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The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 3 (MC Chronicles #3) Page 28

by Bink Cummings

We pass Gunz on our way through the hall, and neither of us acknowledge him. We stop at Big’s bedroom door and he looks to me, “No more shit, babe. This is it for us. Goin’ in there means we are puttin’ the past behind us. You love me, I love you, you’re now my old lady, and after our daughter comes, I’m gonna marry you. Yeah?”

Yes! Yes! Yes! I agree to all of it. I don’t care about anything else at this point. He’s it for me, and the rest is just gonna have to work itself out.

I place a soft lingering kiss to his lips. “Yeah,” I mutter.

With a devastatingly beautiful grin and glistening eyes, Big growls and lets us into his bedroom to wash away our past and start fresh. I’ve found my soulmate and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life proving that to him.

“Are ya ready for this, Sugar Tits?” Big leans in from behind and curls his arms around my middle, palms flat on my overstretched belly. He can barely fit his arms around me anymore; I’ve simply gotten too fat. Or I think I have. He thinks it’s adorable. All of it from my recent late-night snacking that I can’t seem to help, to my duck waddling, to me needing him to help me get up from all furniture. And my newest thing, which is using Pretzel as a footrest. He seems to enjoy it too, since my toes offer him constant attention, putting him in doggy heaven.

Alright...I’m sure you’re sitting there asking yourself where are we at in your story, Bink? And why in the hell did you cut us off? I wanted more… Are you nodding right now? ...Thought so…

Right now, I want to welcome you to my baby shower. Yes, you heard right, I’m having a baby shower. As of right now I’m three weeks from my due date and my Sacred Sisters planned this shindig with the help of Grandpa Gunz and Daddy Big, of course. That’s why this party isn’t what you’d call a typical baby shower. First of all, all of the brothers are in attendance, including Blimp who returned home three days ago. Evidently we have a whole new chapter in the south to be patched over, after Harley makes her grand entrance. That’s when Big will have the time to sign the documents for such an important change since he refuses to leave me until after she’s born. He doesn’t wanna miss out on her birth. Can’t blame him for that. I don’t want him to miss it either.

We also have in attendance our newest patched brother, White Boy. Big and the brothers all decided it was time to bring him into the fold since they’ve gotten themselves another prospect to push around. Can you guess who it might be? Did you guess Malcolm? Probably not. I wouldn’t have thought so either. After a long discussion with me and with Malcolm, Big and the brothers decided to give the man a second chance, following his well-deserved beat down. He now has a job at the auto shop as a detailer, and they’ve voted him in as a Sacred Sinners prospect, with the stipulation he gave up the drug business. Today, he’s here and wearing his new cut proudly. As am I. Even though mine barely fits.

Standing in the clubhouse’s backyard, barefoot, I squish my toes into the fresh green grass as my fuchsia maternity dress brushes my knees. I snuggle my body further into Big and grab his hands to bring them up to my lips. I kiss them both before I fold our hands together and pull his arms tighter around my chest to keep him close and envelope myself in his calming scent. The scent that always leaves me both happy and horny. The perfect combination.

It’s a beautiful day out today. It’s warm and crisp, and there isn’t a cloud in the sky. The backyard has been turned into some sort of baby shower picnic. Our garage sale tables line the wall, filled with delicious foods and covered in a hot pink table cloth. Even the picnic tables have been covered in the same hot pink plastic and have cute black and pink baby decorations situated in the middle. Luckily, the only thing I did for this party was bake my cookies. Can’t have any party without them. I must say the sisters really tried to turn this backyard into a real baby shower, and they’ve done a damn good job. It’s adorable.

The brothers who’ve graciously participated in today’s party, with a bit of Jezebel, Deke and Gunz persuasion, are all gathered around corn hole boards or shootin’ the shit with a beer in their hands. Except Big, because he’s with me. He’s refusing to leave my side or drink. I’ve tried to convince him to go hang with his brothers. He won’t though. Pretty sure he’s too worried about what’s to come. Or who, is more like it.

