Page 19

Wolf's Ascension Page 19

by Lauren Dane

He sighed, the panic at nearly losing her and the thought of being powerless to help her passing slowly through him. “I know. I’ve arranged for a judge to come over next Saturday. If that’s okay with you, Kari?”

“Really? I can plan it?”

“Yes, if you’d like. We should invite the Pack, of course, and the leaders of the neighboring Packs. If you want to invite anyone else, any human friends, do so. We can mix with humans without biting them, you know,” he said and she smirked.

“Oh my goodness! I have a lot to do and not much time!”

“Well, I’ve taken time off—helpful when one is the boss.” Perri laughed. “So I can help with anything you need.”

Anna said she’d plan the menu and Jade offered her help with the guest list and any other details.

Sean came and sat on the arm of the couch next to Andreas. “All of this is going to be noisy, I can tell.” He chuckled as they watched the women plan out the details.

“I would be honored if you would help design a dress for me. Do you think there’s enough time?” Kari asked Drew shyly.

“I was hoping you’d ask!” Drew said. “Let me think about it for a few hours. I’ll run some ideas by you tonight and we can start on it tomorrow. We’ll need to so we can finish in time.”


Skye wandered in and sat down across from Andreas. “What’s all this?” He gestured toward the women.

“They’re planning a wedding,” Sean said. “Maybe I’ll ask the woman I’ve started seeing to come.”

Kari looked around and made her way over to them. “You’re seeing someone? What’s she like?” She settled in Andreas’s lap, snuggling back against his chest.

“I work with her. She’s a doctor at the hospital.”

“Okay, but I asked for details and that’s not it.” She arched a brow at him.

He laughed. “Her name is Emma, she’s a GP. Tall, redheaded, blue eyes. She grew up in Spokane. She’s very nice. We’ve only gone out two or three times. I like her. She’s smart and funny.” He shrugged.

Kari arched an eyebrow his way. “Invite her. She sounds very nice and you need to settle down.”

“Oh no, another woman who wants me to settle down! Heaven help me.”

Skye laughed. “Better you than me.”

“Think again, buster. I tell you, you have no idea how many women would fall over dead at the sight of the studmuffin factory you’ve got going here. All of these gorgeous single men. It’s a crime that you’re all up here away from the city.”

Andreas pulled her tight against him. “That’s enough noticing how many single men are or aren’t handsome. You’re married now.”

“Married, not dead.” She stood up and kissed Sean and Skye. “I’ll be thinking about a plan.” She winked and went back over to the dining room table to plan the wedding.

* * *

Jack Warner sat back in his chair and sighed. He’d called a friend at the FBI and the friend had run a check on Andreas Phinney and the Phinney family. The guy had no criminal record. In fact, he had a history of working with multiple charities and raising millions of dollars for them. He owned a printing company, a construction company, three travel agencies, an import-export business and a golf course. He had also just purchased a small software company. One of his brothers was a psychiatrist who ran his own private practice and also took patients at the public hospital. The youngest brother owned an architecture firm with his wife in Portland. The parents were wealthy, as well, the mother worked in the state capital and the father was retired from the construction business that the family still owned.

They had a lodge on the lake that had cabins and apparently quite a large extended family. Andreas owned several properties all over the United States. Some that he leased, including two office towers in San Diego and Los Angeles and a condo complex in Seattle, as well as apartments in Portland, Vancouver, New York City and Paris. He did, indeed, have a jet.

The pictures he’d pulled showed a very handsome, extremely large man. The guy wasn’t like the men Jack had seen Kari with before.

He was forty-two years old and didn’t look a day over thirty. Why he’d waited all these years to marry a twenty-four-year-old whom he’d known for less than a week was beyond him. Not that Jack didn’t love his sister—he did, she was a beautiful, intelligent woman—but these kinds of guys didn’t just marry twenty-four-year-old nobodies from Atlanta.

