Page 30


by Stephanie Brother

I remember when I first heard about the plan, I was flabbergasted at the idea of ten. How would that work? It would be impossible, I thought, to keep ten men satisfied. I imagined a schedule with each of them only getting one day in ten or three days a month. Even then, I didn’t believe I’d want that much sex. It wasn’t that I was a prude, but more that the sex I’d had was never that inspiring.

How wrong I was.

Ten is more than possible. Ten is amazing. Ten is ideal.

Who ever said three is the magic number obviously hadn’t experienced ten.

I take a few minutes to come down from the euphoria and when I do, I find Ford and Donnie at my sides. It seems fitting that they will be the last. They were my first experience of a ménage and look where I am now!

“You still got some life in you?” Ford asks with the cheekiest grin on his face. He seems proud of me and I’m filled with such a deep warmth that I feel like crying. His hand strokes my sweaty brow and then moves lower to cup my breasts and dip between my legs. I nod but his fingers find my entrance, testing. “You sore here?” he asks. I have to be honest and tell him I am. It’s my first time and I’m not used to so much action. I’m pretty sure that over time I’m going to get used to this and have no problems.

“A little, but I’m okay.”

“I don’t want to hurt you, girl,” he says. “And you know the monster isn’t easy to take.”

There’s a collective groan on the room. “You still using that ridiculous name,” Antony laughs.

Ford is unashamed. “I didn’t name him myself.”

“So you say.” Blake rolls his eyes but he rolls onto his side to get a better view of what’s to come.

Casey and Cameron are both stroking themselves, their cocks already hard again. I’m hoping they’re just planning to enjoy the view as I definitely won’t be able to go a second round with anyone.

“Monster is the perfect name for it,” I laugh. “I’ll give you all a name if you like.”

“I’ll pass,” Aaron says. “I’m not fifteen anymore.”

“You sure?” Grant laughs. “It might explain your lack of chest hair.”

“Fuck you,” Antony says. “You cuss my twin, you cuss me!”

“All of you need to shut up now,” Donnie says. “You’re disturbing Laura’s aura and I want it to be just right before me and Ford make her come again.”

The room quiets in a way that surprises me. I was expecting more joking around and ribbing but I guess they respect the fact that they have had their moments of pleasure and two of their brothers have been patient.

I gaze at Donnie, watching as his pupils widen, the blackness almost obliterating the white-gray of his eyes. “You looking at my soul again?” I ask him.

He smiles. “I can’t help myself. It’s so beautiful.”

“I think you might be a little bit crazy,” I say gently, running my hand over his chest. The dusting of hair there is so soft that I get an urge to nuzzle into him and inhale his scent.

“Only crazy for you.”

There are some humorous gagging sounds from around us but it doesn’t seem to bother Donnie in the slightest. “How shall we do this?” I ask him. Maybe Donnie and Ford have a little plan. Maybe they liked it how we did it before?

“How about this?” Donnie says. He lays back and encourages me to kneel between his legs. I’m guessing that Ford has an idea of what Donnie is suggesting and he takes his place behind me. I take Donnie’s straining cock in my hands and stroke it up and down, relishing the heat of it. His eyes roll closed and he puts his hands behind his head. It’s a pose of pure relaxation.

Ford pats my ass. “Spread your legs, princess,” he says and my pussy clenches right away. I do as he says and can feel him getting nearer, his finger stroking my clit to get me ready again. I bend down to take Donnie into my mouth and he groans long and deep.

“Fuck,” someone says. It sounds distant as though I’m immersed in the warm swell of sex feelings and not fully conscious of what is happening around me. Ford presses forward, the head of his immense cock finding my entrance and beginning to spread me wide.

“Damn,” he says. I know he’s watching the wet, pink lips of my pussy flare around his cock. He strokes over my ass, on the cheek at first and then dipping closer to the place that I never thought I’d allow anyone to touch me. I must stiffen because he tells me to relax. “I’m not going to hurt you, baby. I’m just going to show you how good it can feel.”

I think it’s his thumb that gently rubs my taint first. It feels big and rough and it makes me shiver. Even after everything I’ve done, this still feels really forbidden. His cock pushes deeper and his thumb presses just a little harder. I take Donnie’s cock deep in my throat and wiggle my hips because it all feels too much. I’m too stuffed. Too invaded. Too turned on for my own good.

Is that even that even a thing?

“That’s it,” Ford says gruffly as his hips press against my ass. I can feel his heavy balls against my labia and clit. He starts to move, using this thumb to press against my ass with each thrust he makes. I use the same tempo to blow Donnie and his hips start to shift in response.

I make a moaning sound because it feels so damn good. My pussy is so slick that I can hear it each time Ford moves inside me. His thumb never penetrates me but just the pressure is enough to get me close to coming again in record time.

I’m watching Donnie’s face, his eyes scrunched in concentration and low grunts coming from his mouth. I brace myself as much as I can on my hands as Ford begins to fuck me with more urgency.

Damn. I need to come. I need to come again so badly.

