Page 32

True: 11 (New Species) Page 32

by Laurann Dohner

True stood. “Never. Jeanie goes nowhere.”

Justice rounded the table, stopping behind Jeanie. “Species Jeanie remains at Homeland. She’s safe here.”

“We’re talking about organized crime, Mr. North. These aren’t going to be a bunch of idiots with an agenda to cause a media stir to gain attention for whatever cause they’ve decided to back by launching some half-assed attack at your gates. We’re talking about highly skilled killers who may or may not decide to silence her if she could possibly link them to Cornas. Last year they took out a public figure with a large security detail after he refused to allow them to buy up a large quantity of property they wanted to use to start a gambling monopoly.”

“We’re organized and prepared to handle any situation. She’s not leaving with you. She wasn’t an accountant and True has firsthand knowledge that she spoke the truth since she used to take his blood samples. I can get you dozens of statements from other Species who will tell you the same since she took their blood too. Your informant is wrong.” Justice nailed them with a stern look. “You’ve wasted your time coming here, gentlemen.”

“Our informant might be wrong but that’s the information he’s been giving out. We heard it and the cartel might have too. She could be a target.” Special Agent Spears wasn’t ready to give up.

“Who is your informant?”

The agent’s lips sealed together tightly.

“Leave,” Justice ordered. “Your interview is over.” He reached down and gently gripped Jeanie’s arm, urging her to stand.

She did, True took hold of her next, and rushed her out the door. It closed behind them and faint yelling could be heard. Fury stepped out and nodded at one of the New Species officers.

“Take them home now.” He reentered the room with Justice and the three agents.

Jeanie was confused as they left the building and were hustled into a waiting SUV. “That was weird.”

“Perhaps their informant is Jerry Boris. He wants you removed from our protection.” True lifted her off the seat and onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist.

She leaned against him and shivered. “What if we hadn’t mated? Would they have been able to force me to go with them?”

“I’m uncertain,” True admitted. “It doesn’t matter though because we are mates and the laws that protect us, protect you. You’re Species and out world authorities have no right to take any of us from the NSO.”

* * * * *

After they returned home, Jeanie went to take a bath. True was furious but he waited until she started to fill the tub to dial Darkness, knowing her human hearing wouldn’t be able to pick up sounds beyond the running water.

He answered on the first ring. “I knew it would be you, True.”

“It was a ploy to take my mate, wasn’t it?”

“It appears so. They refused to give the name of their informant but we suspect who it is.”

“I hate that human. How was he able to tell that lie to them without us knowing about it?”

“He probably placed the call from DC before he arrived home after learning the kidnapping attempt failed. Their government agencies don’t work as fast as our task force. It may have taken them all this time to come here asking to speak to your mate.”

“Could they have taken her if she wasn’t my mate?”

“They did come with paperwork establishing her as a hostile witness. It was a court document, signed by a judge, ordering us to remand her into their custody for those reasons. Don’t worry though,” he rushed on, “it isn’t valid with the NSO. It’s more posturing than anything. Her being Species makes it null and void. No human judge has authority here.”

He snarled. “The human isn’t going to stop until he takes Jeanie from me.”

“He’s currently at home watching television. I can see him on my computer screen, True. He’s actually a boring male. He ordered a pizza for dinner and has avoided going to Fuller since some of the task force team members have taken over for their guards until new ones can be hired. The task force linked me to their feeds so I can keep an eye on him.”

“Have there been any more calls to the unknown male suspect from Oregon?”

“No, but he did call a massage therapist and made an appointment for her to come by his home tomorrow morning.” He cleared his throat. “She’s got a record for prostitution so I don’t think it’s his back he plans to get rubbed. Be happy you don’t have a link to the camera feed into his home. I’m not looking forward to seeing that. He is not a fit human, nor was the female’s arrest photo an attractive one when we ran a background check on her. I hope he’s paying her a lot of money because she’ll earn it if she has to fake interest in him.”

“He pays for sharing sex?”

“It’s a human thing.” Darkness snorted. “Perhaps that’s why he hates us. Human females line up at the gates just hoping to meet one of us. I doubt anything this human does is enjoyable and he sure couldn’t attract a female with his appearance. He’s currently wearing a pair of ratty boxers that have multiple stains and he keeps scratching his balls as if he’s got fleas. I want to bathe, just watching him.”

“My mate is taking a bath.”

“Go join her. Relax, True. Enjoy time with your mate. We have this and you have a pass on your duties until this is over. Many males would envy you the time you get to spend with her without interruption.”

Darkness made a good point. “Okay. I want to be updated.”

“Will do. Oh shit.” Darkness growled. “I’m sickened.”

“What happened?”

“He enjoys porn and just shoved his shorts down. That female really deserves a lot of money tomorrow. I haven’t seen something that small since I visited Fury’s home and his son decided he enjoyed removing his clothing and running around their home bare. Salvation is bigger than this male is. Go be with your mate. I’m going to turn away from the monitor or I will be sick. He just spit on his hand instead of getting lotion.”

