Page 10


by Jaimie Roberts

I haven’t seen him since he drove me to his home three nights ago and shoved me with disdain into the room I sometimes slept in as a child.

I know he’s punishing me. I know he’s still most probably reeling at the fact that I ran. But, I reckon the thing he’s most angry with is my betrayal with another man. I didn’t want that man and it pissed me off. It also pissed me off that I wished it had been Drake.

Surely this is some sort of joke? Or is it that being with Drake so long and living with his dual personality has finally made me loopy? These mixed feelings that I have for Drake are just as strong now as they ever were, and yet I can’t escape the one obvious, glaring thing shining at me like a hundred watt bulb.

He raped me.

On my eighteenth birthday, Drake took me, and he raped me. He didn’t ask if I wanted him to take me in the way that he did. He wasn’t gentle. He wasn’t sweet, and he certainly wasn’t kind.

Yet, I can’t help but want him. Now that three days have gone by, and the soreness I felt has eased, I can’t help but yearn for his touch again. I have been sitting in my room for three days with nothing but the view of the pool and the thoughts in my head, and for three days I have been trying my hardest to get around these fucked up feelings inside of me. I shouldn’t want him, but I do. And the only answer I can give myself as to the reason why is…

He’s the only person I’ve got.

He’s the only one who has looked after me since I was twelve. He’s the only person who’s made sure I’ve been looked after. He’s the only person—up until this point—who has kept me safe.

I have to laugh when I think on this because he may have kept me safe, but not from the monster who lives inside of him.

“Do you know what happens when you rattle an animal’s cage for years and then suddenly let him out?”

Those are the words that ring around in my head. At times, I hate him with a vengeance, but then I think of all the times in the past when he warned that I would make him go over the edge if I pushed.

And boy did I push. I pushed and pushed so much that the rattling cage rattled so much that the lock forced itself open with a violent break.

With a shake of my head and a sigh, I walk into my bathroom and take a contraceptive pill. I did at least prepare for Drake. I want to escape, but I have to cover all my bases just in case. After that incident in the car a few weeks ago after I ran away to that bar and got caught by Drake being chatted up by that guy, Chris, I booked an appointment with my doctor. This is my second course of pills, and I will be finishing them soon. Luckily, I still have another four months left before needing more. Hopefully, by then, I’ll be let out of my cage.

Laughing at the irony, I head back to my bedroom and decide to watch some TV. I don’t have much else to do since he has me locked in here. Luckily, I do have the TV, radio, and some books. Otherwise, I’d go crazy.

The only other thing I do is sleep. I sleep because I’m bored. I’m not used to being holed up like this with not a chance to at least walk around the house. Sure, I’ve been grounded before, but never like this. Never held prisoner against my will. At times, I think Drake bought me to help escape my parents, but now it seems he is worse than they are. Yes, they were cruel, and it’s true that they didn’t give two shits about me, but at least I had the freedom to walk around my own house.

As the hours progress, so does my frustration. Bit by bit, I watch the sun go down until it finally disappears over the horizon. Night is coming, and it looks as though I will be all on my own again.

Then, I suddenly hear a noise at my door, and it makes me jump. For a moment, I think it’s the maid coming to bring me food, but when the door opens instead of the courtesy knock I always get, I know otherwise.

Drake enters, and following him are two guys with two plates of food, some champagne, and two glasses. Without a word, they place everything on the table in front of my bed and pour the wine once done.

“That’ll be all,” Drake says, dismissing them.

Soon, they are all gone and silence fills the room. He has his back to me at first and hasn’t looked at me once. I can tell he’s still angry. I can tell he’s still reeling. But it’s a good sign that he’s here, bringing food and wine. He obviously wants to eat with me at least.

“You must be hungry. Come and sit, so we can properly celebrate your birthday together.” He says it with an edge to his voice. He still hasn’t turned.

