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The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 3 (MC Chronicles #3) Page 29

by Bink Cummings

I can tell by Malcolm’s uncomfortable sway and blank stare that he still has no clue where Big is talking about. So before he makes a fool out of himself, I speak up, “Let me show you around the kitchen. I’m sure the boys will have you running more than just beer errands in no time,” I try to sound breezy and remain still. I don’t try to move out from Big’s hold because I can’t seem too eager. I don’t want Big to take this the wrong way. He’s sensitive about prospect duties and me being pregnant. Now that I’m about ready to burst, he’s much worse. I wasn’t even allowed to do laundry or sweep this week. He didn’t want me “straining.” I’m pregnant, not broken. He doesn’t see it my way though. Go figure.

Malcolm doesn’t respond to my suggestion. Gunz grins knowingly and shakes his head, while Big grumbles under his breath and I feel it vibrate through his chest and into my back, before he speaks. “It’s your baby shower. I’ll show him the beer. You can show him the rest later.” Big kisses my hair, then moves out from behind me, releasing my breasts in the process.

Stepping in front of me, he bends down for a hug, and I hug him in return by throwing my arms around his neck. “Be right back, don’t stray too far,” Big says kissing my cheek, lips, then my nose, before pulling away and waving to Malcolm for him to follow. As Malcolm passes me, he bows his head in respect and tails his President inside the clubhouse.

I use my freedom to migrate over toward the group of brothers. The sisters have dispersed, most of them are with their men, tending to the serve-yourself food, or corralling the children.

I stop next to Deke and curl an arm around his waist. He looks down smiling brightly at me and repeats the gesture by throwing his arm over my shoulder and tucking me to his side.

“Hey there, guest of honor,” he winks teasingly.

I rib him playfully, and he feigns pain by whining like a prissy little girl, holding his rib.

“Oh, come on, be a man,” I chuckle with a smile and roll my eyes for show.

“Hey, Bink, how’s my niece doin’?” Jizz intentionally interrupts us.

I’m not stupid. I’ve quickly come to learn that most of the brothers recognize Deke’s affections for me and my fondness for him. Strictly platonic though on my part. After the little fallout with Gunz and Deke weeks ago, things have turned back to some semblance of normal. But only after Big and I had ourselves a long discussion about Deke and what kind of friendship we have. I was pleased to find that Big trusts me implicitly and strangely welcomes us being friends. Kinda goes against everything Big has ever done or said in the course of my lifetime. I think it’s his way of extending an olive branch and showing that he does trust me. I try not to push too hard though, since I can tell it’s mostly strained approval.

I turn my head to look at Jizz, standing a few feet away next to my daddy and Viper. His hair’s down today, hitting his shoulders.

Rubbing my hand over my belly and feeling her move, I reply, “She’s good. Kickin’ like mad though.”

A brash grumble sounds behind me. I don’t have to look to know who’s there; I felt him approach way before I heard him. By the expressions on my sisters’ faces in the group, they’re worried how Big is going to react to me standing with my arm around another man. I catch Gunz out of the corner of my eye take a step forward, like he’s ready to break up a fight. Another grumble sounds followed by a few heavy breaths. Big’s calming himself down. I don’t have to look to know. I can feel it. Just as I can sense him standing a few feet behind me, his hands probably flexing at his sides, his jaw tight, blue eyes intense.

Deke shifts awkwardly beside me, becoming edgy. Instead of going to my old man, I stay put. Deke goes to retract his arm, and I bump my hip into him. It is my way of telling him to stop, and he does. Big’s an adult, and he needs to approach this situation the proper way. He said he trusts me, and he’s going to have to prove it one way or another.

Apart from the sounds of kids playing on the playground, the yard grows quiet. I hear Big release a weighted breath before I feel him move closer. His giant hand lands on my shoulder, and his chest covers my back.

“Hey, my love,” he speaks gently, and my heart gives away, as a deep sense of warmth floods my body. I’m so fucking proud of him. He reeled in his anger. God, he’s so damn wonderful.

Big’s lips press to the back of my head. “Do ya wanna dance with me?” he whispers, fanning his warm breath over my scalp, making my skin tingle and goose bumps flare.