True hung up, grimacing. The urge to be near Jeanie overrode everything as he stalked down the hallway and entered the bedroom, passing through it to reach the bathroom. The sight of her undressing next to the steaming tub was appealing.

“Hi!” She grinned. “This is a big enough tub for two. Why don’t you get in it with me?”

He was tempted but her smile looked a little forced. “Are you well?”

“I’m great.”


“Okay. I keep thinking about those FBI agents, okay? It’s kind of intimidating, thinking they want to take me. Where I come from, well, they get what they want.”

“We don’t care what they think.”

“I know.” She straightened, totally bare. “It just kind of freaked me out. Why don’t you come distract me?” Her arms lifted as she reached out to him.

True was across the bathroom in a heartbeat, lifting Jeanie against his body until their faces were level. “I should call Justice and ask him to arrest the human so he can’t use other ways to try to get you away from me. It’s obvious he’s the one who lied to the government males.”

“No. We need to find the other New Species first, True,” Jeanie reminded him.

“It’s not worth your constant fear, Jeanie.”

She bit her lip. “I have lived with far worse than this, True. This isn’t even that bad. At least I haven’t been shot this time,” she joked.

True growled. “No one will get that close to you.”

“It was a joke. I know that. I’m safe with you.”

He sniffed at her, that sweet scent detectable. “I keep scenting your fear and it’s driving me insane. I can’t stand to know you’re afraid. Every instinct I have is howling at me to protect you. It makes me crazy. You shouldn’t have to live with fear.”

She hugged him tighter around his shoulders and lifted her legs, wrapping them around his waist. “We need to let this ride, True. It’s too important to try to find the other New Species.
I’m going to be fine.”

He kissed her forehead. “I want to protect you and make sure you’re no longer afraid.”

“I know. And I want your people found and saved. It’s worth the fear I’m experiencing until this is over.”

“I am not so sure. You were hurt to save my life and then you were shot protecting our people. You have done more than enough for Species. You deserve to be happy most of all, Jeanie.”

“I have you.” She nuzzled his throat with her lips, brushing a kiss there. “I’ve never been happier in my life.” She looked up at him. “Do you want to know what would make me ecstatic?”

“Name it and it’s yours.”

“Carry me into the bedroom. The bath can wait.”

He just turned and walked into the bedroom. Jeanie jerked her head toward the bed. “Over there. Make love to me. I’ll touch you to make you forget your anger and you can totally distract me from my fear.”

He sat on the bed with her on his lap. “I like this plan.”

“Less talking and more touching.”

He growled and reached up, tangling his fingers in her hair to pull her lips closer to his. She opened up to him as he kissed her. He barely noticed when she unwrapped her legs from his waist until she gave him a sudden push that took him off guard. He landed on his back on the mattress, staring up at her in surprise.

Jeanie lifted up, bracing her hands on his chest to adjust her legs to straddle his lap while she grinned at him. “Stay just like that.”

One eyebrow arched in question but he held still as his mate lowered down his body until her ass rested over the top of his thighs. She straightened up and reached for the front of his pants, unfastening them.

“You wish to undress me?”

“You could say that.” Her gaze darted up and held his, a gleam of humor in her eyes. “I’m going to play with you this time.”

He liked it when she was mischievous. “You want to touch me until my control breaks?”

She chuckled. “You like to dominate me in the bedroom so I’m turning the tables on you.”

He lifted his hips, taking her with him, to help when she got his pants open and indicated she wanted to shove them down enough to free his stiff dick from the confines of the material. He watched her smile as she studied his sex. He was pleased that she liked the sight of him bare.

“Put your hands behind your head and keep them there.”

He hesitated but did it. Some males had talked about sex with humans and how they asked for strange things. “I can’t touch you if I do that.”

“That’s the point for right now. I’m going to do the touching.”

She gripped the bottom of his shirt and shoved it up. He arched his back to help her. She stopped when he was bare up to his nipples and he growled when she bent forward, her tongue tracing the rounded tip of the left one. Her breath was warm, her mouth heaven when it closed over his nipple and he closed his eyes as she sucked. Her bottom teeth gently raked over the straining tip that instantly responded. His dick was trapped between their bodies and it twitched from the anticipation of what was to come.

Her open palms slid over his abdomen, the caress lowering until one of her hands wrapped around the girth of his shaft. He growled louder and his hips ground against her.

Jeanie released his nipple and blew air over it. He opened his eyes, staring at her while she smiled at him. “You like that?”

He just nodded, unable to speak at that moment.

“I think you’ll love this then.”

She wiggled a little lower, her mouth kissing over his ribs. Her tongue darted out to lick him in a few places and his hands fisted above his head. He wanted to touch her so bad. The urge was nearly impossible to resist but he remembered she wanted him to keep his hands up.

He wanted to roll her over by the time she reached his lower belly. He wanted to fuck his mate. He kept watching her, loving how she held his gaze, almost as if she watched him to gauge his reactions. She wasn’t fearful when a snarl burst forth as she lowered her lips and placed a wet kiss on his pelvic bone so close to his dick that he could feel her hot breath fan over it.

