Page 13

The Fix Up Page 13

by Kendall Ryan

Sterling’s smug smile falls away, and his lips part. “Fuck,” he murmurs.

I work my hips faster now, wanting to watch him lose control.

His hands drop to my waist, where he forces me down on him harder, faster.

“I thought you were going to keep your hands to yourself, mister,” I tease, my voice strained.

“Not a fucking chance,” he growls, lifting one of my breasts to his mouth to taste, nibble, and lick the sensitive peak.

I shamelessly bounce on him, increasing the tempo as our breathing grows ragged and we race toward the finish. Our bodies move together as if notes in a symphony, complementary and never out of sync. Aren’t first times supposed to be awkward and clumsy as you learn what the other likes? This is hands down the best sex I’ve ever had. It doesn’t make any sense.

Releasing my breast from his mouth, Sterling zeroes in on his next target. Sliding one hand between us, he begins rubbing my clit with his fingertips, sending me over the edge for the second time tonight.

My release tears through me, and I grip his shoulders for support as I feel every sensation as though it’s amplified through a speaker. It’s too much, and yet perfect in its intensity. I shiver in his arms and let him support my weight as he keeps our pace, lifting and lowering me in his lap during the longest orgasm of my life.

As my climax begins to subside, Sterling’s pace quickens. A deep groan of satisfaction rips from his throat, and I swear I can feel his cock thicken as he explodes.

Chapter Thirty-Two


Camryn is fast asleep in my arms, and even though I have to piss like a fucking racehorse, there’s no way in hell I’m moving from this spot.

Tonight was perfection. And I’m not just talking about the sex, though it was hands down the best sex of my life. It was all amazing. From the dinner we shared, where she made me feel so at ease, to her teasing me tonight once we were alone in the hotel room. I love that she’s a playful lover. In fact, there are so many things I love about her, as nervous as that big L-word makes me.

And fucking hell . . . the sex.

Watching her pleasure me with her mouth, feeling her come on my cock, the way her muscles tightened around me and she whimpered my name? That was it for me. She’s mine, even if she doesn’t know it yet.

I was so caught up in the moment, we didn’t even use a condom, something I never do. I know I should talk with her, make sure she’s okay, but I don’t want to wake her just yet. Needing to hold her a little longer, I tighten my arms around her.

Camryn’s head is resting on my chest, and she lets out a sleepy sigh. I hold my breath, unsure if I’ve somehow woken her, but she merely shifts, nestling in closer.

We crawled under the sheets naked after making love. I look around the room and see that our clothes are still scattered on the floor, evidence of our hurried lovemaking, and two empty glasses still rest on the dresser. Part of me still can’t believe she agreed to come up here with me tonight. I figured my idea of reserving a room would be a waste of three hundred dollars, but I was dead wrong.

But what happens next?

The doubt begins to creep in, as do thoughts of my mum. All the plans I made will go to shit if I say fuck it and refuse my inheritance.

I’ve never known a love so pure, so real, and so right. And that’s what I can have with Camryn. I feel it. Deep inside me. When we’re together, we’re magic. Our personalities, our goals, everything matches. And the mind-blowing sex we just had? That sealed the deal.

But at the same time, what we share scares the ever-loving shit out of me. I spend my days watching couples end their vows. I hear all the stories of infidelity, and even worse are the stories of those who just grew apart. There are no guarantees when it comes to love. Sure, we all try our best, but it’s a fucking crap shoot.

Just when I thought I had clarity, things feel more confusing than ever.

I tighten my arms around Camryn, wanting to punch the voice inside me in the fucking face that whispers this could just be for tonight.

I may not be sure of my future, but I know if I do marry, I want it to be for love and not money.

There’s no road map for where things are headed between us, but when I think about what Camryn brings to my lonesome days—her sweet smiles, her laughter, the unexpected warmth—I know I’m not letting her go.

While we haven’t discussed everything yet, she has shared some of the things she wants out of life. I know she wants kids, and I can picture it all, a little girl with her wild, thick waves and spark of fire in her eyes.

I’m terrified I’ll mess it up, but when I think about her smart, level head, her passion for hard work, and her loyalty, anything feels possible. I feel confident that with her by my side, I can have it all. I just have to figure out how.

I run my hand along the bare skin of her back and feel her shift as she wakes up, blinking at me.

Chapter Thirty-Three


I’ve just awoken after the most amazing sex of my life. Sterling was so attentive, so giving and loving, and I was so lost in the moment, but now I’m freaking out a bit.

“Cami?” he says groggily, sitting up beside me. “Is everything okay?”

I give him a curt nod but the truth is, I’m not sure.

I rise from the bed, tugging the sheet with me to try to preserve some of my modesty, since I’m butt naked. But of course it’s tucked into the ends of the mattress like it’s locked in a vise grip. Seriously? Why do hotels do that?

I drop the sheet and heave in a deep breath. Sterling’s just going to have to see the dimples in my butt and the extra flesh on my belly. But hey, he totally encouraged that cake. He’s a cake pusher. Cake pushers can’t judge you for a little extra flab. That’s like a rule.

“Cami?” he asks again.

“Just a minute.”

