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The Love of My Bully Page 9

by Sam Crescent

He knew that was bullshit.

He’d been watching her all day and when she didn’t think he was looking, he saw the way she stared at him. Prudence didn’t want to want him, but that didn’t mean her feelings weren’t heading down that path.

She fought him like a wildcat, hitting him, trying to throw herself out of his arms. He was shocked by her sheer strength. She was a fighter all right.

He had to let her go for a few seconds and that didn’t stop her from running as far away from him a she could get. Watching her go, he couldn’t help but admire her spirit. All it made him want to do was cage her. To keep that spirit for himself.

After catching his breath, he chased after her again. Only this time, he shoved her down into the dirt. He made sure not to hurt her in any way.

She tried to shove him up, pressing her ass against his dick, but none of it worked.

He was by far stronger than her. “Give it up.”

“No!” She screamed the word.

He gave her enough space to roll over but that was about it.

When she started hitting at him again, he had no choice but to grab her hands and pin them above her head, keeping her still. “It doesn’t have to be this way,” he said.

“Yes, it does. You just won’t quit. Why won’t you leave me alone?”

In the process of her wriggling beneath him, he was now pressed up against her pussy. Her body fit perfectly against him, and as much as he wanted to complain, he knew he couldn’t. Why would he?

She felt amazing.

The moment she realized what she’d done, she froze. “Get off me, Drake.”

“I don’t want to, Prudence.”

“And what you want matters the most?”

“Pretty much.”

“Why did you become such a dick?”

“It’s a born talent.” He expected her to keep on wriggling or to do all the other useless stuff she’d been trying to do that clearly didn’t work. She didn’t do anything. Prudence stopped fighting altogether.

Drake stared down at her and waited, but clearly, she had learned her lesson. “Seeing as we’re in this predicament, I think it’s only fair I get to ask you a few questions.”


“You got a problem with me questioning you?” he asked.

“I’ve got a problem with you thinking you can do whatever the hell you want with no consequences. Why do you keep pursuing me?”

“We’re going around in circles and I’m getting bored.”

“So, get with the program and stop boring both of us. I don’t want any more of this bullshit,” she said.

“There you go cussing again. You’re making me horny.”

He watched her take a breath but there was no other visible response or sign of annoyance. He was going to have to work a lot harder to get under her skin. She wasn’t making this easier for him.

“You have questions. Ask them so I can go home.”

“You think I’m going to take you home?”


He chuckled. “What do you see in Sean?”

“Sean? I don’t see anything in him. He’s my best friend.”

“You haven’t fucked him?”

“No, of course not. It’s none of your business, but Sean and I are just friends. We don’t have that kind of feelings for each other.”

He stared at her. Drake didn’t know if she was being fucking dense or if she really didn’t see it. Sean had a crush on Prudence. He was sure of it, and the only reason he hung around was to be with her.

“You haven’t kissed?”

“No, of course not. This is ridiculous.”

Her lips were so close, and the memory of them against his was too good to ignore. Slamming his mouth down on hers, he traced his tongue across her lips. She didn’t pull away and at first, he knew he had her stunned by the movement. He wasn’t entirely sure what he was doing, why he felt the need to kiss her.

They weren’t friends. Would never be friends, but he couldn’t stop. The need was too strong.

She didn’t fight him. After being tense for only a couple of seconds, she responded to him. Her body went lax beneath him and when he heard her moan, he was fucking lost. Why was their kiss so much more? He didn’t understand it.

It was just a kiss. Two lips together, meaning nothing.

This was the third time he’d kissed her and it was even better than the first.

Pulling away, both of them panting for breath, he found the coil of hate inside him a little bit smaller.

She licked her lips and it made him want to taste her again.

“I don’t want you ever kissing or touching Sean.”

“You’re not the boss of me,” she said.

“The way you respond to me, I’d say differently.”

“Let me up, Drake. I’m dirty.”

“Do you want me to let you up?” He pressed himself against her and she rolled her eyes.

“Yes, enough.”

“If you haven’t kissed and fucked, what have you done?” he asked, more interested in how Sean could stay around her and not do something. For him, it was way too foreign a concept to have Prudence near him every single day and not do something about it.

He’d only had Ree around him for a couple of hours and he took care of it.

“Not everything has to turn into something so disgusting. It’s not all about sex.”

“Oh, please. You’re deluded if you don’t think for a single second Sean doesn’t want to fuck you. He’s a pussy but he still wants one.”

Her attack took him by surprise as she suddenly drew her knees up and shoved hard. He wasn’t expecting it and so he ended up on his back. This time, Prudence straddled him.

He gripped her thighs, unable to help himself from touching her at least once. They were so thick and juicy. He’d never really admired them before, but he wanted them on him now, wrapped around him.

“Let’s get something straight. Not all of us are like you. We don’t need to hurt or control people to be around them, and we certainly don’t expect something from them just for the pleasure of their company.”

