Page 111

The Nauti Boys Collection Page 111

by Lora Leigh

Her lips parted to argue. She had the argument on the tip of her tongue, and it was a damned good one. Something about him just being one man. But he stole the words. He stole her thoughts. His lips covered hers and he stole her senses in a kiss that sizzled clear to the soles of her feet.

She said she owned him; perhaps she owned his passion, his sense of responsibility. She couldn’t forget the fact that he had been doing everything possible to ensure that she conceived. As though the thought of a baby with her pleased him.

The distant thought whispered through her head, that she make it be enough. She loved him so much, ached for him, needed him. Surely she could make what she had of him, which he swore was every part of him, be enough.

She couldn’t help her arms from curling around his neck, her hands from splaying through his hair. She tried to breathe, but breathing was just a waste of time when she needed to feel his kiss, deep, as deep at it was. His lips slanted over hers. One hand held her head in place, and his tongue delved into her mouth like a stroke of hot, dark velvet.

He tasted of a hint of whiskey and pure dark male lust. He held her easily, despite the wounds in his shoulder, and within seconds nothing mattered more to Janey than getting closer. Tasting more of his kiss and feeling him in every cell of her body.

“You’re mine, Janey,” he groaned as his lips pulled from hers.

Scattered, hot kisses moved over her neck. Tiny bites. She’d be marked again and she didn’t care, because she fully intended to mark him again.

She lifted her legs, encasing his thighs, then his hips as he jerked the skirt over hers. One hand moved between them, releasing the zipper of his jeans and the hard, engorged length of his cock.

“This is crazy. You’re hurt,” she gasped.

“Go easy on me, then.” He nipped her collarbone as he jerked her shirt from her skirt. “Think about my wounds. Fighting me could make them bleed, Janey.”

Disbelief mixed with excitement, anger, arousal. He was outrageous. Wicked.

“Get ready.” He licked over her collarbone before lifting his eyes to hers. “I’m ripping those damned panties off you.”

Her eyes widened at the sound of cloth rending, then there was nothing between her and the thick, heavy length of his cock.

“Ah hell yes.” The hot shaft pressed into the wet folds as he gripped her butt and rode her against him. The silk-over-iron erection rubbed against her clit, stealing her breath as her head fell back against the wall.

Alex had never seen anything so beautiful. Janey’s face was flushed with pleasure, with arousal. Her green eyes were darker, her black hair feathering around her face in silken ribbons where she had straightened it.

She enchanted him. Like some damned witch. She cast a spell over him that he couldn’t escape—hell, didn’t want to escape.

“Alex.” Her hands spread out over his biceps and he swore her nipples beneath the silk blouse were harder for it.

Damn, he’d never been proud of his body until now. The bunch of his muscles, the hardness of them, she loved it. Her fingers flexed against his upper arms and her breathing heightened, her gaze became hotter, her pussy became wetter.

“Oh, Janey, I’m so gonna fuck you hard.” He watched her eyes, watched them dilate as he lifted her, his fingers clenching her ass. “Put those pretty legs around my hips, baby.”

He felt her legs lock at his lower back as he moved her, shifted, his cock pressing against the tender opening of her pussy.

Her juices eased over his dick, lubricating the engorged head as he began to push inside her.

Sweet, blistering ecstasy began to wrap around the head of his cock. Pleasure, sensations so rich, so fucking strong he could barely stand it, began to sizzle across his nerve endings.

“Damn, this is sweet.” He pressed deeper, feeling sweat pop on his forehead, his back. She was like a supernova, so hot she burned inside and out. “Sweet and tight. Ah, Janey, it’s like fucking pure paradise. Like possessing fire.”

He didn’t know how to be a poet, but damn if this feeling wasn’t worth rhyming. He wanted inside her forever. For the rest of his fucking life, buried right here.

Gritting his teeth, he surged deeper, deeper. Bending his knees and holding her fast, he pushed every hard, aching inch of his cock and balls deep inside her and let out a hard, harsh groan of triumph as he felt her flesh rippling around him.

