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Their Stepsister Page 2

by Alexa Riley

“Hey Logan, how’s it going tonight?” she asks. It comes out breathy and with a slight moan, which she must think is sexy, but it just sounds like she can’t control her body functions. Kayla stands next to my barstool and pushes her body up against me. I can’t stand the feeling of her cold hands running along my arm and her bony hip pushing into my thigh. I lean back and try to maintain some physical distance. I’m irritated. Fun Logan has clearly left the building. I want nothing more than to just sit here in silence, but instead I’ve got to deal with Luke’s clinger.

“Kayla, stop touching me and back the fuck up. You pull that shit with Luke where you get up in his face and he ignores you. I don’t want you taking liberties with my personal space.”

She steps back but manages to keep what she thinks is a sultry expression on her face. “Oh Logan, don’t be…”

“We’ve both told you repeatedly we’re not interested,” I interrupt. “I’m not in the mood to explain it again. If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a date with my beer.”

She starts to say something else, but I get up and walk to the other side of the bar. In the back of my mind I know I’m being rude but I can’t summon my give-a-fuck emotion. I’m pissed at my brother, worried about Sarah, and ripping myself to shreds for what I’m really feeling. I roll my eyes when I look up to see Kayla storming off in a bitch-fit. Great. I’ve pissed her off. Just what I needed tonight – a scorned woman with some extra crazy on top.

I stare down at my beer and think about everything that’s happened in the past couple of years to push Luke and I where we are. We both fell for her. In the cruelest twist of fate, my other half and I fell for the same woman. And the real kick in the nuts? She’s our stepsister.

Luke won’t say it out loud but I don’t need him to. We’ve both known for a long time how the other felt. After her sophomore year in college, we decided it was best if we didn’t visit at the same time. I knew how hard it was for me to watch her show affection to Luke, and conversely I could feel the anger rolling off of him when she would pay me even a little attention.

It never felt wrong to love Sarah. If anything, it felt right. The guilt I feel is because I love her and I know Luke feels the same way. We’ve shared women for years, and it’s always felt natural, like this is how we’re meant to be. We’ve talked about having a permanent menage relationship and dreamed that one day we would find the one and make a home with the three of us. Deep down, though, I think we both always hoped it would be with Sarah.

Our sweet little Sarah would be shocked to know what we do behind bedroom doors, and I can’t wrap my head around her wanting us in that way. I know that if she ever did feel the same about us, she would want to choose, and that would end Luke and me. We couldn’t, wouldn’t survive it. I would feel his heartbreak every time I was with her. As much as we love her, it couldn’t be for just one night. There’s love and family involved. If this went wrong it could break us, and the three of us is all that’s left. We can’t risk it.

I decide to sulk at the bar and down a few more beers. The only thing waiting on me at home is a brooding Luke and the image of Sarah in her room, masturbating. I stifle my groan and start thinking of football to keep my mind off my growing dick.

I don’t know how long I sit there, zoned out, before Sam slides next to me at the bar. He nudges my shoulder with his in greeting and orders a beer. He takes a drink and then gives me a thoughtful look.

“I dropped your sister off at home,” he says and takes another drink. I hear him take a deep breath. “Luke pulled up when I was leaving. He was just sitting in his car staring at the house.”

He raises an eyebrow at me, but I don’t know what he wants me to say. We’ve both known Sam for a long time. He would be good for Sarah. He’s the type of guy I would wish for her, if I wasn’t in love with her myself. I know why Luke hit him. If I had seen him kiss her I’d want to lay his ass out too.

Sam shakes his head and lets out a short laugh. “One day, Logan, the three of you really need to sit down and figure this shit out.” He stands with his beer and starts to leave. I realize at this point I haven’t said a damn word to him and I turn to speak, but he beats me to it. “And just a little advice, that day should be sooner than fucking later.” He rubs his jaw and walks away.

