Page 13

Dark Blood (Dark Series Book 26) Page 13

by Christine Feehan

Zev immediately wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. His wolf was close to the surface, much closer than he would have liked. Damon was just too attentive to her, his interest far too evident. His wolf prowled and snarled and raked, demanding the freedom to rid the world of a rival.

Branislava leaned into him, her lips brushing his ear. Hello, my little Wolfie. I’ve missed you. She breathed the words into his ear, yet no sound emerged. He heard her only in his mind.

Warm air sent fingers of arousal dancing through his body. The tension in his wolf eased instantly to be replaced by amusement—and satisfaction. His wolf no longer wanted anything to do with Damon, but Branislava was in danger of him eating her up.

Daciana and Mokoce drank their coffee gratefully. Damon took a sip of his and nearly choked. He turned away from Branislava, desperate to keep from spitting the brew out on the verandah.

Branislava’s soft laughter sounded intimate in Zev’s mind. He really shouldn’t have come here to hurt the wolves, kill Dimitri and Skyler and upset you.

Evil woman. His laughter joined hers. I should have expected that you would exact some sort of revenge. His laughter faded and he whipped his head around to look into her eyes. You didn’t poison him, did you?

The temptation was there, not to kill him, just make him a little sick, but I resisted. Branislava sounded just a little regretful. She even glanced at Damon speculatively under the sweep of her long lashes, as if at any moment she might change her mind and lace his drink with one of the millions of spells she knew.

Zev wanted to be alone with her. He needed to be. How was he going to talk to her, let her get to know him? Give her the chance to fall in love with him? He was falling hard for her. It seemed that every time they had a moment alone, something happened to steal it away from them.

You’re getting to know me, Branislava said. Her arm tightened around his neck and she brushed her lips against his ear, sending that warm air rushing like liquid lava through his bloodstream. You know more about me than anyone else other than Tatijana. I’m beginning to know you as well, especially your wolf. I rather like him. He thinks like me.

He never ever wants you to refer to him as Wolfie out loud. In Fen’s presence especially. Or Dimitri’s. Or Tatijana’s and Skyler’s, because I will never hear the end of it.

He had no idea why he didn’t just object strenuously to her use of that name, but somehow when she whispered Wolfie so intimately into his mind in her soft, sexy voice . . . He sighed. He might already have tumbled right into loving her.

“Did you understand what Fen just told you, Damon?” Daciana demanded, pinning her brother with angry eyes. They were nearly golden, a clear sign that she was furious with him. “Carpathians can turn vampire just as we can turn rogue. There’s a difference just as with us.”

Damon carefully set the cup of coffee on the wide railing and leaned one hip against the stone. “I’m aware there is a difference between a Carpathian and a vampire.”

“So use your head,” Zev snapped. “When the sacred code was written, the Sange rau had slaughtered our people, completely decimated our ranks. It made sense to keep the women at home and out of harm’s way. No one knew much about the demon who preyed on our people, and it was nearly impossible to kill, so they created the sacred code and it made sense to them.”

Damon rubbed at his temples again, a frown creeping across his face.

Branka, look at him. Every time I mention anything to do with why he’s here or the Sacred Circle or code, he gets a violent headache. I saw a small trickle of blood come from his nose earlier when he was trying to tell me who sent him here. He couldn’t remember and became very confused.

Branislava sat up a little straighter, her attention centering on Damon. The wolf in Zev didn’t like it, but he understood and it was far easier for Zev to control that dangerous streak of jealousy knowing why she was so focused on the Lycan.

“Damon?” Daciana prompted. “If you understand the difference between a Carpathian and a vampire, it isn’t that big of a leap to understand the difference between the Sange rau and the Hän ku pesäk kaikak. The Hän ku pesäk kaikak translates to ‘guardian of all,’ which is what Dimitri is.”

“And me,” Fen said. “I hunted the Sange rau with Vakasin, and we shared blood when wounded. Vakasin became Carpathian and Lycan and I became Lycan and Carpathian. Neither of us were vampire or rogue. We were stronger, yes, and faster, and in the end that is what enabled us to defeat the Sange rau.”