It’s official, I’m one big gooey mess of old lady right here.

Breaking away from Deke, I turn around and don’t waste a second to have my arms around my old man. Snuggling him in close, my nose buries into his deliciously scented chest, as my arms tuck around his middle and my nails dig into the back of his cut, avoiding his gun.

“Gunz,” Big calls over my head.

“Got it, brother.”

A moment later, one of our songs start playing through the outdoor speakers, Bon Jovi’s Thank You for Loving Me.

Big pulls me into the middle of the yard where we can be alone. Slowly, we sway like we’re in high school. My bare feet fit between his boot covered ones, and he’s careful not to step on my toes. His hands slide into the sides of my hair, and he tips my head back to look up him. I smile and he single dimple grins. “How’s my beautiful woman likin’ her party?” he asks warmly.

I can’t help it when I blush. I can feel the heat creeping up my neck and face, as his grin turns into a breathtaking smile. My stomach does a fluttering flip. He’s just too damn sexy for his own good. Today, Big has his hair pulled back into a low ponytail. I did it for him this morning. His black bandana is also wrapped around his head. He’s so goddamn hot that I wish I could climb him like a tree and fuck his brains out right here in this yard. Sadly, this pregnancy is a severe deterrent. Though it won’t be much longer before I can make all those wicked wishes come true. Not gonna lie, I do love his delicious pussy licking orgasms. But there is nothing better than your man slamming his dick into you. By the end of July, come hell or high water, I’m gonna make sure we’ve christened every room in the clubhouse and our home.

“Babe,” Big interrupts my thoughts.

“Eh?” I perk up a brow, slightly dancing to the beat of the music.

“You’re thinkin’ something naughty.”

Chewing the corner of my lip and batting my eyelashes, I feign innocence. He bursts out laughing, his entire body rumbling. “You’re so fuckin’ cute,” he kisses my forehead, still laughing. “But you’re up to no good.”

He’s right, I am. But I can’t help it. I learned from the best.

“I dunno what you’re talkin’ about,” I lie.

Sharply tugging on my hair with a sexually charged growl, Big leans down so his nose brushes mine. We stop dancing. “Those eyes give ya away, every fuckin’ time.” he whispers gruffly.

I swallow hard, and he lightly thrusts forward, rubbing his hardness against me.

Holy fuck, I can’t believe he’s hard right now.

“When you’re thinkin’ about my dick, your eyes get all heavy and stare into space.”

How in the hell does he know that?

I start to ask, but I shut up as he continues, “And when I’m thinkin’ about your tits, lips, or your tasty little pussy, I could hammer a nail with my dick…” He trails off and presses his lips to mine. I savor the warmth of their softness as they seep into me, soothing me, wrapping me in his love. My heart expands, and I lazily groan my satisfaction. He lowly growls his in return.

Big’s hands leave my hair and delicately trail down my back. I shiver at his touch, and my nipples grow hard, turning to sharp points. He chuckles knowingly to my mouth, as his hands stop at my ass and grab hold. He breaks our sweet kiss, and I grumble my discontent. “I love you more than life itself. I hope you know that, my love,” he mutters to my lips.

“I love you too,” I breathe.

“I know, babe. That’s why Deke didn’t lose his arm today,”
he whispers back and nuzzles his nose to mine.

“I’m proud of you for that.”

“I know ya are, babe. And I’m proud of you for letting the sisters plan this for ya. And for giving Steel a big fuckin’ pass, by letting him come here today.”

My daddy… now that’s one fucking fucked up mess of a story. Ya got three hours to listen? ... No? How about five minutes then? You down? ... Alright… here goes nothing.

My daddy and I have kind of been on the outs since I found out about my sister. After Big and I were reacquainted, I told him what my mother had told me. All of it. He already knew I’d found out. Apparently, my mother had informed him of that when he went to the cabin to handle business. Whatever that means, I’m not sure, and we’ve not discussed her or her whereabouts since. The marks on Big’s face are almost healed and with them goes my thoughts of her. Good riddance, as I see it.

To make a very long and very painful story short, I’ll give you the basics. Because if I dredge up that day again while I’m in my old man’s arms dancing at my baby shower, I’m gonna get angry and I’m gonna bawl. None of us need that right now. Today is supposed to be a happy day. And I’ll be damned if I don’t try my best to keep it that way. If not for me, for Big. He’s been so supportive through this whole fucked up ordeal.

