Page 31

Winter of the Wolf (Hunt 2) Page 31

by Cherise Sinclair

Despite the three males competing for her attention, she gave him a long speculative look.

Not interested, alpha bitch. His cock didn’t even twitch. Deliberately rude, he resumed scanning the crowd. He’d pick a female and go upstairs eventually, because it was required, but he wanted—needed—to make sure that Breanne would be all right.

Although seeing her with another male might kill him. The jealousy pissed him off good. Shifters didn’t get possessive, not on Gathering night. Why did it feel as if someone had changed the rules on him?

Beside Shay, Zeb wasn’t in a happy mood either. His top lip drew up in a silent snarl. “I feel more like fighting than fucking, but if we disrupt a Gathering, Calum might claw our balls off.”

Nasty thought. He’d seen the Cosantir in cougar form, and he wanted those lethal long claws nowhere near his pride ‘n’ joys. “No fighting,” he agreed.

“Want to go pretend to patrol?” Zeb asked.

“Yes.” Hell, he wasn’t even hard. “But let’s make sure she’ll manage first.”

Zeb nodded to the entrance. “She’s here.”

Breanne stood in the doorway with her back to the room, speaking to someone outside. Her long waterfall of blonde hair reached almost to the jeans that curved under her lush ass. She turned.

May the Mother save me. Her eyes were bigger somehow, her mouth shiny and red. And all he could think was how those glossy lips would look around his cock. He inhaled slowly, since the air in the bar had turned to steam. Her blouse exposed her shoulders, smooth and pale, and her breasts… Shay’s cock not only stood up but tried to bust out of his jeans.

Zeb straightened. “Males are looking at her.” His tone held the growl of imminent attack.

Shay slapped a restraining hand against his brother’s chest. “She’s not ours. It’s Gathering Night.” He heaved in a strangling breath of air. “She’ll mate with other males.”

“Not. If. They’re. Dead.” Zeb stared at her and stood. When Shay snapped, “No,” Zeb gave a shake, as if flinging water from his fur. Jaw tight, he leaned back against the bar.

“We stay long enough for her to pick someone,” Shay gritted out. “We make sure she returns safely. Then we leave until later. Until she’s had a chance to be with others.”

* * *

Entering the tavern was like stepping into a sauna—one filled with overwhelming scents and sounds. After stalling at the door, Bree managed to edge farther into the room.

As Heather followed, Bree saw her face flush.

Bree’s probably looked the same, since her nerves felt as if they’d had been abraded into a hot sensitivity. On the walk over, her breasts had wobbled with every step. Now they swelled until she felt as if she still wore a bra—one a size too small.

A flash of panic hit, and she froze. A breath, another, and she managed to relax. True, her hormonal faucet was cranked wide open, but, after being with Zeb and Shay, she could deal with the sensations of arousal.

And I’ve had sex. I’ll be fine.

She took in a slow breath and checked the place out. Although Vicki had left to join Alec in their home above the tavern, Heather and Angie stood nearby.

Bree smiled. It was good to have friends. But they needed to be off and doing—mating. “I can handle this. Go play.” She gave them a firm nod.

The two women grinned, headed into the room, and parted to each establish a small territory of her own. Men followed in their wake, and Bree laughed to see Owen trail after Heather as if pulled on a leash. Go, Heather.

“You’re a pretty female.” A mild voice.

Bree glanced up to see a slim man. Her interest-o-meter didn’t even bleep, so she smiled politely at him and shook her head no.

He looked disappointed but slid back into the crowd.

Hey, it worked. Her momentary delight disappeared under another swell of heat. Criminy, I need a beer. She worked her way toward the bar. Her body felt hot, needy. The scents of the men around her were heady at first, then smelled wrong. Warring sensations whiplashed through her.

A man touched her arm, and the graze of his callused palm melted her insides, but when he said something, her mind cleared. Her body cooled. He withdrew.

“Breanne.” Calum stood at the end of the bar—apparently there wasn’t much call for his bartending skills tonight. His gaze took her in, and a glint of worry appeared in his eyes. “Can I get you something?”

“I really, really want a beer.”

