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The Black Dagger Brotherhood Novels 1-4 Page 57

by J. R. Ward

Clearing her throat, she tried to smile. “So. How’s that for a buzz kill?”

He said something in the other language and then shook his head and switched into English. “You cry all you want.”

“I don’t want to cry.” She looked at his bare chest.

No, what she wanted right now was to have sex with him. With the weeping jag finished, her body was responding to his again. And given that he’d seen the worst of her scars and didn’t seem turned off, she felt more comfortable.

“Any chance you still want to kiss me after all that?” she asked.


Without allowing herself to think, she grabbed onto his shoulders and pulled him down to her mouth. He held back for a moment, as if surprised by her strength, but then he kissed her deep and long, as if he understood what she needed from him. In a matter of moments he had her totally naked, pajama bottoms gone, socks gone, panties tossed aside.

He stroked her from head to thigh with his hands, and she moved with him, surging, arching, feeling the bare skin of his chest against her breasts and stomach while the smooth fabric of his expensive pants rubbed like body oil over her legs. She was aching and light-headed as he nuzzled her neck and nibbled on her collarbone, working his way down to her breasts. She lifted her head and watched as his tongue came out and ran a circle around one nipple before he took it into his mouth. As he suckled her, his hand slid up her inner thigh.

And then he was touching her core. She heaved under him, breath shooting out of her lungs in a rush.

He groaned, his chest vibrating against hers as he made the sound.

“Sweet Mary, you’re just as I imagined. Soft…drenched.” His voice was rough, hard, giving her an idea how much control he was using to keep himself in lockdown. “Open your legs wider for me. A little more. That’s it, Mary. That’s so…oh, yeah.”

He slipped a finger and then two inside of her.

It had been a long time, but her body knew where it was headed. Panting, holding onto his shoulders with her nails, Mary watched him lick her breast as he moved his hand in and out of her body, his thumb rubbing in just the right place on the downstroke. In a flash of lightning she exploded, the force of the release pitching her headlong into a void where only pulsing and white heat existed.

When she came back down, Rhage’s heavy-lidded eyes were grave, his face tight and dark. He was like a total stranger, utterly removed from her.

She reached for the throw blanket to cover up with, figuring the shirt wouldn’t do but half the job. The movement made her aware that his fingers still penetrated her.

“You are so beautiful,” he said gruffly.

The B-word made her feel even more uncomfortable. “Let me up.”


“This is just too awkward.” She struggled, and the shifting of her body only made her feel more of him.

“Mary, look at me.”

She glared at him, frustrated.

In slow motion, he withdrew his hand from between her legs and brought the two glistening fingers to his mouth. His lips parted, and in a savoring draw he sucked off her slick passion. When he swallowed, he closed his glowing eyes.

“You’re unbelievably beautiful.”

Her breath froze. And then redoubled as he moved down her body, putting his hands on the inside of her thighs. She tensed as he tried to open her legs.

“Don’t stop me, Mary.” He kissed her navel and then her hip, spreading her wide. “I need more of you in my mouth, down my throat.”

“Rhage, I—Oh, God.”

His tongue was a warm stroke right up her center, reeking havoc on her nervous system. He lifted his head and looked at her. And then he dropped back down and licked her again.

“You kill me,” he said, breath brushing where she ached. He rubbed his face on her, his beard growth a soft rasp as he bathed in her core.

She closed her eyes, feeling like she was going to fly apart.

Rhage nuzzled her and then captured her hot flesh with his lips, sucking, then tugging, now flicking with his tongue. As she arched up off the floor, one of his hands went to the small of her back, and the other landed on her lower belly. He held her in place as he worked her, keeping her body from jerking away from his mouth as she thrashed.

“Look at me, Mary. Look at what I’m doing.”

When she did, she caught a glimpse of his pink tongue licking free from the top of her cleft and that was that. The release shattered her, but he just kept going. There seemed to be no end to his focus or his technique.

