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True: 11 (New Species) Page 19

by Laurann Dohner

“I’m saying no to you wanting to do it to save me.”

True hid his anger and confusion. Why is Jeanie refusing to be my mate? The dull throb of pain from her bite seemed proof she’d enjoyed the sex, along with her other reactions. He’d heard human females sometimes faked orgasms but he was certain that hadn’t been an act. It didn’t make any sense. He could protect her and had shown her he’d be a good mate.

Perhaps she needs more proof. Females could be stubborn. He rolled over and pinned Jeanie under his body, careful not to crush her, using his elbows to hold his chest off hers. Pretty brown eyes widened as he stared into them but he saw no fear.

“I could convince you.”

He didn’t wait for an answer. He found his footing on the floor so he was bent over her, tugged her by her shoulders and held her in place as he drove inside her pussy—deep. He hesitated there, making sure she could take him without pain. A soft moan as her eyes nearly closed told him all he needed to know.

He withdrew until he almost completely left her body, adjusted his hips, and slowly pushed back inside. The tight fit of their bodies felt heavenly to him and he shifted his hips just enough to see her reaction when he found the right spot, the one females enjoyed so much. He’d learned a few things about pleasing a female since he’d gained his freedom. Species demanded satisfaction from the males they allowed into their beds or they wouldn’t be invited to join them again.

Jeanie moaned and her fingernails dug into his skin. It took effort to mute a snarl of satisfaction as he began to pump in and out of her at the right angle and her breathing increased to a pant. Sweat broke over his skin as he fought back his own pleasure to focus solely on hers.

“Nothing feels as good as you do,” he confessed. “You’re so soft, wet and tight.” He picked up the speed of his driving hips, pounding her against the mattress while fighting off his release. She was too tight and felt amazingly good but a lot was on the line. He needed her to understand what he offered as a mate. “Heaven,” he decided aloud. If it was a place on Earth, Jeanie was it for him.

Her eyes closed and her head tilted back as her legs wrapped tighter around his hips. The feel of her heels digging into his ass just spurred him to a faster pace, the friction between his rigid shaft and the tightening muscles of her pussy drove him to near insanity. He wanted to lose himself in her, mark her from the inside with his semen and own her forever as his.

“True,” she cried out.

Her fingernails dug into his skin deep enough to draw blood, the slight pain turning into the satisfaction of knowing she marked him in a human way. He reverently hoped she’d leave scars. He glanced down between them and watched with rapt fascination as her nipples beaded into taut tips right before her pussy quivered and the muscles clamped around his dick.

Her loud cries as she came were all it took for his control to slip. He snarled, clenching his teeth to avoid biting her shoulder when the urge struck and then lost the ability to think at all. He cradled her as best he could as he jerked with each violent spasm as his semen filled her. White-hot ecstasy seared his loins and went straight to his brain.

It took him time to recover. He wasn’t sure if mere seconds had passed or if it had been minutes. He breathed in her scent, knowing it was his favorite. He studied Jeanie’s lax features and waited for her eyes to open. They did and he smiled at the way she peered up at him. She looked happy and sated.

“I’d be a good mate,” he swore.

She released his shoulders and cupped his face. “I know that.”

“Then you agree.” He was glad the matter was settled. Tim and the task force team wouldn’t be able to argue that she belonged in their custody or that she should be prosecuted under Species law. “I’ll have the paperwork brought to us right after my swelling goes down.” His dick locked inside her gave him a chance to cuddle with her longer. He was grateful she didn’t seem to mind since she didn’t try to push him away or untangle her legs from around his waist.

She bit her lip, her gaze clouding with a look he didn’t like.

“It’s settled. Stop giving me that look.”

“What look?”

“You’re uncertain but I’m not.” His voice deepened but he couldn’t hide his anger. “We’re going to sign mate papers.”

“Don’t fuck me within an inch of my life and then make demands. It’s not fair to either of us.”

His eyebrows shot up in stunned surprise at her words and the traces of anger he identified in her voice. “What?”

“You heard me.” She lowered her hands to his chest and flattened them, giving him a slight push. “I know you’re aggressive by nature and I’m fine with that but this isn’t something you can’t just bully someone into.”

“Bully?” He was insulted.

“Okay.” Her voice softened. “That was too harsh of a word. I know what a mate means. It’s marriage and it’s for life to New Species. This isn’t something that should be decided in the aftermath of mind-blowing sex.”

Her flattery over his sex skills soothed his wounded pride. “It’s what needs to be done.”

“And that’s why I can’t accept right now.”

She baffled him. “Sex between us is mind-blowing. You just said it.”

“It takes more than great sex to make a relationship work.”

“We have more.”

She bit her lip again. “Let’s talk about this later, okay? I can’t think clearly right now, especially with you still inside me and touching me.” She caressed his chest instead of pushing against it. “It’s not fair.”

Jeanie totally confused him. “What isn’t fair?”

“We should shower and get ready for that meeting. It’s at seven, right? We probably should eat something too.”

