Page 11


by Jaimie Roberts

I nod. “I think you may have.”

He shakes his head as he disappears into the bathroom. “You’re so childish.”

“And you’re no fun!” I shout from the bed.

I wait as he showers and when he appears dripping wet with just a towel draped around his waist, I suddenly want to pounce on him.

“You’re making it way too hard to get ready when you keep looking at me like that.”

“I can’t see why you can’t skip work for one day.”

Drake stalks towards me, tilting my chin up to meet him. He kisses my lips softly. “I would if I could, but I have important business to conduct. You’ll just have to wait until I get back.” He stalks back towards the bathroom. “Oh, and you’re moving into my room by this afternoon. No arguments.”

I won’t argue with that.

“I’m thinking to call Mandy today. Maybe we can go shopping or something.”

Deathly silence meets me, and I wonder whether to say anything. But then Drake emerges with a white shirt and black trousers, looking every bit the God that he is.

“You’re not going anywhere for a while. You have free rein around the grounds, but you’re not to leave this place. Not until I know I can trust you.”

I close my eyes. I thought our little play of domestic bliss was too good to be true. “Drake, I’m bored. I need some stimulation. Otherwise, I’ll go crazy in here.”

Drake walks towards me, grabs my hair, and pulls my head back to meet his eyes. “The only stimulation you need is my cock inside you. You’re staying here. End of fucking discussion.”

He pulls away from me and wanders towards the door. “Fucking prick,” I mutter under my breath.

Drake stops dead still. He’s like that for a few seconds before he finally turns, walks towards me and rips the sheet from my body. I scream when he pulls my legs up in the air and covers his hand over my neck. He squeezes a little making me struggle for breath.

In an instant, he has his zipper down and his hard cock in his hand. With one big thrust, he pushes his way inside of me, not caring if I’m ready or not.

“Fuck!” he screams, before relentlessly pounding his way inside me. “Is this the way you wanted it, huh? Is this the way you like me treating you when you misbehave?”

A part of me wants to scream at him to stop, but another part of me is loving the way he feels inside of me. Different feelings are awash within me—not knowing whether to scream in pain or joy.

Bit by bit, Drake releases his chokehold, giving me some breathing space to be able to enjoy the experience. He’s relentlessly grunting and thrusting his way in over and over again until he hits that g-spot and my orgasm starts climbing higher.

But, just as I’m about to come, Drake thrusts hard, groaning before stilling. “Fuck,” he says pulling out. “You see what you did?” Quickly, he pushes his cock back in his trousers and zips himself up. “I’m supposed to be at a meeting in ten minutes. Now, I’m going to be late. Why can’t you just do as you’re told?”

How can this man make me love him and loathe him in one breath? I let my walls down to him, and this is how he treats me?

“I’m not a prisoner, Drake. You can’t own me and tell me what to do.”

Leaning over the bed, he grabs my chin. “Five million pounds tells me different. The sooner you realise who you belong to, the better. If you misbehave, I can make life a hell of a lot more difficult for you.”

I want to scream at him, but I’m frozen in shock by his admission. He paid five million pounds for me?!

When I don’t say anything, he moves towards the door. “In my room by six o’clock. Not a minute later.”

He leaves with a slam of the door, making me jump. As the quiet descends, I look at all the luxury this place has to offer, and I wonder if in different circumstances I could be happy here. What woman wouldn’t want to be taken care of, pampered, and given everything she could ever desire? It’s just that there’s a catch. All of this luxury comes at a cost. The price was my freedom. For five million pounds, my freedom was stripped away from me.

Now, my parents are rich, and I belong to a fiend of a man in gentleman’s clothing.

As I think on all this, I get up and have a shower before wandering over to my wardrobe. I have a few clothes inside here already, but I can bet there’s more in Drake’s room.

Deciding on a pair of jeans, high heels, and an off-the-shoulder red top, I get to work on my hair and makeup before leaving my room for the first time in three days. As I pass the many maids and bodyguards watching me, I get to the kitchen where the smell of bacon and eggs hits my nostrils. George, one of the chefs I’ve known for a long time, is cooking up a treat that’s making my stomach growl. He spots me the moment I walk in.

“Ah, Evelyn, you’re looking very pretty today.”

I smile. “Thank you.”

“Would you like some bacon and scrambled eggs? I’ve just cooked some for the boys, but thankfully, there’s plenty left over.”

I take a seat at the island. “That would be lovely, thank you.”

I watch as George gathers a plate and places some food on it for me. Once ready, he picks it up and places it in front of me. “Bon appétit.”

“Thank you.” I take a fork and start digging in, not realising just how hungry I am.

“You really are hungry, aren’t you? I wonder what you were doing last night to work up such an appetite.” George winks and places his finger to his nose, making me laugh.

“Can it make you this hungry?”

“What?” he asks as if he doesn’t know.

I immediately turn red. “You know …” I lean in to whisper and so does George. “Sex.”

George pulls away chuckling. “Oh, yes. Sex can make you all kinds of hungry … if you know what I mean.” He suddenly shakes his head. “It seems like only yesterday that you were a child running around the grounds. Now, you’re all grown up, living here, having sex, and getting married. Whatever next?”

