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York (The Vorge Crew Book 3) Page 9

by Laurann Dohner

York reached over to cup her thigh, his fingers wrapping around her leg. “I’d never let anyone take you from me, my heart,” he whispered.

She forced a smile. “I know.”

“Do you havzz my female ready to transsssport?”

The hissy voice sent more shivers down her spine. The prince sounded like a snake. It would have been horrible if she’d been delivered to him, if the Relon police hadn’t saved her. She didn’t even want to consider what kind of horrors she’d have faced.

“You must be Prince Azerba. I’m Ambassador Cathian Vellar. We do have the human. Come on over to get her.”

“No. Sssend a transssport to my ssship.”

“We can’t do that,” Cathian lied. “We didn’t expect this to happen. Our shuttle is down for routine repairs. You’re going to have come get her or wait a few days until the engine gets put back together.”

The alien prince hissed and glared at Cathian. “I’ll sssend my troopsss.”

“Your what?” Cathian leaned forward in his chair. “That didn’t translate.”

“My men.” Prince Azerba flashed rows of crooked, greenish teeth in what she guessed was irritation. “They getzzz my female.”

Dovis stepped forward to stand behind Cathian. It had shocked Sara when she’d finally seen him in full fur. He really did resemble Earth’s version of a werewolf, the horror movie kind that walked on two legs instead of four. His eyes were pitch black when he was in shift.

She glanced at the prince to see how he reacted to all that fur and the sharp claws. She was pretty sure that was fear she saw flashing on his saggy-skinned features.

“I’m Dovis, head of security and protocols.” He made a slight bow. “I’m afraid you personally must sign for the human female. The Tryleskian officials have demanded proof that we’ve turned her over to you. We don’t want any issues to arise. I believe you made a deal with them?”

“You did offer to open trade negotiations in exchange for the female,” Cathian added. “A deal is a deal. You’re welcome to bring some of your guards with you. Not that you’ll need them. My planet is very interested in obtaining your crystals. Our females love to acquire rare and beautiful things.”

Sara reached out and put her hand on York’s shoulder, just wanting to hold on to him. Their plan hinged on getting the prince to board The Vorge. As she understood it, it would be considered an act of war if they breached the other ship to arrest him there. As much as she hated the alien who’d bought her, she didn’t want to cause trouble for York and his crew.

Her bond mate reached up and placed his hand over hers, holding on to her tightly, too. It was reassuring.

The prince hissed loud and long. “I sssend my troopsss!”

“Not if you want the female,” Dovis’s voice deepened. “Protocols must be met. You need to sign for her yourself. Your men can’t do that for you, Prince Azerba.”

Another loud hiss came from the prince. “Fine. Ssshow me her first. Prove you havzzz.”

York released her hand, giving her a slight nod.

Marrow came forward, a determined expression on her face. “Look scared,” she whispered to Sara. “Arms behind your back to give them the impression you’ve been restrained. No talking.”

Sara gave a sharp nod. They’d already talked about the possibility of the prince wanting eyes on her first. She locked her fingers together at her spine and walked toward Cathian to be in view of the screen. Marrow stayed right behind her, looking intimidating in her black uniform.

Marrow put one hand on her shoulder and brought them both to stop.

“Here’s the Earth woman,” Marrow announced. “She’s cuffed and ready for you to pick her up, your highness.”

Sara couldn’t stare at the prince for long. She felt sick when he approached the screen, his face becoming huge. He had small sores in the creases of the skin rolls on his face. She thought they might be pimples. She wasn’t sure, but whatever they were, they matched his green teeth. It disgusted her enough to glance at the floor.

“I ssshall enjoy you. We come now.”

The screen returned to the view of space and the other ship.

Marrow released her shoulder. “That is one putrid male. Is he diseased?”

“Everyone grab a pair of gloves on our way to greet the shaft-head,” Cathian ordered. “Let’s not risk it.”

