Page 10

With Every Heartbeat Page 10

by Linda Kage

I probably should’ve called her out and told Melissa what she’d really been digesting, but I didn’t want to get Cora into trouble, especially when Melissa warned her that abusing alcohol could make her ineligible for a transplant.

I don’t think I was able to breathe again until Melissa left and another technician returned, this one named Claire.

Claire was a lot more laid-back, and a lot less intimidating, so I was able to relax around her.

As she sprayed something on Cora’s arm, right where Cora had showed me her fistula was, I leaned in to watch. “What’s that?”

“It’s an anesthetic to numb the skin,” Claire answered easily, grinning at me. “Our Cora here doesn’t like the needle pricks.”

I smiled weakly, feeling even worse for my best friend. Cora hated needles, and yet she had to endure them three times a week. “Who would?” I said, studying Cora’s face as she turned away as if bored. But I saw her flinch as the first needle was inserted.

I flinched with her.

Claire chuckled. “Oh, you’ll get your turn to be stuck plenty if you’re going to be her donor.”

Great. Unease swirled through my stomach, but after four hours of sitting there watching Cora’s kidneys get flushed out through her arm, I was more certain than ever that I wanted to be her donor. No one should have to go through this.

I was also more convinced she should tell people about her condition. Especially her boyfriend.

Quinn seemed like the caring type. He’d made sure I was okay in the warehouse at the car wash, but then he’d given me privacy. He’d even let Caroline talk out some of her problems to me at the pizza parlor without interfering. And that didn’t even get into the things he did for Cora, like cooking her breakfast every Saturday and changing the menu in deference to her wishes, or carrying her up to her apartment after she’d drank too much, making sure she was comfortable in bed before leaving her, or knowing how to handle her hangovers. He’d definitely be the type to stand by her and pamper her through a difficult time. And I knew Cora loved to be pampered.

That’s why I didn’t understand her. But every time I broached the subject, she just hissed at me. So I shut up and focused on the reasons why I was here: to give up a kidney and start my own life. Nothing else really mattered.

Two days after I got to watch Cora’s dialysis, I started college.

ESU was bigger than I thought it would be. I wished I’d been able to attend some of the orientation classes, but hopefully Freshman Experience would help me adjust.

Using the trusty map I’d printed off, I hunted up my first class—Art Appreciation, a general requirement that was easy to get out of the way.

The room was huge and tall, with steps in the seating area that lifted up with each row of chairs so everyone could stare down at the professor while he taught. I felt like a complete mess. My bag was packed with all the supplies I hoped I needed as I entered the lecture hall, but I was so nervous I worried I might give myself indigestion.

I was early, because I hated being late, but surprisingly I wasn’t the first person in the room; a couple more individuals sat scattered throughout. I ducked my head and started for a place at the end of a row, somewhere strategically in the middle section, when a voice called, “Zoey? Over here.”

Surprised to hear my name, I automatically looked over, even though I was sure there had to be another Zoey around. But I was even more startled to find a familiar blonde waving at me. She grinned and patted the chair next to her.

Relieved to see a friendly face, I changed directions and hurried to Caroline, who’d taken up a front row seat, directly in the center of the room. I’d feel overly exposed there, but it’d be worth it to sit next to her.

“Hi. What a coincidence. I had no idea we’d share a class.”

She grinned. “I know. I’m so glad we do. I looked over Noel’s schedule last night. But being a senior, he’s already taken all his basic requirements. We didn’t share anything together. I was so sure I wouldn’t know anyone in any of my classes.”

“Ditto,” I admitted.

As soon as I settled myself beside her, she reached out and gripped my forearm. “Hey, thanks again for Friday night.”

“I...” When my words stumbled over my tongue, I looked up from the notepad I was taking from my backpack to find the most sincere expression on her face. “Oh, but I didn’t do any—”

“You were there for me when I needed someone to just…be there. Trust me, your presence helped. I was so worried I freaked you out, though, because of the way I acted at the—”

“No! Not at all.” With a roll of my eyes, I admitted, “I would’ve freaked a little myself to learn what you’d just learned about your brother.”

