Page 12

Wolf's Ascension Page 12

by Lauren Dane

“In the first place, you think too much. Just accept it. In the second place, I’m here to serve you, my queen.”

Grinning, she playfully punched his arm. “Hmmm. Then you should roll over, because if you’ll remember, I’m the only one who got to come the last three times. I have a bit of catching up to do.” She raised an eyebrow and then traced the trail of blond hair from his navel to his groin. “If I recall correctly, I had plans to explore this particular trail in depth with my tongue. You stopped me last night at just a taste, but you know, a queen should not be denied her pleasure.”

“As you will it, my darling, so it shall be. I’m all yours.” Andreas let her push him to his back and she scrambled atop him. “I do like this view.”

Looking over his body, spread before her like a banquet, she laughed. “Me too!” Shimmying down, she bent to him, her hair cascading over his bare skin. She traced through the trail of downy hair with the tip of her tongue, tasting his skin underneath. His taste seduced her once more, spicy and salty. She took a deep breath and wood smoke, pine and an elemental male musk wove into her senses. Everything he was made her eyes roll back into her head.

Kissing downward, she came to his cock and stopped, looking at him with a smile. She drew her cheek over the length of him and sat back up. Running her palms over him and down to cup his balls, she went back to trace a long lick from crown to sac and back up again. She licked over his skin, soft and smooth, feeling the prominent vein on the underside throb. Unable to resist any longer, her mouth closed over his meaty cockhead. Her tongue swirled over him, tasting the salt of his pre-come. Around and down, over the prominent ridge, learning him bit by bit. He tasted so good and right, she hummed her approval. As the vibrations rolled up the flesh of his cock, he groaned.

He ran his fingers through her hair and down her neck. His legs trembled a bit as she took him as deeply as she could. She was beginning to learn the different sides of this man she loved. This encounter was so sweet and gentle, so lovely. Contrasted with the harder-edged dirty-talking Andreas of the evening before, it meant all the more. It meant they’d be learning each other for decades to come, never getting bored. Each time they’d been together had been unique and special in its own way. She was a very lucky girl indeed.

“You feel so good,” he murmured, stroking her neck and ears. She felt his climax approach. His muscles tensed and his breathing became erratic, her name a rhythmic whisper from his lips.

She got to her knees to get better leverage and to take more of him into her mouth. His balls drew tight against his body and he hissed when she drew her nails over the taut flesh there.

“Oh, little wolf, stop. I’ve got to be inside you, and right now.”

She took her mouth off him and looked up through her lashes. Gently grabbing her shoulders, he pulled her up to lie across his chest. She put her ear over his heart, listening to the thundering rhythm slow down, his warmth soothing.

His fingertips caressed the skin at her hip, swirled patterns on her ass and up her back. She arched into his touch like a cat—or perhaps like a dog. “You take my breath away.”

“That’s the point.” She grinned against his flesh and felt his chuckle vibrate through him.

“You’re right.” He picked her up and sat her astride his thighs. “Ride me, sweetheart,” he urged huskily. “I’ve been dying to be inside you for so long. And remember, the first time is making love and then we get to fucking.”

Reaching around behind herself, she grabbed his cock and rose up enough to guide him to her gate. Letting just the head of him sit there, barely inside her, she enjoyed it before slowly sinking down onto his cock. Electric shocks of pleasure played along her spine. Andreas being a big man with big equipment, Kari took it slow, letting the size of him stretch her slowly. She must have looked a bit overwhelmed because he laughed, a low, sexy growling sort of laugh. “You did say you were a size queen.” And he thrust his hips up to meet her until the last few inches were inside.

She arched with a gasp, nails digging into the muscle of his thighs. “A crown I do deserve, now that I’m with you. Not that I want to swell your head any more than it already is or anything, and not that I’ve slept with some huge stable of men, but I’ve never had anything approaching this big inside of me. It’s overwhelming but very, very nice.”

