Page 31

Thoughtful Page 31

by S. C. Stephens

The group of us were at Pete’s, preparing for our gig. I was wishing it was over already so I could be alone in my room, brooding, when, just like that, the night suddenly got a lot more interesting.

With a smack to Matt’s chest, Griffin muttered, “Oh…holy…fuck. Dude, I’m in love. Look at that piece of ass!”

My back was to the door, so I couldn’t tell who Griffin was talking about. I didn’t really care either. Kiera was handing out another round of beers and watching me out of the corner of her eye. I watched her too. Wistfully. I couldn’t help it. I didn’t want us to be over. I didn’t want to just be casual friends with her.

Griffin sat up straight, a huge grin on his face, just as a leggy brunette walked right up behind Kiera and covered her eyes. “Guess who?” the woman asked.

Kiera yanked down the hands over her eyes and spun around. “Anna?” she said, stupefied. She pulled her in for a hug, exclaiming, “Oh my God! We were supposed to pick you up from the airport tomorrow! What are you doing here?”

Anna’s eyes slid over to me. “I couldn’t wait…hopped an earlier flight.”

Kiera had warned me that her older sister, Anna, was pretty, but I had to admit, her looks took me by surprise. She was taller than Kiera, curvier, and definitely flashier. She had on a tight red dress that left nothing to the imagination, and her plump lips were painted in the exact same electric shade as her outfit. Her eyes were an emerald green, and were highlighted by thick eyelashes lengthened by meticulously applied mascara. Anna’s hair was darker than Kiera’s, straighter and shinier. She’d pulled some of it up into a clip, and there were bright red strands peeking through the pieces falling around her shoulders. This was a person who wanted the world to notice her. I’d say she probably needed the world’s attention. Behind the primping and preening, behind the makeup, manicured nails, salon-perfect hair, and top-notch clothes, was a person who was actually very insecure about herself. I could understand that.

With fondness on her face, Kiera examined her sister. Then she picked up a bright red strand of hair. “This is new. I like it.”

Anna’s eyes were still taking me in. She wasn’t even trying to camouflage her interest. I had a feeling she was a lot more forward than Kiera. That went along with the attention-seeking. “I dated a hairdresser,” she answered. Switching her gaze to Kiera, she playfully added, “For like, an hour.”

Griffin groaned, and I watched as he bit his knuckle like he was in pain. I almost laughed at his expression. If he could pick and choose female parts and slap them onto one person, that person would look like Anna. She was the stuff his pornographic dreams were made of. And she hadn’t even noticed him yet. Poor guy.

I couldn’t help but watch Kiera as she took in her sister. There was an emotion there that I couldn’t quite read. Kiera loved her, I was certain, but she was…sad, or self-conscious…like she was comparing herself to Anna, and in her head, she was losing. But that was ridiculous. Yes, Anna was gorgeous, but with her it was…forced. Manufactured. Kiera didn’t have to try that hard. She effortlessly radiated beauty. She didn’t have to be bended, twisted, and arranged into a masterpiece. She was already a work of art.

Finally, Kiera inhaled a deep breath. “Guys, this is my sister—”

Interrupting Kiera, Anna held her hand out to me. “Anna,” she finished, her smile warm and inviting.


I was shaking her hand when Griffin stood up and yanked it away from me. Smooth. “Griffin…hey.” He had such a way with words, it was almost magical. Anna giggled though, as she said hello.

I watched Kiera while Anna introduced herself to the guys. Kiera seemed a little uncomfortable that Anna didn’t need her help. Maybe she was wishing that she could be that bold. She could be, if she really wanted to. The only thing holding her back was her.

Griffin, determined to impress Anna into his bed, grabbed a chair nearby. That chair unfortunately had someone sitting on it, but Griffin didn’t care much about that. With a “Get off, fucker,” he yanked the seat away and set it beside himself. While the ousted customer flipped him the bird and stormed off to go complain to Sam, who I’m sure wouldn’t do anything about it, Griffin patted the cushion and beckoned his newfound love to join him.

