Page 43

The Touch Series Box Set Page 43

by t. h. snyder

My eyes go wide as he picks me up and I instantly wrap my legs around his waist.

“Just think of the movements we can create in the shower listening to these beats,” he says with a laugh and wiggles his eyebrows at me.

I laugh at him again as I wrap my arms around him and nuzzle my face into the crook of this neck. I honestly can’t stand rap music, but hell, I’ll try anything once.

Keith moves us toward the standing shower, opens the glass door and turns on the water. While he waits for the water to warm, I take advantage of the moment and begin to lick, nip and suck along his freshly shaven jaw line and neck. I can feel his erection begin to grow beneath me and a rush of excitement starts to consume me.

To think only a few hours ago I was concerned our marriage was at risk and now we’re about to have some hot shower sex. I know that we’ll eventually have to talk about what’s been going on the past few months, but I don’t think anyone would fault me for giving into the desire I feel for my husband right now. And if they did, well tough shit. I’m totally taking advantage of the time with my husband.

Keith reaches his arm back into the shower to feel the water and lifts us into the steaming water while pushing my back up against the cool tile wall. A shiver runs through my body as he captures my mouth with his. He nips at my bottom lip and I open my mouth to invite his tongue to touch mine. I’m lifted just enough so he can position himself beneath me and thrust himself into my warmth. Our bodies rock back and forth as we continue to lock our lips in a passionate kiss.

My hands travel up and down his back and scratch at his skin the closer I come to reaching my climax. He grabs under my ass to lift me higher, pushing himself into me a little deeper.

Together we pant, moan and scream out one another’s names as we reach our orgasms together.

Keith lets my body slide down along his until my feet touch the shower floor and I step up on my tiptoes and place a gently kiss to his lips.

“I love you, baby,” I say to him, looking up into his grey eyes.

“Ditto, babe,” he replies, pushing my hair out of my face.

He turns my body toward the wall and grabs for the shampoo. He lathers his hands with the strawberry scented shampoo and starts to massage the fragrant gel into my long, brown hair. We take turns washing one another for the next few minutes until we’re both covered in bubbles. Once we’re scrubbed and clean, Keith pulls down the detachable shower head and rinses us both off. I turn off the water and he leans down to me for one more kiss on the lips.

I love this attention he’s giving to me right now and don’t want this moment to end. I really do miss this side of us; it’s been gone for far too long.

We exit the shower and both dry off with our fluffy green towels and head back into the bedroom to get dressed.

As we walk into the room I look over at the alarm clock on the night stand.

“Shit, I can’t believe it’s already five-thirty.”

“Yeah, I know sleepy head. I guess we both needed a nap today. ”

I look over to him and give him a sly smirk. I open up the top drawer in the tall dresser and pull out a pair of panties and a bra.

Tossing them onto the bed I ask, “Are you hungry? Should I start making us something for dinner?”

“Nah, I need to meet a few of the guys over at the club around seven. We can just grab something to eat there if you want.”

I look over in his direction. Hmmm, was he planning on telling me this or was he just going to head out on his own?

“Umm…yeah…sure. I didn’t know you had plans already. I can stay back here if you’re meeting up with the guys,” I say walking toward the closet.

I open the door and walk inside, not quite sure what I need to pull out to wear.

He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

“Em, I feel like we just took ten steps forward. Don’t pull us back to where we started.”

I turn to look at him in surprise.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

Once again, instead of causing an argument, I just brush it off.

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.”

He tips my chin up to him and kisses me gently on the lips.

“That’s my girl. Now let’s get dressed and go get something to eat,” he says, swatting my ass and moving to his side of the closet.

Sometimes I feel like pushing matters such as this aside only makes things worse. I know this is going to eat at me all night. It really shouldn’t, but with how we’ve been the past few months, I worry about what he thinks and the stuff that goes on in his head.

I close my eyes and take in a deep breath. I need to break myself of these thoughts and get ready to go out for dinner.

Since we’re going to the club, I need to dress up a bit, so I pull down a cute black dress from the hanger and a red sweater wrap.

“Hey, babe, which shoes do you think would look better with this dress? Should I go with the wedges or these heels right here?” I ask, pointing to my three inch black stilettos I know he loves.

“Oh fuck, Em, if you wear those shoes with that dress I’ll be staring at your legs all night long. I can’t promise I won’t be dragging you onto the eighteenth hole for a quickie.”

I blush at his comment and giggle as I grab up the heels.

“Heels it is,” I say, carrying my outfit out of the closet.

I don’t know what’s gotten into him since this morning. How is it possible for one man to change his whole attitude so quickly? I mean, I’m going along with it, but I’m really about to get whiplash from his change in personality.

We seriously need to sit down and hash all this shit out before I explode one day. Now that the news of the baby is out in the open, I think it’s time we start to work on our marriage. The sex today has been amazing, but I know sex alone won’t keep us together and happy for long.

Together we get dressed in the bedroom and I can’t help but steal a few glances in his direction.