He gave her a faint smile. “I can do that.”

Another man appeared—bear-sized Ben. He grinned at her. “Want to go upstairs with me?”

She giggled. “Aren’t you supposed to…oh, be polite and flirt or something?”

“Some do. Some don’t.” He pushed her hair away from her face. His hand was as big as Zeb’s. “I’m no wolf to want to play first.”

She liked him. Could she go to bed with him? He was nice. “Well—”

A thump on the bartop announced the arrival of her beer. “Breanne,” Calum said. “If you don’t have an overwhelming need to go upstairs, then you politely refuse.” His smile flickered. “When the right one appears, you won’t be able to say no.”

“Oh.” She bit her lip and glanced up at Ben. “I guess I can say no.”

“Guess you can.” His smile was charming. “And it’s sorry I am, although it’ll probably keep me from having my throat torn out.”


He nodded toward the other end of the bar where—

Furious black eyes trapped her gaze.

Everything inside her flared up so hot that her legs gave out. With a barking laugh, Ben grabbed her arms and halted her fall.

A low snarl sounded. Zeb. Her heart rate increased at the deadly—erotic—sound.

Ben released her, pushing her toward Zeb. “Have fun, sweetie.”

Fun wasn’t what she needed as the air throbbed with the heat pouring off her body. With every step, the peasant shirt brushed over her loose breasts. Her nipples hardened into peaks that ached for a touch…a callused hand. Hands.

She approached him, vaguely noting how people moved out of her way. He sat on a barstool, one elbow on the bar as he watched her with burning eyes that reached into her core and pulled.

He inhaled, and a shudder ran through him. “Little female, I’m trying not to grab you.”

His voice rasped over her, setting every nerve tingling with need. “Grab me.” She pushed his knees apart and stepped between them. When his legs closed, trapping her with his thighs, she shivered with pleasure.

“Breanne, this isn’t wise.” Shay’s voice surrounded her, submerging her in velvet. His scent caressed her with the fragrance of the wind off the glaciers and a hint of the hard peppermint candy he liked so much. She clenched his shirt, and the flannel teased her fingers with softness. She pulled him down to lick across his lips. So firm with the tiny taste of mint.

He growled. His hand fisted in her hair, tugging her head back as he took her lips and possessed her mouth.

Zeb’s legs tightened, holding her up. He rumbled a strained laugh as she moaned.

“She’s going to fuck both of them right here?”

The voice made anger flare inside her, and she stared at the gorgeous blonde, Gretchen.

The blonde motioned to Shay. “Take him upstairs and mate up there like you’re supposed to.” Her gaze turned to Zeb—thick with lust.

“I will.” Bree’s lip lifted in a snarl. She didn’t release her hold on Shay’s shirt but wrapped her other hand around Zeb’s wrist. Her fingers traced the thick cords, the tiny scars. So hard and… Upstairs. “I’ll take them both.”

“Breanne.” Shay went silent as she pulled him forward. She switched her hold to his wrist as well and towed her men after her. Mine.

At the top of the stairs, she stopped. How did a person choose a room? Were there rules?

With a snort of amusement, Zeb stepped forward and pushed open a half-ajar door.
br />   Good. Not releasing their wrists, she led them into the room. A tiny fireplace held a snapping fire. A sea of silky green cushions covered the floor. She had a flash of fear, a memory of being hurt, and then arms enfolded her.

Shay’s deep voice whispered, “We’re here, a leannan, no one else.” He pulled her against him, her back to his chest, and his erection was hard and all for her. She rubbed her backside against him, and he groaned.

Every nerve in her body demanded that he take her. Now. She turned. His chest was so, so wide, the muscles flexing as he moved. She unbuttoned his shirt, needing her hands on those muscles. He laughed and helped her.

Hands cupped her breasts. Zeb’s scent. He leaned against her from behind to press his cheek against hers. His palms were warm as he weighed her breasts, molding them. His thumbs teasing her nipples caused a simultaneous tugging in her groin.

More. She pulled free and whipped her shirt over her head. After resuming her place, she put his hands over her breasts again.

A laugh rumbled in his throat. “The little female has a demanding side. I like it.”

