww sweetie, you’re probably just nervous about today. Do you think you can make it downstairs? Maybe if you eat a little something it will help you feel better.”

“Yeah, I need to get up and start getting ready. Let me brush my teeth and wash my face.”

Chloe helps me to stand and I clean myself up before we make our way through my bedroom and downstairs.

As we walk into the kitchen I see two more of my favorite people.

“Hey boo, Emma told us you got sick. Are you feeling any better?” Ruthie gives me a hug.

I nod my head and take a seat at the kitchen table.

“Yeah, I’m okay now. I think my nerves have me a bit of a mess right now.”

“You have every right to feel like that, it’s a big day, babe,” Angie says with a smile.

I rest my head in my hands and close my eyes trying to think happy thoughts.

Today is a big day and I can’t imagine wanting anything else more in my entire life. Just think, after all the twists and turns Riley and I’ve been through, today is the day we get to do something we’ve be wanting for a long time.

When I first met the love of my life, things may have started off a bit rocky, but he’s shown me what true love is. I now know what it feels like to be cherished and what my life will look like having my happily ever after.

Together we’ve had some struggles—what couple doesn’t go through highs and lows—but I wouldn’t want to have experienced any of it without him by my side.

He is the most amazing man. My best friend, my one true love, and my soul mate. I can’t wait to see him later today and wrap my arms around him.

Last night was one of the few nights we’ve spent apart since the accident. At times he still treats me like I’m broken, but I know he does it because he wants to keep me safe.

Riley is everything to me, and today we get to make it official in front of our friends and family.

When he asked me to be his wife, during the World Series of all days, I didn’t know I could ever be so happy.

nbsp; He makes me smile and laugh, and when tears appear he does anything he can to wipe them away.

I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him, wrapped in his arms, and start our own little family.

Today I will become Mrs. Riley Paul Kincaid.

I wake in my old room at Derrick’s house, Emma’s old room. Damn, this room has a revolving door. Shaking my head from my idiocy I crawl out of bed and throw on a t-shirt and sweats.

Manny is at my feet in seconds and I reach down to pet him before heading out of the room.

I’m not feeling so hot this morning and hope that my nerves don’t get the best of me today.

I make my way down the stairs and see the sun shining through the windows.

Today is going to be the most fucking amazing day of my life and it’s only seven o’clock.

I scratch my head and run my fingers through my hair. I wonder if I can sneak out of Derrick’s house and over to mine to see Char. Most likely not, the girls probably have her cased in a bubble so I can’t see her. They know me all too well.

I turn on the Keurig brewer and put in a K-cup of my favorite coffee. I could use a little jolt this morning, and would rather have a shot of espresso, but this will have to do for now.

Letting Manny out the side door, the garage door opens and Derrick walks in dressed in his running gear.

“Hey, man,” he says, giving me a nod. “I tried to wake you up for a run, but you were out cold,” he says before taking a long sip from his water bottle.

“Yeah, I kind of have a bit on my mind and I guess I needed the extra sleep,” I reply, taking my mug of coffee over to the table.

“So, what’s on the agenda for today?”

“Hell if I know. Chloe said the limo would be here to pick us up at four thirty, other than that I’m totally clueless.”

“Now I understand why the girls didn’t want you involved at all in this process.”

“Shut up, dickhead, what did you do for your wedding?” I shoot a glare in his direction.

Derrick starts to laugh at me and walks toward the counter to make himself a mug of coffee.

He turns around for a second, looks at me, and then turns back around shaking his head.


“Nothing, dude, when are the rest of the guys coming over? Or is that something else you don’t know?”

I roll my eyes at him.

What a prick! He should be cutting me some slack today. After all, it’s my fucking wedding day.

“Pete, Tony, and Chris will be here around three. I think Bryce said he was picking up the tuxedos and getting your dad around two, so they should be here around the same time.”

“Good deal,” he says, coming over to the table and taking a seat. “So, what are we going to do ‘til then?”

“Hell if I know. Try not to freak out and go into panic mode, I guess.”

Derrick laughs and takes a sip of his coffee, “All you have to do is stand at the altar and watch her as she walks toward you.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, I can totally do that.”

Derrick raises an eyebrow and shakes his head, “You think it’s nothing now—just wait ‘til you see her for the first time. Once she starts walking down that aisle on Bryce’s arm you’re going to freeze up. Your heart is going to start racing, your mouth is going to go dry, your hands are going to go numb, and your legs are going to start feeling weak.”

“Shut up, Derrick, don’t freak me out before we even get there,” I smack him on the back of the head.

“I’m just telling you how it is. Don’t forget I did this same thing three months ago.”

“So now you think you’re a pro at being a groom and can give me advice?”

“I don’t have to tell you shit, Riley, I’m just letting you know so you’re prepared.”

Fucking hell, the shithead does have a point. I guess I’d rather be prepared than going into this whole thing without a clue. I only plan on getting married once in my life, and it’s going to be to Char. I’d rather not do anything stupid or act in a way that will ruin her special day.

“Okay, loser, why don’t you school me on how to be a less anxious groom, then.”