I swallow hard at the marriage comment. It would seem that everyone knows about me and Drake, but then again, I suppose that’s how Drake wants it.

I don’t say anything after that. My eagerness to eat has diminished now that my forced marriage has been brought up.

“Good morning,” a voice calls from behind me. I look at who it is and recognise it as Joe straight away. He makes a purposeful trail of my head down to my feet before looking up again. “I can see my morning just got better.”

“Have you eaten yet?” George asks.

“No. Have you got any to spare?”

He motions to a seat next to me. “Sit, and I’ll get you some.”

Joe swiftly takes a seat next to me, but I ignore him and carry on eating my breakfast.

“So, you decided to join the big wide world this morning after being holed up in your bedroom for days. I wonder what you were doing all this time.”

George walks over and places Joe’s plate in front of him with a warning glare. I’m sure I wasn’t meant to see it, but I did. But George’s warning is temporary when a delivery man comes in with some boxes asking where George wants to put the stuff. George motions towards the pantry, and soon, they both disappear.

“What’s eating him?” Joe asks.

“I don’t know. Maybe your cockiness.”

“You think I’m cocky?”

I look up from my eggs at him. “I’m pretty sure we’ve had a similar conversation.”

He leans forward to whisper. “Have you been having fun up in your tower?” He wriggles his eyebrows at me.

“I see we still like overstepping the mark.”

“I can overstep a lot more if you’ll let me.”

I sigh. “Can I just eat my breakfast in peace?”

“Sure,” he replies, going silent.

For the next couple of minutes, we eat in silence together and when I finish, I get up and move towards the sink. In a flash, I wash my dish, dry it, and put it away.
r />   “You seem to know your way around already.”

I turn looking at Joe. “Well, I have been coming here since I was thirteen. You would think I would know my way about by now.”

He frowns. “Doesn’t it bother you that you’ve known Drake since then, and now you’re … what are you … lovers?”

I show him my ring. “Fiancée, actually.” I wouldn’t normally show my commitment to anyone, but this guy seems to push my buttons in the wrong direction.

“Oh, yes. I always seem to forget that part.”

“Yes, it seems you always do.”

“So, doesn’t it?”


“Bother you?”

That part doesn’t really bother me. It’s more the fact that I’m being forced into a situation I can’t get out of. Well, at least for now I can’t seem to find a way out.

“No, it doesn’t bother me.”

“So, if I were to offer to take you away from all this, you would turn it down?”

I inhale a little at his question. Would I take it if someone gave me the opportunity? I suppose I would. I can’t tell Joe this. For all I know, he could be secretly working as Drake’s snoop.

“Yes, I would turn it down.”

Joes stares at me for a moment before slightly shaking his head. “You and I both know that’s a lie, but I’m sure one day you’ll come to me asking the question.”

“Ask you what?”

“To take you away. Give you your freedom back. I know as well as you do that you’re being forced into this.”

My heart starts beating rapidly in my chest. I guess everyone knows, but up until this point, only Joe has blatantly pointed it out to me.

However, I don’t know this guy, and again, he could be secretly asking me this so he can report to Drake later. I suck in a breath, and I’m about to answer him when I hear a bellowing voice.

“So, where is she? I need to meet my soon-to-be daughter.”

I frown at Joe, but all he does is smile at me. I walk out of the kitchen to see if it’s who I think it is when I’m met with a middle-aged man standing tall amidst a couple of armed guards. They’re Drake’s guards, and they look a little out of sorts like they don’t know what to do.

The man—who I now recognise as Drake’s dad—stands regally in his three-piece grey suit, white shirt, and navy tie. His hair is still black, but it’s now greying slightly at the sides. I remember meeting him once when I was thirteen, but I also remember Drake not being pleased by this. I doubt the situation has changed. Maybe Drake’s dad knows he’s not here and is taking the opportunity to see me knowing this. Maybe this is the reason why the guards are standing by him, looking like they’re stuck between a rock and a hard place.

At first, he doesn’t say anything. He creepily looks me up and down and then extends his hand. “Evelyn, how nice to meet you again. I don’t know if you remember me?”

“I do.”

He smiles wickedly at me. “Did I make that much of an impression?”

What a slimeball.

“Do you remember my name?”

I shake my head. “No. That part I don’t recall.”


As much as I don’t want to, I offer him my hand. He leans over, gently placing a kiss on my skin. For some reason, the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I remember instantly disliking him when I first met him. Today is no different.

“You’ve turned into a beautiful woman. I can see why Drake wants to keep you.”

Keep me?

“Why don’t we go to the living area where we can have a little chat? Considering you’re marrying my son shortly, I would like to get to know you better.”

I nod my head curtly and lead the way into the living room. The guards follow every step of the way, and for the first time, I am actually quite glad of it. However, once we reach the living room, he motions for the guards to stay outside.

“We have our orders, sir.”

“And what the fuck do you think I’m going to do in here?” he bellows. “Drake is my son, and this is going to be my daughter soon. I would like some fucking privacy.”

He’s so angry that I can feel the fear creep up my spine. I see the guards looking at Sebastian and then at me.