He laughed then, belly shaking and sending little shocks of pleasure through her. “Thank you for that. I do aim to please.” He put his hands on her hips and raised her up and she took over from there, slowly riding him as his hands caressed her.

Each time she relaxed her thigh muscles and slid down on him, his cock sliced through her, invading her body with his. She felt this acutely, both physically and emotionally. He resided within her in so many ways.

Candlelight flickered off his olive-toned skin, the way he looked there beneath her clutched at her gut—blond hair glinting like spun gold, lips parted, eyes glazed with desire, filled with only her. She took him in there, so large and dangerous but tamed for that one moment in time, and she continued to be amazed that anything could feel so good. Shivers worked through her as his hands palmed her nipples, pulling back, drawing fingertips over her, pulling and rolling and moving forward to palm them again.

Vaguely in the distance she heard the sound of people coming into the house but it was a million miles away from the feeling of this man buried inside of her.



“I love you.” She bent down, placing a kiss over his heart.

His arms came up and encircled her back. Moments later he flipped her over onto the mattress, leaning over her then, so big he blocked out the light behind them, the effect like sensory deprivation. All she could see, hear, smell and feel was him.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and he slipped in another inch or so. He picked up the pace then, sliding in and out of her faster and harder but still with incredible care. “I love you too, little wolf. I want to feel your pussy come around my cock. Make that happen for me.”

After that evening in the bathtub, she was past blushing about it or playing shy. And the look in his eyes brooked no room for that even if she’d wanted to. He wanted all of her. And so she slid her hand down her belly, fingertips finding her already slippery clit. Still, reaching down farther to the place they were joined, she gathered her honey even as she caressed him each time he pushed his cock deep into her cunt.

“God, Kari,” he gasped as he fucked into her body. “You’re so sexy.”

Smiling, she moved her fingers back to her clit and stroked over it, pressing down hard until her climax approached. Between her fingers on her clit, the new position that brought his pelvic bone against her mound and the size of him, she rocketed toward orgasm with toe-curling intensity.

“Please, I’m almost there. You too.” The muscles in her forearm corded as she worked her clit, the other hand clenched his hair.

He growled in approval and began to thrust so hard the headboard began to pound into the wall. “Yes, yes, little wolf,” he murmured, body tightening.

“Mmmm. Oh, Andreas.” Their mingled climax hit with such force that the electricity, the power that was released between them built into a hot wind. Most of the candles blew out and the lights flickered.

Wave after wave of pleasure buffeted her. Back arched, a hoarse cry came from her. Their gazes locked for a moment as she saw the force of his climax come into his face. Andreas threw his head back and roared out her name as he continued to thrust and come deep within her.

Finally, after what seemed like an hour, he sighed long and hard and collapsed on her, his weight feeling so good as it anchored her to the bed.

Well, good for a moment or two and then it became hard to breathe, and she was already panting from the orgasm. She squirmed underneath him. “Andreas,” she pleaded in a gasp and he moved back at once.

“Sorry, love, are you all right?” He tenderly kissed her lips.

; “Now that I can breathe I am.” Laughing, she took a few deep breaths.

He lay on his side, facing her, head resting on his hand. The other hand was tracing along her body. Her fingertips drew through his hair and down along the line of his jaw. These moments were theirs alone.

The noise from downstairs was growing. “That’s some party.” She glanced toward the door.

“Yes. We should go down soon.”

“Really?” she asked, disappointed.

He chuckled. “They got a queen tonight, a new member of the Pack. You bested one of them on your first transformation. They want to be with you.”

At the memory of Johanna, she tensed.

“Little wolf, don’t despair. It is the way of things. You did what you had to do to protect yourself and your Pack. It’s your job.”

She sat up. “I killed someone. That is not my job. I started that fight. I should have just walked away.”

