Page 14

True: 11 (New Species) Page 14

by Laurann Dohner

The reminder that she’d been shot broke the last of his restraint. She could have died and he’d never have been able to touch her the way he’d always wanted. He growled, wrapped his arms around her back with care, and tugged her closer. Her breasts crushed against his chest wasn’t nearly enough with the cotton shirt blocking him from skin-to-skin contact. He lifted her, stepped away from the bed until she no longer stood on it, and slowly crouched until her feet touched the floor.

She’d given him permission to ignore all he’d learned about human sex. He had planned to kiss her mouth but those weren’t the lips he wanted to taste the most. He decided that would come later. He leaned forward, careful of the injury to her lower stomach when he pushed against her rib cage instead. The gentle nudge was enough to send her off balance when her thighs came into contact with the edge of the mattress. She lay back. The soft bed cushioned her.

True wrapped his fingers around her knees, spreading them apart at the same time that he lifted her legs high enough to be in the position he wanted. The shirt had ridden up to her belly, baring her completely from the waist down, giving him a clear view of her sex, which he had been fantasizing about.

The small, closely cropped strip of hair running along the top of her mons and down the sides of her labia, forming a pattern, was intriguing. She’d removed most of the other hair, not that he cared to ask how it had been done at the moment. He’d read that some humans used razors, while some had their bodies waxed to remove unwanted body hair.

He pushed her thighs wider apart despite seeing her tense but she didn’t struggle or protest. He glanced up to find her staring at him with wide eyes, her lips parted. He grinned, knowing he’d surprised her. He returned his focus to her pussy.

She looked little in that area. Part of him had hoped she’d be bigger somehow but the slit of her sex didn’t seem as though it would accommodate the thickness of his dick. He studied her anatomy, knowing females were designed to stretch around males but it seemed doubtful she could.


She sounded a little frightened. He could relate since he had broken out in a cold sweat of anxiety from the fear he’d either hurt her or he just wouldn’t fit inside when it came time to mount Jeanie. He bent forward to distract her. She was a little wet, the proof of her arousal not only teasing his nose but taunting his dick as well.

Humans like words. He bit back a snarl, frustrated he’d almost forgotten that part. He salivated to get his mouth buried between her thighs to coat his tongue with the taste of Jeanie but her emotional needs had to be met. He forced his gaze up to find hers.

“You’re so beautiful to me. So delicate and such a sexy pink,” he rasped, surprised at how much he meant the words once they were said. “Your scent makes me so hard.”

He inwardly winced at his crude tone but it couldn’t be helped. It was a miracle he could even think at all or keep a shred of humanity when his instincts urged him to lick her until she cried out his name after he forced her to come as fast as possible. The result would leave her pussy soaked and prepared for him to flip her over, bent across the mattress, and mount her. Just imagining what it would feel like to rub the crown of his dick against her hot, wet pussy was enough to make him want to tear open the front of his pants instead of bothering to unfasten the snaps.

“Are you okay?” Her voice trembled and he saw uncertainty flash in her eyes.

He didn’t want to alarm her by sharing how close he felt to losing his mind. He’d never wanted a female that much in his life. He might have when he’d been given breeding drugs but that wasn’t the cause of what was happening to him now. Jeanie seemed to naturally affect him in a similar manner.

“I want you so much it hurts,” he confessed as he fought to speak in a calmer voice. “Just relax and I’ll make you feel good.”

“I trust you.”

Those three words, said with pure conviction, humbled him. Her beautiful eyes stared back at him with sincerity. He took a moment, found the inner strength to battle his urges, and focused on her pussy again. She was so attractive he couldn’t look at her enough. He slowly bent over her, using his hold on her legs to push her away from the edge toward the center of the mattress. Her body easily slid across his sheets until his hips pressed against the side of the bed.

He opened his mouth and licked his lips. His tongue swiped across her clit and her sweet, addictive taste weakened all his resolve. He sealed his lips around the bundle of nerves, pressed his face against her tightly, and sucked.

