Page 95

The Vaticinator Page 95

by Namita Singh

empowered him eventually in that case, but with the risk of spilling the contents during the hassle. I have been informed that the vial can contain only a fixed quantity which is in compliance with what is requisite to bring out the suppressing effects in us.Therefore it was imperative that I don’t waste a substantial amount of it.

Spontaneously, ‘kissing’ was the only thing that entered my mind. I honestly couldn’t come up with anything else. I just needed something that would give Neal enough pause, an element of surprise, so he doesn’t get the chance to retaliate. And of course I got that with the kiss.

Neal was dead frozen.

Until he realized my intentions, of course. But the pause was enough for me.

I still cannot believe I kissed a guy.

But as I just reckon, it wasn’t exactly a ‘kiss’.

God, I feel like a broken record. I lean away from the wall, mildly aware that my anxiety is rocketing up. Not only because I am stuck in the hospital with therians for whom I am the bad guy, but also because of the absence of Neal’s aura. It’s making me fidgety. I only hope that Neal has made it past the waiting room safely. Though it annoys me to realize that I will not get to sense his aura for almost twenty four hours. But I will worry about it when I meet up with him again; something that I will prefer to happen quickly.

I am mildly aware of the dull throbbing ache in my right arm. It’s not overtly bothering; but acting as an unwanted tic in the back of my mind. I haven’t sensed any therian as of now and it has already been about ten-fifteen minutes since Neal escaped. I don’t know how thoroughly the therians are checking on us. Have they already left once they realized that we are no longer in the room? Or did they snoop about and are currently busy inquiring random people about us?

The corridor I am at is on the far back side of the hospital. There are no patient rooms here, only room meant for domestic purposes. Cleaning and the sort…or that’s what I am guessing as I notice a human pass through, with a broom in hand. The nurse that had interrupted mine and Neal’s…‘moment’ passed through the corridor once more. She had turned beet red at my sight, making me feel embarrassed in return as she scurried off.

Another ten minutes or so pass as I tap my feet impatiently, leaning my back against the wall. I am almost convinced that the therians have left. A minuscule part of me worries about Neal. Has he made past the therians safely? I will not lie. To not have sensed any therian as of now can also mean that they caught Neal. After all, most of the therians in our realm are aware of how Neal looks like, even if he is not radiating his aura. The tapping of my feet increases, my hands fidgeting incessantly as my anxiety shoots up again. I scowl mentally, absolutely annoyed at how deplorably antsy I am without Neal’s aura around.

My tapping instantly freezes when I sense a therian in the turning corridor. A part of me sighs in relief, assured that they mustn’t have caught Neal if they are still lurking around. But the relief is ephemeral. It’s obvious that if I can sense the therian’s aura then definitely he can sense mine. I take tiny steps away from the turn as the speed of the therian increases in the other corridor. I adjust my jacket in my only working arm, my body getting into flight mode as I keep taking tiny steps back.

When the therian emerges in the sub corridor that I am in, both of us instantly freeze. It’s Julian. One of the middle aged council members; the one who had caught Jennifer after she handed over Neal to the Occultist. He sighs in relief at my sight, as if he is extremely reprieved to see me. In a way, he must be. It’s not a walk in the park to look for someone in a city. That to after a bland cruise journey of ten days. My wounded state that caused my hospitalization just made it slightly easier for them.

“Josh,” he greets me, nodding, as if he is encountering an old friend and not any fugitive. His eyes flicker towards my injured arm, “I am glad I found you.” He continues in a mildly friendly tone, “You need to be in the headquarters, Josh. The Occultists require your presence when they turn up. And of your partner too. Where is Neal?”

I simply take a step back, refusing to engage in conversation. Julian notices my defensive stance, his eyes immediately hardening.

“I am not here to harm you, Josh.But it’s imperative that you accompany me.”

“Why? So you can keep us as prisoners there, just like you’re keeping Mikhail? And will probably keep my father when he reaches the headquarters?” I retort.

“Nikolai is returning?” he asks, looking shocked.