I sit there opening and closing my mouth. I should have played that off better and denied whatever he thinks he knows, but I didn’t have it in me. I think I’ve just gotten tired of how things have been lately and I’m tired of pretending. I’m so tired of acting like I don’t want Sarah and that I don’t want to share her with Luke. I want everything. Is that such a fucking ridiculous request?

I pay my tab and head outside. I need to clear my head and it’s not happening in that bar.

I decide that Sam has some truth to his statement. I do need to talk to Luke, but right now I want to talk to Sarah more and make sure she’s okay. She left the bar pissed and I can’t stand it when she’s mad.

CHAPTER 3 *Luke*

I sit in my car long after Sarah has entered the house and Sam has pulled away. I felt my knuckles crack on to the steering wheel when I watched to see if she kissed him goodnight. Thankfully Sam didn’t have a death wish and kept his hands and mouth to himself.

I can’t bring myself to go in the house and have the confrontation I can feel building. I hate how things are distant between Logan and me, but I don’t know how to change it. He’s in love with Sarah and, fuck me, so am I. We need to just leave her alone because this whole situation is all kinds of screwed up. Not only am I in love with my goddamn stepsister, but so is my twin. Could this possibly be any more fucked up? Jesus, sign us up for Jerry Springer.

I rub my hands down my face and sigh heavily. I can feel Logan’s pain. Even when we aren’t side by side I know when he’s hurting. He’s the heart of our family. He’s our light and laughter when I’m just a brooding asshole. Things have been so strained lately; our home isn’t a happy place I look forward to returning to at the end of the day. Instead I avoid it. I avoid Sarah and Logan and everything that makes my chest hurt.

“Fuck this,” I say to no one and open my car door. I make my way inside the house. I just need to go in, go to my room and fall into bed. I want this miserable day to be over. I tell myself all of that, but it’s a lie. I know the reason. I know good and damn well why I’m going in the house and why I’m going to my room. I can’t stop punishing myself. I can’t stop the part of me that wants see if I can hear her in her room. The dark sadistic side of me wants to know if she’s making good on her promise to cum tonight.

Our home has three bedrooms upstairs and Sarah’s is in between mine and Logan’s. Logan and I designed the house with the idea of sharing a woman forefront in our minds. We hoped one day to try to make a menage relationship permanent. Even when we were kids and didn’t know anything about sex or relationships we said we wanted to share a wife. We always planned on having a family together.

We shared women and I think it just seemed natural to try to find a woman willing to take us as something other than a one-night fling. We wanted a relationship that wasn’t just for a few hours of fun, or something to cross off a bucket list. We knew most of the women we played with would be discreet. Somehow that bitch Kayla has found out and has been after us to tag team her for months. I try to be nice because I can see that she’d make waves if we just straight up refuse her. She knows too many people around town and she could hurt our business by running her mouth to the wrong people. Logan and I have worked too hard to get where we are to have some scorned socialite dragging us through the mud.

I walk into the house and it’s eerily quiet. I try not to think about where Sarah is and what she might be doing, but it’s no use. I make my way upstairs and pass Logan’s room first. His door is open and his light is off so I know he’s still out. I walk past Sarah’s door and I see it’s closed. I don’t hear anything but I can see the light shining from the door sweeper so I know she’s in there.

Her room is the largest and has the biggest bed, and my filthy mind immediately conjures up an image of her naked and spread out on that big bed. Her room was meant to be the room Logan and I would share with our wife. It doesn’t go unnoticed that we designed that room how Sarah would like it best. And it doesn’t escape my mind that Logan and I have never brought a woman into our home or into that room. Sarah is the only woman to ever step foot inside there.

My room is at the end of the hall and I pick up my pace and practically run to get there. I burst through my bedroom door, shutting it closed behind me. The room is dark with only the moonlight streaming in through the window to guide me. I go over to the far wall that connects Sarah’s room to mine and lean against it. The wall is cool against my ear and I can hear movement in the next room. It’s beyond fucked up, but I need to listen. I have to know if she’s touching herself. I hate how weak this makes me, but I don’t care.

