Page 11

The Love of My Bully Page 11

by Sam Crescent

Into the second week, Pru said goodbye to her boss and left the store. The mall was closing, and she quickly slipped out one of the side doors, rushing through a cloud of cigarette smoke as she did so.

Sean wasn’t picking her up tonight and her parents were out, so no car.

After pulling her jacket around herself to ward off the cold as the temperature had plummeted considerably and it was raining, she folded her arms across her chest and began to walk. By the time she got home, she’d be soaked to the bone, and the idea of being at home alone didn’t appeal to her.

A car passed her, throwing water across her legs and covering her shirt. The person who was driving the car didn’t stop to offer a single apology, which she found rather rude. She carried on walking, dodging the water splashing up against her and hating that driver all so much for it. When a car pulled up beside her, she tensed up, only to freeze when she noticed the window slid down and there, waiting for her, was none other than Drake.

“What are you doing here?”

“From the looks of it, I’m about to offer you a ride.”

“I don’t need a ride.”

“Really? You clearly need it. Or do you like getting splashed with water?”

She glanced up and down the street, knowing there was no choice but for her to take the offered ride from Drake. Why should she put up a fight? He wasn’t asking for anything in return and the idea of walking home soaked really didn’t appeal to her.


“You know, a thank you, and yes, please, would be more than nice.”

Glancing over at him, she slammed the door closed. “Thank you, Drake, I really do appreciate you stopping by. Was it out of your way?”

“You know it was.”

“Then why did you come and pick me up?”

“I knew you’d need a ride and well, I don’t see a reason why I can’t give you one. We’re friends, aren’t we?” he asked.

“You know we’re not friends.” They weren’t anything.

He shrugged. “If you don’t want the ride, get the fuck out of my car.”

She stayed perfectly still, staring straight ahead of her.

“Just what I thought.” He pressed his foot to the gas.

Pru couldn’t bring herself to look at him. To do that, she’d be admitting she liked that he’d come to pick her up.

“Where’s Sean when you need him?” he asked.

“He’s busy.”

“Of course he is. The wimp is probably playing on his computer or something.”

“He’s probably studying. Next year is important. He wants to get into…” She couldn’t remember the college he’d picked. She was a really bad friend. Gritting her teeth, she growled. “It doesn’t matter. I know he’s busy and he only wants the best.”

“Have you ever noticed, Pru, you’ve surrounded yourself with an asshole and a whore who are both self-centered pricks?”

She glared at him. “I didn’t hear you had much of a problem with Ree.”

He laughed. “Are you jealous?”

“I’m not even going to give that one an answer.” She wasn’t jealous. Whatever he wanted to do with his body was more than fine with her. It was his, anyway.

Resting her elbow on the door, she stared out of the window, watching the world go by. It was still pouring down rain and she felt a chill to her bones.

“She didn’t mean anything,” Drake said. “I was angry at you. She was just a distraction.”

Pru looked at him, not understanding him again. “Pull over.”


“You heard me. Pull over.”

“I’m not going to let you get out in this weather. You’re stubborn, but that doesn’t mean I want you to get hurt.”

“Ironic coming from a guy who has hurt me every single step of the way. It doesn’t matter. I’m not stupid and I’m not going to get out to walk. Just pull over.” She rubbed at her head, feeling the stirring of a headache. This wasn’t how she wanted to spend her evening but there was nothing she could do about it.

Drake flashed hot and cold and it was starting to give her whiplash. One moment he seemed like the asshole bully, and the next, a reasonable gentleman, calm and collected. She was starting to wonder if he had multiple personalities with the way he was behaving. He pulled over to the side of the road. A car blared his horn at him, but Pru didn’t care.

“Well, what was it you wanted to say to me that couldn’t wait until we got somewhere private or at least safer?”

“What the hell is wrong with you?” she asked, turning toward him.

“There’s nothing wrong with me.”

“What is this? What do you want from me?”

Drake sat back. “You want me to make a list?”

“I want to know what the hell is going on here, Drake. One moment you’re hating me. We’ve hurt each other for as long as we’ve known each other. We fight all the time. I avoid you as much as possible and I don’t for a second think you like me.” Even as she was speaking, she remembered their kisses.

Locking of lips did not make for such a dramatic change.

“Then you leave like I’ve done something to you. I don’t get you. You’ve gone from being the bane of my existence to demanding I be at your party. You’ve slept with Ree and bragged about it. We kissed and things got weird, and then you were suddenly everywhere I turned. You disappeared again, and now you’re back. You seeing this here?”


“What is going on? Why are you doing this to me?”

“I don’t know!” he yelled at her.

She pulled back, the anger taking her by surprise.

“You think I’ve got a clue what’s happening here?” he asked.

Pru shrugged.

He shook his head. “You’re beneath me. You’re so far fucking beneath me it’s not even funny.”

She rolled her eyes. “Back to money again. Why am I not surprised?”

