Page 36

Winter of the Wolf (Hunt 2) Page 36

by Cherise Sinclair

Thyra stepped into the circle. “You’re obviously too dumb to learn anything, rabbit. This time I’ll leave scars.”

Fights are won in the head, Sensei would say, and Thyra had already used Shay to score a point. No more of that. Bree gave her a pleased smile. “That’s fair since I intend to do the same. When I’m done, gnomes will look at your face and puke.”

Oh, snap. Worry flickered in Thyra’s eyes, before turning to sheer hate. She shifted to wolf and snarled.

Bree trawsfurred quickly and checked the air. No scent of fear from Thyra, but plenty from Shay and Zeb. For which woman were they concerned? She stomped on the thought. Not her concern right now.

In wolf form, Angie had positioned herself next to one of Thyra’s buddies, who’d also shifted.

An elusive scent drifted past—a cougar. Vicki was probably perched in a nearby tree. It was good to have friends.

Bree shook herself, settling her fur, settling her mind. Females didn’t play the same dominance games as the males, and she had no wish to prance around as the men had. She wanted to get down to business.

With a snarl that exposed her sharp fangs, Thyra lowered her shoulders slightly.

Bree lifted her upper lip to show her own teeth, then snapped her jaws—something that had always goaded Bonnie into attacking. .

Thyra sprang.

Bree dodged, twisted quickly, and bit the bitch’s hind paw hard enough to get a yelp and the taste of blood in her mouth. She darted away and Thyra’s jaws snapped on emptiness.

They circled. The alpha’s gait was uneven. The scent of blood on the grass sent wildness raging through Bree, and she struggled not to lose control to her animal instincts.

Again, Thyra charged—the danger would come if she stopped—again Bree evaded, snapping this time at the large muscles on the same leg. Score. Bree danced away, feeling the scrape of Thyra’s fangs against her back leg, followed by burning. A line of blood trailed down Thyra’s leg.

Enraged now, Thyra stalked her around the clearing, and Bree let her, moving only quickly enough to escape the constant attacks. Another and another…

With a snarl, Thyra lunged again. Dodging, Bree slipped in the mud. The huge body struck, knocking her down. As she rolled to her feet, teeth slashed her shoulder. She yipped at the blast of pain.

She darted away. The fire in her shoulder streaked her thoughts with red, and each movement of her front leg brought a stab of agony. Block it out. Fear sparked alive in her gut.

Thyra headed for her. Feinting a dash away, Bree charged instead, ripping at Thyra’s ear on the way past. A horrible snarl followed her.

She spun and braced for the next attack, pain and exhaustion weighing down her legs.

Thyra was panting and limping too, but she was so darn big. After taking a step toward Bree, she stopped and stood. Not moving.

Bree’s heart sank. The alpha bitch had kept up her stupidity longer than Bree’d figured she would. Long enough to exhaust herself. But now she’d wised up. As Jody had pointed out, Thyra could stand there all night, and she’d win. It was up to the challenger to take the alpha down. Darn it.

Before Thyra could realize the tactics had changed, Bree charged her straight on. At the last second, she veered to slash and— Crack! Pain burst over her left eye. A blizzard of white filled her vision, and Bree staggered, blind and dizzy.

With a terrifying snarl, Thyra was on her, knocking her over, snapping and biting.

Bree couldn’t see, pain screamed everywhere. She tried to fight, to get up. Couldn’t. Teeth dug into her throat, cutting off her air. Panic filled her, and she started to go limp.

Zeb’s furious yell and Shay’s bellow broke through the roaring in her ears.

My men. Fight. Ignoring her need to breathe, Bree frantically clawed at Thyra’s belly with her hind legs. The bitch winced. Moved. Bree ripped away, tearing the skin at her throat. Pain burned down her neck, but she was free.

No more running. Bree spun and attacked, trying for Thyra’s neck. Missed. The bitch twisted, but Bree’s fangs caught the skin under her eye and raked downward. The taste of coppery, hot blood filled her mouth.

Thyra yanked free, but her high yelps chilled Bree, and she hesitated. She didn’t want to hurt—

“Get in there!” Jody’s yell.