Jezebel and Beth head our way, talking animatedly as they do. They stop chatting once they reach us and give Big and I warm smiles, while wearing their matching t-shirts. Did I fail to mention that all of the sisters are wearing ‘This is what the World’s Greatest Aunt looks like’ t-shirts in their choice of color? Well, they are, courtesy of Pix, who’s in black. Jez’s is in purple. Beth’s is in a light blue and the rest of the sisters look like a rainbow as they flit about the yard in their bright t-shirts and property of cuts.

“Hey, Big, Bink,” Jez nods to him, then to me, “what cha think?” She throws her arms wide, gesturing to the backyard.

Big chuckles and kisses the side of my head, hugging me tighter, “Looks good. Don’t it, Babe?”

“Yeah, Jez, it does look real nice. Thanks to you sisters for doin’ it.” I smile genuinely at them both and turn my focus on Beth, “And thanks a lot, Beth, for comin’. I know you and Runner are kinda on the outs. Can’t be easy bein’ around him. If I was allowed to, I would have uninvited him.”

Which is true, all of it. I wanted her to come. I even asked Big if I could tell Runner to go fly a kite, so she could attend and not have to deal with him. Big said I was more than welcome to invite Beth. Unfortunately, Big put his giant size thirteen foot down, and said Runner was still going to be attending since he’s family. As far as I’m concerned, he’s not my family. I can’t stand the man. Although, I’m learning that when the big man puts his foot down, I have to go with it and try not to complain or give him the silent treatment. I’m working on it, even though I fucking hate it. I’d just prefer things go my way all the damn time. He’s fair though, so I win sometimes. Just not in this case.

Big grumbles into my hair, obviously not liking what I said. Beth gives me one of her soft sweet smiles, “Bink, really, it’s no trouble. I’m happy to be here. You and the girls are the only real friends I’ve got. And don’t worry, he’s been avoiding me since I got here.”

I scan the yard for Runner and just as I thought, he’s standing next to Gypsy, staring right at us. Or Beth, is more like it. That man is head over heels. Too bad he’s a douche who doesn’t deserve her. Want the skinny on that little relationship while Big carries on some conversation with Jez and Beth about how nice of a job they did? He’s gushing with pride, and they’re eating it up. I think I can take a short recess to give ya the deets. You game?

About a week and a half ago Beth dropped by unannounced during one of the clubhouses parties. I got a text from White Boy as soon as he’d let her through the gate. So I strolled up to Big, who was playing pool with Mickey at the time and gave him a peck on the cheek before I explained in his ear, “Beth’s here. Gonna go out front and get her.”

Big turned his head with a devilish grin, slid his freehand through the side of my hair to hold me in place, and brought his lips down upon mine with the hunger of a thousand men. His tongue ravished me, leaving me breathless and my lips deliciously sore before he pulled away with a growl.

“Go get your friend,” he ordered breathlessly and grabbed his dick as it tried to punch a hole through the front of his jeans. Then he leaned in to dust a kiss across my lips, “Ya see what ya do to me?” he breathed to my mouth.

“I’m always hard when you’re around,” he moved in and softly nipped my bottom lip. “Don’t take long.” His hand left his cock to palm my ass and he squeezed it hard. “I want ya back here in ten. Then I’m gonna have your pussy ridin’ my face in twenty. Ya got me?”

Oh, I got him alright. I nodded my understanding with a dry mouth and a wet pussy. I was ready to fulfill that face riding right there on that pool table, if he would have let me. I did have on a dress, after all.

Reluctantly, I left Big to head outside and meet with Beth, who was just getting out of her car when I arrived.

“How goes it?” I greeted her with a sisterly one-armed hug.

“Exhausted, but doing pretty good,” she explained as we broke our embrace and headed to the entrance of the clubhouse.

Inside, we socialized with the sisters for a few moments, saying hellos and having small talk before Beth turned to me and asked to see Runner. I didn’t know where he’d gone so I grabbed her hand, led her to the hall, and back to his bedroom. We didn’t even have to knock to know that he was inside. The noises of him and another woman fucking told us all that we needed to know.

Beth immediately started to breakdown, thanks to Runner’s vivacious grunts and a whore’s fake moans. I consoled her in my arms as I guided her into the kitchen where I made her sit down on a stool while I got out some bowls for us to have ice cream. I know ice cream’s always soothed me when I’m upset. Figured it was a woman thing, so I went with it and dished us out two bowlfuls of Rocky Road. Then I sat down on the stool next to her.