“It’s easy for you. Your parents don’t expect you to do the right thing by their books.”

“What the hell does that even mean? Of course they want me to do right. It’s not always about the money, Drake. It’s about being a good person. Is that all your parents want? You to make money? To only associate with people who will better you in some way?”


His answer surprised her.

“We’re the wealthiest family in town. They want to keep that title. Why is it so hard for you to see that?”

“Why are you hanging around with me then? I can’t give you anything. I’m just me, Drake. No matter how many times you kiss me or how much you want me to be different. It’s never going to happen. I’m only me and you’re only you. Just tell me what it is you want.” This wasn’t doing any of them any good.



“I … I want you. I don’t want this to mean anything but when I’m with you, I forget all of the other shit and I can think. You’re all I can think about, and I don’t get it.”

She turned toward her door. “You’re confusing me. This can’t be happening between us. We’re going over the same old ground. We sound like a broken record.”

He gripped her arm and she turned toward him. “I know. I really do.”

She couldn’t help but look at him. He sounded so lost.

“All of my life I’ve been told to look at people like you as if you’re nothing. You’re nothing to me because you could never be in the same league as me. My parents would make your and your family’s life a misery, and that’s being nice about it, if they even knew I was driving you home. This can’t be anything.”

Pru sat back. “Then what do you want?” She kept asking the same question in the hope that he would just tell her what he wanted. This back-and-forth was grating on her nerves. She didn’t know what to expect and, quite frankly, it just wasn’t worth the pain or the confusion.

“I want you,” Drake said, completely shocking her
to the core with his honesty.


“You heard me and I’m not going to repeat myself.” He turned to face the road once again.

Pru opened her mouth, then closed it, and opened it again. “You can’t be serious.”

“I am serious, Pru. I know you feel it too. I get that we’re different people. That this is completely fucking stupid and you know what, you’re right. It’s crazy and stupid but I still don’t care because it’s what I want.”

She licked her lips. Drake made no move to pull away from the curb. The windshield wipers moved back and forth. She looked around at the passing cars. None of them stopped or belted out their horn, they simply moved around Drake’s car. Did they know who he was? What he was capable of? She didn’t have a clue.

“Let’s go back to my place,” she said. The words fell out of her mouth before she could stop them. Once she had spoken, there was no taking them back. She didn’t want to. This was her choice to make, and she chose finding out more about where this would lead with Drake. It wasn’t going to end well. She knew that, deep down into her soul. This was going to end badly for both of them.

Drake drove and they stayed silent.

There was no need for words. What was the point of talking? She nibbled her lip, recalling her parents weren’t home. They were busy working as they usually were during the summer season. This was their time to put in as much overtime as possible so they could pay off all their debts.

It was the only time in her home there wasn’t a single argument about money. For a split second, she worried Sean would see Drake’s car but then pushed it to the back of her mind. Sean was busy doing whatever it was he was doing.

Climbing out of the car, she was all too aware of Drake’s presence at her back. He stood right there, waiting. Sliding the key into the lock with a surprisingly steady hand, she twisted the key and entered her home.

The silence was deafening, if that was even possible. Her heart pounded as she closed the door behind Drake, who had slid in behind her. With the door locked, she turned toward him. He simply watched her.

As she clasped her hands together, the metal of the key dug into her palm, but she made no move to stop it. Maybe the bite of pain from the key would help her to get her head on straight.

Drake took a step toward her, then another. She didn’t move back, simply tilted her head to look at him. Like this, he seemed so much taller than her. He reached out and she didn’t even flinch as he cupped her cheek. His touch felt right, natural, and at that moment, she knew she had to be losing her mind. How could his touch feel like this?

“Do you feel that?” he asked.

“Yes.” There was no point in arguing.

They’d been arguing for too long now and it hadn’t gotten them anywhere. She didn’t want to argue or fight with him anymore. She placed her hands on his shoulders, feeling the strength within him.

One look into his eyes, and Pru stopped fighting. She let her body take control and she closed the distance between them, which wasn’t much. She couldn’t believe Drake was in her living room, or that she was about to do what she was. Pressing her lips against his, she kissed him. This wasn’t their first or second kiss, but this did feel like it was going to change her life.

Drake sank his fingers into her hair, and he held the back of her head, kissing her harder. He bit down on her lips and she moaned, holding him tightly to her. He moved them both back until she hit the wall, and in some way, they clawed at each other’s clothing. Their jackets were on the floor, their shoes were kicked off, and before Pru knew what was happening, they were in her bedroom. She couldn’t even remember walking up the stairs.

All she wanted was Drake’s lips.

His touch, his everything.

They collapsed to the bed, and even then, Pru didn’t put a stop to it. Even as her body shook, she wanted him and didn’t wish for him to stop. The pleasure rushed through her body, and she couldn’t imagine being anywhere but with him.

