Page 37

Winter of the Wolf (Hunt 2) Page 37

by Cherise Sinclair

* * *

Anxiety burning a hole in his gut, Zeb followed Shay into the Wild Hunt. The tavern was quiet before the evening rush started. A lone dwarf at the corner table gave a spare bow. The two foresters playing pool nodded.

Carrying dirty mugs and humming to George Strait, little Jamie grinned at them, then two-stepped her way to the kitchen. She was sure a bouncy cub.

Behind the bar, Calum looked up. “I hear you have a new alpha female. Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” Shay slid onto a stool.

Unable to relax enough to sit, Zeb stood beside him. Would the Cosantir agree?

“Can I get you a drink?”

“No.” Shay leaned an elbow on the bartop. “Cosantir, we want to run something past you.”

“Go on.”

“My brother and I want to stay in Cold Creek,” Shay said.

My brother. Hearing it still warmed him, Zeb realized. Would that someday he’d hear my mate, from a little female.

“Nothing would please me more,” Calum said, dragging Zeb’s attention back. “You’ll continue with the Wildwood?”

Zeb nodded. “We will.”

“And more. We’re no longer oathbound, but Zeb and I feel as if we’re leaving a job undone. The demonkin are everywhere, and cahirs will die trying to kill them.”

Zeb figured it was his turn to step in. “Together we’ve taught cahirs how to fight the hellhounds in Rainier Territory and now here.”

Calum nodded. “You both are remarkably good instructors.”

Having expected an argument, Zeb could only stare at him in surprise.

“So,” Shay said, “would you allow us to teach out-of-territory cahirs how to fight hellhounds?”

“We could house them at the Lodge,” Zeb said. “And use the forest for a training ground.”

Calum said slowly, “That’s an excellent idea. The techniques you’ve acquired so painfully can save lives.” He nodded. “The idea will be welcomed by other Cosantirs—and you have my support.”

In the parking lot a few minutes later, Zeb exchanged a grin with Shay, feeling lightheaded. “That’s that, then.”

“Aye. We’re now in the training business as well as lodge-keeping.” Shay rubbed his face. “I’m headed for town to get that hardware order. You going home?”

Zeb nodded.

As Shay headed for his pickup, Zeb turned toward the lodge. Toward the female they hoped would be their mate. His stride lengthened as he took a deep breath of air, scenting the coming of spring.

* * *

Flat on her back on the weight bench, Bree pushed the bar up and groaned. “Nine.” One more rep. She could do it, darn it. She might be the littlest alpha in wolfy-land, but she intended to be the strongest.

And hey, she’d already had her aerobic exercise for the day, thanks to her stupid, unreliable car.

Arms trembling, she lowered the bar to her chest—she shouldn’t have added the five-pound weights—and inched it back upward. Halfway there, her muscles wimped out, and the bar stopped as if someone had sat on it. She pushed, feeling her face turn purple.

Criminy, the guys would find her someday, dead on the bench with the bar across her chest.

When scarred fingers wrapped around the middle of the bar, Bree startled.

Zeb lifted the bar a fraction of an inch. “Push, little female.”

He made her work, easing only enough of the weight so the bar kept rising, inch by inch. When she finally dropped it in the rack, all of her was shaking. Her arms flopped off the bench. “I don’t know whether to thank you or curse you.”

He chuckled and walked around to kneel beside her.

She started to sit up, but he put a big hand on her chest, right between her breasts.

“I like you on your back.” His dark eyes heated as he looked her over…slowly.

A flash of heat ran through her, and the thin tank top didn’t conceal her tightening nipples.

A crease appeared in his cheek.

“Uh.” She tried to sit again, but he effortlessly held her down. She sputtered a laugh, despite the way his strength sent a glow right into her belly.

A thought sobered her. “I know you and Shay are brothers, but…I just want to make sure. Now that he’s alpha, are you still allowed to share?”

He took her hand and nibbled on her fingers before giving her a predatory smile. “Yes. Which is a good thing because if I were not his brother, Shay would rip my throat out for what I plan to do to you now.” The carnal look in his eyes sent a streak of heat straight to her center.