“Extending the docking sleeve,” York growled, sounding furious. “Their transport is on the way. I’m going to enjoy getting my hands on that asshole.”

“Wear gloves,” Sara reminded him. “Please.”

York stood, walking over to her. “Don’t worry. Stay here with Marrow. She’ll activate the security feeds that will allow you to watch everything that happens.” He addressed Marrow next. “Be prepared to undock with their transport and get us out of here once we have the prince onboard. Raise shields right away. They’ll probably fire on us, trying to take out our engines. I would.”

“I give the orders,” Cathian reminded York, pausing next to them. Then he smirked. “Do what York said. Dovis has already set course for Relon. You just need to get us away from their ship once we have our prisoner, Marrow. We’re going to drop that trash off as soon as we collect it. And seal the doors after us, just in case one of them breaks away and tries to get to the bridge. They don’t look like fighters, but I always prefer to be prepared. Everyone else is in lockdown until this ends.”

“You got it, Captain.” Marrow walked to York’s station, taking his seat.

York leaned down and brushed his lips over Sara’s. “It’s going to be fine. Trust me.”

“I do. Kick ass, baby.”

He grinned. “I appreciate that you aren’t afraid when I have to resort to beating on idiots.”

“Just don’t lose. That’s all I ask.”


She watched him, Cathian, and Dovis leave. The doors sealed, and she knew Marrow had immediately locked them. The other crew had decided to stay inside their cabins. The Pods were monitoring thoughts from the other ship, staying in telepathic communication with York and the other two men with him.

“No worries, Sara.” Marrow got up and took the captain’s chair. “We’ve been in worse situations than this over the years. This should be easy. Ready to track the crew?”

Sara turned, watching as the main screen split into various views of the ship. The feeds followed the men, showing them from different angles as they left the lift and walked down the corridors. She saw they open a compartment and put on gloves.

“The transport is docking now.”

“Thanks for telling me.”

Marrow chuckled. “I was telling them.”

York, Dovis, and Cathian stopped near where the docking sleeve was located. Sara remembered it from when she’d boarded with York. Raff approached them from behind, wearing all black and strapped with at least two dozen knives and daggers.

Sara gasped.

“Didn’t York tell you that Raff grew up to become a feared assassin? He loves sharp shit, can hit anything he aims at, and he’s got two guns inside his boots. Also, never pat him on the back when he’s dressed like that and geared up for battle. The crazy bastard has a longer blade strapped down his spine and it’s got a bomb that’s part of the handle.”

Sara was dumbfounded. “Um, isn’t that dangerous on a ship? Bombs mean depressurization and stuff.”

“It’s only there for emergencies. I wasn’t lying about how Raff always hits what he’s aiming for. It’s not a big bomb, and only he can activate it. He sometimes practices inside cargo hold two when it’s empty. The explosives aren’t large enough to even dent the floor but his target still blows up.”

That didn’t make Sara feel any better. York was just feet away from the assassin. She didn’t want him in blast range.

She realized exactly how much she loved him already…how much she didn’t want to live her life without him…and her hand flattened on her stomach.

wanted to have a little York baby. He was willing to protect her with his life. She’d be proud to bear his children. The more time she spent thinking about getting pregnant, the more appealing it sounded.

Marrow pointed at the screen. “Oh good. All of them put on gloves. I was worried Raff would ignore that order. I don’t want whatever it is those aliens have to spread through the crew. Our medical android is great but remind me to tell you sometime about the Gorin spores we encountered on a mission. We were all exposed and sporting red rashes for three days until the cure kicked in. It was so bad, we were all working naked. It hurt to wear clothing!”

Sara really didn’t want to hear that story.

* * * * *

York kept his anger off his face. They all did. Cathian stood slightly in front of him, with Dovis at the captain’s side. Raff hung back, trying to stay mostly out of sight. He tended to make anyone who saw him nervous and afraid. They needed the prince to step foot on The Vorge to make the arrest legal.