I pick my dress up off the floor and head into the bathroom, where I close the door behind me. The fluorescent lights are much too bright, and I squint at my reflection. Just-fucked hair and sleepy eyes stare back at me.

When the fuck did he start calling me Cami?

Cami is much too intimate. Cami is a girlfriend. Someone you watch football with on Sundays while scarfing down an entire bacon pizza. But I don’t even know if Sterling likes American football. He probably watches soccer. I shake my head, trying to force away the fragmented thoughts in my brain.

I slip my dress over my head, realizing that I have nothing to wear underneath it after Sterling’s tights-ripping stunt.

After using the restroom and splashing cold water on my cheeks, I try to compose myself before facing Sterling again.

When I exit the restroom, Sterling’s sitting on the end of the bed, and he looks up at me with an encouraging smile.

“You sure you’re okay, love?” he asks, his voice soft but steady.

I gulp down a sigh and nod again. The mood in this hotel room has changed drastically in the last five minutes. I was worried about sex changing things between us, and I was right. Things feel different—more complex and cloudy. There are now layers of gray lurking between our once-happy friendship and playful banter.

Shoving my bra in my purse, I slip my bare feet into my heels.

“You’re leaving?” he asks, rising to his feet to stand before me. “I thought we’d stay the night . . .”

The gleam in his eyes also says he thought we might fuck again later, but there’s no way that’s happening. The need to escape is far too great.

“I can’t tonight. I need to make sure I’m ready for tomorrow,” I manage to say, my voice shaky.

He nods swiftly. “Right. Tomorrow. Of course.”

The truth is, I need to be in my own space, need to process this. And I can’t wake up next to him and then head off to the recruiting event together. No way. I still can’t believe we went all the way tonight. I have no idea where his head is at. Maybe it was just a bucket-list thing on his part—all I was to him was
one last hurrah before he has to tie the knot.

“I hope you understand,” I add.

“Sure, no worries. Let me make sure you can get into a taxi okay.”

A flash of disappointment crosses his features so briefly, I’m sure I imagined it.

I shake my head. “The valet outside will help me.” He’s still naked, with the weight of his heavy cock hanging between his legs. “I’ve got this.” Heading to the door, I heft my purse strap higher on my shoulder.

His fingertips curl around my wrist just as I’m about to open the door, and he turns me to face him. “Tonight was—”

“I know.” I have to stop him; I can’t hear him say that it was the best, most amazing night of his life, because I know it was for me. I can’t hear him say that and walk away, just to work alongside him tomorrow like this never happened. It’s best to turn around and leave, so that’s what I do.

Moving as though I’m trapped in a deep fog, I put one foot in front of the other, and then I’m in the elevator under the harsh lights.

All the gray murkiness fades away once I’m standing outside on the curb, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

I love him.

The way Sterling’s scared to believe in love, but still wants to, the way he takes care of his mother, the rough gravelly sound of his voice when we made love, the way he listens to all my opinions and nods, the way he pleasures me like no one else has . . .

I fucking love him.

And I’m terrified about what will happen tomorrow.

Chapter Thirty-Four


After rushing home this morning to shower and change, I’m now back at the Waldorf Astoria hotel.

A line of women is wrapped around the side of the building, and I have to instruct my taxi driver to pull around to the back, where I’m let in through a housekeeping entrance so I don’t get mobbed. I also have no interest in stopping for questions with the reporters and camera crews who are waiting and interviewing the women.

I head inside, anxious to see Camryn. I barely slept last night after she left. I thought about going home too, but when I lay back down on the bed, the sheets were still scented with her, and some part of me was afraid to leave, afraid that this would all be forgotten once I left.

She never responded to my text when I told her good night, and between that and the hurried way she rushed off, I’m worried about how she’s doing.

I’ve racked my brain and can’t come up with anything that I’ve done to push her away. She’s the one who told me actions speak louder than words, and so I’ve tried to show her what she means to me. Introducing her to my mum, trying to remove the stress of her bills, wanting to spend the night with her, those were all ways I’ve tried to show her that I value her and want her in my life. If I can just talk to her this morning, maybe I can get her to understand that.

At last, I reach the second floor, and see Camryn and Anna seated at a banquet table at the entrance to a large ballroom.

Camryn is dressed smartly in a black suit and a frilly lace camisole. Her hair is twisted in a no-fuss bun, and she looks beautiful. It makes my chest ache just looking at her.

When I approach, I expect Camryn to rise from the table and give me a hug, but she keeps her head down, leafing through a stack of head shots in a folder.

“Morning,” I say to Anna, wondering what’s with the sudden change in mood.

“Hi, Sterling,” Anna chirps brightly. “Are you ready to find your wife today?”

My mouth goes bone dry, and my stomach does a flip. “Ah, sure.”

Anna breaks into an easy grin, as if I’ve just said something funny. “Today will be great. I promise. Don’t look so worried.”

I give her a nod. Finally, Camryn looks up at me and seems to study my expression, her eyes narrowing.

“Can I have a word?” I ask.