“Well, okay then.” Her voice came out breathless. “Where…”

He slid her tank top up, baring her breasts. Cool air wafted over her damp skin. “Here.”


He bent, closing his lips around her nipple. His hot tongue circled the peak, and her back arched, pressing her farther into his mouth. He palmed her other breast, fondling it until that peak was also rigid. Electricity sizzled from her breasts to her core, and she dampened.

Lifting his head, he surveyed his work with half-lidded eyes. Her nipples pointed upward like mountain peaks, one a rosy-pink from his teasing. “Pinker looks better.” And he took the paler one into his mouth, using his tongue. When he nipped her, the jolt of fire almost sent her over.

He was still fully dressed when he yanked off her sweat pants, then replaced her legs, one on each side of the weight bench, opening her to his gaze. Cupping his hands under her buttocks, he slid her down until her butt rode the edge. “Better.” He went down on one knee, between her legs.

When he trailed a finger through her curly public hair, she flushed. “Zeb, this is… What if someone comes back here?” Words failed her, and she struggled to rise.

“If you try to sit up again, I’ll put that weight back on your chest.” The look in his dark eyes showed he meant it. “You’re wet, little female, and hot.” His finger pushed inside her an inch, setting off disconcerting detonations of nerves. She was still sore from the night before, her tissues sensitive enough to protest his thick knuckle as he pressed farther in. And yet, heavens, the sensation. Her hips lifted.

“By the God, Gathers are over-rated,” he muttered. “I like this better.” He slid his finger out, leaving her shivering from the loss.

“Zeb…” Her body was starting to ache. To burn.

Eyes narrowed, he studied her breasts, then her pussy. “Your pink bits don’t match. I like things orderly.” With merciless fingers, he drew her inner folds apart, letting air to the hot wet areas.

She tried to close her legs and received a bite on her thigh that made her squeak.

“You will stay open for me.” His black eyes met hers, reinforcing the command, and her gaze dropped.

“Good wolf,” he said softly. His mouth settled on her, his tongue licking up one side, then the other, ever so slowly, over and over. He never quite reached the area where her nerve endings were most sensitive.

Desperately, she pushed her hips up, her thighs quivering with the need clawing at her center.

His finger slid back inside her, and the feeling was perfectly exquisite. When she moaned, he laughed against her, and the vibrations against her pussy made her moan again. As he added another finger, his lips reached the place she’d been waiting for.

“Oh, Oooh…” So close. Her whole body focused there as his tongue dragged over the top of her clit, then teased with flickers. Her lower half was simmering, trying to reach boiling. Her breathing slowed to infinitesimal as her body tightened. She tried to lift her hips, and his forearm pressed her flat. “Zeb, please. Please.”

With a growl of agreement, he lightly scraped his teeth on each side of her clit.

Fire blasted through her. Everything inside her came to a boil, erupting over the sides of the container into fiery pleasure. Spasms shook her as he wiggled his fingers inside her and mercilessly licked her clit over and over.

“Oooh. Oh, that was wonderful.” Sh
e tried to move, but her body had melted into a puddle on the bench.

The sound of a zipper.

She opened her eyes. His belt was loose; his jeans unzipped. His erection was huge.

His hard palm pushed her legs farther apart as he leaned over her, setting a hand beside her shoulder. The head of his cock entered her, and she winced, still sore from last night. He paused, and his black eyes trapped hers. He watched her as he rocked his hips, slowly and relentlessly impaling her. Her vagina spasmed around him, protesting the entry yet sending waves of pleasure through her.

When he was completely in, she fought for breath. He lifted himself up higher to look down on her, and she felt as if he’d spread her out on the bench like a feast for consumption. His cheek creased as he pulled her nipples back into tight peaks. Each tug of his firm fingers created ripples inside her, around his cock, as if her pussy and breasts were connected.

