Page 23

Becoming His Page 23

by Albany Walker

I rush to the door after the third bell ring and find Sniffer banging loudly. “Hey, you two gonna come up for air soon?” He laughs as I snatch the door open and huff. My cheeks are red from his comments and because he was right about what we were doing.

“Stop trying to embarrassing her,” Masen insists, coming down the stairs in tight black fatigues and a black tee shirt that looks molded to his body. Holy shit, we just got done making love, and my mouth still waters seeing him. His head snaps around to me, and he winks wickedly. I’m all gooey with love, as I sigh.

When he passes close to me, I scent him. He smells like us. Oh well, I know he doesn’t mind. It dawns on me I smell the same. Looking down at my yoga pants and tee shirt I threw on, I realize I don’t care either, which makes me smile. “Glad to hear it,” is whispered in my ear from behind. His hand clinches my hip my back arches pushing my rear to make contact with his front. He hisses and smacks my butt with his free hand. The sting makes me suck in a breath through my teeth, but I push back even closer on instinct. His hand fists my long hair and tugs so my neck arches. “I have work to do, and you’re making me hard. Unless you want me to send my brother and Sam outside so I can fuck you on the table, you better stop.” He dips his hand into the front of my pants and tests my wetness. “Always so ready for me. No panties?” He questions as he widens my legs with his foot and pushes one finger inside me. My inner muscles spasm. “I love how greedy you are for me. I bet you wish this was my cock inside you,” he says confidently as his finger rims my opening before he plunges back in.

“Yes,” I whimper barely audible.

“Fuck me,” he grates darkly. He picks me up and walks into the closest room which happens to be a bathroom. He’s still behind me, but I hear his zipper go down. He yanks my pants off one leg. “Brace your arms in the wall.”

I do as he says knowing this won’t be the tender love making we just shared but fast and hard. He lifts my foot and places it on top of the closed toilet lid. The cool air hits my overheated skin, and I shiver. I can feel him line himself up to my opening, rubbing the head of his cock through my moisture before he surges forward and slams into me. His hand at my neck pushes me down more. When he pulls out slowly, I feel every inch leave me until he’s barely touching me.

“Masen,” I cry, afraid he’s going to stop. He smacks my bare ass even harder than before then rubs the burn. “Oh God,” I whine. I’m so crazy with need I know I’m going to come undone in seconds. When he pushes in slowly, I can tell the angle is much different; it feels like he’s hitting my bladder. I squeeze tight feeling like I might pee, but he hums and pulls out giving me some relief. He pushes back in fast at the exact same angle bringing back the same sensation. “Masen,” I say breathlessly. “Wait, wait,” I groan when he strikes the same spot three times in a row. He holds my back down but grabs my hair in the other fist pulling my head back arching me more.

“Yes,” he hisses. I tighten all my muscles afraid now. “I can’t wait to feel you come around me, Baby. You come when I tell you to; got it?” He pumps repeatedly hitting the same spot. I’m so hot, and the air is so humid from our combined breath I can’t think straight. His hand leaves my hair and centers over my pubic bone pushing in.

“Oh shit,” I yell

“NOW,” he urges, and my body obeys. His hands hold me up because I would have fallen after the first wave hit me. I can’t tell if my eyes or closed, or I can’t see. I hear him groaning out his climax behind me as I almost scream through mine. The feeling dissipates quickly leaving me to feel a small trickle down my leg. I’m immediately aghast. Did I just pee on him? I want to cry I’m so embarrassed and freaked out. “Shh,” he coos, “of course not. It’s all you baby you came all over my cock.” He sounds so pleased with himself.

I scrunch up my face. “Nuh-uh.”

“Mm-hmm,” he hums and puts my legs on the floor but keeps holding me; I’m still not steady. “I’ll give you the why’s and how’s later in a tutorial,” he smarts, “but I gotta get going you greedy girl. I’m late.”

I palm my face remembering Sniffer and Sam are in the house somewhere. “Please tell me they didn’t see or hear any of that,” I beg.

“Ah, I can definitely promise they didn’t see anything but no can do on the hearing it baby. You were very loud.” He laughs.