The docking doors slid open and two guards entered first, followed by the shaft-head who wanted to take his Sara away. Instinct had York’s hands clenching, wanting to rip the pompous prince to pieces. Lots of them. The ugly alien had bought his beautiful Sara and had come thinking he could take her away and use her. That alone was reason for the alien to die a grisly, painful death.

Cathian played his ambassador role well, giving a slight nod of his head. “Welcome to The Vorge. We’re honored to have you, Prince Azerba. Please be our guest for a few drinks.”

“No. Givzzz the female now.”

“Of course. Follow me. She’s in a holding cell just down this corridor. I have the transfer papers all ready for you to sign.” Cathian turned, giving the three his back.

Dovis stepped aside, prepared to protect their captain in case one of the guards attacked.

The Dunng guards hesitated, glancing at their prince for orders. York wondered nervously if he’d decide not to risk getting on the ship after all.

He breathed a silent sigh of relief when the prince hissed and stepped out of the sleeve and onto The Vorge. His guards remained in front of him, following Cathian.

The moment they were clear of the docking doors, they auto-closed.

Startled, the guards and the prince spun around. “Whatzzz the meaning of thisss?”

Dovis stepped closer to the Dunng. “Prince Azerba, you are under arrest. We’re taking you to Relon. They’ve issued a warrant for your capture. As representatives for the law-abiding Tryleskian leaders, we’re not going to harbor a wanted criminal on our vessel. Under the Treaty of Multiple Planets, clause 163 under legal rights and responsibilities, it’s my duty to turn you over to Relon authorities.”

The floor under them vibrated, and York braced himself a second before the entire vessel jerked slightly. The motion normally wasn’t that pronounced when they went from a dead stop to engaging the engines, but Marrow needed to get them underway fast, before the Dunng ship realized they’d just taken their boarding party and cut the docking sleeve connection to their shuttle.

The guards attacked.

York was ready to fight but Raff and Dovis had them pinned on the ground in seconds. It was almost sad how quickly they were subdued. He’d been looking forward to a good fight.

The prince hissed louder and fumbled with his clothing, probably reaching for a hidden weapon.

York lunged, grabbed his arm and jerked it back, hearing bone break. A high-pitched keening erupted from the prince. York grabbed him under his sagging chins next, wrapping his gloved hand around the bastard’s throat. It was tempting to crush it—but he refrained.

“Sara is mine,” he snarled. “My bond mate. Did you think I’d just hand her over to you? That I’d allow you to sexually abuse her? Keep her in a cage? Locked up and miserable?” He lifted the smaller alien off his feet, slamming him against the wall.

“York,” Cathian warned. “Don’t kill him. I know everything inside is urging you to do so, but drop him. Please. We have a plan, remember? Stick to it.”

York struggled with the decision, his rage that great, but logic won. He released the prince. Raff was there the second he backed off, searching the alien and taking two weapons he found stashed inside the prince’s clothing.

“You’re a sad, sorry race,” Raff muttered to the Dunng. “That takedown was disappointing. I didn’t even have to kill anyone.”

York glared at the prince, still wanting to rip him apart.

Cathian gripped York’s shoulder. “I understand wanting to make him stop breathing so he’ll never be a threat to your human again. I do. But the Relons aren’t lenient on slave owners. And we don’t want to start a war with the Dunng.”

“You havzzz!” the prince yelled. “We will kill youzzz all!”

“Shut up. Take him to a cell, Raff. Dovis, put his guards in an escape pod and launch them off our vessel before we get too far from their ship.” Cathian released York’s shoulder. “Return to Sara. Hold her. It will make you feel calmer. We’ve got this from here. I’m going to conveniently ignore any incoming comms from his people and my own until we reach Relon and hand the prince over to their authorities. Then I’ll deal with my displeased father and his annoying assistant.”

York turned to his friend after Dovis and Raff dragged the Dunng guards away. “How much trouble are you going to be in? Tell me the truth.”