“Mmm,” I moan around Donnie’s cock, needing Ford to know how close I’m getting. The vibrations must do something extra for Donnie and he seizes, his abs clenching and torso rising as he curls in on his pleasure. He tastes different to his brother but still salty-sweet and sexy as fuck. I swallow it all down in a way I never thought I would. I’m hungry for these men in every way.

I rise up on my hands, leaving Donnie to come down from his orgasm. I wish I could see his aura the way he says he can see mine. I bet it would be beautiful.

Ford takes hold of my hips now, pounding into me harder, pulling me towards him with every thrust. I don’t know whose finger finds my clit but I don’t care. The pressure is perfect and it doesn’t take long before I’m begging them not to stop.

This final orgasm is different from the rest. It’s ferocious and quick; a lightning bolt of pleasure that has me collapsing onto my forearms. Ford must like the new angle because he slaps my ass and speeds even more.

“Fuck,” he gasps as his cock swells inside me. The monster is impossibly huge and I love it. I love it so much that I’d get down on my knees and worship it. When Ford comes I think the whole house must know it. He bellows and collapses over me wrapping his arms under my body to hold us together. His breath in my ear is so damn hot I feel like I might melt.

“You fucking blew my mind,” he says. “My brains are all over this bed.”

I laugh, thinking it’s actually his come that is all over the bed; his and his brothers. I’m leaking everywhere and it feels amazing.

One of his brother’s mutters, “smooth” from somewhere in the room.

I want to tell them that I don’t need smooth and that all that I’m looking for – all that I’ll ever be looking for – is real.

I don’t know how long we lay there together. When Ford regathers his brain, and I find my sense, and Donnie wakes from his sex-coma, the brothers all start laughing and joking. It’s happy and comfortable and in this circle of my men I feel totally content.

My Mom always told me I was going to need to kiss a lot of frogs before I found my prince. Turns out, for me, it was the other way around.

It seemed like such a huge step to leave my ordinary life behind and become part of this crazy-big family. It seemed like an impossible idea that we could all be together as one giant unit. Life h
as a tendency to throw the strangest curveballs at us but it’s how we respond that counts. The McGregor brothers have shown me that there are many different ways to live life and love. Following the well-trodden path is not always the way to find the greatest happiness.

As I lay between my ten men I know that loving each of them will bring me ten times the love I was ever expecting in my life.

Ten men.

Ten hearts.

One love.



Can I tell you that things were perfect after this reunion? Do real happy-ever-afters exist outside of fairytales? I’m not sure things are that simple. I used to try and picture what Cinderella’s life was like after she married her prince. Did she have any problems having children or disagreements with her mother-in-law? Did she start to resent the prince because he was free to ride off into the sunset whenever he like while she had to stay at the castle? Did he not tell her she was beautiful enough after they tied the knot? Did their marriage end up like so many others?

After that first day together, things got worse pretty quickly. Not between us but in the outside world. The Dick Donovan show managed to sway some but not all. There were resignations from the business and a few of the contracts that were in negotiation disappeared. Roderick was like a bear with a sore head for a while but the boys were good at managing him and I tried to stay out of his way. Me and Mom focused on planning their wedding, hoping that by the time the big day came around that things would have settled down. She chose a simple cream suit and insisted that I wear a gorgeous teal floor-length dress that set of my hair and eyes perfectly. The whole ceremony and reception was going to be held at the mansion. We just had to find a wedding planner who could bring in all of the different suppliers to make it work. I was grateful for that because it meant I could avoid going out for a while.

I’m not a natural hermit, preferring the company of people and the excitement of new environments to staying at home, but for a few months it was necessary.

The boys were able to deflect any abuse that was thrown their way but I didn’t feel so robust.

The big day came and it was glorious. Mom looked radiant and the planner had created the perfect setting in our grounds. An ornate arch woven with flowers provided the backdrop to the Officiant, and white chairs were decorated with beautiful chiffon bows. A quartet played soft, classical music as Mom made her way towards Roderick. We invited only family and close friends so it was intimate and special. I followed Mom, carrying a posy of wild flowers, my hair set into loose waves.

Roderick’s eyes were intense as Mom made her way to the front.

Since the TV interview my respect for Roderick had grown significantly. He’d not only proven himself to be a man who would defend his me and his sons in the most challenging of circumstance, but a man who would care for my mom, shielding her from the difficulties the press coverage brought.

Roderick’s weren’t the only intense eyes.

As I walk behind Mom, I’m watched by ten pairs of eyes that are burning with intensity.

My ten men.

They all stand in matching suits, with gorgeous smiles and looks that almost enflame me with the desire I feel. Roderick had to choose one best man so he went for Aaron, his oldest son. I know it meant so much to Aaron as their relationship isn’t always easy and he’s the son who needs his father’s validation the most.

The ceremony is brief and beautiful, the vows personal and heartfelt. The first kiss is sweet and tender, as all first kisses should be and I look to my boys, imagining what it could be like for us.

Who would have the first kiss when there are ten grooms?

There hasn’t been much rivalry since we’ve been together. Somehow they have managed to share me with sensitivity and passion rather than competition. It’s everything they promised me it would be and more.

