Page 22

Becoming His Page 22

by Albany Walker

When Masen’s steps out of the car, a few of the men standing and watching the fight turn to him and drop their heads but the fighting continues. He opens my door, and as I step out, all activity ceases. Every head turns in our direction. Two of the men that were fighting take a step closer and scent the air. Their shoulders relax as if they’re relieved. My head whips to look at Masen.

“I think it makes them feel better when you and I are close,” he says while running his hand through his hair.

“Ah okay...I guess. If it makes them stop fighting and relax, that’s a good thing, right?”

His eyes turn icy. “As long as none of them think about touching you or try to get too close,” he says loud enough that they all take one step back.

I give a small wave before saying, “hey, I’m going in now. Why don’t y’all grab a football? That’s better than beating the snot out of each other.” A few look at each other; one man jogs to his truck and pulls out a ball.

Masen squeezes me and says, “thank you.”

I shrug my shoulders. “Sure. I love football, and I’m always exhausted when I get done playing.”

He cocks one eye brow. “You play football?” He questions skeptically.

“Yup,” I pop. “If you hadn’t noticed, I’m pretty quick,” I say while brushing my knuckles along my chest, bragging.

“Oh, I noticed,” he laughs as he opens the door for me, and we enter the hall. All the light banter disappears as I scent the fear and distrust in the air. Masen’s smile fades as we walk down the hall to the same large room he was in the other day. The room is empty save for two males standing on either side of a heavy door. They nod their heads as we approach.

“You sure you want to be in here, Little One?”

I can feel his worry. I clasp his arm harder. “Yes, let’s get this done.”

He nods and reaches forward to open the door.

The door opens soundlessly as we enter a large square room. The two shifters from the mall sit at a table in the center of the room. Michael and Sid are positioned in chairs in front of them. The floors are rough cement, and the walls are bare. There is a camera in one corner seeming to record the entire room with its small lens. This is an interrogation room; just being in here is intimidating.

Sid’s head turns to the door when it opens, but Michael never takes his eyes off the men in front of him. Masen’s body seems to swell the further into the room we go. The door slicks closed behind us, and Michael says, “Alpha, Luna,” in greeting.

“Hi Michael,” I return.

Sid and Michael both stand from the seats. Michael holds his out for me to sit. Masen guides me forward with a hand at my back as we near the table. Michael steps back and let’s Masen seat me. Masen sits next to me and pulls my chair so close that he has to lift his arm and wrap it around my shoulder. “I will give you both only one warning, any move I consider a threat to my Luna, and you die. I won’t promise to make it quick, but I will promise it will hurt.” His face is dead serious. One of the men swallows with an audible gulp. I rest my hand on his thigh under the table. I’m not sure if I should speak, but the tension in the room is so thick I don’t think either man is willing to open their mouths in fear of reprisal.

“Hi y’all. I’m Sophia. What can I call you two?” I layer on my accent letting the honey drip from my words.

Neither man looks up from the table. “Answer her,” comes from Masen like a deadly threat.

“I’m Jeff Harper. Honestly, I had no idea he wasn’t telling the truth,” He rushes out. He can’t be more than twenty one, twenty two at the most.

“My name is Rob Gillissie.” His voice is flat. He’s scared but trying to hide it.

“Well guys, this here is my Masen. He’s the Alpha of the Northern Territories and my Mate. He’s really upset about the way your friends treated me at the mall, but he’s enraged with what happened at my house. Y’all didn’t have anything to do with that; now, did you?”

They both look properly chagrinned. Rob speaks up. “No, we were not involved in that, but we do know what you’re talking about.” He sounds ashamed.

“Well, that’s good to hear. Now, we would like you to tell us any and everything you think we should know, and if we have any questions, we’ll ask ‘em. That sound okay to you guys?” I’m trying to make it sound like they have an option; we all know they don’t.

“How about you start with who told you I was their Mate?” As the words leave my lips, Masen’s body leans over the table, and he growls menacingly. Both men scoot their chairs back quickly, and their eyes dart to me like I going to save them. I rub Masen’s back encouraging him to calm down.