He sat up, grabbing her chin and turning her to face him. “No. Damn it, Kari. Think like a wolf! She presented herself to me—to your Mate. On the night you Ascended and transformed. Not only was it bad form, it was out of line. You protected what was yours. You blooded her, as was your right and duty. She should have stopped then. She chose to attack you. Even when you had her by the throat and she surrendered, you walked away. You let her live and showed mercy. When she faked surrender and then chose to attack when your back was turned, she meant to kill you, Kari. She broke the rules of combat and you defended yourself. You did what you had to do.

“You didn’t kill a person. You aren’t human and neither was she. She lived according to Pack law. Law she broke several times today alone. You enforced it. That’s what a true leader does. It’s easy to lead when things are good but if the Pack doesn’t obey the rules, things happen and can get out of control very easily. It’s the job of an effective leader to keep the Pack safe. Sometimes that means discipline. You showed them tonight that you’re willing to fight for them. For what’s theirs, and that you’re willing to kill for them too.” He kissed her forehead.

“They’ll hate me.”

He laughed, squeezing her to him. “Listen. Do you hear them?”

She listened and heard laughter and loud talking. All joyous. “Yes.”

“And does it sound like they’re celebrating you or hating you?”

“Celebrating. Andreas?”

“Yes, little wolf?”

“Don’t you think you’ll get tired of being so much wiser than me?”

He laughed again and stood up, bringing her out of the bed with him. “You’re wise beyond your years. You didn’t grow up in this world, I did. It’s only natural that I’d know more than you. But I give you six months until you’re smarter than I am about all of this.”

She went into their bathroom to clean up a bit and came back out just as he walked into the large closet and brought back a red bundle. “This is for you. To wear when we go downstairs.” He handed it to her and it unfurled in her arms.

She held it before her in wonder. It was red silk. A robe with slits on each side to her upper thighs. Black fabric-covered buttons lined the front and embroidered wolves circled the mandarin-style collar. It was breathtaking.

Gasping, she held it to herself and squealed, jumping up and down with girly delight. Much to his amusement.

“I like that. Do it again. Your breasts are even more attractive when you jump around,” he said, grinning.

“You sure it’s not too much for your heart, old guy?” She smirked at him and slipped the robe on over her head, fastening the buttons that ran from her waist to the throat. The sleeves were long and bore the same embroidered wolves along the edging, flaring at the wrist.

He stood back and smiled. “Beautiful for such a smart-ass. Drew created it. He’s a clothing designer. I have one, as well. It’s blue. Or, Drew said, it’s ‘royal blue.’ Fitting, no?” Turning, he pulled his robe out. It didn’t have the thigh slits and the sleeves were shorter but the blue was perfect for him.

“You look like a pasha. Very handsome.”

Smiling, he brought her to him, kissing her passionately.

“If you keep this up, I’m not going anywhere other than back to bed. And I want to. I want to keep you in here all night long, making you come over and over. Damn this whole being-king business.” Smiling ruefully, he straightened up, letting her go.

“You can make me come over and over after the party. Nice erection,” she teased and walked toward the door.

“All for you,” he said huskily as he joined her.

Out in the hall, Laurent enjoyed a glass of wine as he stared down at the crowd below. He turned to her and bowed. “My queen. You look beautiful.”

She rolled her eyes at him. All of the “my queen” stuff was getting old. “Thanks, Laurent. You don’t look so bad yourself. Naked becomes you.” Winking, she swept past him.

“As it does you,” he returned and then grunted when Andreas slugged him on the arm.

Kari went downstairs to greet everyone. Approaching Drew, she kissed his cheek. Gesturing to the robe, she grinned. “This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever owned. Thank you so much for creating it.”

“When Andreas told me about you and then showed me a picture, I just saw you as an empress. The silk had been sitting in my workshop for two years, just waiting for the right person. One of the women who does embroidery work for me took one look and suggested the embroidered wolves to line the collar and the wrists, the major blood points.”

“Wow. I’m even more touched that so much thought and care went into this. Does she know? Is she a wolf too?”

