Page 21

The Touch Series Box Set Page 21

by t. h. snyder

“Umm Derrick, do you have plans for tomorrow night?” I ask closing my eyes.

I want him to kiss me more than anything. I’ve never wanted anything more in my entire life. I can smell the spearmint gum in his mouth. I can’t stop the feelings my body is craving for this guy to touch me.

“Actually yes Chloe, I do.” He replies. “I plan on taking the most beautiful girl to the prom and having the time of our lives.”

“Oh!” I say with a pout, still keeping my eyes closed.

I can feel his arm lift to his side and in a matter of seconds his fingers on my face pulling me in closer to him.

He leans down to me and puts his lips against mine. For a moment I feel that this act is foreign to us, but within a few seconds I’m opening my lips to welcome a deeper kiss.

This is the moment I’ve been waiting for way too long. I’ve been crushing on Derrick for years and now I’m finally sharing a moment with him that could change everything between us.

I’m so involved in my own brain that I realize I’m not enjoying the fact that his mouth is intertwined with my own. I feel his tongue against mine and his hands begin to roam from the sides of my face down my neck and along the length of my torso. For so long I imagined what this moment would be like and here we are together at last. Slowly Derrick starts to pull away and rather than move from me he pulls me tightly into his embrace. I can feel his heart beating a mile a minute through our clothes.

“Chloe, I couldn’t stand to wait another minute to kiss you.” He says almost breathless.

“Derrick you have nothing to worry about. I’ve wanted you to do that forever.” I reply with a giggle.

“Good! So now nothing will be weird when I let you go?” He asks.

“Nothing has or will ever be weird with us Derrick. Now that I’ve been touched by you things will never be the same.” I told him standing up on my tip toes to get another kiss.

The sound of the weeping willow branches moving pulls me out of my daydream and I can smell the heavenly scent that is Derrick. I look over in his direction and see him walking toward me. He really is quite handsome in his polo and khaki shorts. His light brown hair is styled just perfect and his gorgeous baby blue eyes are looking right at me.

He sits down next to me and wipes tears from my cheeks. I hadn’t realized I had been crying.

I really am going to miss being so close to him.

I’ve been running around like a chicken with my head cut off for the past few weeks. Not only do I need to prepare to move to Cambridge, but my girlfriend is moving away to New York. Why the fuck does Chloe have to go find herself hundreds of miles away from here? Seriously, what does NYU have that Harvard doesn’t?

I continue to go through my room to make sure I’ve packed up all the things I need for the dorms. I come across a picture of me and Chloe from junior prom. My heart begins to beat a mile a minute as I remember our prom, our first dance and the night she became my girlfriend.

Chloe and I were drawn to one another from the first moment we met, well at least I was, but things didn’t really start up until the end of our junior year. Since then we’ve been pretty much inseparable

I’ve had a crush on this girl for years, but was always standing along the sidelines of all the other jocks waiting to ask her out. Don’t get me wrong, I had my own line-up waiting for me, but Chloe was the one that always seemed to catch my eye.

It’s the night of prom. I’m on my way to her house to pick her up in my car. I feel like an ass for not having something fancier to take her to prom, but we did plan this kind of last minute.

I walk toward her house and can feel the butterflies creeping up as I knock on her front door. I am met with her parents and sister, who fortunately have liked me from the start.

Bryce gives me the usual lecture and curfew guidelines while Teresa and Char set us up out by our tree for pictures.

Everything is perfect.

We meet up with a few of our friends to take pictures and talk about after prom parties.

I hold Chloe in my arms for most of the time. We dance the night away and just embrace every moment of being together.

I come back to the land of the living and out of my trance. I smile to myself. We really did have the time of our lives that night.

Chloe is the one person I know I cannot live without. I really don’t know how we’re going to make it through our first year of college without one another. But I’m damned well going to try just about anything to keep Chloe as my girl.

I finish up a few last minute things at my house and get ready to go meet Chloe for our date. I stop at the flower shop down the block and grab a bouquet of flowers that I know she’ll love. I also make a point to pack us a picnic basket with all of her favorite foods from town. I figure I might as well show her all the great things she’ll be missing by leaving Boston.

I pull into her parents’ driveway and see that both Bryce and Teresa are sitting out on the front porch. I hop out of my car, grab the stuff out of the backseat and send a wave in their direction. Making my way over to our spot I’m flooded with so many memories we shared in this exact spot. I go around to the back side of the weeping willow tree so that she doesn’t see me coming through the branches. I can see that she’s sitting on the bench and her knees are pulled up against her chest. She’s wearing a light pink sundress and her long, dark waves are casting a curtain over her shoulders.

I love this girl.

She looks to be deep in thought I hate to interrupt any memories she’s thinking back on in this moment. This transition is going to be hard on both of us, but there’s nothing that can break what the two of us share.

I set down the things I brought for our picnic and walk over to the bench. She can sense that I’m coming and she shifts her body to look over in my direction. As her face looks up to mine I can see that she’s been crying and her big brown eyes are now red and puffy with sadness.