Jeff begins, “his name is William. He’s been telling everyone that will listen that his Mate was kidnapped right after he found her,” he looks up, judging Masen’s demeanor before continuing, “he didn’t tell us who had her just that anyone who finds her will get a reward. He claims to be building a pack just outside of Marshall and wants anyone looking for a better life to join him.”

“Both of you know that the Northern Territories already have a pack. Why would you believe him?” Masen questions.

Rob meets his eyes. “He said he had the Alphas backing, that your pack was becoming too large.” He sounds mystified at his own response. “It all seemed so convincing at the time. He’s telling everyone exactly what we want to hear. We followed him from our pack in Tennessee,” he shakes his head, “I was never once suspicious. He’s had the same story for the two months we’ve been with him. A few days ago, he started talking about his Mate. He met her in Marshall, and when he went to her house to bring her back with him, she had disappeared. He said someone took her before he made it there. It didn’t make much sense at the time, but he had every male follow him to her house and scent her so we could find her,” he looks down at the table clearly not wanting to say the next part, “I only know about what happened after because I overheard his Beta and two others talking about it last night. That’s why we didn’t call him right away when we saw you two,” his face gets a little red, “she was...very willing to be near you. She didn’t seem, forced.” Masen’s hand smacks the table, and the two men and I jump at the loud noise.

Both of Masen hands have white knuckles from him clenching his fists. I lay my hands over his and bring them down under the table to my lap before slowly prying his fingers open. I use both of my thumbs to massage his palms while his breathing evens out. No one speaks, giving him time to relax before chancing it. “Luna, if I may?” I hear Michael say from behind me. I look up at his stern face.

Oh no, should I have not been talking? Is there a protocol in this kind of situation? “Oh, of course Michael, I’m sorry.”

“No Luna, you’re doing just fine. I just have a couple questions.” His kind voice speaks as he turns back to the men, “how many does he have in this farce of a pack?”

Jeff’s change in demeanor is obvious. “Including us, but we don’t want to be with him anymore,” Jeff floods out, “it’s thirteen males and five females. William and three of the males, including his Beta, are the ones who defiled your house.”

“What else did you overhear last night?” Masen’s voice is grim. One wrong word is all that stands between them and leaving this room alive. He’s trying to block his emotions from me, but with the overwhelming need for penance, it’s impossible. He wants someone to suffer, and this William is at the top of the list.

“I’m afraid to say.” Rob implores me with his eyes.

“Tell me, or I will rip your canines out with my bare hands!” Masen barks. Sensing the violence, Michael steps forward. I smell the pungent odor of urine. I move over and place myself in Masen’s lap before he springs on the weakness one of these men just showed.

Cupping his jaw, I bring his head down to mine. He scents my neck, and his chest rumbles in satisfaction.

“Go on,” Michael ushers.

“I don’t want to die, please. He’ll kill me if I repeat what
was said. We left today with the intention of finding this pack. We just had to find a way without raising suspicions. I knew after last night something was wrong.”

He seems honest; I hope for his sake he is. “I will try to keep him calm. He knows we need this information, so let’s get this over with. Don’t leave anything out. I don’t want to do this again,” I say fortifying myself to hear some deplorable shit.

Rob licks his dry lips; his eyes are the size of saucers as he stares at me like I’m his lifeline. “I was out back behind the barn of the house we’ve been staying at.”

“Where’s that?” Michael interrupts.

“Just outside of Marshall. It’s about thirty acres. There’s one main house and four smaller cottages. The barn’s not far from the main house. That’s where William and his three goons stay. He keeps all the females in the closest house,” he clears his throat, “I was meeting Amy for you know...ah anyway. When I left the barn, I heard Phillip, that’s his Beta, laughing about spreading seed,” he cringes, “at first, I thought he was talking about farming the land. Then he said he couldn’t wait to find the bitch that smells like heaven.” Masen’s body stiffens under me “He said when William was done with her he’d let them all take turns on her, just like they’d done in her bedroom.”

