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Trust Me Page 3

by Olivia Cunning

been Adam’s disappearance right before a performance that had sent Jacob packing.

“I think we need to replace Adam to get Jacob back.”

“Is it a good idea to accept Jacob’s ultimatum?”

Didn’t Gabe realize one should never, ever give in to a bully’s demands? And to an outsider, Jacob’s ultimatum—Adam goes or I go—had sounded an awful lot like bullying. Jacob hadn’t let anyone weigh in on his decision. It had been his way or the highway, and in the end, he’d been the one who’d taken the highway—on foot.

Gabe rubbed a hand over his face. “I don’t know. Maybe we’d all be happier if Adam were gone. He’s been the center of all our problems from the start. Well, not him. His heroin addiction.”

“I thought he’d gotten clean.”

“He has, but the same selfish irresponsibility that led to his addiction is part of who he is. And we tolerate it because he’s a talented motherfucker.” Gabe released a heavy sigh through his nose and then shook his head. “Never mind. He’s more irreplaceable than even Jacob. He writes our music.”

Melanie’s ringing phone interrupted their discussion, and she considered ignoring Nikki’s call, but one of the concessions for Nikki agreeing to get help was that Melanie would answer every time Nikki needed to talk.

“Sorry,” Melanie said. “I have to take this. I promised her I would pick up.”

Gabe shrugged and took another drink of his lemonade before setting it aside and rising to join his dogs in the yard. She smiled at their exuberance—of all three of them—as she answered the phone.

“How are you doing?” Melanie asked.

“I’m bored. God, I’m bored. When are you going to spring me out of this place?”

“You promised you’d give it at least three days.” And she’d been there just over twenty-four hours.

“Yeah, but I didn’t realize how freaking boring these places are. There aren’t any cute nurses to flirt with or anything.”

Melanie covered her eyes with one hand. “You’re not there to find dates.”

“I know. I miss you.”

“I miss you too.” And she wasn’t just saying that.

“How’s Gabe? Did I interrupt anything aerobic?”

Unfortunately no, but she knew Gabe was having a hard time coping, and while inventive sex might take his mind off his troubles for a while, it wouldn’t fix anything. “We were just talking.”

“About me or the band breakup?”


“Does he think I’m crazy?”

“He thinks you’re troubled.”

“Good, because I don’t want him to think I’m crazy just because I’m locked up with real lunatics. He’s still the drummer of my favorite band even though he’s boinking my bestie. Tell him that they haven’t made me wear a straitjacket or anything.”

The man in question was currently tossing a stick for Beau to fetch while Lady sat panting at his feet. “You can tell him yourself. He said we’ll come visit you soon.”

“Really?” Melanie could hear the smile in Nikki’s voice. “When?”

“I don’t know yet. I’ll call you when we make plans. How was therapy?”

Nikki blew a raspberry, and Melanie hoped her childish response didn’t mean she wasn’t taking her sessions seriously.

“Nikki, you promised you’d try.”

“It’s stupid. I already know why I’m the way I am and how I feel about the things that have happened to me. Telling some dumb psychiatrist about it doesn’t help. The only thing that helps is being with you.”

The familiar guilt of trying to make something of her life without Nikki gnawed at the pit of Melanie’s stomach. “Nikki . . .”

“I’ve got to go,” she said. “It seems all the cute nurses work the night shift and just clocked in.”

“Nikki?” Melanie got no response.

With a heavy sigh, Melanie slipped her phone into her pocket and leaned forward on the porch swing. With her toes just touching the ground, she rested her elbows on her knees and buried her face in her palms. Gabe was a great guy. She wanted him to become a permanent part of her life, but Nikki had to be a part of it as well. She couldn’t figure out how she’d ever get the three of their lives to blend, especially now that Nikki had made it clear that her affection for Melanie wasn’t as platonic as she’d thought.

The swing shifted as Gabe sat beside her again. “Girl troubles?”

Melanie snorted and lifted her head from her palms. “How did you know?”

“Trouble and Nikki go hand in hand.”

“I’m not sure what to do. My life was traveling a nice, neat little course until you and Nikki entered the picture.”

“If I’m too much trouble—”

“You?” She shook her head and scooted closer to him so their hips were touching. “You’re worth the trouble.”

“And Nikki?”

Melanie released a heavy sigh. “She’s worth the trouble too.”

“I guess your life’s course will stay a little messy, then.”

She tilted her chin, her gaze holding his as she silently begged him to kiss her. “Guess I’ll have to learn to live with a little mess.”