Anna smiled, said, “Thank you,” then grabbed the chair and hefted it over to my end of the table. Matt and Evan laughed at her maneuver. Griffin scowled. Surprisingly, Kiera did too. Interesting. Was she jealous of Anna and me? Even though I’d promised her I wouldn’t do anything with Anna? She sure looked that way when Anna sat down.

Testing this theory, I gave Anna a friendly grin when she sat so close to me our sides touched. I could almost see the smoke coming out of Kiera’s ears as she watched us. Very interesting.

“Well, I’ve got to get back to work. I’ll bring you a drink, Anna.”

Anna’s eyes never left mine as she answered. “Okay.” As an afterthought, she added, “Oh, some guy named Sam put my jacket and bags in the back room.”

Kiera sighed, like she couldn’t believe what Anna could get men to do for her. I wanted to tell Kiera that was the power of pussy, but I didn’t think she’d appreciate that comment, so I kept quiet. “Okay, I’ll call Denny. He can give you a ride home.”

Anna finally looked back at Kiera. “I think I can manage.” I knew she meant me, and my grin widened. Anna was making this so damn easy. All I had to do was smile, let her do her thing, and watch Kiera go green with envy. I knew I probably shouldn’t be playing this game, but making Kiera jealous felt a hell of a lot better than wallowing in sadness over what I couldn’t ever have with her. And besides, this was what Kiera wanted. She had to know there would be a price to pay for letting me go.

Anna’s eyes returned to mine. They were sparkling, playful, and easy to read—I want you. “So…you’re a singer, huh?” She scanned my body so seductively, she may as well have reached over, shoved her hand down my pants, and started fondling my cock. “What else can you do?” she asked. Very forward.

While Anna laughed and I grinned, Kiera fled. She apparently didn’t want to be anywhere near us, but she didn’t want to leave us alone either. This visit was going to be so much fun.

After Kiera disappeared, her sister turned on the charm. “So, Kellan Kyle, tell me all about yourself, every little detail.” With a crooked smile, she told me, “I want to know you inside and out.”

I bet she did. I didn’t open up like that though. She’d have to settle for the basics. “I spent some time in L.A., but I was born and raised here.” And will probably die here. “You already know all about the band, so there’s not much else to tell.”

She leaned in. “Girlfriend?”

Griffin, eavesdropping, sniggered, “That asshole doesn’t do girlfriends. Me, on the other hand…” He opened up his arms in invitation.

Anna glanced at him, then returned her eyes to me. “No girlfriend. Good to know.” She gave me a heart-stopping smile, and I gave her a devilish grin. This was so easy, it was almost too easy.

“Okay, I told you about me, now tell me about you.” I lifted an eyebrow and waited for her to start speaking. Once she did, she didn’t stop, and I didn’t interrupt her. The more she opened up about herself, the less I had to open up about me. I preferred to listen.

Kiera came over when Anna was discussing her years at school. She’d gone to the same college Kiera had started out in. She’d been a cheerleader. I wasn’t too surprised. Kiera put a reddish drink in front of her sister, and Anna paused long enough to toss her a “Thanks” before resuming our conversation. Well, her conversation at me.

I peeked up at Kiera. She was frowning at us. It was entrancing, and some sick part of me really enjoyed making her jealous.

Now that Anna was around to make things entertaining, the night sped up. While Anna told me all about her life, hopes, and dreams, she flirted. And she was good at flirting. If I wasn’t interested in somebody else, I’d definitely be raring to go after her li
ttle display. She touched my face, my shoulder, my leg. She ran her hands over herself, subtly outlining her curves. It was erotic, I’d give her that. And even though I was only allowing it to continue to irritate Kiera, she was an attractive woman; I didn’t mind the show.

Her hand inched its way up my thigh all night. If she affected me the way Kiera did, I’d be uncomfortably straining against my jeans by now. Anna wasn’t my real focus though, so it was easy to ignore the fact that her fingernail was running up and down the inner seam of my pants. When Kiera reluctantly approached the table, she noticed exactly where her sister’s hand was. In fact, her eyes laser beamed onto the spot. And Kiera’s eyes washing over my lap did so much more to excite me than Anna’s fingers. What I wouldn’t give for her to touch me like that.