A few days after I’d informed Big, he secretly set up a family meeting, which included my brothers, Daddy, Big, and Gunz. That’s when I got to let loose on my daddy for lying. A lot of emotions flew that day. I cried. Big held me. I screamed. Big held me. My brothers were informed on the run that they had another sister and as you can imagine that pounded a pretty big wedge between my brothers and the father they thought they knew. Six hours we sat in the common room. Six hours of emotional torture, where Brew ended up storming out, calling my father a disgusting asshole. Jizz cried. Yeah, my brother actually fucking cried, which made me cry even more.

By the time everything was said and done, I was wrung out and exhausted. Brew was long gone. He’d taken off on his Hog. Dixie had called Gunz five times to see if he’d returned. And Jizz was just Jizz. He tried to let it settle, but I could tell my feelings were affecting him. He’s always been the sweetest of my brothers, even if he relentlessly teases me.

Being overly emotional, I cussed my father up one side and down the other. I’d almost punched him. And I would have, if Big hadn’t stopped me by holding me to his chest and letting me pound my fists into him while I screamed, cried, and cursed my father.

My daddy actually tore down his steel walls and teared up a few times, apologizing profusely. He even tried to hug me. Big wouldn’t let him, which made things ten times worse and my daddy ended up going off on Big, yelling, “That’s my fucking daughter and she needs me to hold her!”

Big replied calmly, “I don’t give a fuck. She’s mine to care for. You done fucked up, brother. Now back the hell off.”

Gunz ended up stepping in to keep a fight from breaking out. Daddy wasn’t fond of taking no for an answer but he backed down.

By the end of the longest hours of my life, I’d learned my mother was partially honest. My daddy had cheated because she couldn’t fuck him. He did treat her like garbage and tried to right his wrongs after I’d been born. But he’d fallen in love with Amanda, who he calls Mandy, and they’d had their daughter, Jolene, who everyone apparently calls Jo. The rest is pretty much history.

So now here we are at my baby shower, which is not only a party to celebrate Harley’s impending arrival into our lives, but it’s the day I get to meet my sister and her mother for the very first time. Jez, Pix, and Deb had suggested it after I’d told them about the whole ordeal. I wanted to meet her. Daddy wanted me to meet her. Jizz and Brew wanted to meet her. And since everyone would be present at my shower to use as sort of a buffer, I agreed to it.

“Babe,” Big says, kissing my nose and yanking me from my thoughts.

“Yes?” Tilting my head, I press a soft, linger kissing to his lips and use them to calm and center me. Just thinking about my sister and meeting her has me anxious, both the happy and scared variety.

He pulls back a fraction, breaking our kiss, “I know your mind’s workin’ overtime. If ya need to talk, I’m here to listen.”

“I know and thank you. But I just need ya to hold me.”

Big plants another soft kiss to my lips before holding me like I’d asked. We dance in silence as I return my head to his chest, listening to the strong beat of his heart and melding into him. Songs pass and my feet bump into his, so I step on top of his boots like a child would and let him guide us. He doesn’t seem to mind.

By the end of the sixth song I hear the sound of car tires driving into the compound, as the rocks crunch under their weight. Big stops dancing and helps me to the grass before cupping the sides of my face and making me meet his intense ice-blue gaze. While he assesses my face, he says, “Just saw Steel head up. They’re here.”

I nod my understanding.

“If you don’t wanna do this, you don’t have to. I’m here. I got your back. Your sisters are right over there,” Big points to my Sacred Sisters who have gathered around the picnic table, all eyes on me. I flash them a grateful smile. They smile in return, giving me small waves of encouragement. I couldn’t ask for a better family. I’m damn blessed.

I feel a presence approach me from behind. Big addresses him first, not letting go of my face. “Jizz, you’re welcome to hang back with us, but you’re not takin’ your sister from me. I’m stayin’ by her side.”

“I gotcha, Prez. Just wanted to make sure she’s straight. Dad’s bringin’ them ‘round,”

Big raises a brow, eyes on me, “You straight?” He jerks his chin in my direction.