Cathian blinked a few times. “We’re doing the legally correct thing. I’ll remind Rex of that, and my father. I kept the recordings of our conversations, including the one shortly before the Dunng ship arrived, where I made it clear Prince Azerba bought a human slave and had a warrant issued for his arrest—and they gave me orders to turn her over regardless. You know the Vellars will do anything to avoid a scandal. I’ll threaten to release those recordings to the public if they try to strip me of my duties or even threaten to take The Vorge from us. It would tarnish our family name if it was linked in any way to helping a slaver.” Cathian’s voice lowered. “We also have Raff.”

York nodded. “They certainly don’t want him causing trouble.”

“No, they do not. It’s obvious he’s a Vellar. That would create questions no one wants to answer—like who his father is and why he wasn’t raised by my uncle. I’ve made it clear that Raff will be returning home with me if they force us back. They’ll want to keep all of us out here in space more than they’ll want to punish the crew for losing some overpriced crystals.”

“Thank you.” York felt immense gratitude toward Cathian for going against his orders from his home planet to keep Sara safe.

“There’s no need for those words ever to pass your lips, my friend. Your Sara is one of us now. Family protects each other.”

York nodded. “We do.”

“Go to her. You’ll feel better once she’s in your arms. Nara always eases my anger.”

He left Cathian and tore off his gloves, even the uniform top, before reaching the bridge. He didn’t want any part of the clothing that had touched the vile prince to taint her soft skin.

The door had been locked, as ordered, but it opened quickly. Marrow would have seen him on the security feeds.

He’d barely stepped inside when Sara launched herself at him. He opened his arms, caught her, and lifted her against his taller frame. He buried his face between her neck and shoulder, inhaling her scent.

“It’s over. We have the prince in custody, Sara.”

“I know. I saw it all go down.” She clung to him, her arms wrapped around his neck. “Thank you.”

“Hey,” Marrow called out. “Look at the vid screen.” She chuckled. “Seems Prince Shaft-head doesn’t like being locked inside a cell.”

York slowly lowered Sara and lifted his head, peering at the screen. There was a security feed displaying Prince Azerba yanking on the bars of the cell, his mouth open wide, showing off his green teeth. He appeared to be yelling but the sound wasn’t on.

He smiled as the Dunng royalty spun and thr
ew himself on the floor, kicking and pounding it with his fists.

“He’s acting like a big two-year-old,” Sara said. “He’s actually throwing a temper tantrum!”

“Is that what it is?” Marrow smirked. “I was about to send the medical android to check on him.”

“You probably should do that anyway to make certain those green sores aren’t contagious.” York reached up and cupped Sara’s face, holding her gaze.

“On it,” Marrow muttered. “I’m very glad I’m a shuttle pilot and not a doctor. You couldn’t pay me enough to examine that ugly beast up close.”

“I’m very glad this is as close as I’ll ever get to him,” Sara admitted, laughing.

“It’s good to see you laugh.” York caressed his bond mate.

“I can’t believe I was so terrified of that thing.” She glanced back at the screen and chuckled. “He’s rolled over, and now he’s crying. I guess he doesn’t enjoy being held against his will, under the control of someone else. Serves him right.”

York still wanted to kill the Dunng prince, but he let it go. “We should return to our cabin. I still have a few days off.” He turned his focus to Marrow. “That is, if you don’t need help. Status?”

“The Dunng ship slowed briefly and picked up the emergency pod, probably hoping their sniveling prince was inside with the two guards. They’ve obviously figured out we’ve got him, since they’re now coming after us. We’re ignoring their comm hails.”

“They’re following?” York wasn’t surprised but he didn’t like it, either.

Marrow turned in her seat. “I’ve got this. I increased speed. They aren’t going to be able to catch us. Their engines are less powerful. We’ll have time to transport his royal ugliness to the surface of Relon before they hit the planet’s orbit.”

York wanted to be certain the Relon authorities charged the alien for buying Sara. “Let me know when we reach the planet.”