Masen’s hand snakes across the table without even jostling me from his lap and wraps it around Rob’s throat. He gags and claws at Masen’s hand. I turn and lift myself up so his eyes are one mine. “Masen, let go. I’m here. It’s okay, but you gotta let go. There might be more he needs to tell us.” I hear wheezing and gagging behind me. Then, I feel his left hand wrap from my hip up to my shoulder crushing me to him. His right hand caresses my hair.

“Finish.” Masen’s voice is grave.

“I’m sorry,” Rob rasps.

Keeping my face next to Masen, I breathe into his ear, “it’s okay. Whatever he says, it’s okay. I’m safe with you. They can’t hurt me.”

“He said we now just have to wait and hear from the scheming bitch that contacted him, and she’ll tell us exactly where to find William’s Mate.”

“Do you know who they were talking about? Who the scheming bitch is?” Michael questions.

“No, I’m sorry. I don’t. That’s all we know. I promise. I went to Jeff last night and told him we needed to get out of there. We went to the mall today hoping to find anyone to tell what a bunch of crazy bastards they are. I don’t think any of the shifters he’s convinced to join him have any idea what’s going on.”

Masen stands still holding me. “Sid, take these two to the holding cell, search them again. I don’t want them contacting anyone. Beta, meet me in my office in ten,” he orders.

“What are you going to do with us?” Jeff warbles.

“If your story checks out, you don’t have anything to worry about.” The threat of what will happen if they are lying goes unsaid but definitely not unheard. “You should be thanking my Mate though. Without her, you’d both be dead already!”

“I love you,” I whisper into his ear. He grunts in response. Masen strides to the door. The men outside keep their faces to the floor as we exit. He stops in front of a beautifully carved wooden door. The room is dark but smells of him. The only light coming from the large room behind us until he kicks the door shut, plunging us into darkness. His breathing is labored but not from carrying me; no, he’s trying to calm himself. I kiss his taut tension filled neck and run my fingers through his short, silky hair. I can tell he’s thinking, but I don’t know about what. “Masen, what’s going on in that head of yours?”

He heaves a sigh, walks through the dark room, and drops us onto a chair. “I’m thinking how I want to go back in there and force them to take me to William so I can rip his throat out! But, I’m also wondering why their story, and Gavin’s don’t match. Why lure them with false stories of making a pack but tell Gavin he plans on challenging me for my Pack? It doesn’t make sense.” We are both quiet for a few moments.

“Maybe, he knows something about Gavin that led him believe he’d go along with it, or he knew Gavin wouldn’t be naive enough to believe his lies so he went with a version of the truth.”

Masen’s head falls back to the chair. “Who’s been giving them information? Did he know you were Mated to me when you were at the mall?”

I think about it for a few moments. “I don’t think so. I never said anything about you, and my Mark was covered so without us being fully Mated I don’t think they would have known I had a Mate let alone that is was you.”

“So the person giving them info sought them out after your encounter at the mall.” He’s furious. There’s a soft rapping on the door. “I have to open the door, Little One. He won’t be able to hear me from in here,” he explains as he stands and deposits me back in the chair he just stood from.

The light from the opening door seems bright in the utter blackness of the room. Masen clicks on a small desk lamp before Michael shuts the door behind him. “Luna,” he greets me. I look around getting my first look at what must be Masen’s Pack office. It’s very masculine; no decorations adorn the walls, just the carved wooden door and ornately carved massive desk I sit behind as the focal point. The throne like chair I sit in clearly belongs to the Alpha. I stand quickly not sure why it makes me uncomfortable to be in it without him under me. Michael takes a seat in one of the chairs in front of the desk. He scrubs a hand over his handsome face looking tired.