“Look, if it makes you feel any better, I’ll leave the door ajar. Would that fucking suffice?”

“I’m going to have to let Drake know,” the guard says.

“Let him know whatever the fuck you like.” He then pushes the door violently until it slams shut. He turns and I notice that the guard opens the door again and leaves it ajar. At least I know they’re out there if I need them.

Sebastian walks towards me and motions for me to sit down. I do so, and he helps himself to a brandy from one of the decanters before sitting opposite me.

He studies me for a moment as his clearly evil eyes assess me from head to toe. It makes me uncomfortable. I want to leave, but I know he won’t let me go in a hurry. The silence goes on for a while, and I wonder whether I should say something—anything—to break this awkward silence.

“Tell me, Evelyn. Are you well educated?”

Okay… A bit of a strange question, but I will answer nonetheless. “Yes. Why do you ask?” In fact, with my A-level results in biology, physics, and English, I have been hoping to start university next year with a focus on either English literature or psychology. It’s a bit of a wide range, but I’m hoping to figure it all out at some point. First of all, however, I need to figure out how to get out of the clutches of my mad fiancée.

“Why I ask doesn’t concern you.”

His stern voice makes my eyes widen. I thought Drake was bad. I suppose this is where he gets it from.

He takes a sip of his drink, seeming to compose himself before speaking. “You’ve known my son for a long time. How is your … relationship?”

I frown wondering why he asks me such a question. We’re engaged. Forcibly, but we are engaged. Shouldn’t he already know?

“I don’t understand your question.”

He shakes his head as if I annoy him. “For a girl who’s well educated, you sure have no common sense.”

I inhale sharply giving away my annoyance. He stares at me again as if assessing my movements, my actions, and my words. He’s assessing everything. It makes me angry that I feel under intense scrutiny.

“I have plenty of common sense. I just don’t understand where your questioning is going. Your son and I are engaged. How much more do you need to know?”

I see his jaw tick and instantly regret snapping at him. I’m angry he is prying into our relationship, but I’m also scared by his sinister, evil-looking eyes. He could probably send a man to Hell with those eyes.

He takes a deep breath, narrowing those evil eyes of his before speaking again. “I know you two are engaged, but I’m struggling right now. You see, I was led to believe that a very large amount of money was paid for you. Money that once belonged to me. Therefore, I think I have a fucking say in this relationship. I also think I deserve a bit more fucking respect.”

He leans forward, spitting the last sentence out. He wasn’t loud enough for the guards to hear, but the message he was trying to convey came across loud and clear.

With my heart thumping rapidly, I watch as he gets up, walks over to the decanter, and with his back to me, I believe he’s pouring another drink for himself. It’s only when he turns around that I see it’s an extra glass. He walks over to my seat and hands it to me. I shake my head. “It’s too early for that.”

His jaw clenches again. “It is not a request.”

On a sigh, I take it from him and watch as he takes a seat opposite me again. “I don’t know what the fuck my son has been doing with you. Obviously, the amount of time he’s spent with you thus far has made you into this … this insubordinate woman. Have you heard the expression ‘familiarity breeds contempt?’”

“Yes, and I can relate to that right now.”

nbsp; Again, his jaw ticks. I don’t know why I’m pushing his buttons, but the way he’s speaking to me is like I’m a robot … like I should say and do everything I’m told. For some reason, the song “Sit Still, Look Pretty” by Daya pops into my head.

“Drink your drink, Evelyn. When Drake gets back, I feel we will have a lot to discuss. Some training wouldn’t go amiss for you.”

Training? What does he mean by training?

Sit still, look pretty.

He watches as I take a sip of my drink, and on a satisfied inhale, Sebastian gets up and starts pacing the living room floor.

“You know, I have often wondered why Drake has had such a thing for you. It’s almost like he’s been obsessed. Something must be worthy of paying five million, but other than your obvious good looks, I can’t think of what that could be.” He turns, facing me. “Do you know what it could be?” He makes a sweep of my body and it almost makes me shudder. I take a gulp of my drink to steady my nerves and watch as he moves closer to me. Once by my feet, he kneels before me and stares into my eyes. “What is it about you that makes you so special, huh?”

As I stare at him, my eyes start to become droopy. My head starts lolling to the side, and I feel woozy. “What have you given me?” I slur.

He gives me an evil smile. “Just a little something to make you more compliant. Drake likes his girls compliant. We all do.” I feel him run his hand up the inside of my thigh before squeezing hard. “Hmm… I bet Drake loves fucking you.”

I want to tell him to fuck off and that he’s disgusting. I want to ask how he could do this to his own son. I’m supposed to be his daughter-in-law soon, and this is how he respects that?

I feel fear deep in my gut as he runs his hands over my breasts and squeezes my nipples. I want to push him away—fight him—but I can’t. I want to shout to the guards to help me, but no words come out.

Luckily, a noise sounds from outside, and Sebastian quickly gets up from his crouched position in front of me. The room is spinning. I’m trying to focus on what he’s doing, but all I can see is his evil smile. “Your master is back. Now, you’ll get to see what he’s really like.”