Page 18

The Nauti Boys Collection Page 18

by Lora Leigh

He didn’t answer. If anything, his mouth became more voracious, his fingers exploring further, pressing deeper against the untouched entrance he was massaging.

“Rowdy…I swear…I can’t stand…” She lost her breath as she felt his finger breach her ass, felt it slide slowly inside her as his lips covered her clit, his thumb slipping into the entrance of her pussy and destroying her.

“Oh God!” She fought the lightning surge of almost painful sensation that shot through her.

“The hell you can’t. You will come for me, Kelly. Now,” he snarled, his finger retreating, gathering more of the silky liquid flowing from her before sliding in deeper, stronger, his thumb pumping into her pussy before his lips covered her clit again. He suckled at the tender bud, his tongue flickering over it as his finger bit into her ass, his thumb fucking her cunt until she felt herself erupt.

Her scream filled the night as she dissolved, saw lights exploding behind her clenched eyes and heard Rowdy’s roar of pleasure a second before he was rising between her thighs and throwing her higher.

“Hang on, baby.” He gripped her hands, moving them to his shoulders as she felt a thick pressure against the sensitized entrance to her pussy.

She stared up at him, dazed, awash in cascading waves of ecstasy.

“Sweet baby,” he groaned, his green eyes darkening as his hands clasped her face. “Hold on to me, sweet thing. I can’t wait. Not even another minute.”

Her eye widened, fluttered, fought to stay open as she felt his cock stretching her, invading her. Better than the first time, stroking sensitive nerve endings, caressing delicate tissue until she wept with need. And it didn’t stop. It went on and on, as though in slow motion, stretching her until she was certain she could hold no more before she found she could.

She jerked in his grip, her nails pressing into his shoulders as she whimpered then screamed as Rowdy settled to the hilt inside her. She could feel every thick inch parting the tender tissue of her pussy, straining it to its limits as fingers of electricity sizzled through and the tension began to increase once again within her.

“God, you’re tight.” His expression was strained as she stared up at him, fighting to make sense of the sensations ripping through her. “And soft as silk.” His forehead pressed against hers.

He grimaced, lifting his head a few inches as he stared down at her, his thumb dragging roughly over her lips as she fought to breathe.

“Lift your legs.” His voice was like gravel. “Brace your knees against my hips.” He lowered one hand, lifting her thigh as she did as he bid.

“Oh God, Rowdy.” He slid in deeper than ever, filling her in ways she couldn’t explain. “Oh God, I don’t know what to do…” She wanted to cry, wanted to ease the furious throb of hunger pulsing in her womb, in her cunt.

“Shush, baby,” His voice was strained, his body tight with the effort it was taking as he helped her, positioning her knees against his hips as a ragged moan tore from his chest. “Son of a bitch, you’re so fucking tight. I could come just feeling you grip me like that.”

The muscles inside her pussy were indeed milking him, rippling around him, driving her crazy with the furious heat building inside them. She stared up at him, feeling the tears on her cheeks, the emotions clogging her throat. She couldn’t imagine ever needing anything more than she needed Rowdy.

“Easy now, sweetheart,” he warned as she felt his thighs bunching. “If I don’t move I’m going to come before you ever get yours. And you have to have yours.” A wicked smile crossed his swollen lips as he began to move.

His cock slid slowly from the clutching grip of her cunt as she heard her own desperate groan of pleasure; the thrust back had her crying out in sharp agonizing need, and then there was no stopping him.

He arched back, gripping her legs and pressing them closer to her body as he stared down to where they came together, her gaze following automatically, watching as the slick, glistening shaft of his cock powered in and out of the flattened curves of her cunt. It was mesmerizing, consuming. She could feel raking fingers of pleasure, pain, sharp sensation, and fiery explosions of hunger ripping through her body as she watched him fuck her. Watched his cock thrust in and out, shafting her with furious strokes as the world receded around her.

She came again, screaming through her orgasm, and still he didn’t stop.

