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The Love of My Bully Page 3

by Sam Crescent

“Fucking bitch,” Sean said.

“Don’t. Don’t even go there.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t know how you put up with it.”

“She’s got a crush and I like her.”

“Come on, let’s get out of here. I want to go for some pizza.”

Prudence rolled her eyes. “I’ve got to pee. You take my bags and I’ll meet you out there in a second?”

“Sure thing, baby.”

She chuckled as she left him alone. Sean was always making teasing, cute comments. They were sweet and always made her laugh.

Before making her way inside the bathroom, she hummed to herself, moving out of the way as three girls left. She entered a stall and stared at the graffiti on the wall.

I fucked Drake in the locker room.

My boyfriend has a big dick.

Those were just two of the nicer things scribbled on the bathroom door. She wiped herself, flushed the toilet, and moved to the sink.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement and cried out as she was suddenly pressed against the counter. Each sink had a small section of counter on either side of it.

“What kind of game are you playing?” Drake asked.

“You’re in the girls’ bathroom. You’re the one playing games. Not me.” She tried to straighten but Drake was just too strong. She stayed down, gritting her teeth. Was this another game of his where he tried to make her respond to him?

The only thing she knew to do was not give him the satisfaction of seeing her scared. She stopped fighting him, letting him have his way. He growled before lifting her up and spinning her around.

Some of her hair flew into her face. She had it in a low bun but with his attack, a few strands had loosened. Staring at him, she waited for his next accusation. It had been a couple of days since they’d last had a standoff. Gripping the edge of the counter, she watched him, very much aware they were alone.

Neither of them broke eye contact, waiting for the other to give in and admit defeat. She wasn’t going to back down and from the look of it, neither was Drake.

“Why don’t you let Ree go to your party?” she asked.

“I didn’t say she couldn’t go to my party. Why is she paying attention to me, huh?” he asked. “What are you playing at?”

She lifted her hands and he caught them, holding her wrists. “Wow, you really have issues with trust, don’t you?”

“What are you fucking playing at?”

“Nothing!” She spoke the word slowly so he’d get the fucking clue. “You really think you matter enough to me to even give you the time of day?”

He stepped close to her. The menace in his gaze terrified her. She stared at him, waiting for whatever bullshit he was going to do. They were both seventeen years old, and they’d been fighting like this for so long now.

Drake could hit her, call her names, say and do whatever the hell he wanted to. He often did anyway, but she wasn’t going to let him hurt her anymore. They were just words and the pain from his touch would disappear, as would the bruises.

She’d given him a fair few over the years as well. She wasn’t proud of it, but she’d only been sticking up for herself. Every time she hit him, or hurt him back, the euphoria never stayed with her. In fact, she would go home flooded with guilt, knowing she’d hurt someone else. Pain never solved anything.

Did he ever feel guilt over what he’d done to her? Or was he happy to inflict all kinds of pain?

“What is it you’re after, Pru?” he asked, standing so close.

She frowned. “I’m not after anything.”

His hand sank into her hair, making her gasp. If he pulled or yanked on her hair, it was going to hurt. She felt the tiny hairs on the back of her neck begin to stretch and it made her eyes water. He tilted her head back and got right up in her face.

“Please,” she said, hating how she sounded. She promised herself she’d never beg for anything from him, and knowing she’d just done that filled her with anger. “Let me go.”

“That’s the fire I’m used to. You think I don’t know what you’re doing?”

“I’m doing nothing. You’re being an asshole.” He was starting to rise a response out of her and she hated him for it. “What do you think you’re doing, huh? You’re giving yourself away right now. I’ve done nothing. Ree likes you. You want to know what I’ve got to do with that? Absolutely nothing, because it’s not my problem she has sick taste in men.” She reached out to grab his hand, wrapping her fingers around his wrist. “Let me go.” She didn’t squeeze his hand, simply laid hers against his wrist. With her fingers directly over his pulse, she felt how fast it beat.

Was he excited about their confrontation?

“If Ree comes to my party tonight, I’m going to fuck her brains out, record everything I do to her, and then I’m going to post it up on my page for the entire world to see,” he said.

“You … bastard,” she said. “I don’t know what she sees in you, but she actually likes you. And you’re willing to throw that away because of what? Because you hate me? I’m not going.”

“Then I suggest you come, because otherwise, your friend is going to get a whole lot of air time, believe me. And let’s just say I like it dirty with my woman pliant and ready to take cock. I’ll have her willing cunt on the screen for all to see. You never know. Once I’ve had my fill, she might be useful to a couple of porn studios.”

Prudence cried out as he tugged on her hair.

“Or I could play with you.”

The pain in the back of her head made tears fill her eyes, and they slowly begin to fall. Drake simply watched her and leaned in close. His tongue pressed to her cheek. She cringed as he slowly drew his tongue up, licking her tears.

“What the hell are you doing?” She pushed against his chest.

“Don’t you want this? Isn’t it what you’ve been dreaming about?” he asked.

“Ew. No, I would never dream of you in that way. Get off me. Ree wants you. I don’t. How could I ever want you? You’re a horrible person.” She couldn’t believe he would even think that. They hated each other.

