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The Touch Series Box Set Page 8

by t. h. snyder

Riley takes off his shirt and I leave out a loud gasp. He laughs and crawls over top of me to the other side of the bed. He pulls the covers over the top of us and asks me to turn down the table light.

As he scoots in closer to my body, I can feel every muscle in my own body tense up. This sleepover is not going to be intimate, but I just can't stop thinking about how Riley looked in that second without a shirt on his body.

Riley is a tall man, tone with a lean body. When the time comes that I am able to inspect that body I will need to know every detail of that tattoo that runs from his left bicep, across his chest, all the way over to his right bicep. He is hot as hell and right now he is all mine.

I rolled over and put my body flush against the front of his body. I can feel his chest against my tee-shirt and his arousal at my stomach.

I put my lips against his and give him the best good night kiss in the history of good night kisses. I slowly pull away and say good-night while placing a kiss on the tip of his nose. I turn back over and continue to spoon with him.

This was the best night of my life and I can already tell I am slowly falling for this man.

I begin to wake from my sweet slumber and before I open my eyes I am struck with the fear that last night was just a dream. In fact it exceeded any dream I’ve ever had.

And then I’m taken out of my daydream with the sound of my doorbell ringing.

Char is easy to talk to and the best part is that she laughs at all my horrible jokes. We talked for hours and it feels like we have known each other for years. It amazes me how a simple conversation can teach us so much about who we are.

I learn that her full name is Charlotte Jayde Taylor, her favorite color is pink, her favorite food really is anything chocolate, and she loves to kiss me.

By the time we crawl into bed, I am trying my best to be a gentleman. I tell myself that tonight was not the night to make Char mine, I want to wait. After all she just got home from LA and I want to make sure she really knows this is what she wants.

While I spoon my body into Char's I can hear her breathing slow to a steady pace and I know that she has fallen asleep. I’m a happy man and I vow myself to make sure that every day she goes to bed happy because she is well taken care of by me, her friends, and her family.

When I woke this morning, I am so happy to see that Char is still by my side. Last night went better than I could have imagined and I believe we got to know one another a lot better in only a few hours.

Now that morning is upon us, I lie here listening and watching Char sleep. She is peacefully lying next to me and cannot help but smile at the thought that this amazing woman is now mine.

I quietly get out of bed and head to the bathroom. After I freshen up a bit I make my way out to the kitchen and prepare a cup of coffee for Char. She doesn’t have much in the kitchen because she was out all last week, so I figure after she wakes up I'll take her for something to eat.

And then the door bell rings.

"Oh shit!" That's the doorbell, my doorbell! Oh God, I’m freaking out just a little at the moment and a bit taken off guard. Where is Riley? Didn't he stay last night; I think he stayed the night. Oh my god is he still here? Who is ringing my doorbell?

I suddenly realize the panic is building as I continue to ramble crazy thoughts off in my mind. I can feel the moment of an anxiety attack settling in my bones and I’m not sure if it’s that I don't know if Riley is still here or because Riley is still here and there is someone RINGING my doorbell.

I hear a voice, Riley's voice and I’m broken away from any other thought that is rattling through my mind.

"Char? Can I come in?" Riley says through the slight opening in the bedroom door.

"Oh thank god Riley you're still here, yes come in." I reply in an overly anxious tone.

"Well as you may have already heard, someone is at your door. I didn't think it was appropriate for me to open it in my underwear." He says looking down at his boxer briefs.

I giggle as he scans himself and I can't seem to take my eyes off his fantastic body either. Mama Mia! Well this has taken all the panic away.

"Yea that is probably a good choice, but I still have no clue who could be here at 8:30 in the morning." I tell him while attempting to get out of bed.

"Oh here babe, I did have time to make you a cup of coffee." He hands me a steaming cup of coffee and kisses me on the forehead.


"Thanks Riley, how thoughtful of you." I say with a wink and a sweet smile.

"Why don't you get your ass dressed and I'll see who is here to visit us so early in the morning."

I quickly hop into the bathroom to splash water on my face and brush my teeth. I wonder out into my apartment hallway and make my way over to the door. I’m feeling a sense of nervousness because whoever is about to enter my apartment will know that Riley is here and spent the night. Oh Shit, cats out of the bag.

I look through the peep hole and see it’s only Derrick. Oh thank god, at least he won't judge me for having Riley as an overnight guest. But I do know that he will interrogate both Riley and I soon enough about what happened last night.

I open the door with one arm while holding onto my hot cup of coffee in the other.

"Oh wait you're not Publisher's Clearing House. Unless, you are. Where are all the balloons and my giant life-size check?" I say with a look of shock and disappointment.

"Morning Derrick. Why the hell are you here so early and why did you ring the bell? You have a key ya know." I ask while pointing my finger in his face.

"Well good morning to you too Charlie. I thought I would come over and see how your trip was and how well last night went with your surprise visitor." He tells me with a twitch in his left eye.

"Why Derrick thanks for the kind gesture. My trip to LA was great and as far as a surprise visitor, I don't know what you mean. What are you up to?" I reply while leading him into the apartment.