“Again,” he snarled, turning her to her side, her legs bent, pressed to her breasts as he leaned over her, one hand parting the cheeks of her ass as his fingers found the tingling entrance there.

Her back arched, her head falling back as his finger slid inside, pumping in tandem with the thick erection driving inside her cunt, stretching her, burning through her mind as pleasure and pain mixed with the addition of another finger to stretch her tender anus. And still his cock drove into her, stroking furiously over sensitized nerve endings until she was shuddering, convulsing around him, her juices spewing from her pussy as she heard him give a ragged shout and felt his body tighten.

She was still dissolving around him as she felt his release, the hot, furious blasts of semen filling her, burning her, sending her into another quaking paradox of sensation that had her convulsing beneath him as he held his cock deep inside her, shuddering with the pleasure ripping them both apart.

Kelly had lost sanity long before Rowdy’s release. She quivered in the aftermath of orgasm, weak, wasted by the emotion, the pleasure that had erupted through her. She felt him collapse beside her, still buried inside her pussy, his breathing harsh, his arms tight as he pulled her to his damp chest.

“Breathe, baby,” he crooned in her ear as one hand massaged her chest, reminding her she was holding her breath as it released in a rush, sending stars exploding before her eyes. “There you go, sweet thing,” he murmured, his lips at her shoulder as his cock jerked inside her. “Rest for a bit. Just a little bit. Then we’ll try it again and see if we can’t get it right.”

Get it right? Dear God, if that wasn’t right then he would kill her if he ever managed perfection.


It was still dark when Kelly awoke, her body pleasantly sore as Rowdy slept deeply beside her, sprawled naked on his stomach.

Heat curled low in her stomach as she stared at his shadowed form, a shiver of remembered pleasure echoing through her womb.

Moving quietly, she slid from the bed, searching until she found Rowdy’s T-shirt, discarded on the nearby chair earlier that night, and pulled it over her naked body. She couldn’t hear anything below, but she doubted Dawg and Natches were both sleeping.

Making her way down the narrow, curved staircase, the faint glow of the television provided a dim light as Kelly headed for the small refrigerator.

She pulled a bottle of water free, uncapping it as she straightened and lifted it to her lips before she caught sight of Dawg.

He was sitting in the shadowed corner between the table and counter, his eyes gleaming in the darkness as she paused, watching him.

“Rowdy’s gonna bitch over you stealing another of his shirts,” he drawled quietly as she felt her face flush.

The heat had nothing do with the fact that she was caught stealing more of Rowdy’s clothes, it was the sudden question of whether or not his wicked mouth had been the one caressing her earlier.

“He should be used to it by now.” She cleared her throat uncomfortably, feeling a tingle of heat curl around her clitoris.

“He’s a stubborn boy, though.” He shrugged negligently. “You already know that.”

Kelly leaned against the counter and watched him curiously. There was a lot she still didn’t know about Rowdy and his relationship with his cousins. All anyone seemed to care about was the fact that sexually, they enjoyed sharing their toys.

She ducked her head, knowing she shouldn’t have put off learning more about the three men together rather than just focusing on Rowdy. But it was Rowdy who held her heart, not the other two. Though she knew, eventually, they would become a
part of the relationship she and Rowdy shared.

“You look like a frightened little doe standing there.” His voice was like dark silk. “We’ve known each other too long for that wariness in your eyes, little girl.”

Yes, they had. Dawg and Natches were as much a part of her life as Rowdy was.

“I’m not frightened of you, Dawg,” she sighed. “I’m not frightened of any of you.”

Maybe she was frightened of herself.

“People make too much out of our little pleasures,” he grunted. “As though some insidious evil causes it rather than choice.” He chuckled at his own words. “There’s nothing evil in it, Kelly. And Rowdy would never press you for what you don’t want. So you don’t have to watch us as though we’re going to jump you at any minute.”

“And the three of you think I didn’t know what the hell I was getting myself into when I waited on Rowdy.” She pressed her lips together as her own frustration ate inside her. “It’s not a matter of not wanting it, Dawg, or even if I do want it.”