I feel guilty I know all this drama is hard on everyone. Before I can voice my apology, Masen speaks, “you don’t have anything to be sorry for, Little One. These animals were edging towards my borders long before your arrival. Even if that wasn’t the case, none of this is your fault,” he states while pushing me back into the chair. He paces the space behind Michael and tells him about his concerns about Gavin’s and Rob’s stories conflicting. He also shares my theories as to why. Michael agrees with my assessment that Gavin wouldn’t have fallen for the idea of Masen wanting another Alpha to take over part of the Pack.

“I can’t help but wonder who this female is that his Beta is referring to. Any ideas on that?” Michael asks.

“I was thinking the same thing. Gavin did bring a new female with him. Maybe we should start there?” Masen mutters.

Is no one going to state the obvious? “Ah, have you thought about Roxanne? She hates me and has the most to gain from my...disappearance,” I stutter.

Michael tilts his head assessing me. Masen stops pacing and shakes his head. “No, she wouldn’t do something like that. I agree she’s been a bit over the top, but I can’t believe she would do something like that.” He says sounding sure of himself dismissing the idea. He continues pacing.

Michael makes eye contact with me and gives a barely discernible nod, letting me know he’s not so quick to believe the best of her. I relax slightly with the acknowledgement. “We need to find the exact location of his camp. I want him and his cohorts dead by my hands before sunrise.” His voice is firm. “Gather the few men we’ve trusted this far and tell them to prepare to infiltrate as soon as the suns sets. I want everyone ready to leave in two hours. I need Cass and Sam at my house with Sophia. I’m going to send Mac over too in case this is a wild goose chase to get me away from her.” I know he needs to do this, but selfishly, I wish he could just send his men to handle it. What if it is some sort of trap? As my thoughts circle, he comes to me and leans down. “Let’s get you home, Baby. I want this taken care of so I know you’re safe.” He helps me stand and turns to face Michael. “I’ll meet you back here in two hours,” he says grimly to Michael.

Again, everything seems to be happening so fast. I can’t believe it’s only been a week since this all started. Michael exits the office before us and strides quickly to another room. I’m assuming it’s his office to make the necessary calls for their plan.

Masen loads me in the passenger seat and pulls his phone from his pocket before entering the car himself. Now seated, he calls Sniffer. “He
y brother, I need you and Sam at our house in an hour and a half.” He throws the car in drive and speeds towards his home. “Yeah. I have them in the holding cells. I’m going to his camp. This ends tonight! I’m not sure how long it’ll take before I’m home so bring what you need to stay. Mac will be there with you, too.” He listens for a moment. “See ya soon, yeah,” and hangs up. The next call is to this Mac person. He explains what’s happening and tells him to be at his house to protect me if needed.

“Who’s Mac?” I ask.

He looks over at me seeming to have forgotten I was even here. “Oh, you saw him earlier. He was one of the men at your house, bald guy.” I nod remembering. I cringe when I think of how he saw Masen treat me. He opens the garage and pulls in remaining seated when he turns the engine off.

“I know you’re worried,” he looks at me, his eyes understanding, “but there’s no need. I promise. I want you safe and ready to be Mated to me in a few days.” His face lights with a genuine smile. I sigh at his devastating looks. He chuckles at my reaction, and it triggers butterflies in my belly like always. He face grows serious. “I love the way you respond to me, love that I can feel you,” he closes his eyes and inhales, “love that your scent now holds mine mixed with it.” He rumbles.

“I’ve picked up a few of your thoughts today,” I tell him.

His eyes shine with wonder. “You have, when?” He asks excited.

“Once this morning, I heard you say sorry, and later, I picked up a few things. It’s pretty wonderful. I was worried it would feel weird, but it’s kind of comforting,” I shrug, “it doesn’t bother you?”

He grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles. “Not at all. Now that I’ve experienced it, I can’t imagine being without it. I can’t hear every thought, just some, but I cherish everyone.”

I smile back at his enthusiasm and send him my thoughts, who would have thought the big, bad Alpha is a big, ole softy.

He laughs at me and jumps out of the car. “I’ll show you a softy,” he purrs into my ear when he grabs me around the waist from behind and grinds his very obviously, hard erection into me. Until the doorbell rings, he shows me exactly how wrong I was.