Dearest Reader,

Thank you for making it to the very last page of this book, and for reading this, my letter to you.  Now that we’ve spent so much time together, I have something to confess.  The truth is, I’m an independent novelist. 

You might not think that’s embarrassing, but it is.  It means that I don’t have a publishing company arranging for other authors to review my work so that I can look all posh on Amazon, Goodreads, etc.  If you have a moment, could you do a poor little indie novelist a favor?  Could you post somewhere, anywhere, that you enjoyed my book and recommend it to others?  I’m not fussy.  Anywhere people could see it will do.  On Facebook, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, your blog, are all places that would do the trick marvelously.  If I have to choose one I would prefer, I’d like Amazon reviews best.  There are a lot of promotional sites that won’t even speak to you if you don’t have five reviews on Amazon.  I would be ever so grateful.
If I can help out, please reach out to me.  I’m on Facebook at svoauthor (where you could follow me if you wanted to know when my next book is coming out), and my blog address is http://[email protected].
Since you just finished a book, you might be looking for something new to read.  If so I have a few recommendations.  My other books available now are Behind His Mask, Kiss of Tragedy, and A Little Like Scarlett. They’re in print and ebook formats on Amazon if nowhere else. 

Thank you, dearest reader, for allowing me to entertain you.  I hope I can write for you again very soon!
With the Most Love,
Stephanie Van Orman