With a trembling of my hands, I rise from the bed and watch him as I make my way to the table. He still hasn’t looked at me, but I’m certainly looking at him. He’s casual today in my favourite jeans. I’m not sure if he’s wearing them for me on purpose, but I can hazard a guess that he is. As if that isn’t bad enough, he’s also got a nice, tight white t-shirt on which accentuates his toned physique.

As I walk, I wait for the feeling of nausea to come from the thoughts of all that this man has put me through—embarrassment, pain, and even trauma. I experienced all of that and more at the hands of this man. But the nausea doesn’t come. Instead, all I feel is heat … longing … desire. Disappointment fills me when he still can’t seem to look at me. When I finally approach the table, however, he has no choice but to turn his head. The reaction it elicits has my heart thundering and makes my knees weak.

He hitches in a breath as he takes in my short, summery, strappy peach dress. It curves to my body perfectly and accentuates my long legs. Despite the fact that we’ve already had sex twice, we still haven’t seen each other completely naked. For some reason, I want to. For some strange, unfathomable reason, I yearn for it.

“Have you been sleeping well?”

And just like that, I remember all too well why I’m here … being held prisoner. And the anger comes just as quickly. “Considering I haven’t had a chance to do anything but, then yes.”

I see when Drake’s jaw ticks and wonder if I’ve gone too far. I’m rattling that cage again. I just can’t help the injustice of it all. Is it too much to ask not to be owned by someone?

Drake walks to his chair, sits down, and pushes the champagne glass towards me. “Sit.”

I know it’s not a request, so I dutifully do as I’m told. Once settled, I pick up my champagne glass and take a sip. The bubbles are so nice that before I know it, I’m taking another sip, and then another until the glass is completely empty.

“Is this another attempt at defying me?”

His harsh tone sets my skin ablaze. “I didn’t do it to—”

He puts his hand up. “Never mind,” he snaps. He points to my plate. “Eat your food. It’s risotto.”

I pick up my fork and start eating while Drake fills up my glass again. “This is delicious.” I’m attempting some sort of normal conversation … that’s if Drake and I can ever have one.

“You can have chocolate cake for dessert if you eat all your food.”

Closing my eyes, I try not to let the anger rise, but it does. “Drake, I’m not a child.”

He snaps his head to me. “And yet you continue to behave like one.”

I almost say the words fuck you, but I hold my tongue. Instead, I carry on eating my risotto and drinking my champagne. Pretty soon, the risotto is finished and so is my second glass. Drake puts his fork down and refills my glass. My head is buzzing now in a lovely warm hum. In fact, it’s not the only part that’s humming. I’m not sure if it’s the champagne, but the more I look at Drake, the more I want to climb onto his lap and ravish him.

Only because I hate him, of course.

“Are you going to talk to me?” I finally ask to break the silence. I’m not sure what’s worse—having him angry with me or this near-silent treatment.

“What would you like to discuss?”

I leisurely trail the bottom of my flute glass and notice Drake watching me. There’s something strangely erotic about that.

Rattle, rattle. Rattle, rattle.

“Did you know that approximately eighty-five thousand women a
year are raped in England and Wales? And one in five women between the ages of sixteen and fifty-nine have experienced some sort of sexual assault. One in five, Drake. Don’t you think that’s a lot?”

Rattle, rattle.

“And your point is?”

I shrug my shoulders. “I’m just saying.” I look away as if I’m casually throwing this out there for discussion. He knows I’m not, and he knows what I’m after.

“I didn’t rape you.”

My eyes snap to his. “What would you call it then?”

“Taking what is mine.” He says it so matter-of-factly that it just seems to roll off his tongue.

I try to think of a comeback … some sort of stab of retribution. But no words come out of my mouth. When Drake notices my silence, he speaks again. “But, I do have one regret about the other night.”

I look up at him expectantly. “You do?”