He burrowed his fingers into the thick, tangled mass of her curls and closed the distance between their lips. Her body instantly ignited into an inferno of lust as pleasure sizzled along her nerve endings. Her hands slid up the back of his T-shirt seeking warm, smooth flesh, and she pressed her suddenly aching breasts into his firm chest, the hard ridge of the barbell in his nipple piercing sending a thrill straight to her core. He deepened the kiss, his tongue brushing against hers. Her moan of torment was cut off by the ring of his phone.

The muscles of his back tensed beneath her exploring fingers, and he pulled away slightly.

“Can you hold that thought?” he asked. “It’s Adam. I need to take this call.”

Between interruptions from her friends and his, she feared they were never going to end up naked and sweaty.

Chapter Three

“What the fuck is going on with Jacob?” Adam’s idea of a greeting.

“I wish I knew,” Gabe said into his phone.

“I watched his ridiculous news segment. Is he really back with Tina?”

“Looks that way.”

“Of all the stupid—”

“You should go talk to him,” Gabe said, nibbling on Melanie’s chin so her passion wouldn’t cool while he dealt with band bullshit.

“Madison is going to have surgery on her shoulder. I can’t leave just yet.”

Gabe bit his lip. He hadn’t realized Madison’s injuries were that severe. He’d assumed she’d just broken an arm. “I’m heading up to Kansas tomorrow. I could stop by Dallas on my way back to Austin.”

“That would be great. I feel so . . .” Adam’s deep inhale was surprisingly strangled. “Disconnected.”

Which was the feeling—if history were any indication—that sent Adam reaching for a spoon of heroin, a lighter, and a syringe. “Be strong for Madison,” Gabe said. “You’ve got this.”

Adam swallowed hard enough that Gabe could hear it over the phone. “I’ll try to remember that.”

“There is no try. Only do or do not.”

Adam snorted at Gabe’s Yoda wisdom. “You’re such a geek.”

“A geek who is about to get laid. I’ll see you soon. Hang tough.” Gabe wasn’t sure how encouraging such words were to an addict. Personally, Gabe had never suffered such an affliction, so could only imagine the struggle Adam endured each day.

“Madison keeps me clean. I won’t falter. Not while she’s around.”

After they’d hung up, Gabe slid his phone into his pocket only to have it vibrate with a text message. He checked the screen. Kellen. He was currently dealing with his band more now that they’d broken up than he’d ever dealt with them even on tour.

As he read the message, all the air evacuated his lungs. He read it again.

just got some bad news. Chad was injured in the line of duty. I think it’s pretty bad.

Another message from Kellen appeared below the first.

I did something stupid and now Owen won’t talk to me, but he needs a friend right now. Could you call him?

Tell him I’m sorry.

Ask him to talk to me.


Gabe had never seen such desperation in Kellen before, so he was curious about what their typically calm and cool rhythm guitarist could have possibly done to make his closest friend not talk to him. They’d been chummy enough when he’d last seen them a few hours before. Gabe texted Kellen back while Melanie—no longer burning with desire for him—twiddled her thumbs beside him.

That really sucks about Owen’s brother. Is he going to live? Gabe backspaced to remove the word live. He didn’t want to put that thought out into the universe. He replaced the deleted word with be okay before sending the message.

I’m not sure. He’s alive, but it’s bad. Really bad. And Owen won’t talk to me.

You mentioned that. What did you do to him?

Since Kellen’s answer didn’t come at once, Gabe glanced up at Melanie. “Owen’s brother—he’s a marine—has been injured.”

Her eyes widened. “Oh my God. I didn’t even know Owen had a brother. Is he going to be okay?”

“I don’t know.” Since Kellen still hadn’t responded, he called Owen. When Owen didn’t answer, Gabe left a message. “Shit, Owen. Kellen just told me about your brother. I’ll be praying for him, bro. If you need anything at all, let me know. I’m here. And you should probably talk to Kellen. He wants to be there for you too.”

Gabe set his phone aside and reached for Melanie. Seeking comfort in her warmth, he pulled her onto his lap and pressed his face against her neck. He didn’t know Chad very well, but imagining that someone so young and so strong could be so easily ended had Gabe staring his own mortality in the face. Had him questioning his life and what was important to him. His band, yes, but also his home, his family, his . . . Melanie.

“How do you feel about shacking up?” he asked.

Melanie laughed. “Is it even called that anymore?”

“I don’t know. Would you consider moving in with me?” They had never broached any serious discussions about their potential future beyond deciding that they wanted to be together. He was ready to take this step and the next. He just wasn’t sure if she was.

“Move in together?”

Her voice squeaked, and he struggled not to chuckle. He had sprung that on her out of the blue.