Damon nodded his head several times but he pressed his fingers to his eyes. A fine sheen of sweat broke out on his face.

Out of the mist, Dimitri and Skyler came, walking hand in hand up the stone steps to the verandah. Dimitri looked—lethal. Zev couldn’t blame him. Skyler had been targeted more than once by members of the Sacred Circle and they were relentless in the pursuit to kill her. Dimitri still bore the scars of the silver chains they’d wrapped him in from his forehead to his ankles.

Clearly, Dimitri gave off an aura of danger. Both Makoce and Daciana moved closer to Damon as if they might protect him from the Hän ku pesäk kaikak.

Dimitri ignored them and went straight to Branislava to drop a kiss on the top of her head. “Little sister, you were wonderful tonight. Thank you.”

She touched him with gentle fingers in reply. Skyler exchanged a kiss on the cheek with Branislava and then Tatijana.

“I’m sorry we’re late,” Dimitri said. “We were attending the wound on the wolf.” Again he didn’t look at Damon, but his low tone carried easily and deliberately.

Damon ducked his head, shame creeping into his expression. “I’m sorry. There’s nothing else I can say, other than I really mean it—I don’t know what’s happening to me.”

“You’re shadowed,” Branislava said, her voice so low it was merely a thread of sound. “Mage-shadowed.”

Tatijana’s gasp was loud. She reached out to Fen, who took her hand instantly.

“I don’t know what that means,” Damon said.

Daciana and Makoce moved even closer to Damon, closing ranks on either side of him. “Please explain, Branislava,” Daciana said. “None of us understand.”

“He’s showing all the signs. Look at him, Tatijana. He’s confused when asked direct questions about who sent him here. If he tries too hard to remember he gets a severe headache. You do, don’t you, Damon?” she asked.

He nodded. “The headache is so bad I can barely breathe, let alone think.”

“When he pushes past the pain in an attempt to get answers to why he would go against his beliefs to murder a young woman or shoot and wound a wolf to use as bait, his brain reacts with an actual bleed. If you keep questioning him, trying to force him to remember, you’ll kill him,” Branislava stated with absolute conviction. “He is definitely mage-shadowed.”

Tatijana nodded. “We’ve seen it many, many times.”

There was a small silence. Fen whistled. Dimitri sank onto the porch swing, pulling Skyler with him. Daciana gripped her brother’s arm and just held on tight.

Damon shook his head. “I don’t know what that is, but there’s nothing wrong with me except a nasty headache.” He looked around at the somber faces. “There can’t be.”

His gaze dropped to his sister’s face. “There isn’t.”

Daciana slipped her arm around him as if she could brace him. “What is it, Bronnie?”

“How do you get rid of it?” Damon asked. “There must be a way. I want it out of my head.” He shuddered.

“Only a highly skilled mage can shadow a person without his consent or knowledge,” Branislava said. “By that I mean someone of Xavier’s caliber.”

“Xavier’s dead,” Tatijana declared quickly. “There’s no way he survived.”

Fen wrapped both arms around her and pulled her close. “Obviously this couldn’t be Xavier, my lady,” he assured softly. “Whoever has done this infiltrated the ranks of the Lycans long ago or Damon w
ould have noticed a stranger immediately. Lycans don’t bring outsiders into their meetings.”

“You were there, you infiltrated,” Damon accused, as if he suspected Fen of corrupting his mind.

“I am Lycan,” Fen said calmly. “I have Lycan blood just as you do. I am loyal to our people just as I am loyal to Carpathians. You might say, Damon, I have dual citizenship.”

Damon rubbed his face hard. “I don’t understand any of this.”

“What can we do about it?” Daciana asked. “Can you help him?”

“It can be undone,” Branislava said slowly. “Although it is risky. This mage has actually placed the shadow on his brain like a deep wound that has scarred over. I don’t know how to explain this. It isn’t the same as placing a sliver of himself into the person to possess that person at will. That can also be referred to as shadowing, although that’s not an accurate term.”

“Is it possible the mage is doing this to others?” Zev asked.