Jeanie’s moan and the way her hips bucked assured him he’d found the right spot. He flattened his tongue right where it needed to be, applied pressure and released her knees. He wrapped his fingers around her inner thighs, held her in place so she couldn’t wiggle enough to break the connection. She was his to pleasure and he’d make sure she wanted him as much as he did her.

Chapter Eight

Jeanie clawed at the sheets, her head thrashing as she squeezed her eyes closed. True had pinned her thighs flat to the bed with them spread wide apart as his mouth played pure hell with her clit. It felt so good it nearly hurt.

He sucked, tugging at the fleshy bud with strong pulls of his mouth. Every time she was close to coming, he’d ease off, driving her insane. The tip of his tongue flicked her clit in an upward motion, reminding her of how she liked to eat ice cream. He changed to a new pattern, wiggling it from side to side.

He was either doing it to torment her with pleasure or figuring out what she enjoyed best by trying everything he could think of to see how she’d react. She moaned, bucked her hips, but couldn’t move much. He’d made sure of that. His hands were tender but firm, not letting go. Something about being so completely at his mercy just made the high all the more potent.

She panted, feeling the sweat slicking her skin, and arched her back. It became too intense but she couldn’t close her legs. He was too strong. She’d had two sex partners in her life but they hadn’t made her feel anything close to the all-consuming ache to find release that True inspired.

“Please.” She frantically reached down, needing to touch him. Her fingers brushed the hair at the back of his head and she almost jerked her hand away. It was a real fear that she might dig her fingernails into his scalp since she’d already done that to his bedding. Instead she fisted some of the silky strands and pleaded again, “Please, True.”

He growled and the vibrations nudged her over the edge where she’d been hovering near release. Her entire body shook from the force of ecstasy blasting through her from his mouth, spreading rapidly, straight to her brain. She cried out, not even sure what she said or if it even made sense. She didn’t care. Her entire world centered on the tip of True’s tongue as it performed tight circles over the most sensitive spot on her body. She cried out again as another blast of pleasure struck.

Her vaginal muscles trembled as she survived a second climax, shocked he could make her come twice in rapid succession. “Stop,” she begged, unable to take any more. Her clit throbbed from oversensitivity.

He avoided playing with it again but his tongue explored lower, tracing over the seam of her sex. She eased her death grip on his hair once her body began to relax, her muscles turning lax after all the writhing she’d done.

“You are so sweet,” he groaned. “I want more.”

That was the only warning before his tongue penetrated her pussy. She moaned at the pleasing sensation. He withdrew almost completely and released her thighs. She thought he might rise and adjust his body over hers to find his own release. It was exciting and she longed to know how it would feel to be joined with True. All the fantasizing she’d done about having him inside her would finally become reality. She opened her eyes, peering down at him when he lifted his head. She had to let go of his hair.

The expression on his face made her start. She would have sworn he was enraged. “What’s wrong? Did I pull your hair? I didn’t mean to.”

“You’re tight.”

p; “Is that a bad thing?” Most guys like that, right? It had been a while since she’d had sex though. Things could have changed.

“It is right now. I’m so hard I could volunteer to be a jackhammer to break up concrete.” He tucked his head, looking away, and she noticed his knuckles had whitened from how tightly he clutched the edge of the mattress. “I also might need to cut off my pants. My dick is trapped between the material and my thigh. I need to buy a larger size to accommodate it if you stay here for long.”

His sense of humor was unexpected and she grinned, feeling extremely cheerful after he’d just given her the best orgasms of her life. It took effort to move when she really just wanted to melt into his bed but she sat up. His lips were parted, revealing the tips of his sharp canines. It was amazing he hadn’t accidentally nipped her with them, something she hadn’t thought of until that second.

“I’ll help you get out of them.”

His head snapped up. “Don’t touch me.”