“I know, right.” She leaned in to whisper. “I still can’t believe it. I’ve been hiding in a hole all summer, worried he thought I was the most wicked person ever for—” She stopped abruptly, as if she’d just then realized I had no idea what had happened to her.

With a small clearing of her throat, she shoved some hair out of her eyes. “Anyway, come to find out, Noel hasn’t been a perfect angel either.” She grinned and patted my arm. “It was actually kind of a relief to learn. I mean, it’s weird. Don’t get me wrong. But...I don’t know. I can’t really condemn them for anything because I’ve seen them as a couple and they just click together, you know. How they hooked up just doesn’t bother me.” Biting her lip, she sent me a hesitant look. “Do you think that’s wrong?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve always loved happily ever afters in romances. I love to see couples in love beat the odds. And those two really seemed to be—”

“They are.” Caroline sent me a nod of approval. “They really, really are.”

She opened her mouth to say something else, but a call from across the room stalled her. “Caroline? Is that you?”

Caroline looked over, and her face instantly brightened. “Reese! What a happy surprise. I was so sure I wouldn’t know anyone all day. But look, I have you two in my first class. This is Zoey. I met her this weekend at the football’s fundraiser car wash. She’s roommates with Cora, Quinn’s girlfriend.”

The brunette with a nose ring skipping toward us latched her attention on me. “Oh, I love Quinn.” She gave a happy clap before carelessly flinging her bag onto the desk beside mine. “He’s such a good guy, and a total sweetheart.”

Caroline turned to me. “Reese is engaged to Mason, who also works at Forbidden with Quinn and Noel...and Oren.” Her smile faltered when she said that last name.

I nodded. “Oh.” Then I couldn’t handle the curiosity anymore. “What is Forbidden, exactly?”

“It’s a nightclub,” Reese explained, plopping into her chair with a relieved smile before she kicked off her shoes and began to wiggle her purple-painted toes. Then she took a sip from the steaming cup she’d brought in with her. “All our guys are bartenders there.”

“What...the hell are all you hens doing in this class?”

I turned to see a horrified Ten standing before us, a single thick textbook tucked under his arm. He spun and scowled at Caroline, his gaze accusing. “Where’s your brother?”

She blinked and moved deeper into her seat away from him. “Um...I don’t know. His own first class of the day, I would assume.” Her eyes narrowed and lips pinched tight. “He didn’t hold my hand and walk me to class.”

“But he should be here.” He pointed down to the exact spot where he was standing. “I saw his class schedule sitting out on the table in the kitchen at your place. He had this class, so I enrolled.”

Caroline flushed. “Well, that must’ve been my schedule you saw because I know for a fact Noel isn’t taking this class.”

As Ten closed his eyes and lightly pounded a fist to his forehead, I darted my gaze between them. When Ten had told me he’d have to change his game plan around Caroline, I guess he hadn’t been kidding. He definitely wasn’t being as sweet or nice to her as he’d bee
n before she’d tried to kiss him.

“Motherfucker,” he groaned. “No Gamble, and I’m stuck in a class with not one, or even two, but three untouchables. This is going to suck...ass.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Reese lifted a curious eyebrow. “Do I even want to ask what an untouchable is?”

“You know...” He twirled out his finger to encompass Reese, Caroline and me. “You’re Lowe’s woman. Can’t flirt with you. You’re Noel’s little sister.” He scowled at Caroline. “Can’t fucking go there. And you...” He flicked his attention to me, “...belong to Hamilton.” Then he made a sweeping gesture over all three of us. “Ergo I can’t touch any of you. Untouchables. And to make it worse, you all will probably be watching me with your judgey little eyes so I’ll have to behave and can’t hit on any other woman in this class either.”

As Reese snorted, I gaped at him. I couldn’t believe he was being so candid about his pursuits for other women...right in front of Caroline, when he knew she liked him. And what in God’s name had he meant about me being—

“I don’t care if you hit on anyone,” Reese told him.