Finally she reached out to him, needing that thick length of his to fill her up. He resisted easily and then did something sinful with his fangs. As she came apart again, he watched her orgasm, his brilliant teal blue eyes staring up from between her legs, casting shadows, they were so bright. After it was over, she said his name as a hoarse question.

In a fluid motion he got to his feet and backed away from her. When he turned around, her breath came out in a hiss.

A magnificent, multicolored tattoo covered his entire back. The design was that of a dragon, a fearsome creature with five-clawed limbs and a twisting, powerful body. From its resting place, the beast stared out, as if it were actually seeing through its white eyes. And while Rhage paced around, the thing moved with the undulations of muscles and skin, shifting, seething.

Like it wanted out, she thought.

Feeling a draft, Mary pulled the blanket around her body. When she looked up, Rhage was way across the room.

And still, that tattoo stared at her.

Chapter Twenty-three

Rhage stalked around the living room, trying to work off the burn. It had been hard enough to keep his body in check before he’d put his mouth on her. Now that his tongue knew her taste, his spine was on fire, the burn spreading out to every muscle he had. His skin tingled all over, itching so badly he wanted to take sandpaper to it.

As he rubbed his arms, his hands shook uncontrollably.

God, he had to get away from the scent of her sex. The sight of her. The knowledge that he could take her right now because she’d let him.

“Mary, I have to be alone for a little while.” He glanced at the bathroom door. “I’m going to go in there. If anyone comes to the house or you hear anything unusual, I want you to get me immediately. But I won’t be long.”

He didn’t look at her as he closed the door.

In the mirror over the sink, his pupils glowed white in the darkness.

Oh, Jesus, he couldn’t let himself change. If the beast got loose…

Terror for Mary’s safety sent his heart on a sprint that only made the situation worse.

Fuck. What was he going to do? And why was this happening? Why—

Stop it. Just stop the thinking. Stop the panic. Get your internal engine back into idle. Then you can worry all you want.

He put the toilet lid down and sat on it, resting his hands on his knees. He forced his muscles to relax then focused on his lungs. Drawing in breath through his nose and exhaling out his mouth, he concentrated on keeping his respiration good and slow.

In and out with the breath. In and out with the breath.

The world receded until all sounds and sights and smells were shut out and there was only his breath.

Only his breath.

Only his breath.

Only his…

When he’d calmed down, he opened his eyes and lifted his hands. The trembling was gone. And a quick check in the mirror showed that his pupils were black again. He propped his arms on the sink and sagged into them.

Ever since he’d been cursed, sex had been a predicable tool that helped him deal with the beast. When he took a female, he’d become stimulated enough to make it to the release he needed, but the arousal never rose to the level where the beast was triggered. Not by a long shot.

With Mary, though, all bets were off. He didn’t think he could control himself enough to enter her, much less make it to orgasm. T
hat damn vibration she called out of him shot his sex drive straight into danger land.

He took a deep breath. The only saving grace appeared to be that he could get himself back under wraps quickly. If he got away from her, if he marshaled his nervous system, he was able to beat the feeling down to a manageable intensity. Thank God.

Rhage used the toilet, then washed his face in the sink and dried off with a hand towel. When he opened the door, he braced himself. He had a feeling that when he saw Mary again, the feeling would return a little.

It did.

She was sitting on the couch dressed in khakis and a fleece. The candlelight amplified the anxiety in her face.

“Hey,” he said.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” He rubbed his jaw. “Sorry about that. Sometimes I need a minute.”

Her eyes widened.

“What?” he asked.

“It’s almost six. You’ve been in there for nearly eight hours.”

Rhage cursed. So much for a quick fix. “I didn’t know I was gone for that long.”

“I, ah, I checked in on you once or twice. I was worried…Anyway, someone called for you. Roth?”


“That’s the name. Your phone kept ringing and ringing. Eventually I answered it.” She looked down at her hands. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I am now.”