Without a sound, she rises to her feet and I follow her into the massive ballroom. A huge chandelier hangs from the center of the room, dripping in crystal, and the brightly patterned carpet in creams and blues screams of elegance. I’m sure it’s been used for joy-filled celebrations like wedding receptions and inspiring business conferences, but today it feels cold and empty.

“Once they open the doors outside,” Camryn says, “this will be the holding room for all the candidates. Then once we’ve had a chance to screen them, they’ll be sent over to the room where you’ll be in down the hall for a five- to ten-minute mini-date.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I say.

When Camryn turns to face me in the center of the room, my first instinct is to pull her into my arms and kiss her, but she’s acting so cold and aloof this morning, and she left in such a hurry after sex. I’m not sure my affections will be welcome.

Stuffing my hands in my pockets to keep myself from touching her, I take a deep breath. I realize what I need to do. I just need to get through today. There’s a line of women wrapped around the damn building, taking up a city block. Needing a little more time to come up with a plan, I decide I’ll play along for now.

“We need to talk after this,” I say.

Camryn nods. “Fine. We’ll break at eleven forty-five for lunch. We can talk then.” And with that, she turns and walks back out of the ballroom.

“Cami?” I call.

She looks at me over her shoulder. “Yeah?”

“Where do you want me?”

“Just down the hall, past the restrooms and the fake plant thingy . . . you’ll see it. Good luck.” And then she’s gone.

My stomach goes from uneasy to What the fuck just happened?

I guess it’s time to get this shit show started.

Chapter Thirty-Five


“Are you all right?” Anna asks when I sit down beside her at the banquet table. “You’re acting funny this morning.”

“Funny how?” I hope she doesn’t suspect anything. I have too much dignity to tell her that I fucked New York’s most eligible bachelor last night, a man who happens to be our client.

God, I’m a fucking idiot. I can’t believe I thought he was going to call the whole thing off and profess his love for me. I was dead wrong on that one.

“Like you have a stick up your ass or something,” Anna says, watching me over the edge of her paper coffee cup.

Her words sting, and I let out a slow exhale. “Let’s just get on with this.” Time to put on your big-girl panties and deal.

“Couldn’t agree more. It’s Saturday, and we’re working. The sooner we hook him up, the better. And then we can go home, right?”

“Yep.” Grabbing my phone, I dial the number for the hotel’s event manager, who’s waiting for my signal before opening the floodgates downstairs. “We’re ready. Send ’em in.”

Anna rubs her hands together. “Here goes nothing. Let’s get that sexy Brit married off.”

From our perch at the table, we have a clear view of the escalator, and suddenly here they come, one after the next.

Blond. Brunette. Redhead. Busty. Thin. Young. Old. And everything in between.

Our large printed signs are clear and seem to work. The first women form a line behind our banquet table, a line that soon snakes around the entire perimeter of the massive ballroom behind us.

It’s go time.

The first woman in line is standing directly in front of me, watching me with an impatient smile.

My underarms begin to sweat as the significance of this moment sinks in. Sure, there a few whack jobs here, but for the most part this is an amazing group of girls. By and large, they’re educated, beautiful, and looking for love. Or at least they’re ready to put their best foot forward for a shot at marrying a millionaire.

It’s disheartening to see the idea of marriage boiled down to this. A competition for who has the prettiest smile and can wow Sterling with her wit and charisma.

Anna elbows me in the ribs and clears her throat. “Camryn.”

I blink and realize th
at the line is forming, dozens deep, and I’ve just been staring off into space.

“Hi. Name, please.”

“Brittany Fallon.”

My thumb slides along the head shots in the folder until I reach the F’s. We required everyone to preregister with us online, so we at least have the basic information and a head shot at our fingertips. I pull her shiny photo from the stack and appraise her again.

Our informal meet and greet with the woman is really just a sanity check. We’re making sure that she’s a normal girl, someone Sterling might be interested in meeting. The info for the women he likes will be placed into a separate folder, and they’ll get a follow-up one-on-one date next week.

I can’t even imagine continuing to work on this campaign. Fuck my bonus. My sanity isn’t worth it. I might have to ask Anna to take over. I don’t want to look in that folder and see the glossy head shots and bright smiles of the women, the hope in their eyes at getting the shot to marry a millionaire.

“And what makes you think you’d be a good match with our bachelor?” I ask.

A slow smile spreads across Brittany’s lips. “I’m twenty-four with a good job, and ready for a great guy. Plus I love sports, fucking, and beer.” She giggles.

“Sold.” Anna chuckles. “Head down the hall just past the tree. Sterling will be waiting for you.”

What the fuck, Anna?

I roll my shoulders, having no idea what’s gotten into me today. Anna, normally bubbly and fun, always makes me smile, but today I want to hit her in the face with a two-by-four.

That was not a proper screening process. For all we know, Brittany could have a pickax in her purse. And the girl is busty and cute, and she just told us she’s basically a walking wet dream. She’s not someone I want anywhere near Sterling.

I watch Brittany strut down the long hall until she reaches the door to Sterling’s conference room. A hotel staffer is positioned outside for security purposes, and to make sure only one girl is let in at a time. He’s been instructed to give a courtesy knock at the five-minute mark, and to open the door at ten minutes to make sure the mini-dates don’t run long.