“No. Just a very wise woman.”

“Where on earth did you get my picture anyway?”

“Uh.” Worry crossed his face, making Kari suspicious. “I don’t know. You were sitting near a fountain in an outdoor café of sorts. Your hair was free, you had on lavender. A pretty skirt and blouse.”

She patted Drew’s arm reassuringly. Andreas. Turning and scanning the area, she found him lounging on the couch, like the pasha he so resembled. Of course, she wasn’t surprised to see him surrounded by other males from the Inner Circle. “Please excuse me, Drew. And thank you so much again.”

He smiled, touching his hand over his heart. “I’m honored that you find it to your liking. Come by my shop anytime. I’d love to make you other items.”

“I’d like that too.” Her sincere smile for Drew turned into a glare as she turned to face Andreas and make her way over to him. Oh, he was in big trouble.

“Uh-oh,” Sean said as he caught sight of Kari making her way over to them. Of course, she had to stop every few steps to greet someone else.

Andreas looked up and saw her face as she glared at him but the glare transformed into a beautiful smile as she turned to face one of the Pack, who rubbed his cheek along her thighs while his partner kissed her hands.

“You’re obviously in trouble.” Laurent grinned.

“I haven’t done anything,” he said defensively and then glared at Sean. “You take an awful lot of joy from this. You’re next, you know.” Andreas was glad he had so many people around him, his little Mate looked spitting mad. Whatever it was, he was sure he’d hear an earful.

“She’s quite delicious, Andreas. Does she have a sister?” Carey asked, watching Kari weave her way toward them, her legs showing with each stride. Despite the fact that many of them were naked or nearly so, the effect of the brief flashes of Kari’s bare skin was quite sexy.

“She has a brother. He’s human. Stop ogling my wife,” Andreas growled. A look around the room showed that many males watched his Mate. Even the mated ones watched. Hell, even the women watched her. She exuded a thick kind of sensuality. She also had an inherent maternalism. Add that to the musk of the sex they’d had earlier and the fact that she was their queen, and she made the perfect wolf girl. Aside from annoyance and a mild jealousy, that she was so desired turned him on. She was his and others wan
ted her.

There were times when a female who was mated might have a sexual interaction with a male not her Mate. At the Gathering tonight he’d seen Perri with Sean and Luna with Laurent. He’d slept with Perri himself a few times in wolf form and once in human form before she’d married Devon. He had the feeling that Kari didn’t know that though, and there wasn’t any way he’d be telling her any time soon.

He knew for sure that he was glad that for the most part, the wolf king and queen, once mated, didn’t step outside their relationship. He wasn’t sure he could imagine seeing her with another male and he felt so deeply about her he felt no desire for anyone else.

Finally Kari made it across the room to where Andreas held court. What should have taken thirty seconds had taken half an hour after she’d had to greet everyone and accept congratulations, including a special thank-you from Jade for the way she’d dealt with Johanna.

She kept walking and the huge men lolling around at Andreas’s feet simply rolled out of her way. Coming to a stop when she reached him, she put her hands on her hips.

“Skye, stop looking up my robe,” she snapped and he laughed, reaching out to caress her leg. Rolling her eyes at him, she turned to look down at Andreas.

“Is something wrong, little wolf?”

“You want to tell me how a picture of me taken without my knowledge ended up in Drew’s possession?”

Oops. “Oh, that. Well, you remember that I told you that I saw you at the convention center and then I tried to find out all I could about you? Phillip and Michael watched you to keep you safe. Sometimes they took photos of you. You knew I found out about your childhood.”

“Pictures of me? Through some sort of telephoto lens? Like a stalker? How many pictures do you have and what sort of pictures are they?”

Busted. He didn’t dare look at Phillip, who’d taken several pictures of her in her apartment, two of them with her in states of undress. It had been more to see what sort of body she had, to assess her breeding ability, and she so wouldn’t understand that. It did seem sort of bad when he thought about it.