Keith is an attractive man, and when we’re happy I can’t help but remember all of the good times we’ve shared in the past ten years. He was my first everything. My first crush in high school, my first and most embarrassing kiss, the first person I gave my heart to and the one and only man I’ve ever made love to. Looking back on those memories, I realize I only want to make that many more with him.

As I step into my dress, I watch as he pulls on his black button up shirt, carefully threading each button into the right hole and tucking it into his grey pants. He’s not nearly as tall as my dad and Riley, but he still towers over my five foot two inch frame. He’s muscular but not too bulky. I’ve never been a fan of overly muscular men and the fear that their arms were like a nut cracker waiting to snap my neck off. He has dirty blonde hair that’s always trimmed along the sides and bit longer on the top.

He catches me looking at him and he smiles. I continue to watch him as he begins to walk toward me. His grey-blue eyes are striking and one of my favorite qualities of his.

He reaches out for me and pulls me into his embrace.

“Em, you know I love you with everything that I am. We’ve hit a rough patch over the past few months, but I promise to work harder to be a better husband, you’ll see. Big things are about to happen for us. Whether we are able to have a baby or not we’ll get through this together and I will make you happy.”

I nuzzle my head into his chest and breathe in the scent of his after shave, his body wash and fresh clean laundry.

This is the man I fell in love with more than ten years ago and the man I married. I know we have a lot to work through, but if he’s willing to try and make this work, then I will too.

I won’t walk away from this man—not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

I can only hope that things turn around for us and that we can be happy together again.

The sound of Keith’s alarm pulls me out of my sleep. I’m wrapped up in his arms with my head resting on h
is firm chest. My eyes flutter open and my body moves as he reaches for his cell phone.

I watch as he turns the alarm off and tosses the iPhone onto the bed. Pulling me in closer, he kisses the top of my head.

“Morning, babe,” he says.

“Mmmm,” I reply.

“Come on, sleepy head, time for us to get up and go for a run.”

I shake my head back in forth, tickling his chest with my hair.

“You know how cute you are when you fight me? I’d love to stay wrapped up in you this morning, but we have to get up and hit the streets for at least a good five mile run today.”

I look up at him with a pout on my face.

He smiles back down at me and begins to tickle me under my ribs. I burst into a fit of laughter and try to push his hands off of me as he straddles my hips and pins my arms above my head.

“Who’s in charge now, Em? We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” he says with a serious smirk plastered to his face.

I buck my hips up and try to squirm out from under him.

“No no, little lady. No sex for you until after our run.”

He moves and flips me onto my stomach, slapping my ass.

“Let’s go,” he says, getting off the bed.

I laugh into my pillow and roll onto my back to see he’s standing next to our bed in nothing but a black pair of boxer briefs. My eyes travel up his body and I so badly want to stay cuddled up in his arms rather than go for a run on this chilly February morning.

“Fine, fine, I’ll get up, but you’ll owe me some panty dropping shower sex when we get back.”

“Deal!” He shouts moving into the closet.

I giggle while getting out of bed and moving toward my dresser where I grab a sports bra, running pants and top. Even though we’re in North Carolina, it’s still a bit chilly at six thirty in the morning. God only knows why Keith has to wake up this early on a Saturday to go out for a run.

For the past two weeks, we’ve been in training mode for an upcoming half marathon we entered in May. I love a good run, but this training is seriously pushing my limits as a recreational runner.

Since the day our fate was determined and we were told we couldn’t have a baby of our own, Keith and I have been working on our marriage. We’ve both put a lot of effort into making some changes, and I have to say, we’re really happy again.

When we aren’t together, he sends me random text messages letting me know he’s thinking of me and when we are together he makes sure to touch me and hold me every chance he gets. Spending quality time as a couple is something we’ve been lacking and having him back in our bed every night has helped me sleep straight through the night….every night.

Our sex life has improved dramatically to the point that we’re intimate more now than before we got married. To spice things up a bit, I went to an adult store a few weeks ago and picked up a couple of things to make the bedroom scene a bit more interesting. At first, Keith wasn’t into the use of toys, but once he found how much they turned me on and increased our orgasms, it’s safe to say our sex lives will never be without the use of our toy bin.

I finish getting dressed and make my way downstairs to the garage where Keith is waiting for me.

“We’re gonna push ourselves today, Em. No dragging on that last mile. Let’s see if we can beat our time from our last five mile and sprint out the last few minutes.”

I give him a look of shock and shake my head in disbelief.

He really pushes me to do my best with this whole training thing, but shit, sprinting the last mile is going to kill me.

We walk down the driveway and to the stop sign at the end of the block. My techno-pop remix is blasting in my ears and the runner app is set and ready to go. Keith looks back at me and signals for me to start running. We start out with a steady pace for the first mile, and by the time the voice through my ear buds says I’ve completed mile two, Keith starts to run a little faster.

The cool breeze against my face sends a chill through me as the sweat begins to run down my face.

I follow his pace throughout the first four miles and when mile five comes, the sprint starts.

