Page 31

The Touch Series Box Set Page 31

by t. h. snyder

Of course the bartender was right, he is indeed very handsome. With his bright green eyes, dark brown hair and hypnotizing smile, it’s none other than Andrew Lock.

Since he has me pinned against the bar and both of his arms are now on either side of me, I attempt to turn my body to face his.

“Well hello there Andrew.” I say looking up through my thick, dark lashes.

“Glad to see you came out to join me tonight.” He replies.

I giggle at his forwardness.

“Oh Andrew, you seem to have a misconception of me. I didn’t come out here to be with you. Why don’t you take a look toward the back of the club?” I say in a soft seductive tone.

He turns his head to look and I glance at his defined jaw and a hint of stubble that has grown in since I saw him earlier today.

“Yes, those are the people I came here to be with tonight.”

He bends his head down and I can feel his lips touch my hair.

“We’ll see who can make you come the fastest.” He says grazing his lips deeper into my hair skimming along my ear.

My body begins to tingle and I feel flushed by his comment. I need to get myself out of this situation with him. This is not something I’m ready for now or anytime soon for that matter.

I turn toward the bar and grab my glass of wine.

Bringing my body back to face Andrew, I thank him for the drink, give him a smile and lift his arm to make my way back to my friends.

I woke up this morning a bit earlier than I usually do, but I want to make sure things are in order for Emma, my new roommate. Charlie has gone out and bought a few things to help make the extra room a little more presentable. Well at least that what she said. Even though I think she wanted to make it look more girly. I still don’t understand what was wrong with what I had in there. Riley never complained about the décor in the room.

Damn woman even did up the bathroom to match the bedding she purchased for the bedroom. I mean come on, whose house is this anyway….blah, I’m such a sucker.

Emma is coming into town today and will be moving her things into Riley’s old room in my house. At first I thought it was a bit weird having a girl I didn’t know move into Chloe and my house, but she is the older sister of one of my best friends. With everything Charlie and Riley have done for me the past few months, this is the least I can do to repay them. Besides, I have no clue if Emma will be here for a week or a year and I sure as hell am not using the space.

Charlie gave me a list of some things Emma likes and with all that she has been through I want her to feel at home here. I have a jam packed freezer and fridge full of foods and drinks we’ll both be able to use and I even went out a bought a few other things so she’ll feel welcome when she gets here this afternoon since I’ll still be at work.

Lately I haven’t been at home much, but still I want to make sure that Emma feels as though this is like a home for her. I can’t imagine what she is going through, but any family of Riley’s is immediately family of mine.

Charlie and I talked about this whole move and roommate situation for a while this weekend. As much as it will be nice to have someone else in the house, I still feel like Chloe should know. Charlie confirmed that she would let her know when the time was right. Since she is the one talking with her sister I said I was fine with that and left it alone. The next people I had to address were my parents.

The last thing I needed was for mom and dad to assume I had a girlfriend move in with me so soon after Chloe and I broke up. My poor mom, bless her heart, still thinks we’re together and just on a little break. She swears that Chloe and I just need to find what is important to us and in time we will realize our love is strong enough to pull us back together. Hearing her say this shit is really starting to piss me off. Thank god Charlie was with me during mom’s last rant. I think she finally sees my side of things and is willing to let it rest for right now.

I finally leave the house around 7:30 and make my way into the firm. I have a lot going on with three big cases. Work is all I’ve had to keep my mind off of Chloe and if I bring in these three cases as wins, I hope that the senior partners will consider giving me a promotion. I’ve done my fair share of work if I don’t say so myself.

Getting right to work, I pull out a box of documents for a case I’ll be working Friday morning. I get sucked into my work and before I know it the clock on the wall reads 1:30 ….fuck I was distracted.

My office phone rings for the tenth time in the past five minutes. I keep ignoring the call knowing it’s one of the other junior partners Trisha. I know I told her we would head out for lunch today, but I really need to get this shit done for Friday’s hearing.

I’ve been working day and night on this case and there’s no way in hell I’m going to lose this fight. A multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical company is going through a law suit and our firm, Jax and Paige, are defending the consumers. With the amount of detail I have found from the manufacturer, the shipping plant and the victims this one should be a no brainer. It just sucks that I’m going up against a fellow alumni of Harvard.

A sound of knocking pulls my eyes from my desk to the door where Trisha now stands.

“Derrick come on, you have to eat. Those documents will all be sitting right there when you come back in an hour.” She says walking this way.

I watch her as she comes closer to my desk. Trisha is an attractive woman. She’s tall and you can definitely tell that she takes good care of her body. Her hair is a light blonde with darker blonde highlights and she has big blue eyes. Her features are very feminine and the closer she gets to me the more I can smell her sweet perfume.

Ordinarily I wouldn’t be checking her out like this, but I’m overly stressed and in dire need of some female attention.

As that thought passes through my mind I instantly think of Chloe. The way we left one another was heartbreaking and I haven’t heard from her since. Charlie keeps me up to date on her well being, but since last weekend I stopped asking. There really is no use torturing myself anymore. Even Charlie and Riley said I need to get out more and have fun. Maybe going to lunch with Trisha counts as going out? I’m sure we could have fun.