She climbed over him, straddling his waist and pulling him up. She kissed him back as he ran his hands over her panty-covered ass.

She was in her bedroom, in her underwear, with her bully. What the fuck was she doing?

Chapter Twelve

Can’t get her out of my head

Drake had tried avoiding her. He’d done everything he could think of to put some perspective on his life away from Pru. She wasn’t good for him, not when it came to his parents. There was no future here, and at the same time, he didn’t understand why the fuck he was even thinking about a future.

What was the point? They were never going to be together.

It didn’t matter how much he wanted her kiss, or how good it felt having her wrapped around him right now. The truth was this wasn’t going to work out.

This, whatever this was, couldn’t work. His parents would ruin her, and he’d bullied her. For as long as he’d known her, he’d bullied her. He’d enjoyed it as well. There were no excuses for his behavior. He liked to hurt her, plain and simple. There was no logic into why he did it.

Pru fed a part of him that no one else seemed to be able to touch, and now, he couldn’t make it stop, didn’t want it to. There were a million girls out there just like Pru, so why was he fixated on her, just her? None of it made any sense. He’d tried to stay away, to clear his mind of whatever this was, but nothing worked.

He wanted her.

Staying away was hard work. He was tired of yearning for her and not getting what he wanted. This time, he was going to take her.

Running his hands down her back, he cupped her ass. Her underwear didn’t do a good enough job of hiding her from his gaze. Her tits were nice and large. He’d noticed them long before now. When they were in class and she’d been leaning forward, looking over her book, he’d seen right down her shirt. Chemistry class where he’d been at the perfect angle to see everything so clearly.

Drake remembered being so angry at her for making him realize she was a girl, he’d spilled some of the iodine over her pristine-white shirt, soaking it a nice dark amber. Then he’d ruined her books by setting them on fire in the sink.

He’d been an asshole, but everyone had laughed and he’d felt a lot better. The memory of how much he’d wanted to touch her faded as she’d merely looked at him with no reaction whatsoever.

This past year, she’d learned not to give him the time of day. He’d waited for her to explode, to retaliate, and nothing. Hurting her had become a bore, and now, as he grabbed her full ass, he didn’t want to think about all the other shit he’d done to her.

She moaned. Her head tilted back and he couldn’t resist sucking on her neck. Flicking his tongue across her pulse, he bit down, relishing the feel of her squirming in his arms.

“Drake?” she asked, moaning.


“I don’t … not yet.”

“You don’t want to fuck?”


“Why not? We’re going to end up doing it anyway.” There was no point in denying the inevitable.

They were almost naked, in her room, on her bed. Sex was going to happen.

“You don’t know sex is going to happen straightaway and I’m not ready.” She tucked some hair behind her ear and seemed nervous. He found it cute. Stroking the tips of his fingers down her arm, he had to remind himself she was still a virgin. She didn’t party like him or the other girls he’d been with. None of them had cared about where they had sex or even when. They threw themselves at him in the hope of snagging the wealthiest guy in town. Always looking toward their future, never once considering what he wanted. It was why he always made them jump through his hoops, giving them tasks so ridiculous, they shouldn’t ever agree to do them, and yet, they did.

Pru wasn’t like any of them. She didn’t come to him when he called.

“I can wait,” he said. The words slipped out of his mouth before he could stop them. He didn’t even know why he said them. This wasn’
t going to be a relationship.

All he wanted from her was her cherry. That was it.

She offered him a smile and all the vile insults he could throw at her left his mind. He didn’t want to hurt her. Not right now. It didn’t seem right.

“I don’t know what’s going on inside that head and I’ve got a feeling I don’t ever want to know.” She cupped his face, her touch shocking him even more. There was something in her gaze. He didn’t know what it was, but he couldn’t look away. He held on to her arms, hoping to ground himself, to hold on to this moment and never let it go. Was it possible to love a single second so much you didn’t want it to pass?

She leaned in close and her lips crashed against his.

Sinking his fingers into her hair, he pushed his thoughts and fears aside and simply basked in all that was Pru.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he kissed her harder. She opened her lips and he slid his tongue across her mouth before plunging inside. Pru released a moan, and he loved the sound, especially as she ground herself against him. His cock was so close to her.

Pru didn’t want to have sex but that was more than fine with him. There were other enjoyable ways to have some fun.

Running his fingers across her back, he touched her panties, giving them a little tug.

She pulled away from his lips, and without giving her chance to stop him, he moved her so she was beneath him and he had all the control.

“What are you doing?”

“Don’t worry. I know your limits. I’m not going to push you yet, but I’m not going to be a good boy for long.”

They were chalk and cheese, and yet, he didn’t want to be anywhere else. How the fuck did that work? There was no way this would ever last, but it didn’t mean they couldn’t have some fun.

Kissing down her body, he pressed his face against her tits, relishing the feel of them. He pulled back one of the bra cups and out popped her tit. She had large, pointed nipples.