Page 22

The Ending I Want Page 22

by Samantha Towle

I wonder if he still has the plane in the photo with Kate. But I’m not going to ask. I don’t want Moody Liam to return.

“What do you think?” he asks, stopping by the plane.

“As planes go…it’s nice, I guess.”

His eyes narrow, a touch of humor in them. “As far as compliments go, I’ll take that as a big one from you.”

Liam gestures to the door of the cockpit that Henry left open for us. “Ladies first.”

I stand and stare at it, seeing the inside of the airplane.

It’s high up to get in. That’s not what’s stalling me. There’s a little metal fold-down ladder to aid me in. I’m stalling because my heart is beating faster from just looking at the cockpit. It looks small.

I can do this.

“Okay, babe?” Liam’s hand touches me on the shoulder.

I blow out a breath and glance back at him. “Yeah.”

I climb up the little stepladder and into the plane, shifting over to sit in the second seat, the one on the left, leaving the seat on the right to Liam.

Liam climbs in behind me. He pulls the stepladder in and folds it away. Then, he reaches out, and he pulls the door shut and locks it.

I glance over my shoulder.

It’s really nice inside.

There are four seats behind me, cream leather, as are the ones we’re sitting on. The four seats face each other, and there is a well-fitted table in the middle.

In front of me are screens and buttons, and on each side is a steering wheel–looking thing. I don’t know the fancy term for them. I just hope Liam isn’t expecting me to control one of them.

“Um…so, you were joking out there, right? I don’t have to control one of those things.” I gesture at the steering wheel thingy.

“The yoke.” Liam laughs. “And, no, babe. But you can, if you want, once we’re up in the air.”

“No. I’m good, thanks,” I cut that down quick, flashing a smile at him, making him chuckle.

Liam puts his seat belt on, so I put mine on.

“Ready?” He turns to look at me.

I press my lips together. “Mmhmm.”

He cups my chin with his hand, moving toward me as he pulls me closer. He softly kisses me. “It’s gonna be fine, Boston. I’m in control here, and I won’t let anything happen to you. Okay?”

“Okay.” I sit back into my seat.

Liam puts on a headset and then hands me one to put on.

He starts talking into his headset, using airplane jargon, and I have no clue what he’s talking about. Then, he starts pushing buttons and turning dials. Suddenly, the propeller at the front of the plane starts to turn. It’s slow at first, but it quickly picks up speed until it’s a blur in front of my eyes.

And I’m shitting my pants. My heart is racing, and my palms are sweating.

Liam says a few more things into his headset. Then, he looks at me and smiles. “Ready for your first Hunter flying experience?”

Nope. I wonder if I can make a break for it out of this door beside me and just do a runner?

I swallow back, but my throat is dry, so it’s like I’m swallowing gravel. “I thought I’d already had one of those.” I give a smile, but it feels awkward on my lips.

“My pilots are good, babe, but they’re not as good as me.” He winks, totally oblivious to the fact that I’m close to freaking out.

His hand goes on to what looks like a gearshift, and he slowly pushes it forward. The plane starts to move, rolling forward.

Holy fuck, we’re moving.

My hands curl around the edge of the seat, gripping.

Liam steers the plane on the tarmac, heading for the actual runway, I’m guessing. All the while, he’s talking into his headset and pressing buttons.

He maneuvers the plane around and onto the runway strip, and he brings the plane to a stop.

“Just waiting for the all-clear to go,” he tells me. “You still good?”


Every muscle in my body is tense. My insides are knotted up.

“Hey…” Liam’s fingers touch my cheek, pulling my attention to him. “You don’t have to be scared. This is just you and me, babe. And I’m in control here, and I will never let anything happen to you.” He runs his fingertips over my mouth.

I stare at him, wetting my lips, after his touch. My heart is racing as I look into his autumn eyes.

“You can do this,” he whispers.

I can do this.

I let a smile onto my face. The smile he gives me in return is worth a million snapshots in my mind. I hold on to it and file it to the front of my picture memories.

He takes ahold of my hand and lifts it to his lips, pressing a kiss to it.

Liam speaks into his headset, seeming to respond to whoever is on the other end.

Then, he looks at me and says, “I’ve got the go-ahead. You ready, babe?”

I assess myself. My stomach is tight with knots. My hands are clammy. My heart is having a dance in my chest.

But all of those things mean I’m still alive. I’m still here with him. I’m safe with him.

“I’m ready,” I tell him.

He gives me one last smile before he looks ahead, and then he moves the gearshift thing forward but not slowly this time. He moves it a lot faster, and then we’re moving quickly.

Holy fuck.

We’re speeding down the runway, and my stomach is somewhere back there.

And—fuck—we’re taking off. The plane leaves the ground, and my belly does that weird dropping-out thing it does.

All I can see is blue sky as Liam takes the plane higher.

Blue sky and clouds.

Will this be what it’s like when I die, making my way up to heaven to be with my family?

That thought has a calming effect on me.

Liam is talking into the headset again and turning dials with one hand as he steers with the other.

It seems like we’ve been climbing forever before Liam levels the plane. He presses a few buttons as he continues speaking into his headset.