Her pussy milked him in slow, long contractions from base to tip. Tightened on him like a vise as little sobs tore from her throat. Her nails bit into his shirt, kneaded his biceps like a little cat.

“Don’t stop.” Her head rolled against the wall, her hips writhed, her pussy gripped until he thought he was going to go insane from the sheer pleasure of being inside her.

Pulling back, he let his lips catch hers again. Her kisses enflamed him. Sweet, silken lips, her curious little tongue dueling with his, fighting for dominance. Challenging him, even here.

He pushed inside her hard and deep, groaning at her shattered cry of pleasure. He didn’t have to hold back with Janey, didn’t have to force himself to handle her like glass. She gave what she got, and demanded more in return.

Turning, he carried her to the table, pushed aside the papers in the middle, and laid her back. Oh, fucking perfect.

He spread her thighs, stared at where he penetrated her and pulled back again. Sweet syrup clung to his cock, shimmering and hot. He pushed inside her again, watching the swollen folds of flesh part, watching the hard throb of her clit.

And his mouth watered. Watered for the sweet taste of her, the feel of her pleasure against his lips and tongue.

He didn’t know if he had the strength to pull back, to ease from the wicked, brutally pleasured grip she had on his dick.

But he needed to taste.

Janey jerked, lifting to her elbows as she felt him release her. His cock slid from her, the incredible stretching burn easing. She watched, gasping as he knelt in front of the desk and his lips and tongue buried into her tormented sex.

“Oh God, Alex,” she cried out as he let her watch.

He stared up at her, his tongue running over the desperately aching flesh, circling her clit, rimming it with fire before he pursed his lips and sucked at it gently.

“I can’t stand this,” she whimpered. “I need you again. I need you fucking me.”

“Not yet,” he groaned. “Let me taste you, baby. God, it’s like an addiction. You’re so damned sweet I want the taste of you in my mouth forever. Every second, Janey.”

His tongue licked through the narrow cleft, lapped, moved to the opening, and plunged inside.

Janey shrieked out his name, her legs lifting until the tips of the black boots rested at his shoulders, opening her farther.

“Oh hell yes.” His grin was wicked as he pulled back, his hands running up the thin leather of the boots. “Fucking sexy legs. Stay just like that, baby. Just like that while I eat the sweetest pussy in the world.”

His hands gripped her ankles, his lips lowered again, and he was devouring her. Licking and sucking until nothing mattered but his lips, the pleasure, the tormenting licks of his tongue and the need rising by the second.

Janey pushed her top over her breasts, pulled her bra over the swollen mounds, and heard his heated growl as her fingers began pulling on her nipples.

Oh yes, so good. She was so close. The additional sensations on the swollen tips added to the fire burning in her clit. She was arching, her juices spilling, begging with every cry for release.

His lips moved to the hard, tortured nub of her clit, surrounded it, and sucked it. His tongue rasped around it, and Janey felt herself unraveling from the inside out. Her fingers tightened on her nipples, a wail spilled from her lips, and she exploded in a shower of brilliant, blazing light.

As she exploded, the pleasure imploded as well. Alex thrust inside her, one hard, deep thrust that speared into the gripping, tightening tissue of her pussy and pushed her further.

>   Her upper body jerked up as he held her legs over his arms and gripped her hips, jerking her forward. She gasped for breath, her eyes widening, her gaze dimming as he pounded inside her, pushed her higher, even as the first orgasm continued to wash over her. Only to throw her into another—higher, harder, brighter.

His name was a breathless attempt at a scream as she felt the rocking, desperate pulses of release tearing through her. It was a plea, a tormented cry as she flew outside herself, surrounded in ecstasy.

She could feel him, burying himself in her one last time, his own release spurting inside her as his male shout filled the room.

“Fuck!” His head tipped back, the tendons sharply defined in his neck. “Janey. Ah God. Baby.”