Jack felt better now armed with more details. At least the guy was on the up-and-up. Still, Jack was suspicious of Phinney’s motives. He’d take Kari up on that offer to visit but he’d leave Alyssa in Boston this time. He didn’t want to bring her out with Max until he was sure it was safe. And they’d been having some problems of late anyway.

He dialed the number Kari had given him, the one for the lodge.

“Hello?” a deep male voice answered.

“Yes, may I speak with Kari, please?”

“May I tell her who is calling?”

“I’ll tell if you will,” Jack said.

“This is Phillip. I work for Kari and Andreas.”

“Oh, this is Jack. I’m Kari’s brother.”

“Nice to hear from you. She talks about you all of the time. You’re a cop, right? In Boston?”

The guy sounded nice. “Yeah. So you work for them, huh?”

“Yes, I’m Kari’s bodyguard and I also help with the day-to-day stuff. Andreas has several businesses and that takes a lot of his time.”

“My sister needs a bodyguard?” He didn’t like the sound of that at all.

“Well, she’s married to a very rich man, which makes her a very rich woman. Andreas would never take chances with her safety. It’s not that necessary out here at the lodge but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

“Well, on one hand that makes me feel better and on the other it makes me worry more.”

“Let me get her for you. Hold on a second.” Phillip set the phone down and Jack could hear talking in the background. Moments later the phone was picked up.

“Jack! Hey, monkeybutt, what’s happening? I was going to call you tonight.”

She sounded really good, he had to admit that. “Really? What about?”

“I’d like you to come out this Saturday. We’re having a wedding here at the lodge.”


“Yes, mine. We had a small private ceremony before but Andreas knew that I wanted something you could come to. Something his family could attend too. Say yes, please.”

“Of course. I wouldn’t miss it. I was just calling to tell you that Andreas checks out. He appears to be a good guy. On paper, at least. Although why does a forty-two-year-old guy avoid marriage for that long and then marry so suddenly?”

“He met me,” Kari said simply, and made him smile.

“You have a point there.”

“Listen, shall I make the arrangements for you and let you know? You’ll stay here, of course. We’ll have the jet pick you up at Logan and then have a small connector grab you at SeaTac. There’s a small airfield here that will get you about ten miles from the lodge. I’ll pick you up there.”

“Jeezus, Kari, you have quite the life all of a sudden.”

“Yeah, don’t I know it. Will Alyssa be coming?”

“Not this time. Maybe soon, though. Right now things are complicated with us.”

“Oh. Is everything okay?”

“It’s a long story. I’ll tell you mine and you can tell me yours when I get there. Are you sure you’ll have room?”

Kari laughed. “The lodge has eight bedrooms and fifteen cabins. I was going to put you in the lodge but you can have a cabin if you want.”

“You live in a mansion, Kari.”

“Sort of. It’s pretty overwhelming sometimes. But at the same time, everyone here is so close that it feels intimate. You’ll see when you get here. I’ll have a car come to get you from the station then and drive you straight to Logan. I want as much
time with you as possible. And I want you to walk me down the aisle, is that okay?”

“Okay? Oh, honey, that’s great. You know I’d be honored.”

“I’ll call you then with the final details. I’ll go ahead and deal with your wedding clothes, so don’t worry about that.”

“All right. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

Chapter Nine

By Wednesday morning the lodge was a study in insanity. The phone rang off the hook. Laurent and Phillip handled the business that Andreas had been putting off as he and Kari got to know each other. Sean had to go back to work but Ryan stayed to help with all the preparations.

Drew worked on the dress—a dress so top secret that Kari refused to let Andreas see it. Since it was December, they’d have the ceremony in a large heated tent in the meadow near the lake. Thank god Andreas had connections, because an event of that size at such short notice would have been impossible otherwise. Kari was in her element, though. She’d smoothly dealt with the details of the seating arrangements of no fewer than five Alpha pairs from neighboring clans.