He slid his cock out, then in. So very slowly, as if he savored the feeling and was unwilling to hurry. Lowering his head, he licked across her lips, then took her mouth. As he stroked his tongue inside her mouth in time with his cock, her whole body pulsed to his rhythm.

She felt lost, unable to control her own reactions. She shivered. “Zeb. I can’t—”

“Little female, I want more from you. You will give me more.” He reached down, and his fingers slid through her wetness, drawing it up over the hub of all her nerves. His eyes never left hers as he stroked her, as need again began to pulse in her blood stream. Her eyes closed as his cock thrust in against one side of her vagina, slid against the other side. Her feet pushed to her toes, driving her hips upward to meet his.

“Good wolf,” he murmured, and the sound of his deep gravelly voice broke something loose. Her core tightened and then spasmed in sheer pleasure, shuddering under his fingers, around his hard cock. A scream echoed in the room, high and wild. The voice was hers.

He brushed his lips over hers in approval. His hand slid under her bottom, and he lifted her hips to meet his as he thrust harder. Deeper. Faster. With a harsh sound, he pressed deep, and she could feel his cock jerking, flooding her with his essence.

His forehead rested against hers, his breath warm on her lips. She felt the trickle of his seed, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him closer.

Eventually, he smiled at her.

She smiled back, wondering if she’d ever manage to stand again. Her legs had gone as limp as overcooked noodles.

His powerful hand under her bottom held her to him as he pushed them both up and off the bench. As he straightened and stood, she realized he was still inside her and growing hard again.

“My need was too great to take my time, but now—now, we’ll use the incline bench.”

* * *

The kitchen was fragrant with the yeasty scent of hot rolls as Bree finished making gravy. Needing to celebrate—in a way other than sex—she’d prepared fried chicken. That should divert the men.

She smiled. Her favorite entertainment was watching them fight over helpings, but she wouldn’t indulge tonight. Either Zeb or Shay had cleaned her kitchen, even removing mineral stains from the sink, and that guy would get the biggest serving of everything.

When the two walked in, the pleased grins on their tanned faces made her heart turn over. Heavens, she loved them. Both of them.

Shay kissed the top of her head and Zeb her cheek as they walked past to wash up, jostling each other like little boys.

“I didn’t think you were here,” Shay said, drying his hands. “Your car’s gone.”

“The engine wouldn’t start after I got to town. Contrary thing.”

“Want me to take a look?” Zeb asked.

“No. Kevin Murphy was in the diner. He said it’s the alternator, and it’ll be a couple of days before he gets the part in.” She sighed. That was the downside of living in a tiny town. A city garage would carry more stock.

She handed Zeb the milk to pour and Shay the silverware. When she set the basket of rolls on the table, she laughed at the greedy expressions. Was anything better than cooking for hungry men?

Well. Maybe having sex with hungry men. She was already looking forward to tonight in Shay’s big bed where they all fit so well.

As the men set the table, they never missed a chance to touch her. Shay slid a hand down her back as he moved paperwork onto a chair. Zeb curled an arm around her waist as he sampled the salad dressing she’d made. A kiss here, a nibble there. Would she ever feel as free to touch them in turn?

Or was she being stupidly shy? Fair was fair.

Taking a step forward, she looped an arm around Zeb’s hard waist, snuggled close, and ran her hand over his butt. To her surprise, he growled, yanked her into his arms, and took her mouth in a hot, wet kiss. The room rolled under her feet when he set her down. “Ah—”

He trailed a finger across her chin and tilted her face up. “I like your hands on me.” His gaze intensified. “Bree, I…” His mouth closed and he stepped back.

Somehow, she felt as if he had her in his arms.

When they were seated, Shay reached for the chicken platter.

“Oh no.” Bree held up her hand to stop him. “Whoever cleaned the kitchen gets the first helping.”

The two exchanged confused looks.

“You didn’t?” Bree stared at them. “Then who did? I left it a mess this morning.”

“Did you?” Zeb straightened. His gaze roved, stopped, and he pointed to where a softball-sized hole showed in the corner baseboard. “Looks like we’ve got brownies.”