I slip myself out of my train of thought and back to the woman standing in front of me.

“I’m sorry Trisha, what were you saying?” I ask raking up the papers across my desk.

“Geez Derrick, I thought you were lost in thought there for a moment.” She says sitting down at the chair across from me and my desk.

“Sorry, I spaced out for a minute.”

“It’s okay. So you want to join me for lunch?” She asks crossing her left leg over her right.

Damn it Derrick, pull your shit together. It’s been awhile since I’ve been with a woman, but shit there’s no need to be sporting a boner right now. I move in my chair and attempt to adjust myself under the desk.

“Yeah, lunch sounds good. Give me ten minutes and I’ll meet you out front.”

“Great, don’t be late. I’m starving.” She says getting up from the chair and walking out my office door.

I watch as her ass sways and her long legs take her out of my sight.

Hmm, starving…she doesn’t know the half of it.

Sitting in my office I lean back into my black leather chair and shut my eyes. I’m exhausted from last night. The Allentown Colts won the Super Bowl and Andrew Lock made good on his promise of taking his team all the way undefeated. It was the most amazing experience working on the field with the coaches and players. I felt at home being next to the live action.

Thankfully today was an easy wrap up day and final interviews with some of the players. I feel wiped out and ready to relax with some good friends that I haven’t seen in a while. My cousin Lucy that I went to NYU with and her boyfriend Chase have come to LA for a visit. Trent and I have plans to meet up with them and Lucy’s best friend Sam along with Sam’s…..I’m not exactly sure what he is to her, but his name is Jax.

I gig
gle at the drama that has consumed those three and then I’m brought back to reality.

My bosses Tom, Traci and ugh douche bag, king of sexual harassment Mark walk into the office.

The two men continue to stand and Traci takes a seat in one of the chairs across from my desk.

“Congrats Taylor! How does it feel to cover the winning team for the Super Bowl?” Tom asks.

“It feels amazing, but to be honest, I’m so glad it’s done and over. I had myself so worked up about it. I guess I was nervous about the crowd, the fans and the team. It’s a lot to take in at one time, but I loved every moment of it.”

“You’re a natural Chloe. You need to get out behind that desk and out on the field with the teams. It suits you much better.” Traci says with a smile.

“Thanks Traci that is a huge compliment. Maybe a spot will open up one day and if it’s meant to be…I’ll go for it.”

Just saying that phrase sends chills through my body. I can hear Char’s voice in my head saying those exact words the day Derrick left LA. If you two are meant to be you will find your way back together. A lump forms in my throat and I can feel my hands go numb from the grasp I have them in. Ugh, will this pain ever go away.

“Hey Chloe, you okay? You spaced out on us there for a second.” Traci says waving her hand in front of my face.

“Oh yeah, sorry. I was thinking about what you just said. It would be amazing to be on the field as an analyst.”

“Well I’ve heard a few things from the other ESPN offices. There’s a position opening up with a team. You’d have a solid home spot, no traveling, but it isn’t in LA.” Mark says giving me a look with his eyebrows scrunched.

Ugh, I would do just about anything to get away from that slime ball and his roaming hands. I don’t care who his daddy is, he shouldn’t treat women like we’re a piece of meat.

Before we can finish our conversation Trent walks over. Thank goodness my savior arrives.

“You ready to go superstar?”

I laugh at his comment and give him the evil eye.

“You guys want to come with us? We’re going to get some dinner and a few drinks. After the Super Bowl yesterday I need a night to unwind.”

“Nah, I’m good you guys go ahead.” Traci says.

“Chloe we’ll pick up this conversation later. It may be something you want to look into.” Mark says.

Tom just nods his head and walks out the door.

“Thanks Tom, see you tomorrow.” I shout.

Trent and I wave as we walk down the hallway and into the elevator.

“What was that all about?” Trent asks.

“Nothing really, just another position that they think could suit me better.”

“You’re not leaving me are you?” He asks with a pout.

“Stop it loser. I’m not making any plans till I hear them out. Besides I don’t want to think about work tonight. Let’s have fun. Lucy, Sam and Jax should be meeting us at the club in an hour.”

“Perfect cause I’m starving.”

I laugh at him and walk out of the elevator and toward my car.

Trent and I drop off his car first and then head over to my apartment to leave mine for the night as well. There’s no use taking both cars and having to leave one behind if we’re too drunk to drive.

The cab pulls up and Trent and I dash out of the lobby and into the waiting car before someone else snags it away.

Within only fifteen minutes we’re at the club and waiting inside for the rest of our friends.

I take a seat in one of the larger booths along the wall and Trent goes up to the bar to get us each a drink. While waiting I spot Lucy and Sam walking into the club. I get out of the booth and stand tall waving my arms. Finally they see me and wave back. Once they are both in front of me we embrace one another in a giant hug and will burst into a fit of giggles. It’s so good to be back with these two ladies, they are so much fun to be with.

Shortly after our group hug we pile into the booth as Chase, Trent and Jax come over with our drinks.

“Well thanks gentlemen, how kind of you.” Sam says winking at Trent.