In my mind she’s got those milky thighs spread wide and her little fingers are teasing down her stomach towards her pussy. My hands rub over the front of my pants and press on my growing erection. I close my eyes tightly and will myself to pull away from the wall, but I can’t. I keep stroking myself through my pants to try to find relief in that simple touch. I stop abruptly when I hear some shuffling. But then, sweet heaven, I hear a soft moan.

Fuck it.

Immediately I undo my belt and open my pants. I don’t give a damn how pathetic this is, it’s the only thing I’ve got.

I press my ear harder to the wall and envision her digits tickling across her clit. My right hand runs down the length of my dick while my left cups my balls. I start stroking myself. I’m so goddamn wound up from thinking of fucking little Sarah I can’t stand it.

I can hear soft sounds coming from the other side of the wall and I stroke myself harder. I can hear her moaning and moving on the bed and it’s painful how turned on I am. Thrusting my hips forward on the down strokes, I tighten my hand on my balls.

I want this to hurt. I want to punish myself and my dick for these dirty thoughts of fucking my baby sister. I want to remind my body that all the nasty things I want to do to her are wrong. But the more pain I cause, the hotter it makes me. The more I think about shoving my dick down her sweet throat, the more pre-cum leaks. The more I think about squeezing that sweet throat while I thrust into her cunt, the more my spine tingles and I can feel my release coming.

My forehead is sweaty and I realize absently that I’m still fully dressed with just my dick in my hands and my ear to her wall. I’m a fucking pathetic sight.

I hear her moans getting louder and more urgent and I know she must be ready. I speed up my strokes because, in my mind, I’m cumming with her. In her. I imagine one of her hands is on her breast, plucking at her nipple. I can picture her other hand between her legs, her fingers speeding up as the ache gets stronger. I can almost smell the juices from her pussy dripping down between her ass cheeks and wetting the bed. I start panting. I’d give anything to lick it up. I wouldn’t waste a single drop.

That thought leads me to my climax. I cum. Thick streams of semen run down my cock and over my hand, and I use it as lube to work every last bit of my orgasm out of me. I hear Sarah let out a shout on the other side of the wall and it causes more cum to leak out of my cock. I look down to see my hands covered in cum. I’m sweaty, sticky, and still horny as fuck.

I stand there for a few minutes and try to pull myself together. I lean my back against the wall to allow my legs to stop trembling. I’m panting and about to make my way to the en suite to clean up when I hear a knock on Sarah’s door.

“Hey Sarah, it’s Logan. Can I come in?”

“Shit,” I whisper and rush to the bathroom to wash up.

CHAPTER 4 *Logan*

“Just a second!” Sarah shouts from the other side of her door.

I drove around for a while before I finally made my way back home. I need to talk to Sarah and make things right. Tonight was just another fuck up our family doesn’t need. Our relationship is strained as it is, so as the group’s peacemaker I’ve got to make this right.

When Sarah opens the door, I can’t help but stare at her. Her cheeks are flushed and she has a light sheen of sweat on her face. My greedy eyes move down her body and see she’s wearing nothing but a sheer white t-shirt that barely falls to the top of her thighs. She isn’t wearing a bra and her nipples are hard points, trying to break through the threadbare cloth. I can actually see the outline of her areolas and I let out a frustrated grunt.

Sarah clears her throat and I look into her eyes. She has a smirk on her face and glances down at my crotch then back up at my face. I follow the path of her eyes and see that my dress pants have done absolutely nothing to help me out and my dick is pointing right at her. I turn around abruptly and adjust the beast.

Fucking hell, this is painful.

I turn back around and see she still has that smirk on her face. She knows exactly what she’s doing, but I have no idea why she’s doing it. She’s never worn something like this in front of us, and it makes me angry thinking that she might have worn it for someone else.

“Put some clothes on, I need to talk to you,” I spit at her. I’m not usually clipped like Luke, but I can’t look at her like this. She’s my stepsister and I need to remind us both of that.