Half way through her dish of Rocky Road, her tears had dried up. “I just let him touch my breasts yesterday,” she sniffled, and my heart ached for her. She really did like him, and sadly, I knew he felt the same for her.

I threw an arm over her shoulder. “Don’t worry, sweetie, I’ll pray real hard tonight that his dick shrivels up and falls off.”

My joke made her laugh, which lightened her mood a bit.

After our ice cream, I escorted her to Big’s office bathroom to freshen up before we rejoined the party. We said our hellos to Big, and I explained to him what happened. Needless to say, he felt sorry for Beth and gave my ass a pat and my lips a sexy kiss before letting me do my sisterly duty to keep Beth from turning blue. He’s a sweetheart like that.

Later that night after he’d finished his fucking, Runner spotted Beth in the common room and approached her. She’d already had a bit too much to drink by then. I was keeping an eye on her as I continued serving her the fruity concoctions that Brew was mixing behind the bar. Between the alcohol and the sisters, she seemed to be having a decent time until Runner went and ruined it all. The bastard.

“Frick. You,” were her first words to Runner, which were soon followed by, “Get your grubby paws off me,” when he tried to put an arm around her.

Then came my personal favorite, “I never want to see your stupid face again! I hope you enjoy loose women! My virginity will never be given to the likes of you!”

Now that made his mouth drop open in surprise, along with half of the common room who heard her drunken outburst. It was then I realized Beth had never told Runner her secret. He probably just thought she was inexperienced, not that she was a thirty-something virgin.

The blowout was followed by an assload of open groveling by Runner and yelling by Beth. Runner was then escorted by Big and Viper to his room, as I, and the other sisters, consoled a pissed off Beth. She was in the midst of crying through her rage, as she sat Indian style on the common room floor with a drink in her hand, blubbering about how much she “hated his stinkin’ guts.” It all felt like an adult episode of Little Rascals mixed with a healthy dose of The Jerry Springer Show. In other words, totally fucked up, yet entertaining. For a fleeting moment I couldn’t help but wonder if that’s how everyone viewed Big and I’s epic showdowns. It wouldn’t surprise me if they did.

Much later, Beth, now unable to walk from being too damn tanked, was carried by Deke to my clubhouse bedroom. I put her to bed and left a glass of water, some Tylenol, and a trash bin next to the bed before I left her to sleep it off. The next morning she was gone before I woke up. She’d left a note apologizing for what happened, and we’ve been in constant contact since. Which is how I know there is officially no more Runner-Beth potential relationship. Kind of sucks for her and really fucking sucks for him; she’s the best he’s ever going to get and then some.

Debbie and Candy Cane, along with Pix, join our little group just as I dial back into Big saying, “I’m bein’ real. You’ve made this a special day for my old lady, and for that I’m really fuckin’ grateful.”

Beth seems considerably awestruck that Big has directly spoken this much to her. Jez appears to have taken his compliments in stride when she replies coolly, “It’s nothing, Big… really. Bink woulda done the same for any of us.”

She’s right, I definitely would. Dixie’s due in a few months, and I’m sure I will head up the baby shower for her. With the help of the Sacred Sisters, of course.

The conversations carry on among the group of us, talking baby stuff, baby names, and my alternative birth plan, which has Big freaking the fuck out. When I told him I wanted an at home water birth he thought I’d lost my mind. Not that he’s a fan of hospitals, he’s not, but birthing a baby outside of one comes with risks. However, after he spoke to my midwife, he’s come to terms with my choice. No meds, water birth at home, and if it all goes as planned, he will be in the water with me. That is, if he can handle the sights and sounds of a woman pushing a watermelon out of her cooch without the assistance of pain killers. I’m not worried about me getting through it. I’m worried about him. The man freaks when I go through ten minutes of Braxton Hicks; imagine how he’s going to be when the real contractions start.

Niki and Dixie soon migrate over to our little group, along with Gunz who doesn’t waste a second to have his greedy hands on my belly, wanting to feel Harley move. Lucky for him she’s been playing soccer in my belly since this morning.