His hips bucked, and his seed spilled inside her, unprotected, blasting hard and heated into the depths of her body as he finally collapsed over her.

Janey found herself collapsed back over the desk, her arms lying weakly at her sides, her legs still held in the crook of his arms as his lips moved between her breasts, over the curve. He licked at a still-hard nipple and she jerked at the torturous pleasure of it. Every nerve ending in her body was hypersensitive; even breathing was an agony of sensation, of pleasure.

She was drowsy, exhausted, and ready to curl into bed with him. Unfortunately, her bed was a little destroyed. That meant getting up, cleaning up, and making the trip back to Alex’s house.

“I don’t wanna move,” she moaned as she felt him ease back slowly. “Don’t make me.”

He chuckled. But he didn’t make her move. He lifted her in his arms and carried her to the couch before moving to the private bathroom.

She lay there, listening to water running. A second later he was kneeling by the couch, pressing her legs apart to clean her with a soft cloth.

He’d straightened his clothes, but his expression was still drowsy with sated lust, his movements slow and lazy. Tender. Gentle.

“I wrecked your pretty clothes,” he drawled, and looked way too proud of himself as he straightened her bra and shirt.

“The clothes are okay.” She covered a yawn as she settled back against the cushions of the couch. “You’ve exhausted me, Alex.”

He reached up and touched her face gently. “If you don’t talk to Natches about the general manager position tomorrow, then I’m going to do it for you.”

“Dammit, Alex, you’re messing with my wave here.” She threw her arm over her eyes, blocking out the sight of his determined expression. “Leave me alone.”

“This isn’t going to go on, Janey.”

She did not like the air of command in his voice. It was that military background, she knew. He just popped out orders like they were his to give.

“Don’t tell me what isn’t going to go on, Alex.” She moved her arm and sat up with a frown, tugging her leather skirt back into place.

“You can’t run both dining rooms without larger staff. And you can’t go until midnight or after and still manage to get any rest for the next day.”

“I was doing fine until you ended up in my bed,” she muttered. “You keep me up all night.”

He grunted at that. “Want me to stop fucking you?”

She pursed her lips and sat back against the couch, considering that option.

She finally shrugged. “You wouldn’t.”

Not that she had a problem with it, but it seemed Alex was damned determined to be a “daddy,” no matter what. She was just having more trouble figuring why, and why her. Any single woman in the county would have spread her legs for him gladly.

Not that she didn’t do it gladly.

She was making herself crazy. Janey pushed from the couch, ignoring his brooding look before moving to the bathroom to finish cleaning up. Of course, she didn’t have extra panties in her office. They were now at his house.

She needed a general manager. But she needed Natches to sign off on it. She couldn’t do it without his cooperation. And he wasn’t giving it.

Okay, so it would help if she would just tell him she wasn’t leaving. She braced her hands on the sink and stared at her own reflection. She was honest with herself at least; she wasn’t leaving. Alex would follow her, and no doubt, the danger would follow her as well.

But she hesitated to tell Natches she wasn’t leaving, because even now she sensed a reluctance in her brother. Perhaps a lingering fear that she was like Dayle? Sometimes she caught a look in his eyes, as though he were assessing her, watching her, for something. And she was terrified he was watching for signs that she truly was the daughter Dayle had everyone convinced she was. Or maybe he was truly so worried she would leave? But that didn’t make sense, because she had never been a part of his life anyway.

Behind the closed bathroom door she wiped her tears away at the thought of that. Because she realized that she didn’t know how to be a sister either. And catching on to the intricacies of being a lover to a man like Alex was more complicated than she had anticipated.

At least the restaurant was thriving enough so that maybe one day she could put other plans in place. Some days, she dreamed of a lunch crowd, a seven-day-a-week open door on the restaurant. It wasn’t just the money; it was the vision. It was the ability to do all the things she had once believed the restaurant was capable of. Of making it a thriving, popular venture.

She washed her face and sighed wearily at the dream that might never be. She had the chef. She had staff. She had a full house every night. Should she ask for more? Should she ask for love and laughter on top of that?