Her humor vanished, replaced by concern. “Are you okay?”


She’d thought he’d been teasing but she’d been wrong. It was pain, not anger, harshening his features. “Oh wow, True.” She couldn’t get a look at his lap since he was on his knees beside the bed. She scrambled to the other side, slid off and approached him from the side.

“Stay back.”

She paused, studying his body. He was on his knees with his hips pressed against the side of the bed. He still kept a death grip on the edge of the mattress. “Just unzip your pants and we’ll tug them down until you’re free.”

“Just go into the bathroom and close the door.”

What is it with him wanting me to go into that room? She didn’t ask. “I’m not leaving you to deal with this alone.”

He closed his eyes. “I need you to get away from me for at least ten minutes.”

Jeanie’s feelings would have been hurt if she’d thought he was saying it to be mean. He wasn’t. “Why?”

“My body will relax without you here and I’ll be able to get my pants off then.”

“You’re seriously, um, stuck?” She tried to figure out how. It should be as simple as what she’d suggested.

“Please,” he rasped. “Go take a shower.”

“No.” She eased forward a little. “I’m going to scoot down there with you. Can you turn a little? Let me see the problem and I’m sure I can think of something.” She hoped it just felt as if his penis was stuck because the material had tightened around whatever side he tucked on. “Or you can tell me where some scissors are. I can cut down the side of the seam.”

“No. Just go into the other room.”

The doorbell rang. Jeanie started at the sudden noise but True’s reaction was much worse. He snarled as his head jerked up, eyes snapping open to glare in the direction of the living room. “Fuck!”

“You can’t go get that. Should I? I’ll tell them you’re busy or taking a shower.” She highly doubted he’d want anyone to know what had him incapacitated. “Unless you think I should tell them the truth and they can help you.”

“Don’t go out there. Ignore it.”

“What if it’s important?”

“Go shower.”

“Damn, you’re stubborn. Would you leave me if I were in a bind?” She regretted saying that last word. “Sorry. Bad, unintended pun. This is ridiculous. You just were face-planted in my private parts. We’ve passed the point of modesty. Let me see the problem and we can find a solution.”


The doorbell rang again, followed by a fist pounding on the wood.

Jeanie blew out a frustrated breath. “True—”

A loud boom came from the other room. She spun, realizing what she’d heard as the front door hit the wall from the force of being kicked open. A few quick steps and she was in the other room. Two New Species stormed into the apartment but the first one through the door motioned the second one to halt with a hand gesture.

It was the second one hovering just inside that kept her attention though. His hair was long, to his shoulders, but she’d never mistake those brilliant-blue catty eyes. He wore black jeans with a tank top, showing off a lot of muscles.


“Shiver,” he confirmed they knew each other, his mouth curving into a smile.

“Where is True?” The other man glanced around with a stern look on his face until he fixed his full attention on Jeanie. “What have you done to him?”

“Nothing!” She glanced between him and 712. “He’s—”

“Did you harm him?” the feline snarled, revealing sharp canines.

“She wouldn’t do that, Tiger.” 712 tried to get around the guy.

Tiger shoved him back. “Stay out of this. I told you to wait outside.” He stormed forward. “What did you do to True?”

A thump came from behind her and she turned to stare at True leaning heavily against the open bedroom doorframe with only his head and part of his naked upper body showing. It looked as if he were using the wall to hide the rest of him. The furious look and his stiff expression were clear.

“Get out of my home!”

Tiger stopped advancing. “Why didn’t you answer the door? Why are you obscuring the rest of your body?”

“Get out of my home.”

The New Species in the uniform frowned. “She hurt you, didn’t she? What are you hiding? Did she stab you?” He sniffed the air before his eyebrows shot up. “Shit. You’re naked. I interrupted you sharing sex.”

“What?” 712 shoved Tiger to get him out of the way. “You touched her?” His nostrils flared and his usually handsome face twisted into an expression very similar to True’s enraged one. “You said you wouldn’t.”