“Logan, if you have something to say, just say it. I’m about to go to bed and I’m not changing just for a quick conversation.”

“Fine,” I mumble, as I try to look directly into her eyes and not at her tits.

She crosses her arms under her breasts but it only makes the shirt tighter and lifts her tits up for a better view. I can see the shirt has risen on her legs as well and her white cotton panties are showing.

I shut my eyes and shake my head a little. When I open them, Sarah is staring at me expectantly but I’m convinced she knows exactly what she’s doing.

“What did you want to talk about?”

I don’t know if I can remember my own name, let alone what I was going to talk to her about. I’m standing there trying to think, but all I want to do is kiss her beautiful lips and push against her body. I just want to feel her against me and forget everything.

“Logan,” she says and snaps her fingers in front of my face.

“Sorry. Yes, I wanted to talk to you. About tonight.” I take another breath and try to clear the fog from my head. “I’m sorry about how Luke acted tonight towards Sam. I didn’t see everything that happened but I know how harsh he can be sometimes. You know we love you and don’t want you to leave.”

“I get it, Logan, I really do. But it’s hard trying to have my own life while living and working together with you guys. I just think it’s too much. I don’t feel like I can be myself.”

I reach out because I need to touch her. We’ve always been quick to show comfort, so a simple touch feels natural. I run my hand down her arm and she leans into it.

“Sarah, it would devastate both of us if you moved out. Things have been a little rocky lately, but just give us time. Don’t make a rash decision about leaving us because of Luke’s temper.”

She looks up at me confused by my words. “I wouldn’t be leaving you, I would just move out and get my own place.”

I don’t know why I phrased it in that way, but if Sarah moves out it would feel like that. It hits me in the chest because that’s what I’m most afraid of – her leaving us. It would feel like she’d be abandoning us. I don’t know that Luke and I could make it together anymore if she left. Sarah is the glue that keeps our family together. The thought of her moving out breaks my heart.

I take a step closer to her and keep running my hand up and down her arm. I bring my other hand to her face and cup her cheek. I need her to understand why she can’t go.

“You know leaving this house would mean more than you just getting your own place.”

She looks up to my eyes and I feel her body shift closer, pressing against me. I don’t know how
we’ve gotten into this position but it’s far more intimate than a brother and sister should be. We’re an affectionate family, so touching isn’t strange to us, but Sarah pressing against my erection is further than any of us have gone before.

“I know what it would do to me if I left, Logan.” She brings her hands up and rubs them across my chest. Something has suddenly shifted between us and the air is thick. My breathing speeds up and her hands move lower, teasing across my abs. I lean closer into her touch and dip my head down towards hers.

I feel her rise on her tiptoes to reach me, but I’m too tall for her lips to meet mine. In a moment of sheer impulse I move both my hands to her waist and pick her up, bringing her lips the rest of the way and crushing her body to mine. The second I touch my lips to hers, I’m lost to sensation. Her mouth immediately opens and my tongue can’t get inside her fast enough. I lick inside her mouth as she moans into mine. Her tongue runs across my bottom lip and I groan loudly into her mouth. She wraps her legs around my waist, and my dick lines up perfectly with her pussy. I can feel her heat through my pants and my body is a mass of need. I deepen our kiss and run my hands down to her ass, gripping a cheek in each hand roughly. We breathe each other in, and not a single thought is given to what we are doing. This is lust at its most basic and our bodies are doing all the talking.

“That’s enough!”

We both jerk our mouths apart and look down the hallway to see Luke standing there. His chest is rising and falling with deep, angry breaths and his fists are clenched at his sides. He’s livid, but I can’t tell if it’s because I’m kissing Sarah or because he wants to be the one doing the kissing.

Sarah and I realize the position we’re in and I slowly let go of her, allowing her to slide down my body so my erection rubs against her body on the way down. Once she’s free from my arms she takes a reluctant step back. She brings her hand to her lips and touches them like she is trying to remember what just happened. She looks like she’s savoring my taste on her lips and it does strange things to my ego.