No pity. Bree used all the power in her muscular legs to slam into Thyra. It felt like hitting a wall, but the alpha staggered. Bree snapped her teeth upward onto the exposed throat. Thyra tried to break free.

Bree shook her head, the movement driving her teeth deeper. She tightened her jaw until blood ran into her mouth.

Snarling, shaking, clawing, Thyra went mad.

Bree held. Can’t kill her, can’t maim her, can’t let go. Tightrope. She gripped harder, terrified she’d hit the jugular.

Suddenly the wolf went limp, dropping to the ground. Bree followed, holding, holding, holding until the whining sounded sincere, and Thyra’s tail curved between her legs in submission.

After releasing her grip, Bree raised her head two inches and waited with teeth bared. Growling.

Thyra stayed put.

A second later, sound erupted around the clearing. Jody’s, “Wahoo!” Bonnie screaming, “Bree, Bree, Bree!”

Exhilaration hit like a blast of internal fireworks. I did it! Holy moly, I’m the alpha female now. Riding on the victory, she stood in the center, head and tail high—Miz Dominant Bitch—waiting until Thyra staggered out of the circle and her scent wafted away.

Two women were shouting.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it!” Screaming shrilly, Thyra’s friend, Candice, fled from the crowd.

“You like throwing rocks? Me, too!” Jody yelled. Two hard-flung stones hit Candice on her naked butt before she disappeared into the tunnel.

A stone. No wonder my head hurts. Bree looked at the milling shifters, trying to locate Zeb and Shay, and her heart started pounding harder than it had in the fight. Were they upset? Did Shay really want Thyra? Would he—

A hard body hit her from the side, rolled her completely over, and she snarled. Then the scent of Shay engulfed her, as the huge wolf placed one paw on her ribs and proceeded to lick her muzzle enthusiastically. Lovingly.

God, she wanted him. Fire swept through her.

The pack took up a chant: alphas, alphas, alphas.

Bree whined up at him, accepting his ministrations, ready and willing to accept much, much more. From his bone-shakingly carnal growl, he could smell that on her.

Zeb shoved him aside, nipped her ear gently, and licked her nose. His deep growls sounded like a cat’s purring.

No, they weren’t unhappy. Her heart filled until it felt as if joy was fountaining all around her.

A second later, they both stepped back. Bree rolled, scrambled to her feet. Waited.

With a long howl of delight, echoed by Zeb, Shay led the pack out of the clearing. When Bree caught up, he moved over. New alpha female on one side, Zeb on the other.

The three of us. For a second, Bree tried to remember if she’d ever been so happy, then gave up and ran the mountain. My men. My pack.

* * *

That night in the tunnel entrance, Shay stood beside Breanne—carefully not touching her—as the pack members bowed slightly to him. He was delighted when they did the same to Breanne. The older ones had begun using the gesture of respect soon after he’d become alpha, then the younger ones had taken it up. No one had ever bowed to Thyra.

Shay’s mouth tightened. There was yet a lot to fix with the pack. His thoughts broke off as Zeb walked up, the last to leave.

He stopped in front of Breanne, gripped her bare shoulders, and gave her a hard shake. “Little female,” he growled. “You fucking scared me to death.”

She opened her mouth.

“No,” he snapped and took a breath. “I’m damned proud of you, but do not ever do that again.”

After releasing her, he shot a glance at Shay, and his lips quirked. “Ha
ve fun, alpha.”

As Zeb headed up the stairs, Shay looked around. He’d seen… Ah, there it was. Taking Breanne’s hand, he tried to ignore the way the alpha bonding soared between them—as it had every time they’d touched during the run.

Control. Maintain control. He grabbed a blanket from a rock shelf and pulled her out of the cave.

“Shay.” She tried to drag her heels.

Zeb was right. She was a little female, and she had no chance against his cahir-size and weight. Ignoring her protests, Shay walked across the clearing and down to a level area on the stream bank. He flipped the blanket onto a patch of soft grass and turned.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Her eyes flashed in the starlight.

By the God, she was lovely and she was his. With a sigh of relief, he gave in to the pull. Within a heartbeat, he was harder than granite. Growling, he yanked her into his arms, startling a yip out of her before he kissed her. He took and took, tightening his embrace until there wasn’t a smidgen of space between her soft body and his.