“You want to be seduced into it. You want the choice taken out of your hands?” He leaned back in his chair, watching her intently.

“I don’t want to analyze it to death, that’s for damned sure,” she snapped. “It’s a wonder the three of you found a woman to share if you talked her to death first.”

“The other women didn’t matter, Kelly.” He shocked her with his answer. “They were fun and games—you’re Rowdy’s future. There can be no misunderstandings, no seduction, no hesitations or hiding from the truth if you accept it. If you accept it, then you accept all of it.

Even the fact that eventually, the man she loved would touch another woman, pleasure her, fuck her. She couldn’t accept his cousins’ touch without that knowledge.

“I love him,” she whispered.

“This won’t be easy on any of us.” He lifted his shoulders heavily. “Natches and I both love you too, Kelly, not like Rowdy does, but we love you. We’ve been burning along with him to touch you. But the day will come when one or both of us will find the woman we want for our own. The sharing isn’t an every time thing, but it would sure as hell be missed if we stopped.”

“Has anyone ever asked you to stop, Dawg?” she asked. “Have you ever considered it?”

Something dangerous flashed in his expression before it was gone just as quickly. “I’d stop if someone I loved asked it of me. If I knew the woman I loved couldn’t handle it.” He shrugged his broad shoulders.

“I don’t know if I could bear to see him touch another woman, Dawg.” A self-mocking smile twisted her lips. “How’s that for hypocrisy?”

“Not hypocrisy, sweetheart, honesty,” he told her quietly. “That’s what makes a relationship like this work, being honest about it. Being true to yourself and to Rowdy. We couldn’t ask for anything more than that.”

“I won’t do this just for Rowdy,” she breathed out roughly. “I won’t let him touch another woman just because I know it’s what he wants. It has to make sense to me. I have to be able to live with it.”

“That’s true enough.” He nodded in understanding. “Any relationship is give and take. You give a little, Rowdy gives a little, and vice versa.” He rose from his chair, moving the short distance to where she stood, towering over her.

Kelly swallowed deeply as she felt him surrounding her, his heat, the sensual hunger building inside him.

“Dawg…” There was no way to retreat.

She shivered as he reached out, his callused fingers running down her arm and filling her with conflicting emotions. Could she do it? Fantasizing about it was one thing, and Lord knew she had fantasized about it often. But actually taking that step was another matter.

“I want you,” he whispered.

“Stop,” she protested, shaking her head as denial began to rage within her. A panicked sense of discomfort began to build. It might be what Rowdy wanted, but this wasn’t Rowdy. It wasn’t his body heating her, his need surrounding her.

“It’s dark and shadowed. A lot of truths can be hid in the shadows.” Dawg’s voice was darker than the night. “As can lies.”

Her breath caught in her throat as his head lowered, his lips too close to her own.

“I could seduce you,” he whispered. “I can give you that, Kelly. I don’t have to wake up with you in the morning. I don’t have to face you knowing I used your body against you. Is that what you want?”

“Moron.” She pushed against his chest, her hands smacking into his hard-packed muscles as a shadowy chuckle whispered around her. “Get away from me. You’re about as amusing as the flu, Dawg.”

“Did I make my point?” His teeth flashed in a smile.

She sniffed disdainfully. “The point wasn’t needed. Don’t make the mistake of thinking I don’t understand his reasons. But I’m also still a woman, Dawg, not a plaything. He can get serious about this, or he can forget it.”

“Can he get anymore serious, Kelly? He let one of his cousins lick your ass. That’s pretty damned serious to me.”

Her face flamed as she narrowed her eyes.

“Was it you?”

He crossed his arms over his chest, watching her with a hint of a smile. “One licked, the other watched in anticipation. I ain’t tellin’ who did what.”

A feeling of denial raged through her at the memory. This wasn’t fantasy, it was reality, and she wasn’t comfortable with it, no matter how much she wished she was.

“You know, Dawg, one of these days you boys are going to bite off more than you can chew in a woman. What are you going to do then?”