“Well now.” Shay smiled slowly. “We’ll need to put cream and a pastry out for them each night.”

A brownie? OtherFolk? Bree stared at the hole.

A small wrinkled face peeked out. A pointed chin and sharp nose. One long pointed ear was bent at the tip. A brownie—and they only came if the people there had made a home. Like a family. We’re a family. Hugging herself, Bree savored a moment of sheer happiness.

Chapter Thirty-five

Shay glanced up when Breanne came into the office. Her lips were swollen, her neck and cheeks scratched. She looked beautiful…and tired. He and Zeb had kept her awake the last two nights, ensuring she had no doubts that they loved sharing her.

Actually, he had trouble letting her out of bed at all. He’d wanted her before, but with the new alpha bond, he hardened whenever he caught her scent. Like now.

“You’re hitting the paperwork early.” She smiled at him. “Couldn’t it wait until this evening?”

“Nope.” Since she’d arrived, they’d developed a routine. He’d do his paperwork in the library area where Zeb would be reading and Breanne working on a jigsaw puzzle. As Shay worked, they’d discuss business, make plans, and order from the catalogues. Breanne and Zeb would argue over upgrading the cabins and lodge.

How the design of a doorknob or kitchen latch could be important, Shay didn’t know, but he never tired of listening to them. “It’s new moon, so Zeb and I have to patrol. Will you stay with Angie?”

Her face paled until her freckles stood out in tiny smudges. “I forgot. I wanted to forget. You’ll be careful, right?” Her eyes showed her fear for them and warmed his heart.

How long had it been since someone worried over him? “We will.” He walked around the desk. Drawing her in, he molded her soft body against his, until their breathing rose and fell in unison, and their hearts beat together. “A chuisle mo chridhe,” he murmured.

She rubbed her forehead on his chest. “You and your Gaelic. Translation?”

“Mmmmh.” You’re the pulse of my heart. “Something like sweetheart.” He kissed her, wanting to say the words. But he must wait. Zeb would visit the blademage today, and then they’d do it right.

Breanne deserved everything done right.

“So what’re you guys planning for this afternoon?”

He smiled, enjoying how she kept track of them. If they were working near the lodge, she’d bring them treat
s warm from the oven. “Zeb walked to town to help Jody put bars on their office building. He’ll be back this afternoon. I have an appointment downtown with a supplier in”—he glanced at the clock—“fifteen minutes.”

“Okay. I’ll cook something early for you tonight.” She started to leave, then stopped. “Oops. Here’s the mail.” She dropped a pile onto his desk.

He glanced through the letters and held up an envelope. “This one’s for you.”

“Really?” With a pleased expression, she glanced over the letter. “It’s from Eric—that little boy I told you about. I wonder if I get a new picture.”

Their refrigerator was crowded with artwork, and not only Eric’s. In the past couple of days, the pack pups had added more. They adored Breanne.

Shay had to smile. She never turned down a chance to cuddle a cub…and each time, the awed expression on Zeb’s face was heart-rending. From the tidbits Zeb had mentioned, he’d never been snuggled.

Wouldn’t Breanne look lovely with his and Zeb’s babies in her arms?

As she perused her letter, he leaned a hip against the desk and opened his own. Junk mail for the Lodge, bills, a request for reservations. Something in Breanne’s silence had him looking up.

Her face had gone white, matching her knuckles that clenched the paper.

“Little wolf? What’s wrong?”

“J-Just”—she cleared her throat—“bad news. A friend died.”

“I’m sorry, mo leannan.” He hugged her, wishing he could do more. To keep any sorrow or disappointment from ever touching her.

She clung for a minute before her spine straightened. “I’m okay. You need to get going, or you’ll be late.”

“I can cancel.”

“Go. I’ll see you later.”

* * *

Bree dropped onto her bed and unfolded the letter again.

At the top of the page, Eric had written, “I love you, Bree.” The “B” had been erased and reprinted so many times that the underlying paper was almost gone. “I love you too, Eric,” she whispered.