Page 62

The Touch Series Box Set Page 62

by t. h. snyder

It’s a bit odd for a woman with a camera to be sneaking in and out of the rooms while we get our hair and makeup done, but I’m sure I’ll appreciate it when we have the albums to remember every moment of this day.

I stand in the doorway of the guest room and watch as my girls get their hair and makeup done. I made sure that each of them created a look that was genuine to them and something that they would all feel comfortable in throughout the day.

Emma and Chloe stand by my side against the wall while Mom and Rose get the finishing touches done to their hair. I look over at my two best friends who have decided to leave their hair down in loose curls. Angie and Ruthie are sitting over on the bed watching as well. They chose to wear their hair half up and half down. They all look absolutely amazing.

I turn around, walk back into my bedroom, and begin to glance around at the dresses hanging. The girls and I found the perfect black, fitted, strapless dress that accents all of their curves in just the right places. As a gift from Riley and me, all the girls were given a black pearl necklace, bracelet, and pair of earrings to accessorize their ensemble. I wasn’t too picky on the shoes that they chose, but as I scan the room I see four pairs of the same style. These ladies are far too good to me and I love them for it.

I walk toward the window where Mom has hung my wedding gown. It’s so pretty…no, it’s too gorgeous for words.

I don’t want to take it off the hanger.

The stunning, romantic style dress has an element of softness to its design. The dress is a strapless, flowing white gown decorated in shimmery rhinestones. Starting with the fitted bodice, the A-line dress gradually flares out as it goes down the skirt, with the widest part at my feet.

I run my fingers along the intricate design of pearl-colored beads that form a floral pattern that runs along the train.

Turning to my bed, I see my veil hanging from the headboard. The veil is elbow-length and attaches to the crystal encrusted tiara I’ll have pinned into my hair. The sheer fabric will cascade down my mid back, flowing over my long hair which I planned to have curled loosely.

It’s the perfect wedding dress I’ve always dreamed about.

I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to see both Emma and Chloe walking toward me.

“You, my dear sister, are going to make a beautiful bride today,” Chloe says, stepping forward to pull me into a hug.

“Yes she is,” Emma says. “I’m so excited to officially have you as my sister after today.”

“You’ve always been a sister to me, Emma. We don’t need the wedding to make it official,” I say, looking to her with a smile.

“You know Mom and Dad would have loved you so much. I know that they are watching down on you and Riley today,” Emma says as her happy-go-lucky mood changes to one of sadness. “God, I wish they could be here to see all of this. Mom would’ve been a freak and panicked about every last detail, and Dad would’ve probably gotten Riley drunk this morning to help calm his nerves.”

I release myself from Chloe and step over to Emma. Wrapping my arms around her, I hold her tight as her body begins to shake.

“Shh, don’t cry, Emma. I would have loved to have met them in person, but I know they are here with us; I can feel it. They have given me an incredible man, and I thank them every day for him,” I say as I pull her tight against me.

I let her cry for a few minutes. I can’t imagine how hard it is to not have both of your parents here with you. I’d be lost without mine.

I pull away from her and Chloe walks over to us with a box of tissues.

“Dab those eyes, girl, your mascara is about to run,” Chloe says.

Emma giggles and takes a tissue from the box.

“I know it’s stupid, and they’ve been gone long enough for me not to feel like this, but they never got the chance to see Riley and me truly happy like we are now. If only they could’ve met you and Pete, they would have known that we’d be well taken care of no matter what.”

“They know, and it’s because of them we are all here together. Everything happens for a reason, right?” I ask, looking into her hazel eyes trimmed in red.

Emma dabs at her eyes as the tears fall from her cheeks.

“Damn it, Emma, now you’ll need your makeup done again,” Chloe says with a huff.

“Well, I might as well keep it all off then, because I know I’ll be doing a lot more crying throughout the day.”

“Come on, I’m the one with raging hormones and I’m determined to keep it together today.”

Emma and I both look at one another and start to laugh. My sister may be tough on the outside, but she is one of the biggest softies I know. As soon as she sees me crying, I know she’ll soon follow.

This is both an amazing day and an emotional one. Tears will be shed for happiness and for those that cannot be here to share in our special day.

No matter what, I will stay strong for Riley and let him know that I will love him unconditionally for the rest of our lives. As best friends, soul mates, and husband and wife, we are in this bond together forever.

After the guys and I finish breakfast, the five of us decide to head on over to the marina. I figure it’s a good idea to go chill out on the boat for a few hours. Derrick already has everything winterized, but it’ll still be nice to just hang out on the dock for a little while. I’m up for just about anything to keep my mind busy.

The guys shoot the shit while I sit back along the side of the boat, looking out onto the water and the other docked boats. I remember the first time I was on this boat with Char. It’s crazy how time flies when you’re having fun, but even still I can remember it like it was yesterday.

I walk out the front door and Derrick hugs Char while she apologizes for being so late.

She really is quite cute.