She took a deep breath and let it out. The exhale did nothing to ease the set of her shoulders.

“Mary, I…” Damn it, what exactly could he tell her that wasn’t going to make things harder for her?

“It’s okay. Whatever happened, it’s okay.”

He came over to the couch and sat down next to her.

“Listen, Mary, I want you to come with me tonight. I want to take you somewhere that I know you’ll be safe. The lessers, those things in the park, are probably gunning for you, and they’ll look here first. You’re a target now because you were with me.”

“Where would we go?”

“I want you to stay with me.” Assuming Wrath let them in the door. “It’s too dangerous for you here, and if the slayers are going to come for you, it’s going to be soon. We’re talking tonight. Come with me for a few days until we figure out what to do.”

Longer-term solutions evaded him at the moment, but he would find them. She’d become his responsibility when he got her mixed up in his world, and he wasn’t going to leave her undefended.

“Trust me on this. Just a couple days.”

Mary packed a bag, thinking she was crazy. Heading to God knew where. With a vampire.

But the thing about Rhage was, she had faith in him. He was too honest to lie and too smart to underestimate the threat. Besides, her appointments with the specialists didn’t start up until Wednesday afternoon. And she’d taken the week off from work as well as been discharged from the hotline. There was nothing she would miss.

When she came back down to the living room, he turned toward her, swinging the duffel over one shoulder. She eyed his black suit jacket, seeing bulges in it she hadn’t thought were significant before.

“Are you armed?’ she asked.

He nodded.

“With what?” When he just looked at her, Mary shook her head. “You’re right. Probably better that I don’t know. Let’s go.”

They drove in silence down Route 22 into the dead zone between Caldwell’s rural edges and the beginnings of the next large town. This was hilly, woodland country with nothing but long stretches of forest between the occasional rotting double-wide at the side of the road. There were no streetlights, few cars, and a lot of deer.

About twenty minutes after they’d left her house, he turned off onto a cramped one-laner that took them on a gradual ascent. She scanned what the headlights revealed, but couldn’t discern where they were. Oddly, there didn’t seem to be any identifying features to the forest or the road. In fact, the landscape had a fuzzy quality to it, a buffering that she couldn’t explain and couldn’t override no matter how much she blinked.

From out of nowhere a set of black iron gates appeared.

As Mary jumped in her seat, Rhage hit a garage door opener, and the heavy gates split in half, allowing them just enough space to squeeze through. Immediately they confronted another set. He put down his window and punched a code into an intercom. A pleasant voice welcomed him and he looked up and to the left, nodding to a security camera.

The second pair of gates parted and Rhage accelerated up a long, ascending drive. When they rounded a corner, a twenty-foot-tall masonry wall materialized in the same conjured-up manner of the first gateway. After going under an archway and passing through yet another set of barricades, they came into a courtyard with a fountain in the middle.

To the right, there was a four-story mansion made of gray stone, the kind of place you’d see in promos for horror films: Gothic, gloomy, oppressive, with more shadows than a person felt safe being around. Across the way, there was a small, one-story house with the same Wes Craven feel.

Six cars, mostly of expensive European flavors, were parked in an orderly fashion. Rhage plugged the GTO into a spot between an Escalade and a Mercedes.

Mary got out and craned her neck up at the mansion. She felt as though she were being watched, and she was. From the roof, gargoyles stared down at her, and so did security cameras.

Rhage came over, her overnight bag in his hand. His mouth was tight, his eyes intense.

“I’m going to take care of you. You know that, right?” As she nodded, he smiled a little. “It’s going to be fine, but I want you to stick close by me. I don’t want us separated. That clear? You stay with me no matter what happens.”

Reassurance coupled with a command, she thought. This was not going to be fine.