I guess they would find a way to decide who’d kiss me first. I know for sure I couldn’t decide. Favoritism isn’t something I ever want to show.

At the reception, Roderick gave a short speech, telling the crowd of his love for my mom and how she’s the first woman to show him what peace truly feels like. I’m dabbed my eyes as my mom stood.

I wasn’t expecting her to give a speech and she didn’t. Instead, she addressed me, telling me that she had something for me. I walked to the top table, and she kissed me, pulling me in for a warm hug that reminded me of years past when I was just a child in her arms.

“This is for you, Laura,” she said, handing me her bouquet.

I was momentarily stunned, then, as I turned to walk back to my table I saw my McGregor boys, each on one knee, with Ford at the front holding a ring in a box.

My hand flew to my mouth.

Was a really surprised? Yes, I was. For all their talk about us spending our lives together, we hadn’t formalized the intention in any way.

Their faces were solemn and earnest as though there was a part of each of them that was genuinely worried that I might say no.

“Will you spend the rest of your life with us?” Ford asked. “We love you, Laura.”

I didn’t hesitate for a second.

Tears filled my eyes as I nodded my yes, then the boys were up and surrounding me, hugging and kissing me and each other in celebration and relief. Applause filled the air as the guests reacted to the surprise with their approval.

Mom and Roderick were there too, congratulating and joining in the hug-fest. Our family, although different from pretty much everyone else’s in the world, was so happy.

The ring was a spectacular square sapphire, chosen because of its match to my eyes, surrounded with tiny square diamonds on a thin platinum band. It was Ford who slid it onto my finger, his eyes shining brightly with love.

“There you go, girl. We’ll make an honest woman of you.”

“I’m already honest,” I said.

He nodded and kissed my lips. “Respectable then?” he added cheekily.

“Think it might take more than a ring to do that,” I’d laughed.

“I’d tell you not to worry about other people if I thought you still cared,” he smiled.

I nodded, glad that he’d realized that I’d gotten over the embarrassment and shame that I felt when I left them all. Instead, I felt pride. I mean, having just one McGregor for a husband would be something to be proud of, but having ten? Well, I had a pretty strong feeling that most women out there would be jealous as hell.

The rest of the wedding passed by in a blur. My cheeks hurt from smiling so hard and my feet ached from dancing all night. I had ten men to partner with after all.

After the guests had left, we all retired to our room. When we were lying in bed, they talked to me about how they wanted things to work, if I was in agreement. Their plan was to put their names into a hat and for me to pick one. The chosen brother would be the one I’d officially marry. They wanted it that way to ensure our union was at least partly legal. It would mean that our children would be born into a legal marriage and, if the worst happened, things would be clear. Behind the scenes, there would be other legal contracts to express the finer details of our bond.

My heart was sad that I’d only be able to marry one of my boys officially, but I could see why they wanted to organize things the way they spoke of. One of the legal agreements they wanted to make were that the children would never know who their father was, but would be raised with ten. We’d sign to say that no paternity tests would be permitted. I was also happy with this because in the back of my mind I’d always been concerned that there might be favoritism. It’s only natural to feel different about your own child. I’d also worried that I wouldn’t be able to give them all a child. This way, it would be pot luck as to who would father a genetic child and all of them would be able to experience the joy of being a father.

I was the last to fall asleep that night, imagining what our children could look like. Would they have Donnie’s soft gray eyes or Elliot’s blond hair? Or m
aybe Ford’s build or Antony’s dimples. Whoever they looked like, I knew they would be loved from the tips of their toes to the ends of their noses. Ten fathers would make them the luckiest children in the world.

We only waited another six months to marry. It was Barrett’s name I pulled from the jar and Barrett who became my official husband. It was my ten men who kissed me when the ceremony was over. My ten men who told me I was the most beautiful bride in the world. My ten men who shared our first dance, who cut our cake into pieces, who made love to me like the world was about to end and they wanted our souls to become one before it was too late.

And nine months later, it was my ten men who drove me to the hospital to witness the birth of our first children.

We didn’t find out the sex of the children in advance. I think all of us just expected them to be boys. So when two brown haired girls with blue eyes made their way into the world, the whole room was completely overwhelmed.


That certainly shouldn’t have been a surprise.

Hannah and Hope were exactly five pounds each.

Ten pounds of babies born from my love for ten men.

It seemed that ten was my lucky number.

As I held my beautiful baby girls who were sleeping soundly in my arms I was overwhelmed. What had I done to deserve such joy? My heart felt as though it would burst from all the love.

“Look what you did,” Grant said, stroking Hope’s soft cheek.

“We did,” I corrected. Donnie does the same to Hannah’s cheek and both baby girls stirred, eyes opening as though they are checking who’s there. They settled again almost immediately even through there was a sea of faces around them. I guess they must have gotten used to all the voices that surrounded me.

It hadn’t been an easy road.

Life had been full of challenges, but that’s what makes it great. How would we know true sweetness if we hadn’t tasted its bitter contrast?

I knew for sure that there was never going to be a shortage of arms to hold us or hearts to love us. I was a mom and I knew for sure that I had done the best for myself, my girls and the babies I prayed were to come.