The bastard. “Masen Black, this is all your fault. You’ve turned me into some freak,” I whisper yell.

He throws his head back a howls out in laughter. “I know. It’s fantastic!” He kisses me on my temple and struts from the room like a man proud of himself.

I try sneaking up the stairs to shower or hide, but when my foot hits the bottom step, I hear, “Come here and kiss me baby. I need it.” I hang my head and tromp into the kitchen. I hear snickers from the corner. My head whips around to see it’s Sniffer. My eyes narrow which make him laugh harder.

Just as I’m saying, “I’m gonna kick your ass, Sniffer,” I hear the door open.

“That, I’d like to see,” booms a deep voice. Good Lord, Mac is here to already.

“If you keep teasing her Cass, I’m going to let her!” Masen says while both brows are raised. I stick my tongue out at him in victory before I wrap my arms around Masen’s torso.

Sam pipes up from behind the open fridge door. “She could do it, too. After what the little ninja did to Roxanne, I’d be afraid.” In the next breath, he’s complaining. “Sophie, I’m hungry. You never feed me.”

I roll my eyes, “y’all are such babies,” but I smile at him indulgently. “What do ya want?”

Masen groans. “These fuckers are always gonna be stealing my food.” He keeps grumbling under his breath, but I can’t understand what he’s saying. It’s just punctuated with a lot of curse words. He gently grabs my cheeks with his palms. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, Little One.” His serious demeanor makes me somber.

“Okay Masen, be careful, please. I love you.”

His eyes close, and he whispers back, “Love you, too, Baby.” He kisses my temple and turns to leave. “If anything happens to her, you all die!” He states truthfully. The room is silent as he walks out. It feels a little awkward that he threatened them right before leaving.

I put a big smile on my face and turn back to the room. “He’s just kidding?” I try. When no one speaks, I say, “so who’s hungry?” That at least gets a reaction. Sniffer and Sam both try and tell me what to make. While they bicker, I walk over to Mac who’s standing in the doorway staring into the kitchen, volleying back in forth between me and the boys like he’s doesn’t know which is more interesting. “We didn’t really get an introduction earlier.” I extend my hand out to shake. “I’m Sophia. Masen tells me you’re Mac. I’m glad to meet you. Thanks for coming over on such short notice.”

He grabs my hand and gives me a short, firm shake. “It’s my pleasure, truly. I’m glad to meet the woman that’s got Mase tied in knots.” He smiles, and it makes his harsh face lovely. His twinkling hazel eyes are kind as he looks at me.

“Well, I better break up these two bitties before someone loses an eye. Then, we’ll never eat.” He laughs and follows me to the kitchen where Sniffer and Sam are pointing fingers and shoving each other like a couple toddlers.

I clap my hands loudly. “All right children,” I say in my best kindergarten teacher voice. They stop, look at me, and speak at once so I interrupt, “ugh, seriously. Sniffer, you go sit over there. Sam, you over here.”

“Why does he get to stay over there?” Sniffer sneers. What the hell is going on here? These two always argue, but I’ve never seen them go at each other like this.

“Sniffer, what’s going on here?” I look back and forth between the two of them.

His eyes narrow before he catches himself and tries to smile. “Nothing sweetheart, I just want something different than Sam. It’s fine. You make whatever he wants. Hell, we should probably be making you dinner.” He laughs lightly, but I’m not fooled.

When I look over at Sam, his head is down staring at the counter top. Sensing this is something they want kept private, I let them both off the hook. “Ah, okay then. Why don’t you both tell me what you were thinking, and I decide if I want to make either. Sniffer, you first.”

He looks at Sam, and I can see the hurt I his eyes. “How about burgers?”

Sam’s head snaps up. “That’s not what you wanted. You wanted spaghetti, and I wanted the burgers.”

Sniffer turns his head and looks out the window. “It’s fine, really. Burgers sound great.”

I don’t like this at all. “I’m not gonna make either! I want Swedish meatballs. I can make a big batch in case Masen’s hungry when he gets home. And, you can both help me.”