“Leave my home.” True glanced at her. “Come here, Jeanie.”

She wasn’t sure what to do. Part of her wanted to talk to 712 but True was obviously in an embarrassing situation he didn’t want the other men to discover. Tiger and 712 might be there to take her to prison. She backed up into the bedroom and True slammed the door closed the second she was clear. He cursed as he tilted her head upward with his palm gently cradling her face. Strong fingers wrapped around her upper arm to turn her slightly until they faced each other.

“Get in the bathroom. I’ll handle this.”

“Do you think they’ve come to take me to that horrible place?”

“I won’t allow that to happen.”

“Thank you.” She tried to look down but his hold only tightened.

“I’m going to let you go and you will run into the bathroom. Lock the door and stay there until I tell you it’s safe. Do it now.”


He turned her around before dropping his hands away. “Run.”

She dashed toward the bathroom but didn’t make it before the bedroom door crashed open. A scream caught in Jeanie’s throat as she spun to see who had done it. 712’s gaze darted around the room until he found her and stared at the shirt she wore, which fell to mid-thigh, exposing her lower legs.

“How could you?” He stormed into the room.

At Drackwood she’d done her best to keep him alive by giving him something to keep fighting through all the pain he’d suffered. He enjoyed her stories, whether they’d been fairytales or just recounting something she’d seen in a movie. It helped him pass the time while some of his injuries healed.

“Get out!” True snarled, stepping between her and 712. “Don’t speak to her that way.”

“I’m talking to you!” 712 reached both hands out and pushed True hard in the chest, nearly knocking him over.

True shoved him back. “She’s not yours.”

The male stumbled but stayed upright. “I disagree.”

“Enough,” Tiger ordered from the door. “Flirt, return to the hallway now. I’ll handle this.”

“She saved my life.” Flirt didn’t move. “I’ll only leave if she goes with me.”

It sank in that they were arguing
about her. Jeanie opened her mouth to tell them to stop but they resumed their exchange before she got a word out. It became clear that 712 had taken the name Flirt.

“Never,” True snarled.

Flirt’s upper lip curled enough to show sharp canines. “She should be mine.”

“Enough!” Tiger repeated, pushing them apart when he centered his body between them. “No fighting. Return to the hallway, Flirt. True, you weren’t supposed to touch her.”

“He did.” Flirt backed away. “No female puts off that strong of a sex smell unless a male helped. Look at the front of his pants. He doesn’t deserve a female if he’s unable to hold his seed until he mounts her.”

Tiger glanced down True’s body then looked at 712. “Damn, Flirt, that’s cold. We’ve all gotten a bit too excited at times but you don’t point it out. Males have pride.”

Jeanie crept along the wall to get a better look at True to confirm her suspicions of what they talked about. A large wet spot stained the front of his pants on one side, near his groin. No wonder he wouldn’t let me see what was wrong with him. He wasn’t caught in his pants. He lied. Shit! She glanced at his face, the splotches of bright color on his cheeks a sign of mortification.

“Leave him alone,” she demanded. She stared at 712. “Flirt? Is that what you’re called now?”

“Don’t talk to him,” True ordered.

Part of her knew she should keep quiet just because it’s what he wanted. The other part was enraged that anyone would attempt to humiliate someone who’d saved her from going to prison. True was a good man.

“I’m Flirt now, Shiver.” His tone softened when his bright-blue gaze met hers. “Come here. I’ll take you to my home. You don’t need to stay with that male when you deserve a much better one.”

“No!” True bellowed.

Jeanie gasped when True grabbed Tiger and threw him out of the way. The big New Species’ body missed her by a few feet, landing sprawled on the carpet facedown. Her gaze lifted from him just in time to witness True tackling Flirt. They both slammed into the wall near the door with enough force from their combined weight to punch a big hole in the plaster.