I make my way over to her and she wraps her arm around my waist for a quick hug. She smells amazing and her cute shorts and tank make her look all set to go sailing. Her dark, wavy hair is pulled back in a ponytail, and instantly I feel the need to pull on it and take her back inside and up to my room.

I hear her say something about taking her top off for us so that we can enjoy the beautiful day and almost bust a load in my pants. It takes me a few moments to realize she’s talking about the top of her Jeep.

I can’t keep my eyes off of her, and she catches me watching while she applies the sunscreen to her arms.

She walks toward me, stumbles, and I catch her in my arms.

“Oh my god, thanks, Riley. I’m not typically a klutz, but apparently I should remain in my seat while Derrick is navigating us through the marina.”

“No problem, Char. I’m a little taken aback that you’re falling for me so soon. I mean, it’s only our second date.”

“Oh, well actually, it’s our fourth if you count the mini-mart and my Dad’s office,” she adds with a flirtatious grin.

I’m pulled out of my daydream when one of the guys throws something at my head.

“What the hell, dickhead?” I bend over, picking the bottle cap up off the boat floor.

“Dude, you were spacing out again,” Pete says.

“Whatever, I’m not spacing out. I’m just thinking, so quit your shit.”

“Alright, chill out, Riley. We’re just messing with you. I know you have a lot on your mind. It’ll all be over soon and well worth it,” Derrick says.

“I’ve never thought about the past few months like I am today; it’s kind of weird and driving me nuts at the same time. I just want to go and get married.”

“Well then, let’s get you back to the house so we can start getting ready. It’s already going on two o’clock and Bryce and my dad should be there within the hour. Not much longer now and we’ll need to get moving to the church,” Derrick says as he starts to lock up the boat.

My stomach falls to the floor and the level of anxiety I’m feeling is starting to kill me.

I just want to go get ready, get to the church, and marry my girl. I
want to know that she’s mine forever in every way. This may just be a wedding and a reception to some, but it’s something Mom and Dad would have wanted.

I wish they could be here to watch us say our vows and pledge our love for one another in front of all of our friends and family. They would’ve approved and loved her as if she were their own.

Fuck, I miss them.

There’s no way I could ever lose Char like I lost them. The fear that ran through me a few months ago was nothing I ever want to experience again.

It wasn’t that long ago that I thought I’d lost her forever. The day that I planned to propose, for the first time, was the scariest day of my life.

The accident happened so fast, there was nothing I could do to avoid it. I never saw the truck coming; he should have stopped. I wish I could’ve been able to help her—to save her—but I couldn’t. I was lodged in my seat and couldn’t move my arm. The pain was so incredible I couldn’t bear it any longer and I passed out.

The next thing I knew, I was lying on a stretcher in an ambulance. My heart was racing, and I had no idea what was going on or where Char was. No matter how many times I asked the Paramedics, they couldn’t give me a straight answer.

All that was going through my mind was that I had lost her. I was in panic mode and had no control over what was happening. The only thing I could think was that it was all my fault.

If we hadn’t been on that road.

If I would’ve left a minute sooner or a minute later.

If I would’ve had other plans to propose.

If I never would’ve decided to propose to her on that day.

The stress of it all killed me.

For weeks I wanted to hold my girl, and tell her how sorry I was for what I did, but she wouldn’t wake up.


The day she opened her beautiful brown eyes I pulled her into my arms. I was so scared, yet there she was, alive and able to see me. I apologized a million times for what happened, but no matter what I did or said she told me not to think like that.

I love her so much. I can’t lose her for a second; if I did, I don’t know what I would do.

She is the air I breathe, the light that helps me to see, and the strength for me to wake up every day.

My bridesmaids are ready, our moms are ready, and now it’s my turn.

I take a seat in the chair in the guest room and make myself comfortable.

The stylist starts brushing through my hair while the other girl begins to sort through her trays of makeup.

I feel like a princess getting the royal treatment.

I’ve told them exactly the look I want and now all they need to do is make it happen. I close my eyes and allow the girls to work their magic.

The closer we get to the wedding the more anxious I become.

I try to focus on him. I picture his tall body that stands so much taller than mine. His strong frame that is always there to protect me and keep me safe. His messy brown hair that he runs his fingers through when he’s deep in thought or nervous. His hazel eyes that look into my soul with so much love. His heart that loves me no matter what the circumstance. Riley is everything I’ve ever wanted and I love him so much.

I open my eyes to see my mom and Chloe standing in front of me. Mom’s eyes are filled with tears. I smile at her as she dabs her cheeks with a tissue.

“Mama, you can’t start crying now. I’m just getting my hair and face done. What will you do when we’re actually at the ceremony?” I ask with a giggle.

“Oh, sweetie, I’ll need a box of Kleenex sitting next to me. My baby is getting married and I…I’m just emotional.”

Chloe wraps her arms around Mom’s waist and pulls her into a hug.

“Our little girl is all grown up now, Mama,” Chloe says to Mom.

“Guys, knock it off. I can’t be over here crying while they’re trying to make me look all pretty. Go on into my room and start getting dressed, I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“Okay, sweetie, just call for us if you need anything,” Mom says, walking past me and out of the room.