He nods. “I didn’t get to feel you shatter beneath me. I didn’t get to give you your first-ever orgasm by a man … by the only man who can give you one.”

I don’t want to feel wet by the prospect, but I give it away by uncomfortably shuffling in my seat. Drake notices and he smiles. “How can I possibly miss what I haven’t had?”

Drake smirks. “Do you know how much it fucking turns me on to hear you say that?”

More squirming and shuffling. All of a sudden, the heat is turning up in here. Drake notices my flushed cheeks and leans forward, over the table. “I would like to have my dessert now.”

“Oh,” I say—a little disappointed. I was starting to hope that something else was on the menu.

Without another word, Drake gets up from his chair and then kneels on the floor. “What are you doing?”

“Stay still,” he orders. “Don’t move.”

Suddenly, he disappears under the table, and I feel when his hands move up my thighs. “Mmm,” he murmurs. “I can smell your arousal from here. Do you know how incredible that is?” I feel his head in between my legs, and I let out an incoherent squeal. “Grip the sides of the table with your hands. You’re going to need to once I get started on you.”

Heat flushes into my cheeks, and a need like no other pulses through me. I have no idea what he’s about to do, but the expectation of it has me on high alert.

Obeying his command, I grip the sides of the table and hold my breath. I can feel my pussy throbbing as it agonisingly waits for whatever Drake is about to do.

Sliding my dress up my legs, I feel Drake tugging at my panties. I lift myself up so he can glide them down my legs and discard them. Once finished, I feel his hands back on my legs again, and then, soon after, I feel his lips on my skin.

Moaning, I throw my head back and grip the table a little tighter. “Drake, please.”

“Please, what?” he asks, breathlessly.

“Please do something.”

“Why? What is it you’re feeling? Tell me.”

Running his hands up my legs, he reaches my pussy and gently runs his finger through my folds. I jerk up, moaning. I feel like I’m on fire.

“I feel… Oh my!” I scream as he reaches my clit.

“Tell me, Evelyn.”

Panting, I let out another moan before responding. “I feel like I’m going to burst apart if you don’t relieve this pressure I feel. I want you to… I need you to do something to make it go away.”

I hear Drake growl before he leisurely licks my thigh and up into the crevice of my leg. I jerk up again, panting and moaning.

“You’re so fucking wet, baby. I’m going to make it all better for you now, okay?”

“Please,” I urge.

And like a rocket soaring, I feel when his tongue darts out onto my clit, making me grip the table harder than ever. “Fuck,” I breathe—unable to hide what it is I’m feeling.

“You taste incredible, Evelyn. I’m going to feast on you now.”

And boy does he feast. He licks all of my juices around my pussy and between my folds before landing on my clit again. With careful precision, he works his tongue in slow, leisurely circles. It’s so arousing, but at the same time, it’s so frustrating because I can feel something building. I can feel it climbing higher than anything I’ve ever experienced.

With my hands still gripping the table, my mind wanders. A whirl of different emotions wants to burst through me like a tidal wave.

“Oh my God, Drake … I’m going to …”

Suddenly, he stops, but I have no time to show him my aggravation as he pushes my chair back, pulls me into his arms, and places me on the bed. “I could have made you come,” he says, undressing himself. “But I have to feel your first time around my cock. I need to feel you come beneath me.”

One by one, he discards his clothes before standing before me. He looks simply divine with his bronzed, toned chest and big, muscular arms. As I gawk at him a while, I fail to realise until the last minute that he has a tattoo of my name beautifully written in italics below his left shoulder. He catches me staring at him and smiles as he crawls between my legs.

“Your name is even carved over my heart. See how much I love you?” Instead of the words scaring me, they just make my body heat up with lust. “Now, lean forward a little,” he commands, swiftly ridding me of my dress.

Once it’s on the floor, he looks at my breasts with hooded eyes. It turns me on more than ever. “Please, Drake.”