I quickly sit down on our bench next to her and pull her into my lap. I stroke the soft hair down her back and pull her face to look at me.

“What has my girl so sad?” I ask while kissing her lightly on her lips.

“I’m leaving tomorrow Derrick and this is the last time we’ll be in this special spot together.” She says while sobbing.

“Oh Chloe, as much as I hate this too, we’ll make it work. I promise.”

I pull back her thick hair so that I can see her beautiful face. I wipe away the tears that are running down her cheeks and kiss her on each side of her face. She gives me a smile that I know speaks a hundred words. She is mine forever.

“I have a great afternoon planned for us, so how about you shake off this feeling you have and let’s go have some fun together.”

“You really are the best Derrick Peters. I’m going to miss you so much.”

She stands up off of my lap and pulls me up with her. I grab her back in my arms and twirl her under our tree.

This will forever be our place, no matter how many miles apart we may be.

“So what’s the plan for today?” She asks.

“Well I have a picnic basket and all of your favorites inside. I also brought you some flowers.” I hand her the bouquet and kiss her gently on her forehead.

She takes a whiff of their sweet scent and grabs my hand into her own.

“Where would you like to take our picnic?

“I would love for us to spend the entire afternoon under our tree. This is our getaway place, so why not just spend our time hidden under the branches?”

“I think that’s a perfect idea. After we’re done eating how about we go for a swim and then I have a little going away present for you.” She remarks with a coy smirk.

“I’m all for it!” I tell her while getting out the blanket and setting up our lunch.

We share our picnic foods and reminisce about all the times we’ve shared together. We laugh over the awkward moments, the heartbreaks we caused once everyone knew we were together, th
e parties with our friends and what our futures hold after college.

After our time under the tree I’m confident knowing that my girl loves me and will miss me as much as I will her. She’s my world and no matter what we’ll make it through anything life throws our way.

Derrick has made our last day together absolutely perfect. He wasn’t joking when he said he packed all of my favorite things, but the one I’ll miss the most is him. We plan to come home as often as possible so that we can be together, but with his football schedule and classes it’s going to be tough.

I’m the type of person that needs routine and schedules in my life, without them I go crazy. It will be my mission to get on track as quickly as possible so that I can plan as many visits as I can to Cambridge. I’ve never missed watching Derrick play a game…for anything, even when we were just friends. He says I’m his lucky charm. I hope his winning streak doesn’t dry up because I won’t be around to see him play.

I’m wrapped up in his arms on our bench and I can feel myself beginning to doze off. Derrick runs his fingertips up and down my arms and a chill ignites thousands of goose bumps across my body. This man has a way with his fingers and with just a mere touch he can have me all girl crazy. I love him and will never…ever let him go.

He leans me slightly forward from his body and pulls all my dark brown hair to the side so that my neck is completely bare to the left. I scoot in closer to him and rest my back against his firm chest. I feel so content with him. I really don’t want this day to end.

He leans forward and nips at my ear while placing light kisses along my jaw leading down to my neck. This is my most sensitive spot and he knows it all too well.

“Excuse me Derrick, what do you think you’re doing?” I ask with a giggle.

“Well I guess I’m doing something wrong here if you have to ask me what the hell I’m doing.”

“Ah come on babe, I was just joking. I love when you kiss me like that. It sends chills through my body.”

“Yes, that was my intent and I also plan to have that body doing something else really soon.”

He turns and lifts me so that I’m straddling his hips and I can look directly in his eyes. Those baby blues are god damn amazing and he can say so much just by looking at me. I lean into him and wrap my arms around his neck.

“I love you Derrick and I’ll never forget moments like this with you.”

I kiss him hard and with such intensity. I don’t know how soon I’ll be with him again. He must feel the anxiety coming from me because he kisses me back with such fierceness.

He nips my lips and slides his tongue in my mouth. We’ve kissed a million times before, but nothing as passionate as this.

“I love you so much Chloe and I’ll never give you up. Do you hear me? You are mine and will be forever. Whatever we have to do to keep our love alive, we will.”

Tears begin to prick my eyelids as we continue to kiss and I want to believe that we’ll make it through the next year as a couple.

“Chloe, I really can’t wait to have you much longer.”

Damn it, I hate that we’re under the weeping willow tree and it’s only mid-afternoon. His erection is pressing against my warm body and I feel the urge to slide my panties over and plunge him into me.

“I know, I was just thinking the same thing. It’s just too risky to do it here when everyone is out in the pool in the backyard.”

“Fuck that Chloe. I know that is why you wore a dress today….right?”

He gives me a devilish grin and slides me down on his lap toward his knees so that he can release himself from his pants. I watch him intently as he unbuttons the top button to his khaki cargo shorts and I grab his hands. I’m so turned on right now that I can’t wait for him to play his little game. I push his hands to the side and slide down his zipper and reach my hands into his shorts.

God damn, Derrick never disappoints me. He’s not wearing any underwear which makes this all that much easier. Once he’s out all I can do is stare at his beautiful dick. Not that I have a lot to compare it to, but for me it’s perfect.

He’s perfect.