Her stomach pressed against his erection and, with his tongue deep in her mouth, he tucked his hands around her round ass and squeezed.

Her head spun. He hadn’t stopped growling even as he kissed her so thoroughly her knees buckled. The growly noises of her own grew as he rubbed his cock against her and she felt how hard he was.

When he tried to raise his head, she grabbed his hair and dragged him back. Not leaving her—no, he couldn’t. He kissed her again, exploring her mouth, fondling her bottom, before he pulled away with a tight chuckle. “Lay down, mo leannan.”

When she didn’t move, he swept her up and sat her on the blanket. Standing over her, he stared down, his face in shadow. His musky scent was like a blast of testosterone and lust. “Roll over.”

With a shiver of need, she complied, lying facedown on the rough fabric.

“Spread your legs.”

The air chilled her exposed private parts as he knelt between her legs. He gripped her hips and yanked her onto her hands and knees. She fisted the blanket as his knees pushed hers outward, opening her more.

One hand tightened on her hip, and he slid his erection through her increasing wetness. Up and down, brushing over her clit, teasing until every part of her swelled with need. She whined and tilted her bottom up.

With low snarl, he sheathed himself in one hard thrust. She gasped. He was huge, thick. Her insides convulsed around the intrusion as his groin pressed on her buttocks. With his shaft deep inside her, he lowered himself until his chest rubbed her back.

“Shay?” she whimpered, not knowing what she wanted. More, she needed more.

He gave her more. Even as his teeth closed on her shoulder, his fingers tugged and rolled her nipple. The pains were sharp, sending heat straight to her groin. Her pussy clenched on his cock, and he groaned.

His first movement, sliding out, moving between her slick puffy tissues made her gasp. He bit her again, pinching her breast at the same time. Electricity shocked through her as if he’d nipped her clit instead.

He pulled his cock out. Thrust it in, inch by inch. The slow slide was so exquisite, she moaned.

In, out. Need more. She throbbed, her nerves screaming for speed. She rocked against him, trying to direct his movements. His free hand curved over her hip, forcing her into his rhythm, his control.

“Nooo,” she moaned, “I want more.” Her core coiled like a fist, each relentless stroke sending more urgency through her.

“Stay with me,” he rumbled in her ear. Thrust after thrust. He grew even harder inside her. Bigger.

She panted, almost sobbing, fighting his grip. Her thighs quivered. Her clit was so tight. I can’t take this.

With a low laugh, he nudged her legs apart farther, opening her to his touch. His fingers settled right next to where her need was the greatest, and he traced circles around her clit. She wiggled uncontrollably. But his arm pressed against her side, and his teeth gripped her shoulder, holding her in place for his thrusts. Harder, deeper.

His fingers worked her clit, ruthlessly driving her upward. He growled when she whimpered. The pressure in her lower body increased, and with each slide of his finger, her clit grew more swollen, more sensitive.

Everything inside her tightened, then clamped down on him. Her whole body turned rigid, poised on the edge, and waiting for…just…

His cock slid deeper, a sensuous impalement, and his finger flickered against the ball of nerves, directly on top. Somehow, she tightened even more, and a fireball of pure sensation blasted through her body. Oh God, oh God.Pleasure boiled through her veins, sending every nerve ending to tingling. Smaller explosions kept her spasming around him until he finally came himself with a low roar.

As the aftershocks receded and he softened inside her, her head drooped between her quivering arms.

After easing out, he rolled onto his back and settled her beside him. She pillowed her head on his chest, enjoying the springy hair under her cheek. His arm was tight around her, and she slung one leg over his and pressed herself closer. Contentment seeped into her like the steady inrush of the tide.

He touched the gashes on her neck, shoulder, and forearm. “It’s good that we’re shifters, mo chridhe. You’ll heal fast.”

Good, since she was starting to hurt. After the fight, the bleeding had stopped quickly, and the excitement of her victory and the run had kept her from feeling much of the aftermath. She’d undoubtedly feel every bite tomorrow.