“Don’t you want to wake up beside me every morning?” he asked. “Learn all my disgusting habits?”


“How about now?”

She pushed against his chest so she could look up at him. “Where is this coming from all of a sudden?”

He shrugged. “You never know how many tomorrows you have left.”

“Gabe . . .”

“Move in with me.”

“Are you crazy? That’s a huge step! I mean, staying with you for a few days is one thing, but moving in? I’m not sure we’re ready for that.”

He was sure. He knew Melanie was the one. Knew it with every part of his mind, his heart, and his soul. There were some truths science would never explain, and this was one of them. His knowing.

“Do you want to spend your life with me?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said without hesitation.

“Then moving in with me is not a decision. It’s inevitable.”

“Gabe . . .”

He silenced her protests with a deep kiss. He couldn’t take her rejection. Not at this rocky spot in his life. He needed something he could be certain of. He’d thought he could count on his band, thought he had a stable career, stable friendships. He’d thought he had unlimited tomorrows, but now he wasn’t sure about anything but her. He was sure about her.

He cupped her breast, squeezing gently. She moaned into his mouth and pressed her softness more firmly against his palm. He pinched her nipple, and her body jerked before relaxing into his. He became increasingly sure of her as her kiss turned desperate. She could fill a lot of holes in him, and at the moment, he needed to fill one in her.

His fingers moved to the button of her shorts. He unfastened freed the button, and pulled down the zipper before delving inside, his fingers seeking the hot wetness between her thighs.

She tore her mouth away. “Not sure why your unexpected proposition makes me want to come instead of go.”

He grinned, his fingers dipping inside her. He used her slippery fluids to stroke her clit, his tempo increasing like the rising crescendo of a Sole Regret drum track. Her cries of pleasure rose as well as he brought her closer, closer, closer to her peak. She shifted her body—and he thought she might be trying to get away after all—but her shorts were suddenly on the porch and she was straddling him on the swing, struggling to free his hard-as-stone cock from his jeans. The buttons of his fly popped free, and before he could collect his thoughts enough to rationalize her sudden need for him, he was inside her.

He groaned as her heat engulfed him, sending pleasure and need spiraling through him. She must have been even closer to her peak than he realized as her body jerked and shuddered as she found release. He cracked one eye open; the sight of her face contorted in ecstasy made him groan. He lifted his hips to pound his cock up into her, but the swing shifted and he found himself at the mercy of her tempo—which had gone slow as she prolonged the aftershocks of her quick orgasm. His fingers dug into the wood beneath him as she squeezed her breasts while she rode him, completely at ease with making her own pleasure.

Once she caught her breath, her hips began to rock, churning his length inside her until his head dropped back against the swing. The slightest movement of his foot on the porch pushed him deeper as the swing swayed beneath them. His toes lost contact with the ground, and the swing tipped dizzily, unsettling him and making his heart lurch with panic. It also buried him so deep within her, not even a fraction of him was exposed. Which got him thinking about centers of gravity and sex swings with anal plugs. A short thick one for him—because it would feel amazing to have something up his ass to ground him in this rocking motion. And a longer, vibrating one for her, because why not? He loved the feel of a vibrator against his dick when he was buried inside a woman.

But she began to move faster, sending the swing swaying precariously and his thoughts shattering.

“Rub my clit,” she said breathlessly in his ear. “I’m so close.”



She leaned back so his hand could find her swollen nub. She had an exceptionally large clit, and he had just the suction cup to keep it overstimulated for far longer than he could manage on his own. Unfortunately, it was in the house, so he’d have to do this manually.

“Yes. Oh, Gabe. You’re so good at this.”

Sitting still while she did almost all the work? He was rather good at that. He sent her flying, groaning in delight as her pussy gripped him in rhythmic spasms. She collapsed against him, breathing hard, and her body went completely limp. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close while she got her bearings.

“You didn’t come, did you?” she murmured after a long moment of sitting impaled by his aching cock.

“No.” He kissed her shoulder, refusing to look at the two dogs sitting at the foot of the steps watching them. “It’s okay.”

Apparently she disagreed. She winced as she lifted her hips, and he fell free of her delightful warmth. She settled back on his thighs and took his cock in both hands. Pleasure pulsed up and down his length with each slide of her grip. In his already overstimulated state, it didn’t take her long to give him the release he craved. “Yes,” he groaned, watching her catch his cum and struggling to keep his eyes open so he could see it drip over the back of her hand. “Oh, Melanie. You’re so good at this.”

She snorted when he
threw her earlier words back at her. “Well, I’m sure I don’t have as much practice as you do.”