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The Taming of the Billionaire Page 15

by Jessica Clare

When he stood naked in front of her, he put his hands on his hips, his cock jutting. And, okay, it was a damn impressive cock—thick, with a heavy crown and a big pair of, erm, balls. It felt weird to point out that he had the biggest set of balls she’d ever seen, but really, he was magnificently formed. He also wasn’t moving. “Are you waiting for an engraved invitation?” Edie asked.

“Edie’s pussy requests the honor of my presence in roughly thirty seconds?” Magnus said, grinning. “And no, I was waiting for you to get naked. I want to see all of you.”

“Oh.” Of course he was. Feeling a little awkward, she tugged her top over her head and tossed it onto the floor. Her bra went next, and then her skirt and shoes. Her panties were still MIA from their earlier interlude in the gardens, and Edie was a little thrown off when she saw black streaks on the insides of her thighs. “What’s this from?”

He leaned forward and touched one of the streaks, then laughed and touched one of the nearly-rubbed off streaks of black paint under his eyes that had been part of his costume.

A hot blush scorched Edie’s face. How had she not noticed that he’d rubbed them off on her thighs? Dear lord. “Next time, maybe you should be an astronaut,” Edie said primly. “Girls won’t grab your junk then.”

He rolled his eyes as he climbed forward onto the bed and over her. “Are we going back to that?”

“Seeing as how we never discussed it? Yes, yes we are.”

“I didn’t even know who that girl was. She just started talking to me and then grabbed my dick. I told her to fuck off. The only one I want grabbing my dick is currently under me,” he said, giving her a long, thoughtful look. “And she has a pretty banging body, I must say.”

“All except the knee,” Edie said lightly, feeling a little tense. It wasn’t a pretty reconstruction. Hell, she was lucky it was functional, even if it was hideous in full light.

“I don’t mind the knee,” Magnus said, leaning in to drag his mouth along hers. “Least now I know when we play sexy games, I can always catch you.”

“That is a horrible thing to say,” she told him, but she laughed anyhow.

“Maybe I say horrible things just to make you smile,” he said between kisses, and pressed her back on the bed. His body covered hers, chest on hers, thighs between her own, his cock pressing against her sex. His hands sought hers and he linked his fingers with Edie’s, and gave her another kiss. “Maybe I like that under that tough exterior is a woman with the backbone of a noodle and a heart of gold.”

“Bullshit,” she said softly.

“Truth,” he said, propping up on his elbows. He rocked his hips against hers and she groaned as his cock pressed against her core. “You forget, Edie,” he whispered into her ear. “I’ve been inside you. And I know just how soft . . . and wet . . . and delicious you are.”

She moaned at his words.

“Now, wait right here,” he told her, nipping at her jaw. “And I’m going to get those condoms and then I’m going to come back and fuck the hell out of you, just like you want.”


He gave her a boyish grin and then flung himself off the bed with such haste that she laughed again, and he disappeared into the living room. A moment later he returned with the condoms they’d brought in and tore open the box. He unwrapped one condom and then rolled it on his length while Edie watched, breathless. Then when it was on, he looked up at her, gave her another scorching look that made her toes curl, and prowled back toward the bed once more. “This isn’t going to be a long, drawn-out fuck, I’m afraid.”

“No?” she whispered.

“Nope. I need you too much. We’ll do one later,” he said, crawling over her and pushing her thighs apart. “I need to be inside you.”

“I need you inside me, too—”

He shifted his hips and with one thrust, he was deep within her. Edie whimpered.

Magnus groaned. “God, that sound you make when my cock’s in you—”


“Don’t be sorry,” he said, mouth claiming hers again before declaring, “It’s fucking sexy as hell. I love wringing those throaty little whimpers from you.”

“You’re pretty good at getting them from me,” she agreed breathlessly, and gave another whimper when he pumped into her again. Her legs rose and she dug her calves into the backs of his thighs, needing more.