He moves the mouthpiece away from his mouth and looks over at me. “You doing good there, Boston?”

“Yeah.” I quickly glance out the side window, seeing houses below. “How high up are we?”

“Twenty thousand feet. We could go higher, but I thought I’d take it easy with it being your first time out.”

“You call twenty thousand easy? One thousand—no, one hundred feet would have been fine with me.”

Liam laughs deeply. “If we flew low—which you can’t fly at a hundred feet, just so you know—you would have missed out on these views. And they’re fucking spectacular. Take a look.” He nods at the window.

I force myself to look out the window again. He’s right. The views are stunning. We’re flying over fields now with green grass and trees everywhere.

“Flying at night is even better. Everything is lit up. I’ll bring you out one night, so you can see.”

Night flight? I don’t think so.

“Sounds hideous. I’m good, thanks.”

I give him a tight smile, and he laughs.

I look back out the window, still seeing fields and the odd farmhouse scattered around.

Now that we’re up here, my fear doesn’t seem as magnified as it did when we were on the ground, waiting to set off. In a weird way, being up here with Liam is serene and peaceful.

We fly in silence for a while. And I know I should be looking at the view, but the one in the plane is so much better. And staring at Liam keeps my mind away from thinking about how high we are off the ground.

I can’t stop staring at him. He seems so at ease up here, and he looks beyond hot. So commanding, sitting here, flying his airplane.

There’s just something so insanely sexy about seeing the man I’m sleeping with in charge of this huge piece of machinery.

I mean, Liam looks hot when he drives a car. The sight of his hands on the steering wheel does something
to me. But, looking at him now, controlling this big metal tin…is crazy hot.

And, now, all I can think about is how it feels to have his hands on me…and to have my hands on him.

I’m starting to feel really hot…and turned on.

Fuck. I want him.

My hands are literally itching to touch him.

I look away from Liam and clench my fists in and out, flexing my fingers.

Easy, tiger, you can’t have him right now.

Can I?

I look back to him. He’s biting his lower lip as he stares out the window, deep in thought. He looks beautiful.

I really need to touch him…

Ah, fuck it.

Reaching my hand over, I slide it over his thigh and to his crotch. I cup his cock through his jeans.

Surprised eyes flash to mine.

“Babe…” There’s wariness in his voice but a hint of intrigue, too.

And it’s that intrigue that has me saying, “Have you ever been blown at twenty thousand feet?” I whisper.

Holy shit, listen to me, little Miss Seductress.

Eyes on mine, he shakes his head. I know he’s not speaking because the radio microphone near his mouth is still on, and the people at the other end might hear him.

I drag my teeth over my lower lip, teasing him. “Well, you’re about to be.”

I don’t know who this chick is that’s in my driving seat right now, but she’s kind of awesome, and apparently, she gets hot while watching her man fly a plane.

Her man?

The words stutter in my brain.

But I shove it aside, ignoring it, and focus back on Liam, who is staring at me with a heat in his eyes that I’ve never seen before.

“Is it safe to take off our seat belts, or do I just work around them?”

In answer, Liam unclips his seat belt, moving it aside. I remove mine but keep it close by—you know, just in case.

I reach over and pop open the button on his jeans, and then I slide the zipper down. I pull my headset off, putting it on my seat beside me.

I reach inside his jeans and curl my fingers around him. He’s as hard as stone already. Knowing I have this effect on him gives me a crazy amount of confidence to see this through.

I squeeze his dick, and his chest jumps on a breath.

I free his cock from its confines and stare down at it.

Can a cock be beautiful? Because, if one can be, then his truly is.

I lean down and lick the tip, loving the silky feel of it on my tongue.

He reaches over, turns off a switch, and then pulls his own headset off, tossing it on top of the plane’s dashboard.

His fingers glide into my hair. He grips the strands and tilts my head to the side, so I’m staring up into his eyes. His eyes look like they’re on fire.

“Suck it hard.” The commanding rasp in his voice has my panties wet and my mouth watering for him.

Lowering my mouth back to him, I move my hand off his cock. I stick my tongue out and lick a path from root to tip. His hips jerk up, his hand tightening in my hair.

“Fuck,” he groans.

There’s pre-cum leaking from the tip. I lick it up. The salty taste of him is such a massive turn-on. It reminds me of hot, hard, sweaty sex.

Taking him back in my hand, I swirl my tongue around the head of his cock. I hear a growl come from deep within him.

“Don’t fucking tease me, Taylor. Suck it now.”

I can’t help but smile at his dominance.

The alpha in him turns me on so much. My clit is begging to be touched. But she’ll have to wait because this, right now, is about him.

I lick my lips, wetting them. Then, opening my mouth, I slide his cock inside and give him what he wants.

“Taylor,” he shudders out my name.

Liam’s hand leaves my hair, gripping the yoke, like he needs to hold it for balance. Well, he does need to keep flying the plane, I guess.

As I suck him, his hips start to move up in short little jerks, in time with my mouth.

“You’re so fucking hot,” he grinds out. “So…fucking…hot.”

I lift my eyes to his face, his cock still in my mouth.

