Page 22

Without You Page 22

by Kelly Elliott

My breath caught for a moment. He was so handsome. His brown hair had just been cut, but it was still long enough for me to run my fingers through and grab while we made love. He hadn’t shaved in probably two days, and he had that perfect scruff look. Will had an amazing body, and I could see his muscles through his tight blue T-shirt. With all that working on the ranch, he didn’t even need to go to the gym, but he did every single day, and his body showed it. His blue eyes made my stomach do crazy flips. I licked my lips as I practically undressed him with my eyes.

“You like what you see?”

I blushed, knowing I had probably been eye-fucking the hell out of him. “I do very, very much. It’s a shame we have to meet Libby and Zack for dinner because I really want to be—”

My phone began ringing. I held up my finger for Will to hold my thoughts. He laughed as he went to sit on the sofa.

I looked at Will with a shocked expression on my face.

Why is Luke calling me?

“Hello? Luke?”

“Hey there, baby girl. Grace told me y’all were in town.”

I smiled. “We sure are. We wanted to come check out the campus. Plus, we both have appointments tomorrow.”

Luke laughed. “Uh-huh. I’m sure that’s the only reason y’all are here. I see Will has already been to our room and packed up his shit.”

I felt my face blush as I looked over at Will.

“Why, I don’t know what you mean.”

“You never could pull off a lie, Alex. Hey, Grace told me about dinner. Gonna jump in the shower. I’ll see y’all there.”

“Okay. See ya.” Then, it hit me. Shit! “Wait! Luke?”

He had already hung up, and I looked at Will with a look of horror.

“What? What’s wrong?”

“Oh God, Will. Libby invited us to dinner, and I sent Grace a text to invite her as well.”

He looked at me, confused. “Okay. And what’s the problem?”

“The problem is that Grace invited Luke to come along, and Libby is with her date, Zack.”

Will’s face dropped. “Oh shit, this is not good, not good at all, Lex.”

“What are we going to do? Tell Luke he can’t come?”

He pushed his hand through his hair, and I couldn’t help but be turned-on. I loved when he did that. Hell, anything he did turned me on.

“Maybe we should just tell Luke that Lib is going to be there with a date.”

I shook my head. “You know Luke. That will just make him want to come even more. Has he said anything to you about Libby?”

He nodded his head. “Yeah, today. He admitted to having feelings for her, but he’s afraid of hurting her. Thinks he is not good enough for her. Honestly, I think he’s just scared of how strong his feelings are for her. He saw her kissing this guy, and he took off for Abigail. He thinks Abigail helps him forget about Libby.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yuck. That turns my stomach, Will.”

He nodded his head. “How do you think I feel? It’s my sister.”

Thirty minutes later, Grace, Will, and I were sitting down at a table at Saltgrass. Libby had sent a text saying that Zack had to run back to his dorm and change, so they would be a few minutes late.

I looked up to see Luke walking in.

Grace jumped up and stopped him. “Hey, do you want to go see a movie?”

Luke looked at her funny. “After dinner?”

“No, now. Let’s you and me grab something fast and go catch a movie.” Grace tried to take Luke’s arm and pull him back toward the door.

Luke laughed. “Damn, girl. I don’t want to see a movie. I want to visit with you and Alex. What’s wrong with you?”

Grace’s mouth dropped open. “Brother, sister”—she pointed between herself and Luke—“togetherness. Don’t you miss me?”

Luke leaned down and kissed Grace on the cheek. “I miss you more than you’ll ever know, sweet pea.”

He stepped around her and made his way to the table. I looked at Grace, and she shrugged. I smiled and stood up when Luke walked up to me.

He kissed me on the cheek and hugged me. “I’ve sure missed you, Alex.”

Luke truly was a sweetheart. He was going to make someone very happy one day—if he could just learn to open his heart and not be so afraid. He’d never really had a serious girlfriend. Every time he’d tried to date, the girl would get jealous of his friendship with Libby. When the girl forced him to pick, he would always choose Libby.