He kissed her again, hard, possessive. “So, Edie,” he murmured between thrusts. “I have to know. You ever come from just a good hard pussy pounding before?”

His filthy words made her tremble. “I, um . . . I don’t think I’ve ever tried it. I usually need, you know, other stuff—”

“Yeah?” he murmured, kissing her throat.

“Yeah.” God, his mouth. His big muscular body over hers, his weight between her thighs. God. Just . . . god.

“I bet I can make you come without any of the fancy shit,” he said as he licked along the side of her throat. “Nothing but you, me, and my dick deep inside you.”

“That . . . sounds like a challenge.”

He chuckled against her skin. “You know me. I like a challenge.” And he thrust again, so hard it made her toes curl.

It turned out Edie liked a challenge, too.

It also turned out that indeed, all she needed was his cock deep inside her to come. Repeatedly.


Edie woke up several hours later with a pleasant ache between her legs, a man’s thigh tangled with her own, and the iron bar of a cock pressing against her backside. Sometime during the night, Magnus had stolen her pillow and most of the blankets, but somehow, that was all right with her. She curled up against his broad chest, feeling warm and, okay, well-fucked. Oblivious to her snuggling, Magnus snored on, and Edie started to drift back to sleep.

A knock at the door woke her up. “Edie?”

Shit. Bianca. She clutched at the blankets and stared in horror at her door. “Y-yes?”

Magnus mumbled something and rolled over, still caught up in sleep, and Edie pressed a hand to his mouth, silencing him.

Bianca rattled the doorknob to Edie’s room. Thank god. It was locked.

“What?” Edie yelled at her sister, trying to seem more like her normal grumpy self. “What do you want?”

“I’m just checking on you to see if you’re okay,” Bianca called through the door. “You left the party early.”

“I told you, I have a migraine,” Edie yelled back. “You’re not helping it!”

“Now I have one,” Magnus whispered against her hand. “Can you not scream in my ear?”

She pressed a finger to his lips but shifted in the bed so she wasn’t yelling in his face. “I’m fine, really. I’m just going to sleep for a bit longer.” Edie looked down at Magnus, who was gazing up at her with those sleepy green-gold eyes. God, he was pretty first thing in the morning. As if he could follow the train of her thoughts, he pulled her against him, dragging her forward until her breasts were in his face. Then, he took a nipple between his lips and began to suck. A strangled noise escaped Edie.

“You want some headache meds or something?” Bianca asked through the door. “I can run to the store and get you some chicken-noodle soup if you want. Or if you want a heating pad, I can give you mine. Or—”

“I’ll give you heat,” Magnus murmured against her breast.

“I’m fine,” Edie barked again. There was a wobble in her voice, thanks to the damn man nibbling on her breast and making her crazy. Her fingers went to his mouth again to shush him, and he began to suck on her finger, his own sliding between her legs to her pussy.

Oh Jesus. This man did not play fair.

“I’m, uh, just going to sleep for a few more hours,” Edie called out as Magnus began to finger her clit. She bit down on her lip, stifling the whimper that threatened to escape.

His mouth released her finger and went back to her breast, and her eyes nearly rolled back in her head from the pleasure. Magnus pushed her back on the bed and began to kiss his way down her belly, all the while his fingers sliding through the slick folds of her sex. The man was an absolute hornball in the morning, it seemed . . . and she couldn’t complain a bit. Not when she was the recipient of these things.

“The party was good, by the way,” Bianca called out. “It went on until way late last night. I swear, I think Gretchen and Hunter know every billionaire in New York State.”

“T-that’s nice,” she replied as Magnus parted her folds with his fingers and exposed her clit, then gave her a wicked look before his mouth descended on her. Edie’s back arched and she bit down on one of her knuckles, trying to stifle her cries.