My legs are burning with each step and I can see our house come into view. I pump my legs faster and faster trying my best to keep up with him. By the time I hit the end of our driveway I feel like I’m about to collapse.

The air coming in and out of my lungs is rough and painful from the cold air.

Keith looks back at me from the top of the driveway and gives me a huge grin. I walk up next to him and bend at the waist putting my hands on my knees.

Air…I need air.

“Damn, babe, you fucking kicked ass,” he says, pulling his arm band off and taking his iPhone out of the sleeve.

I continue to steady my breaths as he scrolls through the screens on his phone.

“We averaged a nine minute mile with the last mile clocking in at less than seven minutes.”

He reaches his hand out for me and pulls me up against him.

“Breathe, babe, breathe. In through your nose, count one, two, three and exhale through your mouth. You were amazing this morning. I’d say I owe you some fucking hot-ass shower sex.”

He tips my chin up to look at him.

“You up for it, or are you too beat from your last mad dash to get to the driveway before me?” he asks with a laugh.

I take in a deep breath through my nose, count and let out a ragged burst of air from between my lips.

“Oh, if it’s going to be fucking hot-ass shower sex, then I’m all for it,” I reply with a coy smirk.

Keith pulls me in alongside him and wraps his arm around my shoulders as we walk into the garage. He grabs us both a bottle of water out of the fridge and opens one, handing it over to me.

“Small sips, babe, we don’t want you cramping for the next Olympic event.”

I roll my eyes and smile up at him while taking in a small sip.

My phone begins to ring from my arm band and I hand my bottle of water over to Keith while wrestling my phone off my arm.

I see my mom’s name on the display and can’t imagine why she’d be calling me so early on a Saturday morning.

“Hey, Mama.”

“Hi, sweetie,” she replies, “your father and I are heading out of town for the day and I just wanted to let you know. We have a few things we need to get done in Raleigh and I didn’t want you to worry if you called and neither of us was around.”

“Oh, okay, well thanks for the heads up. Keith and I just finished a record breaking five mile run and I’m about to go upstairs for a shower. Is there anything I can do to help?’

“No, we should be home later this afternoon. I’ll give you a call when we get home. Maybe we can meet over at the club for a late dinner. Give your brother a call and tell him to be on standby,” she says with a laugh.

“Ok, Mama, enjoy your trip and be safe. Tell Dad I love him and we’ll see you guys later tonight.”

“Will do, sweet girl. I love you.”

“To infinity and beyond,” I reply.

The call disconnects and I smile over at Keith as he shakes his head at my family’s silliness.

“Is everything okay?” he asks.

“Yep, Mom and Dad are just heading to Raleigh for the day to run some errands. They’ll be back later this afternoon and thought we could all go to the club for dinner.”

“Sounds good to me. I have a bit of work I need to do for your dad at the office this afternoon, but it shouldn’t take too long. When I’m done we can get ready and meet them over there.”

He reaches his arm out for me to come into his side and I lean my head against his chest.

“Thank you so much for making the past few weeks as amazing as they’ve been. I’m so glad we’ve been able to move past some of the toughest times and be happy again.”

“Me too, babe,” he says. “Now, let’s get you upstairs and naked.”

Together Keith and I walk
into our home and make our way up to our bedroom. For the next thirty minutes we have amazing shower sex and I help him get dressed for his afternoon at the office.

I run a few errands of my own around town and start to clean up the house when I hear my phone ringing in the other room. I set down the basket of wash and head into the kitchen to grab my phone.

Shit, I missed Riley’s call.

I toss the phone into the wash basket and carry the piles of clean clothes up to my bedroom. The phone starts to ring as I’m walking up the stairs, but since my hands are full I can’t grab for it.

Once in the bedroom, I set the basket down on the bed and reach for my phone. It starts to ring again and I see my brother’s name on the display screen.

I swipe my finger across the screen and answer his call.

“Damn it, Riley, my hands were full and I couldn’t answer. What the hell is so urgent that you had to call me three times in less than a minute?”

His breathing is quick.

“Em, where are you?” he asks, his voice is broken and he sounds upset.

“I’m at home cleaning and doing wash. Why, what’s up? Are you okay? You sound upset.” “Is Keith there with you, Em?”

“No, he’s at the office doing some work for Dad. Riley, what’s going on and why are you asking stupid questions?”

“Em, I need you to get over to General Pines Hospital. I’m on my way over there right now.”

“Riley, what the fuck is going on and why do we both need to get to General?” I ask with panic in my voice.

“Em, please just get your fucking ass over there! There’s been an accident and Mom and Dad were just rushed there by Medicopter.”

My body goes numb and I drop the phone to the floor. For a split second my entire world begins to spin and I’m all alone.

I bend down and pick up the phone that’s now lying by my feet.

“Em, you there?”

“Sorry, umm yeah, I’m here. I’ll be there if fifteen minutes,” I say as tears begin to pool in my eyes.

“Drive careful, Em. I should be at General in five minutes. Meet me outside the ER doors.”