If Libby were in the same situation with a guy she was dating, she would do the same and choose Luke.

We chatted for a few minutes when Grace kicked me under the table. I looked up, and Libby and Zack were walking up. Libby’s smile dropped the moment she saw Luke.

She quickly looked at me.

I mouthed, Sorry.

Will stood up, which caused Luke to look.

His smile instantly vanished, and he muttered, “Son of a bitch.”

Libby and Luke both stared at each other.

Libby forced a smile. “Hey, y’all. Um…Zack, this is my brother, Will.”

Zack stuck his hand out for Will to shake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Will.”

Will smiled and nodded.

“This is Alex,” Libby said.

Zack reached over and shook my hand. I smiled as I looked into his light blue eyes. He was about five feet ten with dark blond hair, and he had a smile that would melt a girl’s heart.

“Alex, it’s a pleasure. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

I smiled. “Nice to meet you, Zack.”

Libby turned to Grace. “This is Grace.”

Zack smiled. “Grace, pleasure to finally meet you. Lib’s been talking about you and Alex a lot.”

Oh God, he called her Lib.

Luke was the one who had started calling her Lib.

Libby swallowed hard and turned to face Luke, who looked like it was taking everything for him to stay calm.

“Um…Zack, this is, um…this is Luke. Luke and Grace are brother and sister.”

Poor Zack. I felt so sorry for him.

Luke reached out his hand and shook Zack’s. He didn’t give Zack a chance to talk first. “Hey there, Zack. So, how long have y’all been dating?”

Libby’s mouth dropped open as she glared at Luke.

Zack looked back at Libby, and she quickly smiled.

“What? About two weeks now?”

“Yes, almost three,” Libby said.

Zack pulled out her chair. Libby sat down, and Luke, Will, and Zack followed.

“What year are you, Zack?” Luke asked.

Will gave Luke a look. Luke peeked at Will and smirked. The boys were always overprotective, but I could hear it in Luke’s voice. He was beyond jealous.

“I’m in my sophomore year,” Zack said.

“Where are you from?” Luke asked.

Will cleared his voice.

“With the twenty questions, I’d think Luke was the brother,” Zack said with a laugh.

Both Will and Luke snapped their heads at Zack, and Grace chuckled nervously.

Libby attempted to laugh. “Zack, one thing you need to know is we are all very close. We grew up together. Will, Luke, and Alex’s brother, Colt, have always been a bit…overprotective. Let’s chill out on the questions, Luke. Okay?”

Luke glared at Zack and then looked at Libby. “Fine,” he said between gritted teeth.

“Well, to answer your question, I’m from Colorado Springs.”

“I love Colorado,” I said with a smile.

Zack turned to me and smiled.

“So, what? No good schools in Colorado? You had to come to Texas?” Luke asked.

Zack’s smile lessened just a bit. “No. We have plenty of good schools. My father lives in Austin. I wanted to be close to him while I attended school. My mother passed away during my senior year of high school.”

Grace and I both sucked in a breath of air. “I’m so sorry,” we both said at
the same time.

Luke looked down and then back up at him. “I’m really sorry to hear that.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, Zack,” Will said.

“No worries. Thank you though. It’s much appreciated.”

For the rest of dinner, Luke didn’t utter a word to Libby or Zack. He never even so much as looked at them. He mostly talked to Grace about UT and us coming to A&M next year. He asked about her plans for the weekend, and then he made arrangements to show her around tomorrow and Saturday.

My heart hurt as I watched the whole thing play out. I couldn’t help but notice Libby looking at Luke. I could understand her wanting to move on since Luke hadn’t made a move.

Dinner ended, and we all made our way out to the parking lot. Luke kissed Grace and me good-bye.

He turned to shake Zack’s hand. “It was nice meeting you, Zack.”

“Same here, Luke.”

Luke turned to Libby. His whole body seemed to slump over, and his eyes looked so sad. “Lib, I’ll see you around.”