Derrick watches me and I can tell that he’s just as ready as I am to be united as one. He lifts me so that my body is hovering over him. I reach under the hem of my dress and adjust it so that it’s just lying below my hips. I pull my panties to the side and quickly force him into me.

The feel of Derrick inside me is like nothing I ever want to let go of…ever. He knows what drives me wild and I know exactly what will push him over the edge. Sometimes we like to take it hard and fast, but times like this we want it soft and slow.

I ride him as he guides my hips up and down, pushing himself in and out of my warmth. He runs his hands along the sides of my body leading to my tits. He massages them with such love until he reaches my taut nipples. He pinches them and I fly over the edge. I can’t hold onto this feeling any longer and I let my orgasm take over.

I grab his face in my hands and slide my tongue into his mouth. Our bodies are in sync with one another and I can feel his body shiver as he meets his climax as well. I pull my mouth off of his and look him in the eyes. His baby blues stare into my dark browns and a smile spreads across both of our faces.

“That was wonderful.” I whisper.

“That was fucking amazing.” He replies.

“How about we go cool off in the pool?”

“I think that’s a great idea Chloe.”

We pull ourselves together and clean up the picnic mess we’ve created. Derrick grabs the blanket and picnic basket while I hold the branches to the side so he can exit our tree without getting a face full of weeping willow.

Before going out to the pool we both go into the house and change into our swimming suits. While I wait for Derrick I run into the laundry room and grab us some towels.

I meet him out in the kitchen and we walk hand and hand through the sliding glass door and out onto the deck.

Heading out to the back yard, I can see that Mom, Dad and Char are already out in the pool. Derrick and I make our way over to the pool gate and let ourselves in to join my family.

“Well it’s about time you two got out here.” Dad says.

“Yeah, what took you so long? It doesn’t take four hours to eat lunch.” Char says with a giggle.

“Shut the hell up Charlie, I won’t see my girl after tomorrow for who knows how long. I needed to soak in as much Chloe time as I can while I have her here with me.” Derrick replies.

He throws off his shirt and runs into pool aiming his giant splash right toward my little sister.

“Jerk!” Char screams.

Watching my guy interact with my family like this brings a huge grin to my face. I love everything about him, our relationship and the connection we share. We’re going to be just fine, I know it.

I’m sitting in our spot with my girl in my lap. It really is a perfect day that I don’t want to end. I wish I could see a few years into the future and know that nothing will change between us. Going off to college and living hundreds of miles apart is going to totally suck, but at this point there isn’t much I can do about it. Instead I’m going to enjoy this moment and soak in as much of her as I can while I’m with her.

I can feel her body relaxing against mine and hear her breathing slow. I look down at her and see that she’s falling asleep. She looks so comfortable and she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. Her dark brown hair is lying across the side of her face and the ends are just long enough that her perky tits are covered. Rather than wake her I decide to soothe her into a deeper sleep by running my fingers up and down her arms.

Shit, she begins to stir and I’ve had the opposite affect I was hoping for since now she’s fully awake. I don’t really care what frame she’s in as long as she’s with me.

Might as well dig right in and play this up while I have the time alone with her. I look over her body as she lies down across my lap. Chloe is fucking gorgeous. Her light complexion
is perfect with not a flaw to be found. Her long dark hair frames her perfect face down to her mid back and my god those deep, dark brown eyes are enough to take my breath away.

I lean her forward so that I can move her hair all to one side. A waft of mango hits my nose and I know it’s the sweet smelling shampoo and body wash that she uses. It smells so good I have to go in for a lick. I nip at her ear and I pepper kisses along her jaw leading down to her collar bone. She tastes so good. I need to be closer to her and like now.

I never have to ask my girl twice for any type of physical contact. When one of us needs the other, our bodies just tend to go with the flow of the other. I lift her to straddle my legs and I can tell she wants me as much as I want her.

She says it’s too risky under our tree, but we’ve done much worse with fewer clothes in riskier places than her parents’ yard.

In no time she’s pulling me out of my shorts and the feel of her soft hands on my cock sends a wave of heat through my entire body. She doesn’t waste any time and slides her panties to the side allowing her entrance to be ready and waiting for me.

She’s so wet. She’s always so wet for me. She doesn’t just ease me into her she slams herself down on my throbbing dick and I have to slow her down before it’s over for both of us. What I wouldn’t do to pull this stupid fucking dress right off of her and suck on her sweet little tits.

“Fuck!” I groan.

I slide my hands up her sides and grab onto her breasts. I tweak at her nipples knowing it will build her up to complete her orgasm. I hate to rush this, but there’s no way in hell I’m going to last much longer.

Within seconds we’re both coming down from our intense climax and I can feel her tight pussy begin to loosen up.

Damn right. Quickies are fucktasitic.

Once we’ve settled from our ‘high’ we decide to make our way in the house to get changed and then out to the pool with the rest of her family. Her parents and sister have been so welcoming of me into Chloe’s life since we started dating. I feel like I really fit into the Taylor family and know that one day when she truly becomes mine I’ll have their full blessing.