“Of course,” Branislava answered.

Zev didn’t think she was even aware of the slight trembling of her body. On the outside, she presented a cool, confident demeanor, but inside, he felt her fear, just like the terror that gripped Tatijana. The idea that Xavier or a mage as powerful as he was could possibly be behind the attacks was frightening to them.

“Could a mage mass-produce shadows, say, at a Sacred Circle meeting?” Zev asked as he threaded his fingers through hers and pulled her hand to his chest, over his heart.

Branislava and Tatijana frowned as they looked at each other. Tatijana appeared more agitated than Zev had ever seen her. Fen cuddled her close, clearly reassuring her.

“It isn’t Xavier, Tatijana,” Branislava said aloud. “Fen’s right. Whoever did this has been slowly trying to gain control of the Lycans, just as Xavier wanted control of the Carpathians. Mages are not immortal, but some of them want to be.”

“Neither are Lycans,” Zev said.

“Technically, neither are Carpathians,” Dimitri said. “We can be killed.”

“But both species have longevity,” Branislava said. “Much longer than a mage. Xavier wanted that for himself. It was the entire reason he kidnapped our mother and had us. He wanted our blood.”

“You don’t know if it’s Xavier,” Tatijana said. She looked close to tears. “You don’t know. Who else if not him?”

Branislava took a deep breath. “If Damon allows me, I can try to find the shadowing. I would recognize Xavier’s work anywhere.”

Tatijana shook her head adamantly.

“Sister,” Branislava said gently. “You know it is the only way for us to know for certain.”

“No. Not you. Zev, don’t let her. Skyler, Dimitri, you can’t let her,” Tatijana pleaded.

Damon dropped his face into his hands and sank down onto the stone floor, moaning. “I want it out of my head. Get it out.”

Daciana and Makoce immediately dropped down beside him to comfort him, although Zev noticed that both kept at least one hand close to their weapons—the silver ones. They believed that he could be dangerous to them all.

“You didn’t answer my question,” Zev persisted. “Could a mage mass-produce this effect without anyone knowing?”

Branislava let out her breath. “Only a couple might be able to. Two. Maybe three. We were prisoners for centuries, Zev, and Xavier only had a couple of students who might have been that good . . .” She trailed off, her gaze once more jumping to Tatijana’s face.

What is it, Branka?

She pressed her lips together as if by not speaking whatever she had thought of wouldn’t be the truth. Her fingers curled involuntarily into his shirt, nails raking through the material.

“Get it out of me. Get it out of me,” Damon yelled, his wolf surging to the surface, eyes glowing as he glared at Branislava.

Zev could see both Daciana and Makoce brace themselves to protect his woman, and he was grateful. “Damon,” he spoke in a low, commanding tone. “You are a wolf. A Lycan. You’re strong and you will not embarrass our people by this display.”

Damon sucked in his breath and began to pant. Clearly his wolf fought for supremacy but he was at least fighting to control the shift.

“Man up and control your fear. Your wolf senses it and is rising to protect you. Get control right now.” Zev’s voice took on even more authority.

Damon nodded his head several times, continuing to breathe deep. He looked ashamed and a little guilty, but mostly desperate to do as the alpha commanded.

Zev gentled his tone. “All of these people are committed to help you in spite of your intention to kill them. I’m committed to helping you. You know me. I’ve never let a member of my pack down, and you’ve always been that to me. Family.”

Damon looked up quickly, and this time determination was in his eyes, the red glow receding a bit.

“Take a look at the two women you’re demanding things of when you don’t have an idea what it even entails. They’re terrified. Either could leave, but they haven’t. They’re right here with you. Pull yourself together and we’ll get through this. We just need a little time to sort things out.”

How dangerous is it to you, Branka, and I expect the truth, to go in and take a look around at his brain to see if you can pinpoint where this shadow is and perhaps who actually made it.

Branislava hesitated. She leaned close to him and in front of the others rubbed her face along his cheek. She seemed close to tears, although not on the outside. She was stoic, presenting a calm appearance to the others. He knew most of her performance was for Tatijana’s sake.