He chuckles under his breath. “Ever the eager one. Having you like this underneath me is all I’ve ever dreamed about.”

With my nipples pert and ready, he takes one into his mouth, quickly followed by the other. My whole face flames with desire. I’m still on that precipice. I’m still feeling the effects of my lost orgasm.

And it’s the most frustrating feeling on earth.

His head comes up and he positions himself on top of me before capturing me in another spellbinding kiss. After a beat, he pulls away and moves his hand down towards his impressive cock. “This won’t hurt anywhere near as much. I promise. Are you ready?”

Smiling at his ironic choice of words, I nod my head. I’m still a little nervous, but the need to have him far outweighs everything else.

With a gentle shove, Drake settles in me pretty quickly. “That’s better,” he strains. “You’re so wet, baby. So fucking wet for me.”

With our breathing heavy, Drake starts to move inside of me. The discomfort that was there at first soon dissipates and replaced by it are waves upon waves of pleasure. My hands start to caress his back before pulling and scratching at him as the heat in my body rises.

“Drake, please,” I urge again, moaning. I feel desperate for him to do something.

“You need to come?”

“Yes!” I scream, scratching at his back again.

Growling, Drake thrusts harder and faster inside of me, making the most erotic noises as he pushes. The sound of him, the feel of him, and the smell of him all bring my orgasm back with full force. “That’s it, baby. I know it’s coming. Let it go for me.”

Bright sparks fill my head as my orgasm bursts open. I scream out his name and notice when Drake’s movements become faster and more erratic.

“I’m going to come!” he shouts, biting the side of my shoulder.

And then, I feel it. I feel his hot liquid shoot inside of me, and it’s a sensation that’s surprisingly satisfying for me. Once calm, Drake pulls his head up and kisses me. “That’s happening at least two more times before the sun comes up. Do you hear me?”

I don’t get angry at his forceful words this time. Instead, I embrace them. I’m certainly not going to say no after that.

“I hear you. I hear you loud and clear.”

And with that, he kisses me again, sending me into a frenzy. I guess round number two is going to come faster than I thought.

Present Day

The sound of the alarm going off early in the morning is an unwelcome one. I have my back to Drake as his arms move from cradling me. He turns, switching it off, and
I, too, turn over to look at him. He has his back to me, and I see when he rubs his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. I look over his shoulder and see it’s only six in the morning.

Groaning, I snake my arm through his and pull myself so that my breasts are pressed against his back. “It’s way too early, Drake. You don’t have to get up, do you? I can think of something else we can do.”

I bite his shoulder, earning a low chuckle from Drake. Ever since our four encounters last night before we fell asleep from sheer exhaustion, I’ve been constantly feeling horny. I even dreamt that we had sex during the night and woke up wanting to start on round five. I didn’t, though, as I knew Drake was sound asleep, and not even wild horses could have woken him.

“You’re a little vixen. I knew you would be once you gave us a chance.”

I smile at his comment and snuggle my face into the crook of his neck. “Is that a yes then?”

He quickly turns and has me on my back within an instant. “I would love nothing more, but your man has work to do. Otherwise, I can’t keep you in the life you’re going to grow accustomed to.” He smirks at me, making my bite my lip. Right in this moment, I feel happy. For the first time, I have let my walls down and allowed Drake to take charge. Maybe not fighting him will be easier after all.

“How long will you be?”

“Ever the eager one, aren’t you?”

“Mmm. Now that I’ve had a taste.”

He presses his forehead against mine, and I feel him shake his head. “You’re going to be the death of me.”

As soon as he said this, he was off me like a shot and walking to the bathroom. I watch with fascination as his cock sways side to side as he walks. A little giggle erupts at the sight.

Drake turns to me and smiles with amusement. “Is something funny?”

“Watching your dangly bit tick-tock like a grandfather clock is highly amusing.”

Drake stands stock still, and at first it looks like he doesn’t know what to say. “Did I just hear correctly?”