The look in his eyes…is dark and needy…and something else is there that I can’t quite decipher.

Focusing back on my task at hand, I suck him like I’m the queen of blow jobs.

“Jesus…fuck, Taylor…yeah, that’s it.” He makes a pained sound, but I know he’s far from feeling pain. “Shit, babe, you’re gonna make me come hard, and if I come, I’ll crash this fucking plane. So, you either stop what you’re doing right now, or you fly this plane, and I finish myself off with my hand.”

That has my head coming up, his cock leaving my mouth with a wet pop.

“I can’t fly this plane!” I exclaim, sounding a little shrill.

I didn’t think about what would happen when he needed to come and the problem that could present when it was going to happen.

“Then, sit back in your seat, and don’t touch me or look at me or even talk to me for the next few minutes, so I can calm the fuck down. If not, I might just say to hell with it and fuck you right now, letting this plane go down while I do.”

Surely, he’s not serious.

I look at him.

Yep, he’s serious.

I might want to die, but I don’t want to die in a plane crash. And I most definitely do not want Liam to die.

So, I do as he asked. I shut my mouth, and I look at the view out the window.

It’s been a few minutes, and I’m getting kind of bored, not talking.

“Liam,” I say quietly, “have you calmed down yet?”

“Getting there.” His voice still sounds a little tight.

I risk a glance at him. “I’m sorry.” I bite my lip.

“For?” He looks at me, confused.

“For getting you all worked up and not being able to finish you off.”

He laughs, and it instantly puts me at ease.

“Boston, don’t ever apologize for giving me a blow job even if it doesn’t result in the happy ending. While flying my plane, I just got my dick sucked by the hottest woman I’ve ever had the good fortune to know. I’m golden, babe. But just to let you know, the second we get back to Hunter Hall, I’m taking you up to my bedroom, and I’m fucking every part of your body available to me.”

All the right parts of me tighten up in anticipation of what’s to come.

I look out the window at the ground far below, and that fear I first felt is no longer there. Just happiness at being here with him.

“I think I can live with that.” I smile.

“Get on the bed. I want you on your hands and knees. Now.”

We’re in Liam’s room back at Hunter Hall. He’s naked. I’m naked.

He had me undress him and then strip my own clothes off—his personal striptease. Now, he’s ordering me onto the bed.

Bossy Liam is back, and it’s so fucking hot.

Doing as he said, I climb up onto his bed and get on my hands and knees, facing away from him.

I feel his hand touch over my ass as he gets onto the bed behind me. He moves his palm down my butt, and his fingers slide between my folds. Finding my pussy, he slides a finger inside me.

I moan, widening my knees more.

“That feel good?” he asks, his voice a dark rasp.

“So good.”

He slides another finger inside, making me moan again, and then he starts fucking me with his fingers.

My head drops forward. I love the feel of him doing this to me.

“I shouldn’t be this good to you, Boston. It should be you down on your knees, finishing off what you started in the plane. If I didn’t want to fuck you so badly, then that’s what you’d be doing right now.”

His finger is still moving in and out of me.

Then, I feel his mouth on my ass cheek. He places a kiss there, and then he scrapes his teeth over my skin, making me s

“I fucking love your arse, Boston.” His finger leaves my pussy and slides over my clit, giving it a flick before moving upward toward my puckered hole.

I tense when he reaches it.

“I want to fuck you here so bad.” He rubs his finger around that untouched part of me.

I glance back at him. His eyes are glazed and lusty, staring at where his hand is.

“What is it with you and asses, Hunter?”

His eyes come to mine. The look in them is lethal, and it nearly has me telling him to do whatever the hell he wants to me.

“Not asses, plural. Just your ass. I’m obsessed with fucking it. I’m man enough to admit it. It’s just…so perky and sexy…and just there.” He grabs my ass cheek with his other hand. “It’s like a mountain I need to climb. I want to stick my flag in there and conquer the fuck out of it. And it’s true what they say, you know.” A devilish smile slides onto that sexy mouth of his. “It’s more fun up the bum.”

Laughter explodes from me.

I fall onto my front, my knees no longer able to hold me up. “Oh my God!” My laugh is muffled in the bed. “I can’t believe you just said that! Who says that?” I lift my head, looking back at him.

“People…me.” He grins.

That sets me off again. I can’t stop laughing. My sides ache from laughing.

“Oh God, it hurts!” I clutch my belly, rolling onto my side. “Liam Hunter, you are fucking priceless!”

When I bring my eyes to his, he’s just staring at me, a smile on his face and a soft look in his eyes.

“What?” I chuckle, wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes.

“Nothing. I just really like seeing you laugh.” He moves up the bed, coming closer to me. “There’s nothing more beautiful than the sight and sound of your laughter. And I like it even more when it’s me who’s made you laugh.”

My heart explodes. In its wake are sparkly, glittery bombs of emotions. All for him. And they are floating around my chest, attaching themselves to every part of me, making me want things I can’t have.


Liam takes my face in his hands. His expression is so tender that I think he’s going to say something to push me over the edge.

Then, he parts his lips and says, “So…can I fuck you up the arse?”