Mac, who’s been quiet the entire time, says, “that sounds tasty. What can I do to help?”

“How about you start tearing up this bread so I can make some crumbs?” I hand him a loaf of white sandwich bread and a bowl. After washing my hands and instructing them all to do the same. “Sniffer you want to help me gather some ingredients from the pantry?”

He smiles. “Sure Sophie.”

“Sam, can you grab the hamburger, eggs, and milk from the fridge please?” He nods his head but watches Sniffer as he walks to the pantry with a sad look on his face. As soon as we’re behind the door, I reach up and lace my arms around Sniffers neck “I don’t know what’s wrong. You don’t need to tell me, but are you okay?” I ask concerned.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just being a selfish butthead,” he says glumly, hugging me back, “but thanks for worrying about me.” He pulls back and gives me a small, genuine smile.

“Always, you were my first real friend, remember?”

He ruffles my hair. “Let’s hurry up and get what we need before my brother senses you’re too close to another male and comes home and kills me.” He chuckles while grabbing the ingredients that I tell him we’ll need.

When we make back to the kitchen, Sam watches every move Sniffer makes with a small, sad smile. As we prepare the food, I try and keep everyone engaged, and it seems to work. By the time I put the meatballs and gravy in the oven, everyone seems much more relaxed. I’ve looked at the clock every five minutes wondering when I’ll hear from Masen.

Sam’s phone rings, and he disappears when he answers. Sniffers sad face returns, and I know he’s jealous. I just don’t know if he’s worried about losing his best friend or something more. I keep him busy peeling potatoes, and I start the water for egg noodles for anyone who doesn’t like mashed potatoes. Mac sets the table, and Sam returns with a vibrant smile on his face just before the oven timer chimes.

Everyone looks up when we hear a cars speeding up the drive. Mac’s voice is grim when he says, “Sophia, head to your bedroom, and lock the door”

“Wait. It’s okay. That’s Mase’s truck,” Sniffer says rushing back from checking the windows.

“Are you sure Cass? That’s more than one car. Maybe, she should go just in case.”

Too late, now, the door slams open; someone groans. “Fuck, it smells good in here. Please tell me she made enough for everyone?” Sid’s pleading makes me let out a nervousness giggle which causes Mac to start chuckling.

“No, you bastards, get out of here. We’ve been cooking since you left. It’s all ours. Damn, how many people are with you? No, no, you all need to go!” Sniffers face looks genuinely panicked. I’m scanning the men and waiting for Masen, so I reach over and rub Sniffers forearm.

“It’s fine, really. I made almost ten pounds of meatballs.” I say trying to comfort him.

Masen is the last to enter the room, and he doesn’t look happy. “I made the mistake of saying I was coming home to eat when all these assholes,” he looks at the four extra men in the room in disgust, “decide they want to come.” His eyes laser to Sniffer. “Apparently, Cass doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut, so everybody wants my food,” he gripes.

I’m so happy he’s home. I laugh at the absurdity of him worrying about food. “Well, is it over? How’d it go?” I ask eager.

Masen’s eyes meet mine, and he shakes his head. “No, Little One, they were gone. Which can only mean one of three things: Rob and Jeff are lying, they panicked when they didn’t return tonight, or the worst of the three, someone from my Pack warned them we were coming,” he says grimly. I can feel his distress.

“Well, let’s set five more plates, and you can tell me about what you found after you eat. Go wash up boys.” Like a group of teenagers, they all push and shove to get to the bathroom first. I lead Masen to the kitchen sink, so he can wash his hands. “Do you want noodles or mashed potatoes with your meatballs, Masen?”

He looks at the plate. “Both,” he glowers. I pile his plate with both and lots of meatballs, and he rants under his breath when everyone lines up behind my helpers.

The table’s not big enough for everyone to sit, so a few of the guys stand or sit at the bar and shovel the food in like the haven’t eaten in months. Masen growls at anyone brave enough to try for seconds. Once every morsel of food is gone, they all thank me for their full bellies. “I am not buying a bigger table!” Masen spouts sullenly. I roll my eyes

“No need brother, we can’t have all these assholes taking all our food. That would just encourage them,” Sniffers says while giving the stink eye to everyone but Sam and Masen.