“We have hours before we need to leave. What isn’t fair? I don’t understand.”

“While you’re on top of me isn’t the best time to ask me life-altering questions, okay? We should both be levelheaded when a serious discussion about our future takes place. Hormones shouldn’t play a part in it. You melt me, True.”

He wasn’t sure what that meant but it sounded nice. “That’s a good thing?”

“Yes.” She smiled. “No one has ever made me feel the way you do.” She lifted her head, stared into his eyes. “You’re incredibly sexy.”

“I know how we can spend the next few hours.” His softening dick began to harden.

Her eyes widened and she glanced between their bodies before looking up at him again.

“I’m not completely human,” he reminded her. “I have a strong sex drive. I’m determined to convince you to be my mate.”

“You really don’t play fair, do you?”

She skimmed her hands over his rib cage, then around to his back, her fingernails lightly raking down his spine. He growled softly, enjoying it. They traced lower until she ran them over the curve of his ass and grabbed both cheeks. A female had never done that to him before but he liked the feel of her grasping him there, her fingers digging into muscle. She moved her legs a little, resting her calves against the backs of his thighs and moved under him to bury his dick a little deeper inside her welcoming sex. Her vaginal walls squeezed him and he growled louder.

“Two can play this game.” She arched her back, pushing her nipples against his chest. “No mating talk while we’re touching each other. Deal?”

She was attempting to seduce him into compliance. Her mouth quirked with humor. She wasn’t being manipulative the way the humans he’d known tended to be. He smiled, pleased with her playfulness.

She grinned openly at him and squeezed his ass, grinding her pussy against him. “We have hours, huh? Is that supposed to scare me? It doesn’t.”

“Good.” He lowered his lips to hers and took possession of her mouth. Kissing Jeanie made him forget everything but her and the need to move.

Chapter Twelve

Jeanie wished for a blow dryer but True had arched his eyebrows at h
er when she’d questioned if he owned one.

“I’ll take that for a no.”

“It’s bad for hair.”

She wasn’t about to argue with him. There was no way she could tactfully point out that she didn’t believe that was factual. At least not without him mentioning that he wasn’t fully human or her using the argument that she’d had a dog as a child and had used a blow dryer on him. It might be a touchy subject she didn’t want to broach. She just used a towel to vigorously rub the wet strands.

The bags they’d brought from the supply store contained a bunch of T-shirts and some size-medium cotton leggings. She’d been given two white exercise bras. They were stretch material designed to accommodate various breast shapes. The only dress that had been included made her gape as she pulled it out.

“I like that. Wear it.”

Jeanie frowned. “It’s got bright purple and pink flowers all over it. I think a satellite from space could spot me in this, True.” She thought it was dreadful. It reminded her of something found in a Hawaiian tourist trap that someone with poor eyesight might buy.

“It’s easier to take off when we return.”

“Yeah.” She dropped it on his bed. “I know I wouldn’t want to wear it for long. That’s for sure.”

He grinned. “Wear it.”

“I think I’ll go with one of the gray shirts and the black pants.” She searched the bags but still didn’t find what she was looking for. “That guy didn’t pack me any panties.”

“Most males don’t wear lower undergarments. He probably didn’t give it a thought. I like you without them.”

She grinned. “Less to take off later?”

“Exactly.” He glanced at his watch. “You must hurry. We don’t want to be late.”

“You’re the one who insisted that we eat and take separate showers.”

“You’re still healing, Jeanie. You need to eat often and I knew I wouldn’t keep my hands off you if you showered with me.”

Warmth spread through her entire body, remembering the hours they’d spent in bed together and the way he’d left it to bring her food. He hadn’t understood that she couldn’t eat nearly as much as he could consume so they’d argued a little when she’d said she was full. He was sweet but she hadn’t underestimated his dominant personality.

“I feel surprisingly well and healed. I wanted to see you wet though.”

She loved the way he made sexy noises in response as his gaze lowered down her body when she dropped the towel to get dressed. No man had ever made her feel as wanted or as sexy as True could, just with his hungry stare. The intensity behind it made her feel special and highly desirable.

“We need their help to find the agent who used you.”

The sobering statement killed her teasing mood. It was easy to forget everything bad when she spent time with True. “Right.” It also reminded her of the times they’d been together in the presence of other Species. “I just don’t want you to get into another fight defending me.”

“These are Species from Drackwood. They know you, Jeanie. There won’t be any aggression.”

“I’m sure some of them don’t care how nice I was to them. They were locked up against their will and I was a part of that.”

True stepped forward to gently caress her cheek. “You were a part that made our captivity bearable. Don’t forget that. There is always that one spark that gives hope for better things when life is bad. You were that to us. Don’t ever deny how important that is.”

She stared up into his eyes, grateful for the kind words. “I won’t.”

His hand dropped away. “There’s no need to worry about being harmed by anyone we’re about to meet. I’d never allow that to happen.”

“Thank you.”

He scowled. “Don’t do that. I don’t want or need your thanks.”

“Okay. Why does that make you angry?”