I saw the light from the streetlamp catch Libby’s eyes. They filled with tears as she nodded her head without uttering a word back to Luke.

“Right. See y’all later.” Luke turned and headed to his truck.

When he pulled out his phone, I knew what he was doing—texting Abigail. I looked back at Libby, and I knew she was thinking the same thing.

She turned to Zack. “I’m not ready to end the night. Let’s go dancing.”

Will and I shook our heads.

“I’m tired, so I’m going to have to pass,” I said.

“I’ll go with y’all!” Grace said.

“Y’all have fun,” Will and I both said.

We made our way to Will’s truck. After we got in, we both let out a sigh. Will looked back at Libby and Zack as they walked to what I guessed was Zack’s car.

“Shit. Why do I have a feeling Libby is going to do something she will regret?”

My heart literally hurt. I prayed that Libby wouldn’t do the one thing I had a feeling she was going to do—give herself to Zack to push Luke out of her heart.

I glanced up from my notes to see Lex reading on the bed. She was swinging her legs around as she lay on her stomach. She was so beautiful. This weekend had been amazing. We had made love earlier, and the glow on her face was still present. When she had whispered in my ear that she was mine and I was hers, I’d come so hard and had such an intense orgasm that I had to look away from her. I had felt the tears building in my eyes.

She looked up and smiled when she saw me staring at her. “You taking a break?”

I nodded my head. “I’m distracted.”

“By what?” she asked with a crooked smile.

“Those legs.”

She sat up and crossed her legs. “Oh, yeah? What about my legs?”

I decided we’d had enough of sweet lovemaking. It was time to get a little dirty. “I want them wrapped around my body…while I fuck you.”

Her eyes widened, and she licked her lips. My dick jumped as I watched her body react to what I had just said.

“Can we try something different?” she asked.

Oh hell, I think I just came.

“Lex, I’ll try whatever you want.”

She got up on her knees and pulled her T-shirt up and over her head. Then, she took off her bra. She held it in her hands and bit down on her lip. “I want you to tie me up and take me from behind.”

I swallowed hard. “Wha-what?”

Her face dropped. “Do you not want to try something like that? I mean…” Her face turned a deep shade of red, like she was embarrassed.

I jumped up. “Fuck, no…I mean, yes! I want to do that…all of that.”

She smiled bigger and began unbuttoning her shorts. “I want you so much, Will.”

I quickly stripped out of my clothes as Lex moved to the edge of the bed before standing up.

“Turn around, Lex.”

I had no fucking clue what I was doing. I took Lex’s hands and tied them behind her back with her bra. My dick was throbbing with anticipation. I walked her over to the chair and gently pushed the front of her over the back of it while I used my foot to spread her legs open.

I reached between her legs and moaned when I stuck my fingers inside her. “So damn wet.”

She dropped her head. “Mmm…again.”

I pushed my fingers in again as I began priming her body for my dick. The moans she was letting out were driving me crazy. I was about to push myself into her when I remembered something.


“Fuck,” I hissed. I quickly got a condom and rolled it on.

“Will, please. I need it.”

“What do you need, baby?”

“You. Now. Hard and fast, Will.”

I teased her entrance with my tip. I wanted to hear her say it. “Tell me what you want, Lex,” I whispered as I pulled on her tied hands.

“God, Will, don’t tease me.” She pushed her ass back toward me, causing me to smile.

I pushed into her just a bit and pulled back out.


“Tell me, Lex.”

“Fuck me, goddamn it! I want you to fuck me!”

Holy shit.

I pushed myself so fast and hard into her that she let out a scream.

“Did I hurt you?”

She shook her head. “No…more. Will, more!” She sounded frantic.

I used my hand to pull her arms back as my other hand grabbed her hip. I moved in and out of her, hard and fast.

“Jesus, Lex. This feels so damn good.”

“Oh God, yes! I’m going to come. I’m going to come!”

I began to thrust deeper into her as she called out my name.