He tilted his head to the side. “You could have run.”


Drake thrust up so she wasn’t in any doubt to his meaning.

She could have run as far away from him as she could. It wouldn’t have done any good. He’d have still caught her. When it came to her, he would always catch her. He didn’t know why he had this sudden need to keep her close.

There was no way a kiss could have that kind of control, and yet here he lay underneath her, willing to do a hell of a lot more with her. “You know, for someone who hates my guts, you sure like sitting on me.”

Rather than run off, she stayed perfectly still, surprising him once again even as he rubbed his hard dick against her. Finally, after what felt like an eternity but was only a couple of minutes, she got off him and marched back to the car.

“This is over. Stop following me around. Whatever you think is going on, you’re wrong. We hate each other, Drake. Can’t you just stick with that?”

Her face was all red and it looked to him like she couldn’t handle her feelings. Drake made no move to hide his arousal. He wasn’t ashamed of being horny.

Prudence had a body that he wanted and he wasn’t going to think too much of it. She was curvier and heavier than any of the other girls he’d been with, but he wasn’t picky. Climbing behind the wheel, he tried not to think of why his hands were shaking or why that fiery pit of jealousy seemed to spiral in his gut.

Prudence was nothing.

She meant nothing to him.

He didn’t have to think about her, or even look at her.

They were enemies, not friends.

She didn’t speak a word as he pulled back onto the road, doing a quick U-turn so he was heading back home.

He didn’t need to justify his actions. If she wanted to be silent, then he was more than happy to stay that way.
When he got back on her street, he noticed Sean the pussy was waiting for her.

Drake kept his mouth shut as Prudence climbed out. One look at Sean and Drake knew he wasn’t happy. That only served to make him incredibly so. Sean was fake. He hid behind his glasses and nerdy tendencies and Drake had never liked it.

He turned his gaze to Prudence and saw she looked nervous, maybe even a little guilty. She had no right to feel guilty about anything. They’d done nothing wrong and if little baby Sean couldn’t handle that, then it was his problem.

“See you around, Prudence.” He winked at her and pulled away from her house, heading toward his empty one. He’d stayed behind this summer. The thought of going on any of his parents’ trips didn’t appeal. It wasn’t like they wanted him there and if they did, he had to be dressed up as some kind of doll for them to show off to all of their friends. The lies and fakery didn’t appeal, and with the end of school quickly approaching, he wanted to be on his own.

Glancing back in his mirror, he saw Sean and Prudence hadn’t moved, and from the look of things, they were fighting. That, he found interesting.

Sean felt threatened by him.

It wasn’t like he and Prudence had ever gotten along. Most of the time, he found a great deal of fun in making her life hell. She responded differently to everyone else around him.

Pulling into his driveway, he saw his friends waiting for him. They didn’t look happy and neither was Drake. He wanted some alone time to start planning.

What he was planning, he didn’t have the first fucking clue.

The kiss played again in his head. Prudence’s lips had been so soft beneath his.

Would it be so wrong to find out what the hell was going on there?

He stayed in his car, waiting for the rage and anger to subside. When it did, he climbed out, facing his friends. They all looked like fucking idiots, waiting for their master to tell them what to do. He just wanted to tear them all apart.

None of them were as interesting as Prudence, but there would be time for him to have his fun. He could wait.

Chapter Nine

Save her from the penis

Boredom was not something Prudence was used to, especially not in the summer. Between her job and Sean, she kept pretty busy. Only, Sean wasn’t talking to her. She didn’t see what the problem was. Drake had taken her home and because she refused to explain what was going on, Sean had been avoiding her. He wouldn’t even spend the day with her and that was why she ended up walking to the new tourist park alone.

She stretched her arms up above her head, lifting them and moving, trying to think of something that could end the boredom. She’d read about ten books in the last week alone. Her eyes hurt and her head pounded from all the knowledge she was sucking up.

Whatever happened with Drake was none of Sean’s business. It didn’t matter to him what she did, and she couldn’t believe he was taking it this personally.

It made no sense at all. She wanted to believe it was all nothing, but the tingling she got on her lips meant otherwise. She couldn’t stop thinking about the meanest little prick in the world. Drake wasn’t the kind of guy she wanted to have a crush on or have any feelings toward. He was her enemy. Someone she had to steer clear of.

At night, when she couldn’t seem to tame her thoughts, he was there, all the time. There was no getting away from the feelings he evoked.

This was why she had decided to go for a walk. What was the point of constantly calling Sean to have her calls ignored, or even standing outside his front door waiting for him to see sense just for him to close the door on her? There was only so much rejection she was willing to take.

She walked down the dirt path. The large trees offered a reasonable amount of much-needed shade. It was way too hot, even for her. She had opted for a thin-strapped top and denim shorts, complete with a pair of sneakers. When she could only hear the sounds of distant birds, she paused, leaning against a tree, hoping Drake didn’t invade her mind.

“Penny for your thoughts,” Drake said.