“My girl’s gettin’ big,” Gunz comments, rubbing down and around my dress clad tummy, wearing what I call his ‘grandpa smile.’ It’s the only smile he wears when touching my belly or looking at it - one of pride and soft contentment.

“Yeah, brother, she keeps on growin’,” Big replies proudly, before briefly kissing the side of my head and tickling his finger on the top of my boob. Jerking my butt back, I knock into his legs for him to quit it. He chuckles, amused.

Leaning down, Big’s lips graze the shell of my ear and he whispers, “What’s wrong, Sugar Tits?”

“She’s getting huge, ain’t she, sexy?” I hear Niki say to Gunz, sliding up to him and tucking her hand into the back of his jeans.

I put everyone else on ignore and turn my head to the side. “You were touchin’ my tit,” I mutter to Big, quietly enough that nobody but him can hear me. Thankfully the sisters are too engrossed in some conversation to pay a lick of attention.

His hot breath fans my ear, “How’s come Gunz can touch your watermelon, but I can’t touch the cantaloupes? Doesn’t seem fair.”

Ha-Ha-Ha funny, asshole.

Big’s silly comments are rewarded with another butt to thigh knock. He doesn’t seem to give a fuck when one of his hands detach from mine and he blatantly palms my tit in front of everyone. I squawk my surprise, which quickly turns to fury when I try to break away from him. He doesn’t let me go and Gunz takes a step back to watch us duke it out, as we draw the rest of the yard’s attention. Shit… not again.

Twisting in his iron hold, I screech, “Get your hand off my tit, asshole, or I’m gonna cut the fucker off!”

Big laughs heartily and shifts to cover my other tit with his other monstrous hand. I try to slap it away, no such luck. “Babe, if I wanna hold my old lady’s tits, I’m gonna hold ‘em.”

The hell he is!

Wrapping my fingers around his thick wrists, I dig my nails in as I thump my ass into his thighs repeatedly in a feeble attempt to break free. It fails, and I soon grow tired from fighting him. So I don’t. I lean into him, and let him do what he wishes. Nobody else seems to care that he’s groping me. Except me. It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, since we are standing in front of my entire family and this is Big we’re talking about—Control freak extraordinaire.

Guess you if can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

I sigh in defeat, and Big squeezes my breasts, thankfully avoiding my nipples. They’
ve grown extra sensitive as of late. Now it doesn’t take but a little brush of his finger to have me moaning. Yesterday morning in the shower, even the water hitting them had me panting and grinding my teeth in pleasure. Big heard my heavy breathing and came in to see if I was alright. He thought I was in labor. I wasn’t, but I was so fucking horny my legs were trembling. Being such a sweetheart, Big dried me off then carried me into our bedroom, sat me on the edge of our dresser and ate my pussy until I had to beg him to stop. Even then, he forced me to come another two times. Afterward, he helped me down and dressed me because I was barely able to function. He’d turned my brain to happy, sated mush.

“See, this isn’t so bad, is it?” He continues his gentle massage.

I guess he’s right; it’s not so bad. It kind of feels good, actually. With all the swelling, they do ache sometimes. Maybe I overreacted, but I’m not gonna admit that, except to you.

Malcolm approaches, beer in hand, and stops next to Gunz. “Prez, Sarge,” Malcolm respectfully nods to his superiors. “Bink,” he nods to me, ignoring Niki. Knowing my place, I nod back out of respect but keep silent.

“What can I do you for?” Big asks, tone friendly.

“Noticed we’re runnin’ low on beer in the cooler. Wanted your blessin’ to head inside to nab some,” he replies.

I can’t see Big but I can tell by Gunz’s reaction that he’s pleasantly surprised by Malcolm’s approach. From what Big has told me, Gunz was one of the brothers who voted not to bring Malcolm on as a prospect, which shocked the hell outta me. Looks like he’s mending fences though. Good for him. It’ll do him some good being here.

“Yeah, buddy,” Big says, “head on into the kitchen. Left fridge, bottom racks, there should be some cold beer. Bink designated that rack a few years back, ain’t gonna change. So keep it filled out here and refill the racks when they start runnin’ low. We stock the rest in the pantry.”