“Flirt away.” Caroline gestured airily, as if she didn’t care either.

“I belong to...Hamilton?” I repeated incredulously.

“Undisputedly.” Ten sent me a short nod, ignoring the other two girls for the time being. “Apparently, if you move in with the woman he dates, he automatically assumes responsibility for you. I have henceforth been...warned off.”

“You...” I shook my head. Wait. “What?”

“I know.” He lifted his hands as if he totally agreed with my confusion. “I made one remark about your ass and he ordered me to back off and leave you alone.”

“You did what?” If I wasn’t sitting, I probably would’ve tried to cover my tush with my hands. I settled for crossing my arms over my chest to hide the girls from him, even though the button-up pink and white plaid blouse I was wearing didn’t show a hint of cleavage.

“Fine.” He rolled his eyes and blew out a disgusted breath. “I checked out your legs too. But God, I’m a guy, okay? I look at women. Why is that such a bad thing?”

“Probably because you’re really lewd about it,” Reese offered helpfully. “I mean, do I make you feel like a piece of bacon for sale when I check you out? No. There is a tasteful way to look.”

Turning all his attention to her, Ten hiked his foot onto the chair next to the desk where she was sitting and rested his elbows on his thigh while he wiggled his eyebrows at her. “So you check me out, huh, Buttercup?”

“Yes,” she answered dryly and patted his cheek. “And I’ve found you completely lacking compared to my Mason. Sorry.”

On the other side of me, Caroline cracked up laughing. Ten jerked his foot off the chair, scowling as he straightened. Then he sniffed at Reese. “Pfft. As if I want to be as pretty as Lowe, anyway.”

“Well, good.” Reese set a hand over her heart, looking relieved. “Because you don’t even rank in his league.”

Ten gaped at her. “Jesus, thank God I’m not a self-conscious pansy ass, otherwise that would’ve stung.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” Reese assured him brightly. “I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn’t know what a huge, overinflated ego you have.”

Ten opened his mouth but didn’t seem to know what to say, not that Reese was paying him any more attention anyway. Her face brightened, and she leapt out of her chair. “Now there’s a guy in my Mason’s league. Quinn!”

Hearing that name made me stop breathing. I zipped my attention to where Reese was bounding past us, and sucked in a breath when I saw him in the opening of the lecture hall.

Oh, good Lord. I was going to share my first class with Quinn Hamilton?

He looked good in crisp dark jeans and a pale green shirt that clung to his heavenly chest. I couldn’t look away because something about looking at him just seemed to bring me to life. I could suddenly smell better—the crisp graphite of a newly sharpened pencil pierced my nostrils—hear better—every crinkle of paper and shift of a book bag rattled through my eardrums—see better—the fluorescent lights sprayed down on his neatly combed dark hair—even taste better—the hint of mint toothpaste coated my teeth.

At first, Quinn didn’t see Reese; he was too busy scanning the back of the room. When he did spot her, she was already right there—barefoot and all—plowing into him. He jerked a startled step away, but Reese tackled him into a hug anyway.

“I’m so glad you share a class with us, too.” She grinned up at him adoringly as she pulled back to hook her arm through his and sweep him across the room to our group. “This will make having to put up with Ten much more bearable.”

As I watched her drag him closer, I tried not to feel anything about the way she’d hugged him and clung to his arm. I told myself it was injustice on Cora’s behalf, but sadly, I felt the same simmering heat and flushy cheeks as when I’d seen Cora touch him.

Clearly, he didn’t know how to take Reese’s attention. I could tell he wasn’t comfortable with how familiarly she handled him, but he didn’t want to be rude and pull away, either. It all lingered in his eyes as he sent her a tense smile.

Ten lifted his hand, scowling at Reese. “What the hell? Why didn’t I get that kind of greeting?”

In answer, Reese clung to Quinn’s arm tighter and even rested her cheek against his shoulder in a possessive move. “Because you never dove in front of a speeding bullet and were shot to save my cousin’s life, that’s why.”