“But she shouldn’t have it all her own way,” Shay said. He turned her around to face Zeb, then embraced her, pinning her elbows to her sides. “Get rid of her jeans, a bhràthair.”

She had a second to feel Zeb unzip her jeans before Shay kissed the curve of her neck, his mouth hot and his lips like satin. Her pants were yanked down. Shay simply lifted her up enough that Zeb could remove her shoes and jeans. Cool air bathed her over-heated flesh.

“Fuck,” Zeb said in a strained voice. “Shay, her scent is… Open her for me, brawd.”


Shay pushed his knee between hers. Setting his boots between her bare feet, he nudged her legs widely apart.

Callused hands cupped her bottom, squeezing and making her shudder. A hot breath washed over her mound, and then Zeb licked the crease at the juncture of her hip and thigh in a slow stroke of liquid heat.

Her back arched, and she gasped at the sensation.

Laughing in her ear, Shay shifted and curved his hands over her breasts. The graze of his palms over her nipples made her breath hitch, and somehow the heat washed straight to her core.

Zeb’s tongue teased over her mound, dipping down to just above her clit. Hot and wet and wonderful. Her head spun, and she wiggled uncontrollably as the ache inside her kept growing. “I need…”

“We’ll get there, a leannan,” Shay said, pinching her nipples.

Electricity zapped right to her clit—she could feel blood engorging it. “Oh please.”

Zeb sighed. “All right.” He started to stand.

“No, Zeb. Enjoy her for a bit first,” Shay ordered. “She’s not going anywhere.”

Zeb sat back on his heels, and his black gaze stroked her with the same heat as Shay’s hands on her breasts. “She isn’t, is she?” His eyes met hers, and a crease appeared in his cheek. “I’ve never had the heart to torture a female in heat. This might be fun. I can go as slow as I want.”

“You do that,” Shay agreed.

“Jeez, you can’t.” Bree struggled. “Take me, please, I can’t—”

Merciless fingers pulled her labia apart, exposing her completely. Air tickled the wetness at her entrance. Her clit felt oversized as his lips closed around it, and her knees buckled at the rush of sensations, of pleasure and needs and…“Ahhh, ahhh.”

His mouth released her, and his tongue circled her tight, hard nub. Her hips strained toward his touch, and her core ached with emptiness, demanding something to fill her.

With an arm around her waist, Shay held her up. His other hand caressed her breasts, rolling the nipples between his fingers.

She shuddered as her body tried to process the sensations. He bit the muscle of her shoulder, and Zeb’s teeth grazed her clit.

“Oh please.” The air thickened as she panted. Zeb’s finger eased into her entrance, pushing and waking her nerves. Stretching her. She shook uncontrollably, making whimpering noises.

“Get her off, a bhràthair. I want to be inside her,” Shay said, his voice raw.

“Fuck yes.” Zeb thrust his fingers in, setting up a rhythm. She arched at the burst of sensation, and then his mouth closed over her swollen clit. Her breathing stopped.

As he swirled his tongue over the top, he made long pulsing sucks that dragged every nerve in her body to lodge all in one place—right there.

Her pussy tightened around his fingers. She tried to move, but Shay’s arm held her immobile. Her fingernails dug into his forearm, as everything coiled tighter, tighter…

Zeb increased the speed, sucking, thrusting, driving her higher, until nothing could stop her. Pressure built to an excruciating edge—and shattered. Her back arched as pleasure tore through her body in vibrating shudders.

Even as she gasped for breath, Shay pinched her nipples roughly. Oh God! Her vagina clenched convulsively around Zeb’s fingers, shooting more pounding waves of sensation through her.

Her legs gave out, and only Shay’s arm around her waist kept her from falling.

“Fuck, that was fun.” Zeb sat on his heels, absently sucking on his fingers. “We should have done this before.”

Bree leaned against Shay, telling her legs to work. God help me—they’d have killed me dead.

Zeb grinned as Bree tried to glare at him and failed. Her eyes were heavy-lidded, her mouth soft. Funny how a good orgasm could drain the fight right out of a female.