“You should see your face,” she whispered. “You’re so sexy when you bite your lower lip and give me that wild look.”

He tried to school his features a little in case she mistook desire for anger, something he didn’t want. She rose a little, scooted down his thighs a bit more, and lowered her head again. She tossed her hair to one side and it spread across his exposed hip. The sensation tickled a little but he had no urge to laugh when her mouth hovered so close to his dick that he forgot how to breathe.

Her lips parted and her pink tongue darted out. The sensation of her licking the crown of his cock made him hiss and jerk his hips. She stopped, staring at him in surprise.

“Are you okay?”

“What are you doing?” He winced, surprised that harsh tone was coming from him.

Her fingers curled tighter around his shaft, giving him a squeeze. “Giving you head.”

His mind blanked.

“Oral sex.”

“I know what it means.” He sat up a little, adjusting his arms down to be able to brace his elbows on the bed. “We didn’t discuss this.”

Her lips curved upward. “Do we need to? You go down on me. Fair is fair.”

“Um…” He had a hard time speaking with Jeanie’s mouth so close to his dick and him more than aware of where she’d licked him. He throbbed in her hand, another thing he was painfully conscious of. “That’s not a good idea.”

“Why not?” She didn’t appear frightened, just confused.

“Species males shoot hard when their semen releases and you know I swell at the base.”

“So I’ll just play with you for a while.”

“You’re trying to kill me,” he blurted out. What he said registered and he wanted to groan in regret. He knew she wasn’t actually trying to murder him but he worried she’d think that’s what he was accusing her of. “I mean, my control isn’t that great. I’ve never tested myself this way before.”

Her head tilted a little and her eyes narrowed as she studied his face. “Are you telling me no one has ever gone down on you?”

He could feel heat rushing to his face. She couldn’t hide that she thought it was either bizarre or unusual. That was the last thing he wanted his mate to think. It was a little embarrassing. “Species females don’t do that.”

She grinned. “I’m going to be your first? Well, lie back and enjoy. Try not to pull my hair, okay?”

“Jeanie,” he warned softly, “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

She licked her lips. “I think it’s a great idea. I just have to stop before you come. Got it. Just give me warning.”

He opened his mouth to protest but she lowered her face and all he could do was suck in air sharply when pleasure struck as she took him into her mouth. The sensation was different, highly enjoyable, and he just collapsed onto his back with his eyes closed as she moved, caressing him with her tongue and lips while applying suction.

“Jeanie,” he snarled, clawing at the bedding instead of her. “Oh. You…I…” He couldn’t even form words and the ones he got out didn’t make sense. Stop trying to talk, he ordered himself.

Every draw of her mouth along his shaft was pure ecstasy. The feel of her tongue against the top of his dick made him want to howl. He wanted to express how much he enjoyed it but it was torture at the same time. It was too intense, felt too good and he realized he was about to blow apart when his balls tightened. He wanted to fill her with his seed but knew he might harm her so he reached down and grabbed her shoulders, hoping he didn’t use too much force, to break the contact between them.

He rolled, pinning her under him as he moved down enough for his knees to slide off the bed. He hit the carpet a little too hard but didn’t care. She was bare. There was nothing to stop him from loving his mate as he reached between them to run his thumb along the sea
m of her sex. She was wet and ready.

Thank you, he managed to think, knowing he’d take her anyway since the need to be inside her was too strong to stop at that point. True was just happy he wouldn’t have to do something she might think was rude like hauling her over to the nightstand to grab lotion to dump on his dick to make sure there wasn’t too much friction.

He backed up, glancing at her face once to make sure he hadn’t scared her. She appeared a little stunned but otherwise fine. He flipped her over onto her stomach. One knee shoved her legs apart when he yanked her over the edge of the mattress until she was bent at the waist over it and his painfully engorged dick didn’t even need help finding the right spot when he glanced down and adjusted his hips to line up their sexes.

He drove into her. She was wet enough to take him with one thrust. Her pussy was tight and he hoped he hadn’t taken her too fast but he couldn’t stop. He curled around her, pinning her tightly beneath him but making sure his upper body weight didn’t make breathing impossible. Her loud moan was heaven to his ears as he began to move.

He couldn’t slow down. He was too close to coming, completely wild with it. Jeanie moaned louder, her hands grabbing hold of his forearms, which held her trapped under him, and her nails dug into his skin. It didn’t matter if she drew blood as long as she seemed to be enjoying the sex.

Her pussy grew hotter and wetter, tighter as he furiously fucked her, snarling a warning that he was close. No words were spoken, he couldn’t form them, but he hoped she knew what he was trying to convey. She bucked under him, crying out his name and he prayed it was out of pleasure instead of pain because that’s all it took to send him over the edge of need, straight into absolute bliss.

His seed marked her as he threw back his head and emptied everything he had deep inside his mate. True lost all sense of time as he slowly recovered. His breathing leveled off and he realized Jeanie was panting under him.

“Did I hurt you?” He was afraid of the answer.

She laughed, her body shaking a little. “Wow!”