“Time’s up, Kellan,” Kiera snapped. I had to smile at how angry she was getting. It sucks seeing someone else cozying up to what you want, doesn’t it? Welcome to my world.

Anna seemed confused by Kiera’s statement and she turned to look at her. Kiera slapped on a smile as she answered the question on her face. The grin was clearly forced. “They need to go onstage and play now.”

Anna was overjoyed by the news. “Oh…great!” By Kiera’s expression, she was done with her sister’s visit already. A part of me hoped Anna never went home. Maybe if I made her jealous enough, Kiera would come back to me. We could try again.

While the guys and I took our places, Anna jockeyed into position—front and center; she clearly didn’t want to miss a thing. I gave her an encouraging smile, then looked up to see Kiera stalking off to help some customers. This was seriously getting to her, and it was childish of me, but I loved every second of her ire.

I put on a show for the record books. I sang my heart out. I strutted, played with the crowd, gave every girl in the front You’re the only girl for me eyes, and with Anna, I pulled out all the stops. I paid her so much attention that I was a little worried that the eager girls around her might elbow her in the face or something. Anna could hold her own though. When one girl tried to take her spot by giving her a hearty shove, Anna reached over, yanked on her ponytail, and brought her face close to hers. She yelled something at her, and looking freaked out, the girl fled. Weaving her way through the crowd, she popped out the back and left the bar. No one messed with Anna after that. Damn. Hot chick was tough.

Anna was jumping up and down, having a great time, when someone came up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder. At first I thought it might be a friend of the person Anna had chased out, but then I saw it was Denny. Guess he’d finally shown up to take her home. Anna turned to look at who was touching her, recognized her sister’s boyfriend, and then flung her arms around him. Denny seemed taken aback by her forcefulness. He patted her back, like he wasn’t sure what to do with her.

The interaction between them made me smile. Then I glanced up to find Kiera in the crowd. I wondered if she’d be as jealous of Denny and Anna as she seemed to be over Anna and me. Kiera wasn’t even watching them though. She was watching me. She stared at me the entire time Denny and Anna were together by the stage; apparently she wasn’t worried about them at all. Kiera continued to stare at me as Denny left Anna’s side to return to her. Her hazel eyes were trapped in my gaze until Denny walked over and touched her shoulder. Then she startled back to awareness.

Denny took a seat at the bar, and Anna stayed where she was in the crowd, so I figured she’d refused to go home with him. I’d been expecting that. She was way too interested in me to give up now. She wouldn’t stop until she was in my car or in my bed. Not that I would let that last one happen. I’d made a promise.

When our set was over, Anna was glued to my side again. She brought me a beer and a towel and scared away the other women with a glance. He’s mine, back off practically shimmered off her in waves. Griffin was as irritated about the whole thing as Kiera was. I just found it funny. And not a whole lot had been funny lately.

When the bar was winding down and it was time to go home, Anna and I walked through the front doors arm in arm. Even Rita frowned at us. I had to smile that I was pissing off so many people in such a short amount of time. It had to be some kind of record. Once we got outside though, Griffin decided I’d hogged Anna long enough.

Sidling up beside her, he asked, “So, how’d you like the show?”

Her arm still wrapped around mine, Anna looked up at me and smiled. “It was amazing.” From her tone, it was clear that what she really meant was He was amazing.

Griffin glared at me, like I’d made her say it. Shaking my head, I looked away from his annoyed face. I couldn’t control who she fawned over. Grabbing Anna’s hand, Griffin yanked her away from me. Again, smooth. She stumbled a little, but laughed. “I gotta show you something,” he said.

When I looked back, the pair were hustling over to Griffin’s van. Matt was standing on the other side of me. With a snort, he said, “Think he’s whipping it out for her?” Smirking, he shook his head. “I’m not so sure that will impress her.”

A laugh escaped me as I watched Griffin slide open his van and dig around inside. It took him a minute or so, but eventually he popped back out with a black thing in his hand. I laughed a little more. Our band shirt? That’s what he had to show her?