“When you challenged Thyra, I feared for you.” He snorted and added, “By the God, you terrified me. But like my brother, I am very proud.”

She was proud too, but mostly just happy. The men were hers now. Mine to nibble on, to kiss. She licked his shoulder, tasting salt, and he hummed his pleasure. The scent of sweat and musk sent a thrill through her. Mine.

He paused. “I’ve never seen such canny fighting though. Where did you learn that?”

With her fingers, she circled his pectorals, then the tiny nipples under his golden chest hair. “Angie, Jody, and Bonnie gave me lessons. Oh, and Vicki brought me a deer to practice on.”

“Even without being alpha, you’d won over the top females in the pack.”

The satisfaction in his voice warmed her, yet still… Worry kept bubbling up. “Did you mind losing Thyra? Would you rather I hadn’t fought?”

When his other arm came around her and crushed her to his side, she wouldn’t have traded the uncomfortable position for any other in the world.

“I don’t like Thyra,” he said bluntly. “But the ties binding the alphas—you’ve felt them now.”

“I understand. You didn’t have any choice.” She tried to keep the jealousy out of her tone and didn’t succeed.

“Just so you know, the bond is much stronger between you and me. I never mated her, Breanne.” He laughed under his breath. “But with you? No power in this universe could have kept me from taking you tonight.”

He rolled his heavy body on top of hers, pinned her hands over her head, then nipped her chin. “As no power will keep me from having you again.”

Chapter Thirty-four

Bree was late getting to Angie’s the next day and a bit grumpy as well. She might heal faster, but between the lack of any sleep and all the bites and slashes and bruises from the fight, her body felt as if she’d been dragged down a mountainside.

The last of the breakfast crowd was leaving as she walked in. “You gonna make the cherry chocolate cake today?” one old-timer asked.

She looked at his hopeful face and revised her menu. “Sure.”

He gave her a grin displaying a gold center tooth and hurried after his equally decrepit friend.

“In the corner,” Angie called from behind the counter. She picked up two cups and a pot of coffee.

Bonnie and Jody were already at the table. Dressed in office clothes, Bonnie was probably on break from her dispatching job. Jody was in her usual jeans and T-shirt, smelling faintly of clea
ning solution.

“I didn’t see you two,” Bree said, hugging them tightly.

“You won!” Bonnie squeezed her hard. “I’m so proud of you.”

Jody studied Bree’s face and laughed. “You have a bite mark on your chin, beard burn on your cheeks, and you look like you didn’t get any sleep.”

Bonnie giggled. “I take it Shay was pleased with the new alpha female?”

“That’s quite a blush,” Angie commented, pouring two cups of coffee and sitting down. “Must have been some night.”

Bree settled at the table, took a sip of coffee, and admitted, “I didn’t realize how strong the bond is between alphas.”

Angie leaned back. “Shay wouldn’t have tolerated Thyra for a second unless something was compelling him. I’m sure he’s wagging his tail today.”

“We both are. All three of us, actually,” Bree amended, thinking of Zeb’s extremely carnal kiss when he’d found her in the kitchen.

She looked across the table at her friends. Friends. “It wouldn’t have happened without your help.” Her eyes filled with tears. “Thank you so very, very much.”

“Oh, hell, don’t do that.” Tough Jody was the one whose eyes turned shiny.

They all turned to their drinks for a moment.

“Okay, now that I’m alpha-girl, what in the world am I supposed to be doing?” Bree asked lightly. “I know Shay has certain jobs as alpha. Do I have some?”

“Yep,” said Jody. “Not that Thyra ever bothered.”

“Shay tends to the whole pack, with extra attention to the males. Your job is the welfare of the females and children.” Angie motioned to the women at the table. “For example, you can assign females to help out new mothers and with watching over the pups.”

“You make sure the cubs are safe during pack activities,” Jody said. “In my other territory, the children came to everything, and wolves would share the cubsitting.” She sighed. “I miss having pups in my life.”

“It reminds us of our purpose, that there’s more to the pack than just hunting and howling,” Bonnie said softly.

Bree nodded. “Keep going. I want to hear it all.” She saw what Shay had been saying; the pack lacked its center. I can help fix this.