“Oh my God!” Ten cried, throwing up his hands in disbelief. “It was a flesh wound.”

“Most beautiful, amazing, gallant flesh wound ever.” Reese found a puckered nick of flesh on Quinn’s arm before she kissed it. “This is why my Eva’s still alive.”

My mouth fell open when I realized what she meant. “Wait. You were really shot?”

At my voice, he jerked his attention abruptly to me. His lips parted as surprise washed over his features. Cheeks flushing darker, he darted his gaze away until it set on Caroline next, which seemed to surprise him even more. “Oh,” he rushed out the word, glancing between the two of us. “Hi.” When his gaze settled on me, the heat that always consumed me in his presence flared even hotter.

Since he didn’t seem eager to talk about his experience, Reese was more than willing to fill me in on what had happened. “Yes, he was shot. He was so brave and heroic about it too.”

Ten snickered. “Aren’t brave and heroic the same thing?”

“Shut up,” Reese said pleasantly, without taking her gaze off me. “Eva, my cousin, told me all about it. This sick, sadistic, evil witch of a woman pulled a gun on her—”

“The same woman who—” Ten tried to cut in to add, but Reese punched him in the arm, silencing him.

Keeping eye contact with me the entire time, she continued her story, “...and pulled the trigger. She probably would’ve hit Eva right in the heart and killed her.”

“Pfft,” Ten muttered, rolling his eyes. “As if she could aim that good.” This time, everyone ignored him.

“But Quinn was there, and instead of ducking for cover, he tackled Eva and took her to the ground right when the witch pulled the trigger.”

She went back to patting Quinn’s scar lovingly before Ten muttered, “Jesus, why don’t you back up off the poor guy already? Are you not seeing the look on his face? I swear I’m about to get hives for him.”

Reese looked up at Quinn’s face and suddenly seemed to realize how uncomfortable she was making him. She jerked back. “Oh my God. I’m so sorry, Quinn. I keep forgetting how shy you are.”

My heart thumped hard in my chest, but that word...shy. It resonated through me, making my ears buzz.

But Quinn Hamilton was shy?

I have no idea why I hadn’t realize that before. All the signs had been right there in front of my face. I’d just been so focused on what I thought he’d be like from all the letters Cora had sent me. I’d never onc
e imagined he’d be shy. I saw it as clear as day now, though, as I watched the way his face flushed and his gaze darted my way before he ducked his chin and mumbled, “It’s okay.”

That’s when another enlightening fact hit me. I had a major crush on my best friend’s boyfriend. For some reason—probably complete denial—I hadn’t understood before why my body reacted every time he was around...or even whenever his name was mentioned. But learning he was just as introverted as I was suddenly so clear why I’d felt such a connection with him.

How mortifying. Feeling my own face heat up, I lowered my attention to the books on my desk just as an arm swept them away.

“Wha...?” I looked up to realize Ten had grabbed everything that had been on my desktop as well as Caroline’s and Reese’s and was now holding them hostage under his arm.

“So now that we’ve established Hamilton’s perfect, and gorgeous, and heroic, and all that awesome shit, can we please find our real seats?”

“This is my real seat,” Caroline argued, scowling up at him. “Now give me by book back.”

Ten snorted. “I don’t think so, sweetheart. We are not sitting in loser lane.” When the guy who’d been sitting next to Caroline lifted his face from the book he was reading, Ten tossed him a chin bob. “No offence.”

“Yeah, I think he’s still offended,” Caroline reported dryly.

“Then maybe he shouldn’t be such a loser sitting in loser lane,” Ten tossed back before he took the stairs two at a time only to shoo off a pair of guys to get five desks in a row at the very back of the room.

When we all turned to watch him set our books back on the desks up there but didn’t move to join him, he sent us a brief frown and waved us up. “Well, come on already.”

“I think he wants us to sit with him,” Reese whispered in a conspiratorial manner.