Riley walks out of my bedroom cool and confident as if he lives here and it’s a typical Sunday morning. He looks over at me, smiles, and follows my gaze to find Derrick watching his every move.

"Busted!" Derrick shouts.

"Ugh, whatever ass." I return in Derrick's direction.

"Hey man. Good morning." Riley says as he pats Derrick on the back in a bro-like welcome.

"Why do I feel like the odd-man out here?" I ask with a scowl on my face.

"Babe no one thinks you are odd, well at least I don't." Riley says as he swings his arm around my waist.

He pulls me in closer to him and nuzzles his head into my hair. As much as I love the attention he is giving me, it feels weird doing it right in front of Derrick.

"So I see last night went well?" Derrick says in questioning tone.

"Yea, I would say she was pretty surprised to see me at her door when she got home. Thank god she let me in." Riley says as he pulls me in closer and kisses me on the lips.

"Well I couldn't just let him stand out there; he looked so pitiful slouching next to the door."

"So you only let me in because I looked pitiful?" Riley says with a pout. The cutest pout I think I’ve ever seen.

I let out a giggle. "No, it was a lot more than just having pity on you. After all you did have bags filled with my favorite things."

"Well I can't take complete credit for everything. Derrick was the little birdie that gave me a few hints. But the wine...that was all me."

"You did great Riley and I was pleasantly surprised and grateful for last night. In fact it was one of the best..."

While Char answers the door, I get myself dressed, pack up my bag, and make the bed.

I can hear Derrick's voice from back here in the bedroom and love the relationship that he and Char share.

She is someone special and I plan to hold on to her for quite some time. Knowing that she has other friends and family to keep her happy and safe is reassuring as well.

I make my way out to the two of them and jump right into
the conversation. After some friendly banter between the three of us, I grab my coffee mug and slide my other arm around Char. I love the way her body fits perfectly up against mine and even after just waking up she looks sexy as hell.

Poor Char, she is trying to express herself but is not able to complete her thought when Derrick interrupts her with a comment of his own.

"Ok stop right there, I don't want to know the details." Derrick says with an extreme look of embarrassment on his face.

"Oh come on Derrick, I’ve walked in on more steamy moments between you and Chloe." She shares while curling herself into my lap on the couch.

"Well you two love birds live it up for a bit. I brought over some stuff to cook you breakfast. I figured you wouldn't have the time to go out and get anything for me to eat anyway."

Derrick leaves the apartment to go get the groceries from his car and this split second of time gives me the perfect opportunity to do something I’ve wanted to do since I woke up this morning.

I begin to feather my fingertips up and down Char's back. With my light touch I can see that I’m sending chills down her spine and I am in such awe of the way my emotions thrive for this woman. I grab our coffee mugs and set them down on the side table. I turn her to face me and place a hand on either side of her face.

"Thank you." I tell her and I lean in to give her the softest kiss.

I figure that we only have a few brief moments till Derrick waltzes back in so I take the kiss a little deeper until Char greets her tongue against mine.

We are broken apart by the sound of a throat scratching and we tear ourselves apart.

Assuming it is Derrick coming back in I lean forward to give Char a peck on the lips, but then I hear a man’s voice I was not anticipating.

"Well I can see you two were not expecting company. I mean with the door standing wide open and you two are smooching on the couch."

"Daddy!" Char squeaks, jumping from my lap.

"So would one of you like to tell me what is going on here? I sure as hell did not think this was going to be the start of my week back here in Boston, that's for sure." Bryce says with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Daddy, I can explain." Char says as she walks over to her dad in the doorway.

"Hey guys I brought some good stu…shit. Hey Bryce, what's up man? When did you stop by?" Derrick rattles off and I begin to think he is more nervous about Bryce being here than I am.

"Hi there Derrick. Why don't you get to cooking while I sit and chat with Char and Riley here?" Bryce says while taking a seat next to me on the couch.

"You got it. Is everyone good with western omelets and rye toast?" Derrick asks while busying himself in Char's kitchen. Hmm wonder if he needs some help.

"Yes!" We all shout at him in unison.

"So I wanted to stop over this morning to drop off your cell phone since you left it in the car last night. On my way over here I was thinking about asking you to come to lunch with your mother and me, but as I can see you have plans." Bryce's tone continues to sound agitated.

"I appreciate you bringing over my phone Daddy, but I don't understand why you are getting so upset about me having company in my apartment. I’m a grown woman, what is the problem?" She says to her father in a whisper.

Way to go Char, stick it to him.

"The fact that you have company is not my problem and to be completely honest it’s not my business. But what has me angry is that it seems the two of you are hiding something from me. I asked you both how you knew each other when we were at my office last Friday. The other day I asked you, Char if you had a relationship with Riley and you blew it off as if there was nothing to discuss. Now what I just saw walking in here didn't look like nothing to me. Unless I have the wrong impression of you Char, which I hope I do not."

Ok now I need to step in. I don't like the way Char's father is talking to her and to be on the same wave length here we did not do anything wrong, what the fuck is his deal?

"Bryce, it’s not what you are thinking. When you asked us the other day, we were both upfront and honest with you. Char and I bumped into each other a few times and the first interaction we had a chance to talk was at Derrick's last week. Then last Saturday we spent the day on Derrick's boat and for me things just seemed to click."