They walked up to a pair of weathered bronze doors and he opened one side. After they’d stepped into a windowless vestibule, the great panel clamped shut with a reverberation that came up through her shoes. Directly ahead there was another massive set of doors, these made of wood and carved with symbols. Rhage punched a code into a keypad and there was the shifting sound of a lock coming free. He took her arm firmly and opened the second door into a vast foyer.

Mary gasped. How…magical!

The lobby was a rainbow of color, as unexpected as a garden blooming in a cave. Green malachite columns alternated with ones made of claret marble, the lengths rising up from a multi-hued mosaic floor. The walls were brilliant yellow and hung with gold-framed mirrors and crystal-strung sconces. The ceiling, three stories up, was a masterpiece of artwork and gold leafing, the scenes depicting heroes and horses and angels. And up ahead, centered among all the grandeur, was a broad staircase that ascended to a balconied second floor.

It was Russian-tsar beautiful…but the sounds of the place were not exactly formal and elegant. From the room on the left, hard-core rap music pumped and deep male voices carried. Pool balls cracked into each other. Someone yelled, “Go long, cop!”

A football sailed into the foyer and a muscular man came shooting out after it. He leaped up and just had his hands on the thing when an even bigger guy with a lion’s mane of hair slammed into him. The two of them went down to the floor in a tangle of arms and legs, sliding hard into the wall.

“I got you good, cop.”

“But you don’t have the ball yet, vampire.”

Grunts, laughter, and juicy curses carried up to that ornate ceiling as the men fought for the football, flipping each other over, sitting on each other’s chests. Two more huge guys in black leather jogged out to check on the action. And then a little old man dressed in tails emerged from the right, carrying a bouquet of fresh flowers in a crystal vase. The butler stepped around the wrestling match with an indulgent smile.

Then everything went silent as they all noticed her at once.

Rhage shuffled her behind his body.

“Son of a bitch,” someone said.

One of the men came at Rhage like a tank. His
dark hair was clipped into a military brush cut, and Mary had the oddest sense she’d seen him before.

“What the hell are you doing?”

Rhage spread his stance, dropped her bag, and brought his hands up to chest level. “Where’s Wrath?”

“I asked you a question,” the other guy snapped. “What are you doing, bringing her here?”

“I need Wrath.”

“I told you to get rid of her. Or do you expect one of us to do your job?”

Rhage met the man chin-to-chin. “Careful, Tohr. Don’t make me hurt you.”

Mary glanced behind her. The door to the vestibule was still open. And right now waiting in the car while Rhage sorted things out seemed like a really good idea. Stick-together rule notwithstanding.

As she backed away, she kept her eyes on him. Until she bumped against something hard.

She wheeled around. Looked up. And lost her voice.

What was blocking her escape had a scarred face, black eyes, and an aura of stone-cold anger.

Before she could bolt in fear, he took her arm and spun her away from the door.

“Don’t even think about running.” Flashing long fangs, he measured her body. “Funny, you’re not his usual type. But you’re alive and pants-pissing terrified. So you’ll do fine for me.”

Mary screamed.

Every head in the foyer turned. Rhage lunged for her, pulling her away, bringing her tight against his body. He spoke harshly, in the language she didn’t understand.

The scarred man narrowed his eyes. “Easy there, Hollywood. Just keeping your little plaything in the house. You going to share her or be selfish like you usually are?”

Rhage looked as if he were about to lash out when a woman’s voice cut him off.

“Oh, for God’s sake, boys! You’re scaring her.”

Mary glanced around Rhage’s chest and saw a woman coming down the stairway. She looked completely normal: Long black hair, blue jeans, white turtleneck. A black cat was purring like a sewing machine in her arms. As she marched through the thicket of men, they all got out of her way.

“Rhage, we’re glad you made it home safely. And Wrath is coming down in a minute.” She pointed to the room the men had come out of. “The rest of you head back in there. Go on, now. If you’re going to crack some balls, do it on the pool table. Dinner’s in a half hour. Butch, take the football with you, okay?”