This mage is highly skilled. If he really has the power and expertize to place shadows in a roomful of unsuspecting people, he is extraordinarily dangerous. He will have safeguards.

Then we’ll talk to Mikhail . . .

Branislava shook her head. Not yet. We know all of Xavier’s spells. Every last one of them, good and evil. We would have a better chance of removing the shadow than Gregori, who would most likely try.

Gregori has removed shadows, Dimitri assured.

Branislava sighed. He confronted and removed a sliver of a being, which is not the same. A shadow is a portal, not part of the mage. It is different, Dimitri, and rigged with traps.

“I apologize once again,” Damon said. “I don’t know what came over me.”

“Probably the thought of someone else having the ability to manipulate your movements and override the beliefs so ingrained in you,” Daciana replied.

“I could still hurt someone, couldn’t I?” Damon asked.

Zev shrugged, not wanting to lie, but Damon needed encouragement. “Whoever this mage is that planted that shadow in you, Damon, didn’t count on your strength. You didn’t follow his dictates. You’re much stronger than you know.”

Damon managed a brief half smile. “I didn’t think of that.”

“You’re armed to the teeth right now,” Zev pointed out. “Even through all the revelations, you didn’t go for your weapons.”

He not only wanted to encourage Damon, but also remind Daciana and Makoce that the Lycan was well armed. Zev was fairly certain the Carpathians were well aware of the weapons and by now knew exactly where, on Damon’s body, each was located.

If I go in and just take a look around, without touching anything, or attempting to remove the shadow, Branislava ventured, I think I’ll be safe enough.

Thinking isn’t good enough for me, Zev declared. I’m not willing to risk you.

He’ll die. Sooner or later the mage will return to his shadow and realize that Damon is not acting as he should—as one of his agents. He’ll kill him, or force him to do his bidding. Either way, Damon will die.

Zev pressed her hand closer. We’ll find another way to save him.

While I’ve sat here with you, you’ve gone over and over in your mind fifty ways to get to him and kill him if he makes one wrong move. I’m not even certain you know you’re doing it, Branislava told him gently. I feel your d
eep affection for Damon, Zev, and you’ll never get over it if you or Daciana has to kill him. But you would kill him. I know you would.

Zev sighed. Branislava was right. He didn’t want Daciana to have to slay her own brother, not even in defense of all of them. She might hesitate, in which case, Damon, under the mage’s direction, might very well kill his own sister. Zev, as pack leader, had that duty, not Daciana.

“Branislava wants to take a look at the shadow. She won’t remove it, not yet. She is just going in to look, Damon. Without knowing what or who we’re dealing with, she doesn’t have a chance of removing it. Do you understand? You can’t fight her. You can’t move or endanger her in any way. If you do, I will put a stake through your heart. If you prefer, we will shelve this and seek guidance from the council.”

Bronnie, what are you doing? Tatijana asked. You know how dangerous a mage-shadow is. What are you thinking? A mage can use the shadow to spy. He can force the body he’s in to do anything he wants. You can’t reveal yourself to him.

Do you really want to go the rest of our lives without knowing who has committed such an abomination? I know I don’t. Even if Gregori tries to remove the shadow, he won’t recognize the maker. Only you or I can do that.

Tatijana pressed her fingers to her eyes and then turned her face into Fen’s chest. You’re going to do this, aren’t you, Bronnie?

You know I have to. I’m just as frightened as you that it’s him. But we can’t be running scared the rest of our lives. We have to know.

What if it’s . . .

Don’t think that. He’s dead, too. All of them are. This has to be one of the students.

Zev took a deep breath and let it out. Branislava was terrified. Surrounded by Fen, Dimitri and him, she was still terrified. He didn’t want her to take this chance. He wasn’t certain what the danger actually was, or how he could help her.

“Fen, this is so far out of my territory,” he said. “Tell me what to do to make certain she’s safe.” Because Branislava was going to go inside Damon’s head and find the shadow on his brain. Zev felt her absolute determination. She needed to know who had put that mark on him. Truthfully, all of them needed to know, but he would much rather be the one to take the chance.