“Looks to me like Rowdy has already managed that one,” he chuckled as his gaze shot past her. “And here he is to see how much further he can sink into monogamous bliss.”

Kelly turned quickly, barely restraining a moan at the sight of Rowdy, naked, hard, his eyes gleaming with interest as he stood at the bottom of the steps. One thing she could say about him, naked or dressed, confidence oozed from every pore of his body. Confidence and pure, driving lust.

He tilted his head as he watched her, his gaze moving to his cousin, then back to her slowly. There was a challenge there, a knowing glint in his eye that assured her that he was well aware that she was wet and aroused herself.

“There you go stealing my clothes again.” He shook his head in mock chastisement. “I was hoping you would learn better, baby.”

“I think she needs to be spanked,” Dawg murmured behind her, sending her pulse rocketing at the suggestion.

She arched her brow as she held Rowdy’s gaze. He was grinning back at her, a crooked, self-assured grin filled with carnal intent.

As she watched him, she was aware of Natches moving from the rear of the cabin, watching the scene curiously. The testosterone swept through the room, heavy with wicked hunger and sinful intent. Three predatory males, no matter how they tried to hide the primal instincts that ran just beneath the surface of their lazy humor.

They converged on her, tall, broad, aroused. Rowdy was the only one completely naked, but the other two were following suit quickly. Natches stripped off his shirt, while behind her she heard Dawg’s movements, the rustle of his clothes.

Nerves ripped through her, sending shudders of instinctive response to curl through her lower stomach before burning a path of erotic destruction along her erogenous zones. Her nipples peaked. Her lips ached and her sex wept.

“Take the shirt off, baby,” Rowdy whispered as his hands gripped the hem, slowly drawing it upward.

Behind her, Dawg stepped closer. The shock of his bare hands running up her thighs had her tensing at the pleasure. She was so wet she could feel her juices dampening her thighs now, running freely from her weeping pussy as they prepared her for the coming possessions.

“Look how pretty you are…” Rowdy whispered reverently as she lifted her arms, allowing him to strip his shirt from her body. “You nipples are so hard, flushed. I love tasting them, Kelly. Feeling them in my mouth, the tigh
t little points throbbing on my tongue.”

They were throbbing now at the thought of it.

The shirt was tossed aside, but it wasn’t Rowdy’s hands that cupped the firm globes, it was Dawg’s. They slid around her side until both hands were filled with her flesh, the index finger and thumb of each hand gripping a hard point, playing with them, rolling them deliciously.

Her head fell back against his chest as the fingers moved aside. Rowdy shifted, making room for Natches as both men lowered their heads to the upthrust peaks.

Kelly went to her tiptoes as sensation exploded through her. A ragged cry slipped past her lips as a flood of weakening lust ripped through her.

Kelly lost the ability to speak, to see, to do anything but feel as two sets of hard male lips covered the sensitive peaks. Fire engulfed her as damp, lava-hot tongues begin to whip over the tight flesh, and hard male mouths began to suckle erotically.

“Easy, sweetheart,” Dawg whispered at her ear as she began to writhe within the hold the three men had created. The feel of their mouths sucking at her sent arrows of near painful pleasure ripping to her womb, her clit. The aching throb was destroying her. “It’s okay, Kelly.” His hands moved from her breasts, only to be replaced by Rowdy’s and Natches’s.

One arm clasped her to him as he slid his hand down her stomach, moving slowly for the tortured flesh of her pussy.

“Rowdy…” His name was a whimpering plea as she felt Dawg’s palm cup the sensitized folds of her cunt, one finger tucking subtly against the syrup-laden entrance to her vagina.

Rowdy groaned as he continued to suckle her, his teeth raking her nipple, his tongue flickering over it as Natches caught the tip he held captured between his teeth and pinched at it.

Her cry echoed around her as she twisted against Dawg, silently pleading to feel his finger slipping inside her.

The sensations tearing through her body were violent, destructive. Alternative caresses, suckling mouths, hands over her, hot male groans washing over her. And she was in the center of it, weak, helpless against the eroticism of each touch.