He shoved her hard and she cried out as she hit the counter, falling to her ass. She would have a bruise on her hip from the impact. Tears continued to escape her eyes, and she tried not to panic as he gripped her neck, tilting her head back to look at him.

“Let me go.”

“Oh, I’ll let you go when I’m good and fucking ready.” He squeezed her neck tightly as he cupped her jaw. “I’m going to fuck Ree tonight and when I’m done, everyone is going to know just how easy she is.”

“Leave her alone. I don’t know why, but she likes you. You’re a fucking monster.” Grabbing his fingers, she bent them, pulling him away from her, and got to her feet. She saw the happiness in his eyes. The crazy look as if he was getting off on her fight.

“What are you willing to give me?” he asked.

“What?” This guy was giving her whiplash and she didn’t know what the hell he was talking about now. Why would she give him anything? He stroked a finger down her cheek and she swatted at his hand. “Stop it.”

“What will you give me to leave your friend alone?”

“Damn it, Drake. Why can’t you just see she likes you? Can’t you be a decent guy and just let her … fall for you?” She wanted to cringe at her own words. Why was she even talking about this? Was she crazy?

Drake, in response, threw back his head and burst out laughing. She didn’t appreciate his reaction in the least.

“You know what, forget it. You’re not worth it.” She made to pass but again, he stopped her, stepping in front of her. “What the hell? I’ve done nothing to you. You’re acting a little freaky coming into the girl’s bathroom.” She would say and do anything to get him to leave her alone.

He stepped toward her and even as she tried not to, she took a step back, which only served to make her hate herself for her own weakness. With every step he took, she kept try
ing to escape, but soon, the bathroom wall was behind her and she had nowhere to go. His hands slammed against the wall, trapping her against him.

“Will you stop?” she asked, needing her space.

“What’s wrong, Pru? Am I scaring you?”

She didn’t like how he wasn’t calling her names. What game was he playing at? She preferred it when he called her names like Trash, Fatty, Ugly, all the taunts she was used to and didn’t care about. They all melded into one. Hearing her name on his lips, it felt wrong.

“What are you after?” she asked, throwing his question back at him. He’d followed her into the bathroom for no reason.

“I want to know if I’m scaring you. Are you afraid, little girl?”

She wasn’t afraid. She was fed up, angry, and just wanted to go home. Putting her hands on his chest, she glared at him. “I’m not afraid of assholes. What are you going to do now? Kick me? Hit me? What else you got, Drake?”

Shut the fuck up! What are you doing? Why are you even trying to irritate him?

She was beyond bored and irritated. She wanted him to stop his bullshit and to leave her the fuck alone. After this summer, they had one year left and when it was over, she intended to go to college and never look back. They both wanted out of this bullshit town.

Just as she was about to shove him back, Drake did no more than wrap his fingers around her neck, taking her completely by surprise as he began to put pressure on her windpipe. This was the closest he’d ever gotten to being scary. Even as she tried to calm her nerves, it didn’t help.

She was so fucking afraid right now. So scared. The venom in his gaze was easy to read, and she wanted to scream at him, to beg him to stop. She kept her lips firmly closed, waiting for him to have his fun so he could just leave.

“You think you know me, Pru. I suggest you be very careful. You’re afraid now, and if you’re not, you will be. I will see fear in your eyes again. Keep on pushing me.”

She sank her nails into his wrist. “You’re the one who came here. Not me. I have no wish to push you or to do anything.” It was the truth. Drake kept pushing her and she didn’t know why. He was really pissing her off, and yes, it was scaring her a lot. Choking her went above bullying. It was more threatening, more long-term, especially if she couldn’t get away from him. No one would believe her if she told on him. “Get out of my way.” With one forceful shove, Drake stumbled back.

Pleased she caught him off-guard, she stepped over him, not paying him any more attention. She hated how her heart raced and the lick of fear traced down her spine. She didn’t want to be anywhere near Drake, not now, not ever. There really was something seriously wrong with him.

No one stopped her as she rushed out of the high school. For the entire summer, she didn’t need to come back here, and that was how she wanted it to be.

Sean was already waiting in the car.

Ree wasn’t in sight. For now, Prudence was more than happy with that. After sliding into the passenger seat, she buckled her seatbelt and leaned back in the chair.

“You okay?” Sean asked.

“Yeah, of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” She didn’t need to tell him about her latest encounter. Clearing her throat, she sat up, playing with the radio and turning on a channel with loud music.

“You seem a little … flustered.”

“Big words, Sean. I’m good. Come on. Let’s kick off his summer without the twenty questions. You think we can do that?”

“Yeah, we can.” Sean let out a loud whoop as he pulled out of the parking lot. Staring in the rearview mirror, she saw Drake as he exited the school. She didn’t look him in the eye. His narrowed glare scared her.

Tapping her fingers on the doorframe, she let the wind run through her hair and she tried to relax.

School was out.

Life would be good.

More than good.

It would be spectacular because she had Sean. Her parents spent most of their time working. She didn’t mind. The less time they all spent together, the less arguments they had. This would be a good summer as it would be her last one spent near home. Next year, after graduation, she intended to leave town and start a whole new life away from this place. Make new memories and dreams. None that even had the vaguest hint of this town attached to it.