Andreas stood in his office, looking out into the meadow and over the lake, smiling. He’d come into so much happiness in two weeks, it was hard to believe that he’d lived otherwise before. Kari was a force of nature, filling the lodge with an irrepressible joy and energy. They ran every night under the starry sky. She was so small and sprightly she was dwarfed by his, Phillip and Laurent’s wolves, yet she held her own.

“You know the brother had a friend at the FBI check you out,” Laurent said from behind him.

Andreas turned and went back to his computer. “Yes. I knew that. He worries about her. She lives all the way across the country. She’s young. He’s pretty much been a father and mother to her his whole life. I understand his reticence. And we had her investigated. I’d be a hypocrite to be angry now.”

“What are you going to tell him? About us?”

“She doesn’t want to say anything yet. I’ve offered to bring him over but she doesn’t know if she wants to ask him at all. I have to respect that. Most of the Pack that have been changed have family members who don’t know.”

“But they won’t be staying here for four days either. We’ll have to be careful.”

“Of course. That goes without saying.”

“He’s a cop, so he’ll be extra observant too. Andreas,” Laurent began, moving to close the door. He lowered his voice. “Does Kari know about your past with the females in the Pack?”

Andreas sighed. “No. I’ve been trying to find a way to tell her. It’s not like I’ll be sleeping with any of them now. I want no other female. Kari’s more than enough. All of that’s in the past.”

“But it’s part of Pack culture. It’ll come up sometime. I worry that if you don’t tell her it’ll get mentioned by someone and catch her by surprise. She’s woven a spell around my heart, Andreas. Your little wolf is very dear to me. I’d hate to see her hurt. She didn’t grow up this way.”

“What do you think I should tell her? ‘Oh, by the way, pass the peas and did you know that over my life I’ve fucked every single female Pack member except for my mother and Anna’?”

Laurent sighed. “Don’t be a smart-ass. She hungers to understand us. To know our ways. Tell her. Tell her that young males often couple with the females of the Pack, even after they’re mated. Talk to her about it. Reassure her that you don’t want any of them now that you have her. Although frankly, Andreas, I’ve heard many males say they hoped they’d have the chance to couple with Kari.”

“The hell they will!” Andreas roared. “Listen, I know what the situation is but she’s mine. I won’t be offering her up like that. I’m not closing it off as an option forever, but right now, I won’t be sharing.”

“Sean and Devon will be expecting it as your brothers. You’ve coupled with Perri on more than one occasion. As the oldest brother, it’s custom for the Alpha to share his mate with his siblings.”

“Don’t presume to tell me about Pack customs. I am Pack law. It’s optional to share mates, and it’s not going to happen. Period.”

“Okay, Andreas. But tell her. Tell her before she hears it from someone else and it hurts her. Hurts you both.”

* * *

Late Thursday evening, Andreas and Kari drove out to meet the plane bringing Jack in from Seattle.

Kari rushed to her brother, clearly thrilled to have him there.

Andreas watched the lanky blond gather Kari into his arms. It was clear immediately that he adored his sister and they shared a very strong bond. Andreas knew that it was incredibly important to win the other man over. For Kari’s sake, if for no other reason.

Kari might not want to admit it to herself but Andreas knew that he’d have to either change Jack or at the very least tell him what they were. The two were simply too close to have such a big secret between them.

And the man was a police officer—he’d begin to realize that she was hiding something from him. That would begin to affect their relationship negatively. And once they had children, it would be even harder to explain a three-month-old crawling and a six-month-old walking.

Jack meant a lot to Kari and in truth, Andreas felt he’d be an asset to the Pack. Someone who knew and loved his Mate in the Pack would provide for more protection and loyalty to her, which would strengthen their leadership as a whole. And Jack came from good genes, like his sister. The more strong males who sat at the top of the Pack and were loyal, the better it was for Andreas and Kari both.

* * *

Jack looked down at Kari. She’d never looked better. Her eyes were bright and the shadow of sadness that had always lurked there was gone. She looked healthy, happy and vitally in love.