She opened her eyes and tried not to sob as the person she was very much trying to escape stood right there in front of her with a smug smile.

“What do you want, Drake?”

He moved toward her but she didn’t run.

Her heart started to pound and that curl of excitement that had been dormant for so long seemed to ignite the closer he got. She tilted her head to the side, waiting.

He placed a hand beside her head, and with his other, he cupped her cheek.

“What are you doing there?”

“I imagine I’m doing the exact same thing as you.”

She didn’t think for a second he was trying to run from his thoughts.

“You’re not trying to pull away,” he said.


“Nothing. Just thinking.”

“What are you thinking about?” she asked.

“Do you really want to know?”

Did she? This guy was her enemy. “Why not? It’s not like we’re going anywhere. No matter where I go, you’re always there.”

He laughed. “Seeing as we’re being so honest.” He pressed his body against hers. Rather than be repulsed, she liked it. Curious, she waited for what he had to say next. His gaze moved to her lips before going back up again.

“I’m thinking about kissing you right now.”

“You are?”

“Yes.” His thumb ran across her bottom lip. “What is it about you that I can’t get out of my fucking head?”

“You think this is easy for me?” she asked. “I don’t like you.”

“But you want me to kiss you.”

She didn’t say a word. What was the point? He was very much aware of what she wanted, regardless if she really wanted it. Licking her lips, she stared at his, waiting.

The smirk didn’t even distract her. “There is something really wrong with me.”

She moaned as he slammed his lips against hers. He wasn’t gentle. The soft hand on her cheek moved to grip her hair, holding her in place.

Putting her hands on his chest, she had no intention of pushing him away. She slid them up to wrap her hands around his neck, moaning louder as his leg pushed between hers. Everything in her mind screamed at her to tell him to stop. To not let it happen, but she couldn’t bring herself to. She wanted this.

His other hand gripped her hip and he pressed against her. The hard ridge of his cock was easy to feel through their clothing as he made her very aware of how much he wanted to be close to her.

This was insane and crazy, but she didn’t want it to stop.

The hand in her hair moved down, cupping her breast. Pleasure spread throughout her entire body, taking her by surprise.

She jerked away from the kiss, but there was nowhere else for her to go. Staring up into Drake’s eyes, she was shocked by how much bigger he was than her.

“What is it?” His hand was still against her breast.

“I’ve … I’ve never…” She couldn’t think of what to say because the truth was she’d never been in this position before.

The fact Drake was the one touching her startled her. She always imagined the guy to kiss her and touch her would be someone she liked.

“You’ve never been touched.” He suddenly pulled his hand back and she wanted him to touch her again. To not hold back.

“I need to go.” She went to move away but he caught her wrist, pulling her back.

“Did you want me to stop?”

“I don’t feel comfortable talking about this.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

She gritted her teeth, looking around for a joke to suddenly appear. There was nothing.


“Where are they?” she asked.

“Where are who?” He frowned at her.

“Your friends. Do they have a camera waiting to take the moment?”

“What is going on here, Pru?” he asked.

; “I don’t understand what’s going on. Why are you suddenly being nice to me? Why are you everywhere? What is with all the kisses and the touches?” Tears filled her eyes as she felt heartbroken at the thought of him playing her.

She didn’t want to be toyed with. This was her life. Her summer vacation. The last thing she wanted to be doing was arguing with Sean and pining for Drake. Nothing made sense anymore.

Drake groaned. He pressed his head against her shoulder but that didn’t give her any answers. It only served to irritate her. She pushed him away and tried to leave, but he wouldn’t let her go. “Please, stop.”

“I don’t understand. Okay? I know you want me to have some kind of evil plan. There’s no one else here. No friend. No nothing. I didn’t bring anyone else here. I saw you walking and I followed you.”

“You followed me?”


“Don’t you have something better to do?”

“No.” He snorted. “What else is there for me to do?”

“I don’t know. Get a manicure?” She smiled at him.

“I stayed home this summer. I didn’t go with my family and for what it is worth, I’m confused as well. I’ve been with a lot of girls.”

“I know.”

“I’m not bragging here. I’m stating a fact.”

“I get it.”

“I don’t think you do.”

“You’ve been with a lot of girls. You’ve done it all. Kissing, having sex, all of it. There’s not a lot to get but I’m guessing you’ve done it all, and what is confusing you even more is you’re enjoying your time with me.” She took a deep breath. She stared at his chest but knew she couldn’t carry on without looking into his eyes.

Tilting her head back, she regarded Drake.

“I guess you do know what I mean.”

“I happen to have a brain. I’m confused. I’ve never been with a guy. You’re the first person I’ve ever kissed. Believe me when I say I don’t have a clue what’s going on here.”

“I figured you and Sean were an item.”

She looked away. Thinking of Sean made her feel guilty.

“What is it? What did I say to piss you off?”

“It’s not you.” She groaned.


“Yeah, how do you know?”