Oblivious to things, Bianca went on about the party and some of the dresses, and a few of the people she’d met last night, and the toast that Brontë had given that involved a quote from a philosopher and wasn’t Gretchen’s friend Cooper just the nicest man? He owned a series of coffee shops that he was partnering with Hunter on, and on and on she went while Magnus threw Edie’s legs over his shoulders and proceeded to eat her out, oblivious to her sister’s rambling on the other side of the door. Edie grabbed her pillow and pushed it over her own face, muffling her whimpers lest Bianca realize she wasn’t alone in her room.

“Did you know one of the neighbors has a Maserati?” Bianca called through the door. “It’s parked in our space. I had to park down a few spaces. I—”

“I don’t care,” Edie screamed into the pillow, even as the first wave of orgasm ripped through her. Oh god, how was Magnus so damn good with his mouth? “Go away, Bianca!”

“Fine,” Bianca said in her hurt little-girl voice. “I’ll just . . . you know, go to the store and get some soup. Bye.”

“Bye,” Edie choked out as Magnus thrust his tongue into her core, making her legs tense and quiver as the orgasm went on and on. A moment later, Magnus climbed on top of her, looking smugly pleased with himself, mouth gleaming wetly. He pressed a kiss to her mouth that tasted of her own musk, and she was such a limp noodle from pleasure that she didn’t even care.

“You always taste so damn good,” Magnus whispered as he reached over her and pulled a condom off her nightstand.

“Lucky me,” she whispered back, unable to stop staring at him like some sort of besotted idiot.

He just grinned at her as he rolled the condom on, and then pushed into her again a moment later. Edie’s arms automatically went around his neck, her legs around his waist, and he began to thrust into her again, one hand on her shoulder to brace her body against his. “There’s a gaming convention in two days,” he murmured into her ear between thrusts. “I want you to come with me.” Thrust. “Levi and I are doing a panel about Warrior Shop and upcoming projects.” Thrust thrust. “Got a big room and a big bed and you’d look fucking amazing in it.” Thrust.

She bit down on his shoulder as he hammered into her. He was trying to have a conversation now? Really? When she was having trouble thinking? “Can’t . . . leave . . . cats,” she breathed between his pounding thrusts. Another orgasm was building—how the hell did he manage to do that every damn time? He was totally going to ruin her.

“I’ll send my assistant to come and feed them and give them their meds,” he told her. He dragged one leg onto his shoulder, adjusted his hips, and then began to saw into her with deeper, surer strokes that made her eyes want to cross in her head. Oh sweet Jesus, that was even better than before.

“B-B-Bianca,” she managed.

“Tell her I need you,” he said, grinding his hips against hers.

Her heart fluttered.

“For my cats. Overnight stay. Lots of money. She won’t care.”

Right. His cats. The excited flutter in her heart died.

But somewhere between her next orgasm and his, Edie agreed to it anyhow.

Chapter Twelve

FanBoy Con was being held in Boston that year, Magnus told her, so it wasn’t such a long drive. He arrived to pick her up in his limo, and dropped off his assistant Jenna to stay at the house a few days and handle Edie’s cats. Edie was a little worried to leave them, but Jenna had grown up on a farm, she explained, and was fine with giving animals medication. So she’d listened attentively and took notes as Edie went over each cat and their medications, and promised to call with any questions. Magnus had set Jenna up with a nearby hotel to sleep at and Edie passed off her key. Bianca wasn’t even upset at being left behind at a four-day ‘work’ trip, Edie realized. She was busy planning a shopping trip with a few of her buddies.

Good thing she didn’t know this was a date.

The only ones who would miss her were the cats, and even they wouldn’t care that much. It should have been a relief, but instead, it just felt . . . weird.

She had no idea what to expect as far as the convention went, so she was more than a little shocked to see throngs of people in costume wandering around the hotel. She was even more shocked when women dressed up in some sort of skimpy costume squealed and approached Magnus. “We’re such big fans of Warrior Shop! Can you sign my boobs?”