“I’m straight,” I affirm.

“See,” Big addresses Jizz, “our girl’s good. No worries. I got her. You got her. The brothers got her. Her sisters got her. And I’ve got her.”

Shaking my head, I’m unable to hold back my smirk and a tiny giggle, “Ya got me twice?” I tease Big.

“I got your fine ass a hundred times more than the rest of these fuckers,” Big all but yells, being a complete smartass.

“Hey!” Jezebel hollers across the yard, “I heard that!”

“And whatcha gonna do about it?” Big yells back, egging her on.

I swear they get off on tormenting one another, both sexually and in a funny ha-ha manner. And it just keeps getting worse.

A week ago I’m on speakerphone with Jez as I’m cooking tacos for dinner. Big comes strolling into the kitchen, gropes me, I squeal, and he kisses me silly. She makes a disgusted sound and tells us to get a room.

“Oh, you know you wanna hear me spank her fine ass,” Big tormented.

Jez chuckled, “Alright, ya caught me, spank it. I wanna hear.”

Sure as shit, Big bent me over, with my forearms resting on the counter for support, and spanked my ass. I couldn’t stop laughing. He kept up his stinging assault, and I grew wetter and wetter. Then the laughing ceased, and the panting began as my pussy started to throb, drawing me closer to climax.

I’d almost forgotten Jez was on the phone until she shouted, “Oh, hell! You kinky motherfucker, I gotta go handle my business now. Thanks to you…”

“Tell Bulk he needs to pound that pussy,” Big countered.

“Yeah…I’ll get right on that. And the next time you see him you best teach him to spank like you do.”

Big’s hand spanked my ass one final time before he hooked his thumbs into my yoga pants and panties at the same time and slid them down my legs to pool around my ankles. I wiggled at the coolness of the air touching my inflamed skin. It felt amazing.

“I’m sure Bink could tell him all about how women like to be spanked,” he dusted his fingertips across my tender flesh, and I squirmed, moaning with need.

“We’ll worry about that later. Take care of her,” Jez said.

“Always do,” Big replied.

The phone went dead, and Big d
ropped to his knees behind me. A moment later his eager tongue collided with my pussy, and that was all she wrote. My legs trembled, and I came in a torrent of ecstasy, screaming as my head shot back and my pussy exploded.

Once I’d finished, Big stood, picked me up, sat my bare ass on the cool kitchen counter, and finished cooking dinner for us, like it was just a normal day in the neighborhood.

“I’m gonna get the belt!” Jez threatens Big with a huge cocky grin in place.

“Tonight, if you wanna get the belt, I’m sure Bink’ll gladly show Bulk how to use it properly,” Big counters with an evil laugh.

Jezebel’s eyes widen, and she flips him off, curling her lip up in a snarl.

“Hey! What the hell!?” Bulk intervenes, and strides over to his woman. “What in the hell have ya been tellin’ ‘em, Jez?”

I give her an I’m sorry expression and cross my fingers over my heart, silently promising her I didn’t spill the beans.

Their mini argument carries on as I return my attention to Big and smack his chest. “You’re gonna get her in trouble.”

He shrugs, not giving a shit. “Sooo…That just means she’ll thank me later.”

She’ll what?!

“Thank you later?” I throw out my attitude.

“She’s got one helluva mouth on her, which is bound to land her ass in trouble. So as punishment, I’m sure Bulk will end up fuckin’ her till she can’t walk tomorrow.”

That sounds like a damn good punishment. I’d really like that too, right about now. Lucky bitch.

I raise a brow at him, “Ya think?”

“I know,” he confirms smugly.

“And how—”

Big bends down and gets right in my face, cutting me off, “I know, ‘cause that’s what I’d do if you had a mouth like hers. I’d choke ya with my dick too. And I’d definitely spank your ass…He’s got his hands full with her.”

Ain’t that the damn truth? And poor Axel’s got Pixie, the nympho, to contend with. Haven’t ya heard that the quiet ones are the ones you have to watch out for? Well, it’s true. All my sisters are busy getting dick while I’m sporting cankles, stretchmark’s, and an underused pussy…I’ll say it again with the utmost love and respect—those lucky bitches.