I can see him blush, but at the same time his eye brows scrunch and I can tell exactly what he’s thinking. I look him in the eyes and telepathically tell him, Sam is way out of your league. I don’t want to be a bitch, but there is little nothing in common between these two and from the looks of it she may have her eyes on someone else.

“Come on ladies let’s go out and show those girls on the dance floor how it’s really done.” Lucy shouts over the music.

“Damn biatch you’re feisty tonight.” Sam yells back with a smile.

“I’m game ladies, let’s do this.” I shout back and push Trent out of the booth so I can get out and hit the floor with my moves.

It’s been way to damn long since I’ve had this much fun, let alone went out dancing with my girls.

The three of us find a spot on the floor and start to sway our hips just as Robin Thicke’s song Blurred Lines begins to play across the club. We’re having such a good time that I’m caught off guard when a strong arm grabs my waist and pulls me close.

I look into Lucy’s eyes and she just smiles and shrugs her shoulders. Chase comes up behind Lucy and begins to grind into her. My eyes find Sam, but she is no help since she now has her arms wrapped around Jax’s neck and they are swaying to a rhythm that is only theirs.

Unsure of whom this mystery man is behind me, I shimmy to the beat of the music and turn my body to face his. Not that I’m surprised at all, but the man now standing in front of me is Andrew Lock.

He looks down into my eyes and a huge smile crosses his face. His eyes sparkle in the lights of the club and he pulls me closer to his body.

“You just can’t take a hint can you Lock?” I ask pulling my arms up and around his neck.

“Nope and I have no plans on giving up on us Chloe. I believe its time you gave this a chance.” He says bringing his face closer to mine so that his lips are once again in my hair.

“Well, I don’t know what you’re referring to as this, but a simple dance can’t hurt for tonight.” I say afraid of what his comeback may be.

“Oh Chloe you have no idea how badly I want to hurt you…it would feel so good.” He says skimming the lobe of my ear with this hot breath.

My knees feel week with the words he says to me, but at the same time I have to be strong. This is one wall I’m not yet willing to let break down.

“Hey Derrick. Are you going to be home for dinner tonight?” Emma asks as we finish up our breakfast of fruit, yogurt and coffee.

We’ve found a pretty nice partnership between the two of us. Emma has only been living here for the past few weeks, but it’s nice to know there is someone else here when I get home. Lately my schedule doesn’t permit me to be home for dinner most nights however we both always make sure to have breakfast together each morning.

Emma is also a strong runner, so Riley and I head out with her every morning before we get ready for work. It’s a good way to start the day and has quickly become a regular event and again I’m glad to have someone to do these things with.

“Nah, I won’t be back till late tonight. Trisha and I are working on two new cases with each other this week and I figure we could just get take out and eat at the firm.”

“That’s silly Derrick, why don’t you invite her over here after you’re done at the office and you can eat some good home cooked food. I’m sure Trisha would rather eat my cooking than greasy take out.”

“Sounds perfect, thanks Emma. I’ll see you around seven, is that okay?”

“Yep, see you then. Have a good day Derrick.” She says heading up the stairs.

I swallow down the last sip of my coffee, place the mug in the dishwasher and grab my briefcase before heading out the door.

For some reason I’m anxious to get to work today, actually to be honest I’ve been looking forward to going into work the past few weeks. The senior p
artners have brought Trisha and I together to work on the past few cases and I enjoy having someone with the same intellect to conduct some work.

Trisha is kind, funny and seems to know the right things to say at the right time. We’re in sync with one another at the firm and I’m anxious to see how strong our chemistry is outside of the office working on our cases.

I stop at the local Dunkin Donuts before going to the office and pick us both up a coffee. I seem to work better when I’m extra alert on caffeine and the office stuff just doesn’t seem to do the trick.

As soon as I pull into the parking garage, I park in my regular spot and walk over to the elevator. Juggling both cups of coffee I’m able to hit the #4 on the keypad, but not before a hand shoots through the doors.

I quickly push the button and in walks Trisha.

“Hey Derrick, thanks for holding the car for me.” She says grabbing a cup of coffee out of my hand. “I assume this is for me?” She asks with a cute smile.

“A little presumptuous, aren’t you?”

“Not really, it says my name on the side of the cup.”

We both start to laugh as the elevator takes us up to the fourth floor and we exit the car. Both Trisha and I make our way over to my office and I start to lay out all the documents I had worked on the night before.

“Damn, Derrick it looks like you were burning the midnight oil on this last night.”

“Pretty much, I kind of get drowned in my cases when I start them. It’s just something I’ve always done. I don’t want to miss anything that could be of use to the case.”

“Smart man.” Trisha says sitting down across from me at my desk.

“Indeed, I didn’t get to where I am now with just my handsome face.” I tell her taking a long sip of my coffee.

“Oh I’m sure.” She replies with a wink.

I don’t know if it’s just me, but you could cut the sexual tension in this room with a knife.

“Yeah, that’s how I roll. Hey I wanted to ask you, since we’ll be working on this late again tonight, I was wondering if you want to come over to my place and work through dinner. My roommate Emma insists that I come home and eat rather than camping out here with greasy take out.”