“Good Lord, tell me what happened.” I say, throwing my hands in the air.

“Not too much more to tell. They were tipped off we were coming, so they left in a hurry, leaving behind almost everything. I have a few men watching the place, hoping they’ll return for their stuff, but I’m not hopeful. We spent most of the time sorting through their shit to see if there was any clue who they’re working with or where they’re headed next but came up empty.” The joking mood from before fades quickly.

“Was there any evidence that they’ve done this before? Are all the women with them willing?” I question in a hushed tone.

“No Sophia, I don’t think this is something they’ve done before. I don’t think any of them are forced to be there, but I don’t think they know what they’re supposed Alpha is up to either.”

The dishes are cleared and the dishwasher is loaded while Masen and Michael continue talking at the table. Sam leaves quickly after dinner saying since Masen’s home he made plans with David. Sid and Sniffer pour a few drinks and join the rest of the fellas at the table. After the day I’ve had, I’m beat, so I give Masen a kiss and tell him I’m going to shower and go to bed. He stands and walks me to the room where he goes in the bathroom and runs the water in the tub for me instead.

“No falling asleep in here, or no more baths for you, understand?” I mumble my assertion, strip, and climb in. The water is almost too hot, just the way I like it. I sigh in contentment then Masen leans down and kisses my brow. “I’ll be back in thirty minutes to make sure you’re out. If you need me just yell or,” he tilts his head to the side thinking, “just call my name loudly up here,” he taps my forehead and smiles. “I love you, Little One. I’m sorry I didn’t finish it tonight.”

I cup his jaw with my wet hand, leaving drops of water on his shirt as it trickles down from my arm. “It’s fine. I was so worried about you. I’m just glad you’re home. I love you, too. Now, go visit your friends.” I pat his check.

“I’ll be back soon,” he promises before standing and leaving. After ten minutes my face is sweating so badly I can’t stand it any longer. I drain the tub and rinse quickly in the shower. I dry and lotion up before pawing through Masen’s shirts so I’ll have something to wear to bed. I’m asleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillow.

I jolt awake suddenly from a dream I can’t remember. My heart is racing, and my cheeks are wet from tears. Masen stirs next to me, rumpling the sheet from his bottom half. He’s sleeping on his stomach with his arms and a pillow folded under his head. I blow out a couple deep breaths, and Masen’s thick sleep voice fills the silence, “what’s wrong

I cringe. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. It was just a bad dream.” I sniffle a little.

His eyes pop open, and he lifts up in his elbows. “Why are you crying?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know. I can’t remember the dream. I just remember being really sad,” I mumble.

He rolls over and sits up beside me, pulling me over to his chest. “Don’t cry, Little One,” he says sounding pained. I relax into him accepting his comfort. He lays us back down and rubs his fingers through my hair until I eventually fall back asleep.

I’m still draped across Masen when I wake up hours later to the bright morning sun filtering through the curtains. I roll over, stretch, and enjoy watching Masen sleep. His face is soft and relaxed. With his intense eyes hidden, I take in his rugged features and marvel at his masculine beauty, which seems like such a strange word to use to describe him but I find no other words that convey the truth more than those. Masen’s face is turned towards me. His lips are barely parted, and his dark lashes that are longer than mine fan his high cheek bone. His jaw is shadowed with his overnight stubble. One hand rests on his bare tummy, while the other is folded behind his head. The black sheet is covering him from just below his bellybutton down. My hand itches to inch the fabric lower so my view would be uninterrupted.

I’ve been staring for a while when my bladder demands I get out of bed. Slowly, I move from the bed and leave the room; I’ll use another bathroom. I don’t want to wake Masen. I’m not sure what time he got to bed, but I know he was awake with me for a while though the night. I use the same bathroom we used yesterday. After washing my hands, I head to kitchen to make some coffee in the new machine Masen bought yesterday. I still don’t have my liquid creamer, but at least, the coffee’s good, and there’s some powder crap in the cupboard. I need to go grocery shopping, today.