“There’s nothing I can tell you that will leave you less anxious, Riley. I was just trying to tell you how it was for me, you could be altogether different.”

“Yeah, I doubt that. Give it to me, fool. I don’t want anything to happen that will make me look like an idiot.”

As soon as the words come out of my mouth, I know I just stepped into it.

Derrick starts laughing and coffee goes flying out of his mouth and all over the table.

“Okay, okay. You know I have nothing but love for you, man. It’s just sometimes you dig yourself your own grave.”

“Cut me some slack today, I’m a little on edge and could really use your support.”

“Fine. I’m sorry, Riley. I’ll be on my best behavior and have your back today.”

“You’d better, dickhead, I didn’t ask you to be my Best Man for your looks.”

I don’t think I’ve ever been so nervous in my entire life. Derrick is right, I know the moment I see Char walking down the aisle I’m going to lose it.

I love my girl more than anything, and I want this day to be absolutely perfect for her, for us. Today is the start of a whole new life for us. Once we recite our vows she will be my wife.

We may already have the chemistry, crazy love for one another, and a home of our own, but today is different. Today we get to say those famous words, ‘I do’, to one another in front of all of our friends and family. It will be official that Char is mine forever.

Chloe, Emma, and Angie are chatting amongst themselves as I sit at the kitchen table. Each one of them holds a special place in my heart, and I’m so happy that they’re here to share in my wedding day with me.

I look toward the window and the sun is beginning to rise—the rays streaming in through the blinds. I’m not much of a morning person without my jolt of caffeine and everyone knows it. I desperately need a mug of coffee, but I’m worried my stomach will begin to churn again. I don’t understand what I have to be so nervous about; I’ve been waiting on this day for months.

The night that Riley proposed was unique and unexpected. Who would’ve ever thought I’d be sitting at the 2013 World Series cheering on the Boston Red Sox with my five best friends. When I saw Riley and me on the jumbotron I didn’t know what to expect. Once again, Riley blew me away with another romantic gesture.

Actually, it’s only been a few months since Riley’s proposal, but nevertheless I’ve been waiting long enough.

It’s every little girl’s dream to walk down that aisle in a beautiful wedding gown. Today that dream comes true for me. Thanks to the help of Mom, Chloe, and Emma we were able to pull together all the arrangements in a short amount of time.

Riley and I will be getting married in my parents’ church, and the reception will be held at a beautiful venue nearby. Every last detail is exactly as I always imagined it to be. I just can’t wait to see it and experience it with Riley.

I gave Derrick a wedding gift from me to give to Riley while he’s getting dressed and ready. It’s nothing much, but something I know he’ll love. He’s always surprising me with flowers, love notes, and little gifts for me to find. I wanted to do something to help him remember the day he proposed and our wedding day.

The moment was perfect.

October 30, 2013 I became the future Mrs. Riley Kincaid and our Red Sox won the series. It couldn’t have asked for a better night if I tried.

The doorbell rings and I’m pulled out of my daze. Chloe runs to the door and walks back into the kitchen with my mom and Rose.

Mom comes walking over to me with a large garment bad and begins to rub my back.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Char. Chloe said you weren’t feeling well when you woke up. Are you doing any better now?”

I look up to her and give her a smile.

“Aww, thanks, Mama. Yeah, I think my nerves are just playing around with me today. I’m feeling much better, but I think I need to get something in my stomach.”

“Good, because Rose and I brought over some fruit, pastries, and mimosas. Would you like me to fix you up a plate with some coffee?”

“Ohhh, mimosas…I love those,” Chloe shrieks, grabbing the bottle of champagne and orange juice from Rose. “Who wants one?" she asks, looking around the kitchen.

I give her a look.

“What? I’ll just drink the orange juice,” she says with a pouty face.

We all chime in with a loud, “Me!”

My sister pulls down a few glasses and starts to mix up our drinks.

Looking back to my mom I smile. “I’m good, but thanks, Mama. I need to get up off my ass and start moving around—maybe that will help me feel a little better.”

“Okay, let me know if there’s anything I can do. I’m going to take your dress up to your room. I’ll be right back down.”

I nod my head and get up from the table. Rose is laying out our breakfast spread, and my stomach starts to growl.

I grab a plate and fill it with fruit, a blueberry muffin, and pour myself a mug of coffee.

Chloe hands me my mimosa as I sit back down at the table.

Mom comes walking back into the kitchen and Chloe gives her a glass.

“I’d like to propose a toast,” she says. “To my baby sister, Char. I’m so proud of the amazing woman you’ve become. Riley is very lucky to have you by his side for a lifetime of laughs, tears, and lots of babies.”

Everyone in the room starts to laugh as we raise our glasses.

“Cheers,” I say and I clink glasses with the amazing women in my life.

Grabbing up the mug of coffee, I bring it to my lips and take a sip. I wait for a few minutes to see if my stomach has a reaction...nothing. I breathe out a heavy sigh and take in another sip...nothing. Thank God. I’m glad the nausea is gone and I can go on with my day without the fear that I’ll be puking on my groom. I finish up my fruit and muffin and get up to toss out my plate.