“We’ll discuss this later. We must go. They will be waiting and I like to be prompt.”

She followed him out of the apartment. The guard was one she hadn’t seen before. He gave her a quick once-over before nodding at True. “Where are you taking her?”

“The library. We have a meeting.”

The New Species frowned. “No one informed me.”

True grabbed her hand and put his body between her and the other man. “She’s not a prisoner and I’m with her. I thought Jericho was on shift.”

“Darkness asked me to cover for him.”

Jeanie hoped she hadn’t hurt the primate enough that he wasn’t able to return to work. She opened her mouth to ask but didn’t, afraid it would only make things worse. True steered her in front of him and kept her away from the other New Species. The guard attempted to follow them into the elevator but True blocked him.

“Back off.”

“I should keep her within sight if she’s not inside your home.”

“She’s no danger to anyone,” True snarled.

The doors closed, leaving the guard on the other side. Jeanie studied True when he turned. “Maybe we shouldn’t leave your place. It’s totally understandable why they are suspicious.”

“My word is all that should matter and I vouch for you.”

She swallowed the urge to thank him yet again for having faith in her. It didn’t seem fair that he’d have to deal with so much animosity on her behalf. All the sacrifices she’d made had been her choice. She could have walked away once Drackwood had been taken down but the thought of not helping more New Species when Agent Brice had told her about Cornas had been a no-brainer. Someone needed to save them and she was in a position to do it.

She’d even considered the possibility of the backlash if her role was ever publicly exposed. Some people hated the New Species, forming organizations in protest of them being given human rights and some churches had even stated they were abominations. She’d been willing to withstand their biased, bigoted judgment if it came down to it but it had never entered her mind that the people she loved would have to pay as well. True shouldn’t have to defend her, yet he was. Her family would probably suffer the same fate, be targeted due to her actions.

“What are you thinking about?” True touched her shoulder, drawing her from her thoughts. “You look so sad.”

She looked up and then just stepped forward and hugged him. “It doesn’t matter.”

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer. “It does.”

She wiggled out of his hold as the elevator doors slid open. “It’s just been a long day. I’m fine.”

“I don’t like seeing that look on your face and you will tell me what put it there. We’ll talk more about this later, at home.” He closely studied her.

“Deal.” She hoped he’d forget and let the matter drop. She already felt guilty enough for all he’d done and didn’t want to burden him with her emotional turmoil.

He took her hand and led her to the large library. Shelves full of books stood floor to ceiling. A beautiful gray-stone fireplace took up the back wall and a long conference table with plush chairs took up the space in the center of the room. New Species stood as they entered and Jeanie stopped walking, staring at familiar faces she never thought she’d see again. The smile came instantly despite her insecurity that they might not be as happy to see her as she was them.

“You all look so great,” she blurted. Her gaze stayed on one woman in particular and she unconsciously took a step toward her.

“Stay at my side.” True tugged her back.

“She’s safe here,” a male stated harshly before his tone softened. “It’s good to see you, Shiver. We’ll have to let you learn our new names. I go by Jinx now.”

Jeanie grinned at the tall, black-haired feline attached to that voice. “You’re still accident prone?”

The man laughed. “Not exactly. I picked the name for other reasons.”

She glanced down at his hand, resting on the back of a chair. “How is it?”

He released the plush ma
terial and flexed his fingers, turning his wrist until she could see his palm. A thick scar marred it, caused by a knife injury he’d once suffered when one of the guards tried to kill him in retaliation for something stupid. Jinx had grabbed the blade to prevent his throat from being slit.

“It works great.” He took a step closer. “You really gave that doctor hell by implying he was incompetent if he couldn’t repair the damage so I could move my fingers.”

A lump of emotion formed in her throat, making it impossible to speak. She swallowed hard.

“I overheard the staff planning to transfer me somewhere else since that doctor believed the loss of mobility to the hand would make it impossible for me to continue to be useful. It would be tough to improve hand-to-eye coordination with drugs if I didn’t have two working hands.”

Jeanie hadn’t known. “Where? Was it Cornas Research?”

“No. It was a death camp for our kind. One of the employees broke under interrogation and gave up the location.” A muscle in his jaw clenched and his dark-blue eyes narrowed with rage. “It was rigged to explode. All fourteen Species died before they could be reached.”

“Oh god,” she whispered, appalled.

“You saved my life.” Jinx focused his intense gaze on hers. “Now we’re going to do our best to save yours, Shiver.”

“Hello, Shiver,” a female announced.

Jeanie turned her head and smiled again. “You look great, 754. You let your hair grow. You’re so beautiful.” She realized she’d addressed her by number. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called you that. What name did you take?”

“Luna.” She glanced at True. “May I hug her? There’s no need for you to take a protective stance and keep her at your side. Everyone here owes her thanks for some kindness she showed. Relax, True. She’s amongst friends. She saved me from being force mounted.”

The reminder of that incident made Jeanie wince. “It was total luck for us both that he was so busy making threats that he didn’t hear that door open.”