To her surprise, Magnus blushed and looked over at Edie, distinctly uncomfortable. “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea right now, ladies. I’d be happy to sign a copy of your programs, though.”

The women looked over at Edie, sized her up, and then dismissed her. “We’ll catch you after your panel,” they said in flirty voices, then wandered away, arms linked.

Well, if that wasn’t a way for someone’s ego to be cut down to size, she didn’t know what was. Edie gave Magnus a curious look. “Do you get a lot of requests to sign body parts?”

His blush got a bit redder. “There’s an explanation, really.” His hand went to the small of her back and he steered her forward, toward the check-in desk.

“I’d love to hear it.”

The explanation had to wait until Magnus had finished checking in. Their suite was on the third floor of the hotel, so the porter brought their bags after them and they headed to the elevator. Immediately, Edie was dismayed to see that the elevator had a long line.

“Shall we just take the stairs?” the porter asked.

“Nope,” Magnus said, and draped an arm around Edie’s neck possessively.

That made her feel a little better. She elbowed him, leaning in against his big body. “So. Boob signings?”

“Yeah, when we made the game, Levi wanted a callback to let people know that it was us who had made the game, you know? So, uh, we programmed ourselves in there.”

She laughed, because he looked so utterly chagrined at having to admit it. “You programmed yourselves in?”

“It’s called Warrior Shop, right? So it’s this big fantasy world where you have to work your way through things as a gladiator, and you can fight other people or team up with them, and you can buy everything from weapons to minions, to whatever. So uh, all of the shopkeepers look like either me or Levi. It was kind of a joke at first, but now I regret it.”

She giggled at his acute discomfort. “Show me.”

He groaned and pulled out his phone, flipping through a few apps, and then clicked on something and handed her the screen. A loading graphic splashed across the phone screen, along with the big Warrior Shop logo. A moment later, a help screen appeared: Did You Know That You Can Purchase Additional Minions in the In-App Store? a barbarian that looked suspiciously like Magnus asked, his arms crossed. It was Magnus, she realized, but a slightly exaggerated version of him. He bulged with overgrown muscles, and he wore a codpiece that made her howl with laughter.

“All right, all right,” Magnus said, tugging his phone back from her. “Enough laughing at my expense. Some ladies like my codpiece.”

“I don’t see how,” she teased. “You look like you’re about to
put someone’s eye out with that thing.”

“Very funny,” he said, but he kissed the top of her head in front of everyone and she felt any apprehension she had disappear.

Magnus’s suite was impressive, with a fully stocked mini-bar, a tiny kitchen, and a living room area in addition to a massive bedroom and posh bathroom that was probably bigger than Edie’s portion of her townhouse. There was also a convention goody bag and a big bouquet of flowers on a nearby table, welcoming Magnus to the convention. All in all, Edie was impressed. In the gaming world, Magnus was apparently a big deal. She felt pride for him, but also a little trepidation, because if all the girls here at the convention were like the ones below, was he going to regret having her along?

As she explored, Magnus thumped into one of the chairs and furiously texted. Edie unpacked her small bag, put on a knee-brace under her jeans (since it looked like this convention would involve a lot of walking) and changed into the Warrior Shop T-shirt that had been in the welcome bag as a show of solidarity. She braided her hair into two small pigtails and then sat on the bed, watching Magnus as his frown grew more and more thunderous.

“Something wrong?” she asked eventually.

He glanced up, some of the glare he was shooting at the phone slipping away. “Just my fucking brother. He’s not here yet. He should have been here before us but he says he’s still a few hours out. Our panel’s at five and I’m going to kick his ass if he doesn’t show up on time.”

She frowned. Levi seemed a bit . . . unreliable. “Can you do the panel without him?”

“He’s one half of the Warrior Shop creators. People are going to be looking for him.” Magnus rubbed a hand over his face, clearly frustrated. “He’s the ideas guy. I’m just the business guy.”

Edie doubted that very much, but she didn’t argue. “Anything I can do to help?”