Only for a second I hesitate, wondering if it’s a good thing to reveal this or not. But then, father will anyways reach the mansion in a few days. What’s the point of hiding? It’s not like they can board the ship that has already departed with my father in it. Besides, from what Aakir said they already have a hunch about my father’s arrival.

“Yes. Yes, dad is on his way back.” I respond.

“And you did not return with him?” Julian says in an astonishing tone. “You should come back-”

“I am not going anywhere. Just cut with saying that time again.”

Julian looks annoyed for a moment, “Are you intending to make your father face the trial in your stead?”

“It’s none of your business what we decide.”

Julian’s face blanks out at that. In the next second a serious tic forms in his jaw as he clenches his teeth. “So, like father like son, huh? You’ll leave your father to face the consequences alone, just like your father did with Mikhail.”

I feel such hot rage at the accusation, which is directed not only towards myself but towards father as well. Who the hell does he think he is? Mindless drone with an equally mindless opinion.

“Watch your tongue.” I snarl. “Better shut the fuck up when you don’t even know half of the things about my family!”

To say that Julian is shocked at my rude tone would be an understatement. His eyes widen at my ill-mannered reply.

“Don’t act childish.” He snaps. He sighs suddenly and starts in a placating tone, “I know that you must be much tensed. But also know that you have committed a heinous crime. With the way your father is keeping you and Neal out of the loop, I am assured one of you have done the deed of killing our Occultist.” Julian continues on, sounding seriously upset at the news, “You cannot just expect everyone to let you pass by without qualms, can you? Be a man and face a trial for what you have done.”

I almost scoff at the way he is portraying the situation. Neal kills an occultist and that is a crime. The Occultist tortures Neal and that is the Occultist being her usual omnipotent being. But I refrain from entering this particular quarrel. I have no intention of putting forth my opinions in front of someone who is already biased.

“You’re in for a roll if you think that I’ll accompany you just like that.” I reply.

Julian’s tic returns, his jaw tightening to the point where I can see a vein throbbing in his temple. He glares at me and starts taking something out of his pocket, while muttering ‘teenagers’ under his breath. I roll my eyes. I freeze when I see him taking out his cell phone.

“You’re in for a roll too if you think you can escape five therians with a sprained arm.” He replies while dialing a number.

I don’t correct him that my arm is broken, not sprained. I just tense up as Julian dials the number. I quickly look behind me. The corridor is a dead end, save for some rooms. I look back and immediately curse as Julian puts his phone to his ear. He is obviously calling the other therians. I panic, as I take long strides towards him. Julian startles at my sudden movement, taking minute steps backwards. He gives me a warning glare and opens his mouth to say something.But before he can get a word out he collides with someone at his back.

I immediately jolt to a stop at Aakir’s sight. A startled gasp is all Julian manages, as Aakir grasps his phone and crushes it in his palm.

“Y-you-” Julian stutters, swinging his arm backwards to hit Aakir.

I drop my jacket immediately, my feet moving on their own accord as I intertwine
my left arm about Julian’s elbow. Aakir takes a step back to avoid the blow. I push with my left side, making Julian stumble into the wall behind. I restrain him with my hand against his chest. He motions to sock me, but Aakir grabs his other hand. With one side of Julian’s already restricted, I twist his other arm behind him, pulling him forward and kneading him in the back with my knee. Julian grunts.


The painful scream shocks me for a long moment. I watch in horror, as Aakir twists Julian’s ankle in his hand. The crunching sound is so sickening that I feel a sudden urge to hurl.

“Aakir!” I snap at him. It’s completely unexpected, not to mention revolting, and especially not to mention absolutely unethical to hurt someone like that, even if it’s a foe.

“You don’t want his leg to be working. Trust me.” Aakir says, ignoring the painful howls from Julian. “He is in a hospital anyway. Come now, we can’t waste time.”

I sputter for a moment, cursing. Then I get up and grab my jacket form the floor, sprinting after Aakir. But we’re late to get out of sight. A nurse stumbles upon us, watching our adrenaline flushed faces with a screaming victim a few feet behind us. She gasps, the tray in her hands trembling as she realizes that we are the culprits. Aakir doesn’t even spare her a glance and starts running down the corridor length. I look back once at a