“You look awfully good for a woman who was in a coma for three days,” he joked.

“Yeah. You look fab too. A bit tired, though. I know that plane ride is a killer. Let’s get you back to the lodge and into bed. First, though—” she looked up as they approached the car and locked eyes with Andreas “—Jack, I want you to meet the other incredibly important man in my life. Andreas Phinney, this is my brother and my best friend, Jack.”

Jack perused the other man for a moment and then smiled, holding his hand to take Andreas’s. Andreas took it and returned his smile.

“Welcome, Jack. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Kari speaks of you all of the time.”

They drove back to the lodge and got Jack settled. As Jack lay in his bed in the cabin on the lake, he thought about the situation. A knock sounded on the door.

It was Andreas.

“Mind if I come in?”

Jack nodded and stood back.

“I’m sorry if I woke you. I just thought that it would be good if you and I could talk a bit—away from Kari. I know you have concerns and I want to get them in the open so that you and I can clear the air.”

Jack motioned to the couch and Andreas sat down.

“Look, here’s the thing. Yes, you check out. All the things Kari told me about you are true. On paper, you’re a fucking wet dream. But that’s the thing that bugs me. I’m not saying my sister isn’t wonderful. She is. But why does a forty-two-year-old bachelor marry a twenty-four-year-old he’s known for a few days?”

“I met your sister and there was no other option. I had to be with her. The thing between us is...” Andreas paused, realizing he really couldn’t explain it, even if he could tell the guy he was a werewolf. What he and Kari shared was beyond words.

Andreas shrugged. “I can’t put it into words. But I am forty-two so it’s not like I can’t recognize something miraculous, even if I can’t properly explain it. I love your sister. I don’t expect you to trust me right off. You don’t know me and you want the best for your sister. I respect that. I just ask that you see for yourself. Watch and see how much I love and cherish her.”

Jack nodded. He had an instinct about people. This man did, indeed, love Kari. And Jack wasn’t one to hold a gr
udge or bias without evidence to the contrary. What he saw, everything he’d seen up to that moment, pointed to the guy speaking the truth.

“Okay. I appreciate your being so up-front. I like honesty. I’m a blunt man and I love my sister and want her to be happy. Just know that if you prove false and hurt her, I’ll be back and it won’t be pretty.”

Standing, they shook hands and Andreas smiled. “Gotcha. Good night, I’ll see you in the morning. Come on up for breakfast anytime.”

Jack went back to bed. Yes, the guy was on the up-and-up. He clearly had a major thing for Kari—that was quite clear. He was so large and yet gentle and Kari seemed to have no problems standing up to him. But there was something niggling in the back of his mind. Something wasn’t being said, and he would find out what that was before he left or he’d be taking Kari back with him.

Chapter Ten

Kari stood in Laurent’s room in front of the full-length mirror as Drew adjusted the dress. Midnight-blue silk caressed her skin snugly in a form-fitting spill with beaded spaghetti straps and a floor-length skirt with a slight flare at the hem. Tiny black seed pearls were sewn into a swirling pattern along the décolletage—which was pretty daring. The back dipped even lower, to the small of her back.

“Wow,” Drew said. “It looks amazing on you. Your body is perfect for this dress.”

“Your dress is perfect and makes my body look amazing,” Kari corrected. “I can’t believe you finished this in a week. You must have not slept at all.”

“I had help. But any sleeplessness on my part was worth the result.” Drew met her eyes in the mirror and smiled.

Perri whistled. “Kari, you look hot. My god, Andreas is going to pass out.”

Earlier, Drew had woven a thin metallic ribbon with the same black pearls sewn onto it through her hair, piled in a mass of curls on her head.

Perri, Jade and Anna wore white silk dresses to the mid-calf with midnight-blue bolero jackets to match. The dresses all had cap sleeves and pencil-straight skirts. Good thing that even at seventy years old, Anna was in top form. The bridesmaid’s dresses were as form-fitting as Kari’s and showed quite a bit of skin.