Her muscles quivered as he ran his fingertip up the inside of her thigh where the skin was almost as soft as the undersides of her breasts.

He saw pleasure in Shay’s eyes. Sharing with a brother. Could anything feel more right?

But now what? How did two males share? A flash of pain darkened his mood. His brothers had died at thirteen, before they’d ever had a chance to mate. His throat tightened as he tried to explain to Shay. “With my littermates, I never…”

Shay kept an arm around Bree, but reached forward to squeeze his shoulder in understanding. They stayed like that a second before Shay’s lips curved. “I think that means I get to give all the orders—as is only right.” His smirk wiped the grief from Zeb’s heart. “Strip down, a bhràthair, then you can play.”

Shay nuzzled Bree’s neck and teased her breasts until she was squirming and making cock-hardening squeaks. Zeb hurriedly pulled his clothes off, tossing them to one side.

“Ready? Here you go.” Shay pushed the rubbery-kneed little female forward.

Zeb wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her hair. By the God, she filled his heart.

When she wiggled closer, her soft belly rubbed his cock, driving him to the cushions. He pulled her down beside him and took her mouth. Velvet lips, warm and giving. Her fingers tangled in his hair, giving tiny tugs as she kissed him back. She was delightful in her urgency. Strong too, with distractingly firm muscles under the smooth female padding.

Finished stripping, Shay dumped his clothes beside a pile of pillows. “Ready for more?”

As Bree sat up, her gaze took in his rigid cock—then Zeb’s. Her eyes widened. “Um.”

Zeb brushed his knuckles over her cheek and studied her expression. Undoubtedly, her heat had receded with the orgasm, leaving her brain in charge. The little female was having second thoughts about taking two males at once. As she should. If she knew the carnal dreams he’d had about sharing her with Shay, she’d probably flee the room. But Shay would figure out how to handle all their needs. Somehow.

As if in answer, Shay pointed to the pillows in the corner beside his clothing. “Zeb, sit over there.”

The cushions sank under his weight. Zeb leaned back, feeling as if he’d taken a throne.

Shay scooped Breanne up and followed, taking a moment to nibble on her breasts.

Zeb grinned. His brawd was definitely breast-happy.

“Legs apart,” Shay said to him, then set Bree on her hands and knees between Zeb’s thighs.

; Zeb tensed. Surely, Shay didn’t plan…

Without speaking, his brother moved her up and adjusted her so her chin was directly over his erection.

Rather than objecting, she smiled. Her delicate hands closed around Zeb’s cock, and her breath washed over the sensitive head.

Fuck. He inhaled hard and fought for control. He’d only mated females during Gatherings, and, when in heat, a female wanted only one thing—a cock inside her. She wouldn’t waste time sucking off a male.

“You’re used to giving. Now, you’ll be on the receiving end.” Shay grinned. “You’ll enjoy this…if we can keep her from biting.”

Bree’s color deepened, and her scent grew more compelling. The feeling of her tiny hands around him made him throb. Her golden hair spilled in a silky, cool waterfall over his groin when she looked over her shoulder. “Shay?”

“Breanne, I want you to suck Zeb’s cock until he gets off. Clear?”

Her big blue eyes took in the erection in her hands. As she licked her lips, Zeb couldn’t look away from her tiny pink tongue. Her breath hitched once, and she wiggled her ass. “I’ll try, but…”

But a female in heat needed a cock. “It’s all right, cariad. I don’t—”

“Yes, you do,” Shay interrupted. He knelt behind Bree, closing his hands on her hips. “I’ll give you what you need, mo leannan, and you will give Zeb what he needs.”

“Okay,” she whispered. She turned to Zeb and tightened her grip on his erection. After a second of study, she gave him a radiant smile and licked the base to the head, her tongue hot and wet.

Oh fuck. Zeb’s breath strangled in his throat. Her hands tightened, making him throb with every heartbeat. By the God, he might not last.

As her mouth slid over his cock, he could feel the slight graze of her teeth, the way her lips closed around him. When her tongue rubbed on the underside, the diversity of sensations made his eyes cross. His fingers tangled in her hair, and he forced himself to let her do as she wanted. She sucked him down, deeper.