"Things just clicked?" Bryce asks looking in Char's direction with a sly smile creeping up his lips.

"Seriously Daddy this is just crazy, please tell me you are playing with us right now." Char says as she looks at her father with those intense eyes.

"God you two need to lighten up a bit here, you look like I caught you two with your hands in the cookie jar." Bryce says with a belly laugh.

"Gotcha!" Derrick says running into the living room.

"What the fuck guys?" I am lost, what the hell is happening here.

"I called Derrick to let him know I would be stopping over to give you your phone. I knew he would be over for Sunday brunch, so I thought I would give him a heads up. Derrick can't keep his mouth shut, plus Chloe was on the phone with Mom last night giving us all the details of Riley's surprises." Bryce shares as he walks into the kitchen to get himself a mug of coffee.

"You’ve got to me kidding me, right?" I say to Char, I am seriously dumbstruck right now.

So am I cool with Bryce? Is he okay with me and Char? Shit now that he knows I spent the night at Char's will I have job tomorrow?

After Riley just about shit his pants with Derrick and Daddy's prank we sat down and ate our delicious breakfast. Derrick is a great cook, when he wants to be, and made some killer western omelets.

As nervous as I was for Daddy to be here with Riley in such a personal setting, everything felt natural and we had a great morning together. The guys chatted about the Red Sox in the playoffs, Daddy and I talked about our week with Chloe in LA, and Riley shared some details of his first week on-the-job with Taylor & Sons Contracting.

Shortly after the men licked their plates clean, Riley and I cleaned up the kitchen while Daddy and Derrick discussed Chloe's new life in LA. I love how in sync Riley and I are with each other in such a short amount of time. His body knows just where mine is and with little thought what my next step will be.

The guys decide to take the rest of the day to do some male bonding and head over to Derrick’s house to watch the game. I think it’s great that Daddy and Derrick are including Riley in this time together, I just hope Riley feels the same way and isn't too nervous.

While Derrick and Riley head out to their cars I take a quick opportunity to chat with Daddy. His opinion means a lot to me and I want to reassure him that my relationship with Riley is a good thing and not to worry about me.

"Thanks for a fun morning baby girl." Daddy says while giving me a tight bear hug.

"Next time you can bring me in on the prank to make it twice as fun." I giggle in his grasp.

I return his hug of affection and give him a big, wet and sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"You are the best Daddy, thanks for being so supportive of this with Riley."

"Well whatever, this is baby girl, he better treat you right."

"He will Daddy, if not he knows Derrick will kick his ass."

"You know it Char." He says while walking out the door. "Love you."

"You too Daddy. Be nice to Riley, please." I say to him. We walk our way out to his car in the parking lot where Derrick and Riley are waiting.

I say goodbye to my three guys and wish them a fun day of bonding. Riley leans in and gives me a sweet peek on the cheek and tells me he will call me later. This time we exchange numbers so that we never have to be without contact.

This morning was a total whirl wind; in fact everything has taken me by surprise since Riley showed up at my door last night. I was especially taken off guard with Daddy's behavior this morning and proud that Riley stood his ground. I'm fortunate to have a father who loves and cares about me the way that mine does. I know that all he wants for me is to be happy. Once he got a glimpse
of Riley and I interacting together this morning I think he can see that I am happy.

No wait, I’m not just happy, it’s so much more than that. What I am feeling for Riley is stronger than anything I’ve ever experienced before.

I had an interest in him since I spotted him in Derrick's kitchen. It was an instant physical attraction for me, but now that I‘m getting a better chance to know him, I am learning things that I can appreciate in a man.

Riley is hot as hell, has an amazing body, is a great kisser, and has a touch that sends shivers through my body. Most of all he has this side to him that touches me deeper than just through his fingertips. We have such a crazy connection that when I am with him, I can sense him physically. He knows how to touch me and what he can expect by my mannerisms.

He was the one that said he wanted to take things slow and I was all for it last night, but I can't make any promises the next time we are alone together.

My fear now comes into place wondering if we can connect emotionally as well.

How the hell is all this happening so fast? I’m insane to be falling for Riley?

Since I have most of the day to myself, I need to get my head back on track and get ready for life to go back to reality. Being away from work an entire week means that I will have an in-box full of e-mails waiting for me when I arrive.

I might as well get some things done early so that I can spend the rest of tonight relaxing. Maybe pull out the iPad, a glass of wine, and take a long soak to end my week-long vacation.

Sounds like a master plan to me.

I look over at the clock on the living room wall and it reads eight o'clock. The apartment is as clean as it's going to get, the laundry is done, the fridge is full, and my clothes are out and ready for work tomorrow. I think it's about time to grab my tub-time gear and go relax before calling it a night.

Holy shit today has been one hell of a day to say the least. After dealing with heart failure this morning from Bryce's practical joke I was a bit nervous to spend the rest of the day with him and Derrick. These two guys seem to have a tight bond and I can tell that Bryce trusts Derrick with his girls. I can only hope in time, Bryce and I can have a similar type of relationship.