Smiling to herself, she basked in the peace that she knew wouldn’t last.

Chapter Two

It’s just a party

Glaring, Drake watched Prudence drive off with her idiot of a friend. It wasn’t like she had hurt him. It would take a lot more than a shove to even affect him. No, what pissed him off was Prudence thinking she could get away with it. She thought she was better than him. He saw it in her eyes, and had to witness it from the moment she turned up in town. Her parents were always around her. Coming to the school because he’d made her bleed, taking care of her. She was weak, pathetic. No one should need their parents to fight their battles.

If he really wanted to, all he would have to do is give his parents their names, and Prudence wouldn’t have such a comfy life. The right words at the bank would squeeze them dry. His parents knew how to make problems go away, but for some reason, he never did tell them about her.

“What’s got you looking pissed?” Marco asked, taking a bite out of his apple as he approached.

With him were Nick and Carl, his lifelong friends. Part of him believed they were only his friends because they were afraid of him. He didn’t blame them. They knew what he and his family were capable of.

In his world, he got whatever he wanted because money spoke volumes, and with so many people beneath them, they could do whatever they wanted. He’d seen his father do this all of his life. All you had to do was have the balls to see it all through.

“Man, you’re staring at Prudence again. What did the slut do?” Carl asked.

They knew about his hatred for the girl who had come to Mountain Peak Valley. She wasn’t afraid, flashing those green eyes at him. She always saved her glares for him the most, and it pissed him off.

What also pissed him off was Sean’s determination to stay friends with her. No matter what he did to the prick, Sean was always there, sniffing around her, helping her out. One day, Prudence wouldn’t have anyone to turn to.

He walked toward his car, ignoring his friends as they demanded to know what was going on. He wasn’t in the mood to tell them. They would only come up with lame excuses that he really didn’t need to hear. After climbing into his car, he turned the engine over and his friends quickly jumped into the car. One by one, they didn’t say a word as he drove out of the school grounds. He ignored the chicks begging for his attention as he drove by. They were all the same. Most of them loved to be tag-teamed by him and his buddies.

Prudence wasn’t one of them, though.

She didn’t come squealing to him for attention like her latest friend, Ree. Her blonde friend was constantly trying to get his attention and it irritated him.

Pulling up across the street from Prudence’s house, he watched as Sean climbed out of the car, heading to the trunk.

Prudence was laughing at something he said, tucking her long hair behind her ear. He hated to see her so happy. From the moment she arrived in his life over ten years ago, he couldn’t stand her with her sweet smile and calm attitude. Lately, though, nothing he did got a rise out of her. He loved it when she hit back at him.

Sean slammed the trunk closed and Prudence took his bag from him. He didn’t like how close the two of them were.

“I hate to break it to you, Drake, but you’re coming off as a little stalkery right now, and not even with a chick who will bang you. No offense, but I wouldn’t spend all this time with Prudence Stewart. She’s a first-class bitch and she hates your guts,” Marco said.

Drake ignored his friends and simply watched her. He didn’t even know what it was about her. He loved to see her hurting. To watch her eyes fill with tears, but it would only ever last a split second before the girl with
a spine was back.

Since they were kids, Prudence never took any of his shit. Even at school, she would hit back harder. Slap him, kick him, yell, scream, and cuss. Teachers were fucking useless since they never listened to her. He was Drake Connor. His father and mother weren’t the kind of people you wanted against you. They helped to fund the schools, to bring more positive focus to the academia as well as their football team. Being rich in a small town had its benefits, and well, Drake was used to enjoying every single one of them. Including having teachers look the other way. He glared at the girl who refused to back down, who refused to be afraid.

In the past couple of months, she’d changed. There were no more tears. He couldn’t get a single rise out of her, no matter what he did. She would either take what he dished out, or she’d flat-out ignore him.

No comebacks.

No insults.

No violence.


He was used to this kind of treatment from Sean but not from Prudence. Her best friend was a grade-A pussy.

“Dude, this is getting really fucking creepy,” Marco said.

“You got a problem with it, get the fuck out of my car. I don’t have time for you, asshole.”

“Dude, what is your problem?” Nick asked.

Pressing his foot to the gas, he ignored his friends, taking off down the street, nearly hitting a kid on a bike as he did so. He slammed his foot on the brake.

His friends burst out laughing as they always did.

Dismissing them, he sped up, wanting to go as far and fast as he could and never look back.

They were all howling and laughing, loving what he was doing. When he cleared the town, he smirked as he pulled the car onto the opposite side of the road just as a truck was coming toward him.

“Drake, don’t be a dick,” Carl said.

“Come on, Drake, get off the road,” Nick said.

“This isn’t funny,” Marco said.

While they were all moaning and shitting themselves, he relished the fear, the tightness inside him as the truck got closer, blaring its horn.

When he faced death, it was when he felt so fucking alive. This wasn’t a test. This was him challenging another driver. Daring them to hit him, to take out his little car. Car against truck, it wouldn’t survive.