“Lex, oh, baby, I’m coming.”

Three more hard thrusts, and we both called out in pleasure. I untied her hands and removed the condom. I was attempting to catch my breath when Lex pulled me over to the bed and crawled on top of me. She began touching her breasts as she moved against my exhausted dick.

“Jesus, Lex. I can’t…even…breathe.”

“Oh God, Will. I’m still so turned-on. It’s unreal. That was the hottest and most amazing thing ever, but it was way too fast.”

I smiled. “Yeah, it was.”

“I need more.”

I placed my hands on her hips and moaned as she rubbed against me. She was moving her hips as she touched her breasts. When she began playing with her nipple, I couldn’t believe my dick was coming up again.

“Damn, Lex. You’re driving me mad.”

She looked down at me and licked her lips. “My turn to fuck you.”

My heart began to pound faster in my chest as she moved up and slowly sank down onto my dick. We both let out a moan as I felt her warm body sucking me in deeper. My eyes about rolled to the back of my head.

“Ride me, Lex. Ride me fast and hard.”

She grinned and began doing just that. The way her breasts were bouncing up and down as she moved was bringing me closer and closer to the edge. She reached up and grabbed both breasts as she rode me faster.

“Jesus, Lex, you’re the sexiest woman on earth,” I panted out.

She looked at me and smiled. “This feels so damn good. I’m going to come. Oh God, yes…Will. Oh, yeah…yes, that’s it! I’m coming, Will. Yes! Oh God! Yes!”

She threw her head back and began calling out my name as my orgasm hit me like never before. My whole body experienced the most incredible feeling, and I began calling out her name.

“Lex, oh God, Lex. I’m coming, baby. Feels. So. Amazing.”

It felt like I was never going to stop coming as I poured myself into her body.

“Oh God, I’m coming again!” Lex screamed out as she placed her hands on my chest and moved faster and harder.

The next thing I knew, she was draped over me, gasping for air.

“Motherfucker. Lex, that was fucking incredible. I could feel you squeezing my dick.�
�� I wrapped my arms around her.

We stayed like that for at least five minutes until our breathing slowed and steadied out.

She leaned up and kissed me so passionately. “If I knew you had such stamina, Mr. Hayes, we would have been doing that all weekend.”

I laughed as she moved up and off of me. The second she was off of me, I knew I had made the one mistake I never wanted to make. Lex stopped moving and looked at me with an expression of horror. I looked down and saw cum on my dick.

“Oh my God,” Lex whispered.

I looked up into her eyes. “Lex, I’m so sorry. I totally got so caught up in the moment, baby, that I forgot. Fuck!”

Lex just stood there, cum slowly making its way down her leg. She seemed stunned. Then, she smiled, and I looked at her like she was nuts.

“Is that why it felt so amazing?”


I looked down at my dick again and then at Lex. It had felt incredible. I had thought it was from Lex being on top.

“It did feel fucking amazing,” I said.

Lex giggled. She quickly turned, walked into the bathroom, and turned on the shower.

I fell back on the bed, and my one moment of ecstasy turned into panic.

What if Lex gets pregnant? Gunner is going to kill me. I’ll never live to see the light of day. I’ll have to take over my father’s business and make furniture. No ranch for me. What about Lex and her dreams?

“What did I just do?”

“Hayes, what in the hell has been wrong with you?” Luke asked.

I looked up at him. “What do you mean?”

He shook his head as he sat down at the table where I was sitting at the cafe. “You haven’t eaten in days, you’ve been sleeping maybe three hours a night, and you look stressed as hell.”

I swallowed hard. If I told Luke what I had done, he would want to beat the hell out of me.

I shook my head. “Jesus Christ, Luke. I had sex with Lex and forgot to use a condom. I’m going crazy. What if she’s pregnant? I mean, I can’t believe I put both of our futures—”

Luke held up his hands. “Hold up. Is she on the pill? God, please tell me she is on the pill.”

I nodded my head. “Yeah, she’s on birth control.”