She let her hand touch her stomach. She didn’t feel pregnant. She didn’t feel different. She felt like a lover, not a woman confident in her man’s love. She was confident in Alex’s commitment to her. She knew he’d stand by his promises no matter what. But she wanted more from him.

She owned him, she reminded herself, because he had made the conscious decision to belong to her and that she would belong to him.

But she loved him. Loved him until he filled parts of her that she hadn’t known actually existed. Parts of herself that still ached in lonely pain, not because they were empty, but because she still felt that aching void. That lack of not just loving but being loved.

Was she asking for too much? God. She had Alex. He had promised her, and Alex didn’t break promises. He’d given himself to her; did she have the right to ask for more, especially in light of the fact that she loved him until she felt as though her heart were breaking with it?

The questions tumbled through her mind, one after the other, always the same, until she felt as though she would lose her mind if she stood there contemplating them much longer.

Breathing in deeply, she smoothed a final tear from her face, a lone droplet of moisture that lingered on her cheek. She had more than she had ever thought she would have. For now, for tonight, she was going to have to let the rest of it be, because there were no answers, not yet, and she knew it.

Teach me how to love, Janey. The words whispered through her mind. Alex’s words. She bit her lip, remembering then just exactly how much he had pledged to her.

Teach me how to love.

Could he love her? One thing was for sure—until they could both sleep without fear of bombs, it was a question that neither of them was going to be able to answer.

Until Alex was confident she was safe, he wouldn’t let his mind be distracted from her protection to consider any emotions he might possibly feel for her. That meant the stalker would have to be identified and caught. She would have to face, eventually, whoever wanted her dead.

Someone wanted her dead.

Pretty much the story of her life, she decided, as she opened the bathroom door and returned to Alex. Someone wanted to own, control, or take the life she envisioned for herself.

Just as Dayle had wanted to do.

Her stalker had only taken his place.


Three nights later Hoyt collapsed onto the stool behind the register, and Rogue lifted her tired feet t
o the small cushioned settee in the waiting room and rested her head on the cushioned back.

Timothy was sprawled in a chair; his gaze was lively, though, and filled with mirth. Natches was cranky but appeared in better spirits after Chaya arrived with Ray. Maria, Ray’s wife, had helped wait tables for two nights; she was beside him on a long bench, while Desmond and the rest of the staff were resting wherever they could before heading home.

“I would say it was a very productive four nights.” Timothy rubbed his hands in obvious glee. “I have to say, Janey, this is the best vacation I’ve ever had.”

With the staff present, Alex had already warned her that no one should know Timothy was part of DHS or a part of the investigation. Mark and Tyrell were there, leaning in a back corner, supposedly simply friends Alex had pulled in to bus tables.

It was almost funny watching the women lust after the hard abs and tight bodies of her new busboys. Unless they were staring at Alex. She’d had problems with that.

“I’m exhausted.” Janey draped her arms over the reservation counter and laid her head in them. “Oh God. I just want to sleep.”

“I finished up your paperwork earlier,” Rogue said and yawned. “Really, Janey, you need to get organized. Once I had it in the proper piles, it went quickly.”

“You’re hired,” Janey mumbled into her arms.

Rogue’s laughter was amused, but Janey wasn’t joking. In four days, Rogue had managed to do the impossible. She had organized the paperwork. Janey lifted her head and stared back at her friend silently.

Rogue rolled her eyes, then stared around the room. “Who’s giving me a ride back to the bar? Janey sent her monster sheriff after me this afternoon.”

“Only because you swore your bike was broke,” Janey accused her.

Rogue flipped her red gold curls and gave her an innocent expression. “Sweets, it’s Saturday night. I was supposed to have fun tonight, remember?”

“You did. Three men pinched your butt, one gave you a fifty-dollar tip, and you managed not to break your legs in those heels.”

Timothy smiled with rich amusement.

“If you didn’t have fun,” Janey concluded, “I had fun watching you.”