I sit up in the chair as straight as I can and let the girls do their best work.

A few minutes go by, well maybe a lot more than a few, but I’m so comfortable that I almost nod off.

The girls let me know that they are finished and I stand from the chair. I turn to the mirror that’s attached to the dresser and do a double take.

I can’t believe my own reflection.

My hair is styled down with full curls cascading down my shoulders and back. White flowers are pinned in throughout the top which will surround the tiara once it’s in place. My makeup is subtle, but there’s something different that really makes my eyes pop.

They did an amazing job.

I smile at the ladies and thank them for all their hard work today.

Walking out of the guest room, I find all my girls getting dressed in my bedroom. Once they see me enter the room they all turn. Emma and Chloe gasp, covering their mouths with their hands. Angie and Ruthie stare at me in awe while mom walks toward me with her arms extended.

“You look absolutely breathtaking, Char. Riley is going to pass out at the altar when he sees you.”

“Mama, don’t say that,” I say with a smile.

“We are all dressed and ready to go, Char. It’s your turn now,” Emma says.

A smile comes across my face and I move away from my mom and toward the window.

I stand in front of my wedding gown and scan every last inch of it from top to bottom.

This is really happening.

“Do you want me to help you put it on?” my mom asks.

I nod my head, not taking my eyes off of it.

Together, my mom and I remove the dress from the hanger and turn to lay it on the bed.

Chloe comes over to help me remove my shirt without messing up my hair, and Emma hands me my slip.

I step into my fluffy white slip and lift my arms for Mom and Chloe to pull my dress over my body. While Mom buttons up the back, Emma attaches my tiara and veil and Chloe moves to the other side of the room.

She comes back with a few boxes in her hands and sets them down on the dresser. I walk toward her and she hands me the biggest one first.

“What are these?”

“Well, this one right here is from Riley. It’s your wedding gift from him.”

I feel giddy as I start to tear at the white and silver wrapping paper. I open the box and a laugh escapes me. It’s a pair of blue four-inch heels with the Boston Red Sox logo on the tip tips. I shake my head and pull both heels out of the box.

“Turn them over,” Emma squeals.

I turn the heels over, and side by side they read I do.

Setting them down onto the floor I step into them. “They’re perfect,” I say, looking up at my girls.

“There’s one more from him. Here, open this one next,” Chloe says, handing me another box.

I rip through the paper and open the next box. Again, I shake my head at my future husband. It’s a white garter belt trimmed in red and blue ribbon with a Boston Red Sox piece pinned in the center.

“Well, now you have your something new and blue. Open these to find your something old and borrowed.”

I open up the two smaller boxes to find my grandmother’s pearl necklace and bracelet. It’s the same set that Chloe wore on her wedding day.

I love it—all of it—it’s perfect.

My emotions go into overdrive and I try to hard not to cry.

I wave my hands for everyone to come over to me.

I pull all of my girls into a giant group hug before we make our way downstairs to the limo waiting for us.

Once we get back to Derrick’s from the marina, I decide to head upstairs and jump in the shower.

My nerves are really starting to get to me and my neck is getting stiff from the tension building in my upper back and shoulders.

I need to relax, so I make my way into
the bathroom and start the water, turning it all the way to hot.

Taking off my t-shirt and sweats, I step into the now steaming shower. I let the hot water hit my back and lean up against the tile wall with my arms.

Slowly, I start to feel my shoulders relaxing and I lower my hands to my sides. I exhale a heavy breath and reach for my body wash.

Washing my body and rinsing the soap away, I finish up my shower. I turn off the water and step out to dry myself with the towel. Walking back into the bedroom, I stand with the towel around my hips and stare at the tuxedo hanging in the closet.

Honestly, I never thought I’d have to wear one of these. Hell, I never thought I’d find a woman that I’d want to spend the rest of my life with.

Reaching into my overnight bag, I pull out a clean white t-shirt and a pair of boxer briefs. I know we don’t have much time, so I decide to start getting dressed.

I take the tuxedo jacket off of the hanger and reach for the crisp white dress shirt. As I pull it on over my shoulders, there’s a knock at the door.

“Yeah,” I holler.

“It’s Derrick. Are you decent?”

I walk to the door and swing it open.

Derrick is standing in the doorway, already dressed in his tux, and Manny is at his feet with a black bowtie wrapped around his neck.

“Bryce and Dad are here so I wanted to see how you were making out up here.”

“I’m just getting dressed now. I should only be a few more minutes,” I reply, walking over to the closet to grab my pants.

“Okay, well when you’re done come on downstairs. We need to leave in half an hour to make it to the church on time and the limo is already here.”

“Give me ten minutes and I’ll be ready,” I say, pulling on my pants.

Derrick walks back out of the room and closes the door behind him.

I finish getting dressed and pull on my socks and shoes.

When I slide my foot into the right shoe, my toes hit on something. I lift the shoe to see what the hell it could be and find a box stuffed in the top.