With a flourish, he snapped open the Douchebags shirt in his hand. Anna squealed and made a grab for it. Griffin held it back in one hand and raised a finger with the other. “You don’t just get these for free,” he said. “You have to earn ’em.”

I wanted to drop my head into my hands. Jackass. As I watched though, Anna smirked, then pressed Griffin against the van. Her knee went between his, and her hands circled his wrists, pinning them beside his head, like she was arresting him. While Griffin closed his eyes and dropped his mouth open, Anna rubbed her body against him. She ran her nose up his throat, then over to his ear. She whispered something, and I watched Griffin melt. He released his hold on the shirt, and Anna instantly snatched it up. When she stepped away, he had a glazed look on his face.

Breathing heavier, he said, “Fuck me. Now.”

Anna giggled as she held the shirt to her chest. She touched a finger to his nose and laughed. “You’re so cute. Thank you for the shirt.”

“Thank you for the raging boner,” he replied.

Spinning on her heel, Anna walked back to me with a satisfied smile. Griffin was still leaning against his van, clearly dazed. I shook my head at her. “What did you say to him?”

Biting her lip, she suggestively raised her eyebrows. “If you play nice, maybe you’ll find out.” Laughing, she started walking away. “Shall we go home?”

I looked back at Griffin. He had his eyes closed, and he was cupping himself, like his unsatisfied hard-on had just given him a stomachache. I didn’t want to sleep with Anna, but I was insanely curious what she could have possibly said to reduce Griffin to a pathetic pile of horniness.

Kiera was just exiting the bar as Anna slid into my seat. Even with the distance between us, I could tell Kiera was pissed Anna was leaving with me. I had a huge grin on my face as I got into my car. Tormenting Kiera was too much fun.

When we got to the house, I showed Anna to the living room. Spotting the couch, she immediately grabbed my hand and made me sit down with her. Her hand instantly found its home next to my crotch.

I heard the door open and turned to see Kiera storming into the house. She looked like she wanted to rip somebody’s head off. She couldn’t though. She couldn’t do a damn thing…because we were trying to be inconspicuous.

Denny came in a few moments later. He slipped an arm around Kiera, and my jealousy spiked a tad. It was fun making someone else feel it, but it sucked being the recipient. Luckily, I had a distraction. Anna looked over at me with an alluring smile. “So…where am I sleeping tonight?” she asked.

I knew what she was really asking me was So…what position do you want to try first? With a half smile, I started answering her, but Kiera beat me to it.

/>   “You’re sleeping with me, Anna.” Her tone clearly said Do not argue with me. I contained my laughter while Kiera looked over at Denny. “Do you mind sleeping on the couch?” she asked him.

Denny did not look happy about that, and I didn’t blame him. This monstrosity wasn’t comfortable. “The couch? Really?”

Kiera’s eyes sharpened to points. She was so pissed…I loved it. “Well, if you prefer, you can sleep with Kellan.” The way she said it was final. You have option A or option B. There is no C.

I couldn’t hold in my laughter anymore. While Denny raised an eyebrow at Kiera, I told him, “I’m just warning you now—I kick.”

Looking miserable, Denny grumbled, “Couch it is,” then headed upstairs for blankets.

Pushing her boobs into my side, Anna sprightly said, “You know, I could sleep with—”

Faster than a blink, Kiera had Anna on her feet. “Come on,” she said as she dragged her sister toward the stairs.

Well, well, well. Kiera had a jealous streak in her about a mile wide. Watching her reaction to Anna and me was outrageously entertaining. I bet Kiera didn’t sleep at all tonight. She’d be on full alert, all night long, making sure her sister didn’t leave the room.

Oh man, this must be how kids felt waiting for Christmas morning. I might not sleep tonight either. I couldn’t wait until tomorrow.

Chapter 20

Double Date from Hell

I woke up feeling better than I had in a while. I wondered if it made me a little sadistic that I was enjoying causing Kiera pain. Although she wasn’t really pained, just jealous. She didn’t want to share me with her sister. If I didn’t find the whole thing so entertaining, I might be offended. Kiera had made her choice, and what I did shouldn’t matter to her. I’d made a promise though, and I was planning on honoring this one.