Page 19

Taming the Storm Page 19

by Samantha Towle

I awake with a heavy arm resting over my stomach, hairy long legs tangled up in mine, and that sated feeling a woman can only get from having amazing sex.

Oh my God. I had sex with Tom.

Lots and lots of mind-blowing hot sex and some serious out-of-body orgasms.

So, I guess, bang goes my sex ban…with an actual bang.

Having a total girl moment, I slap my hand over my mouth to stifle a giggle.

Tom and I had sex four times. I’ve never had so much sex in such a short amount of time. Our last sex session was only three hours ago.

And I say session because sex with Tom is not a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am affair. No, siree. He’s the kind of guy who believes in oral and more oral, and sex and more sex, until I think I might die from orgasming too much.

I wonder if you can die from too many orgasms.

If you can, then…what a way to go. I’d definitely want to die from a Tom Carter orgasm.

The things that man can do with his tongue and fingers…magic.

Turning my head, I look at him sleeping beside me.

Hair falling softly across his forehead, long dark lashes fanning his cheekbones, lips slightly apart with his warm breath brushing my own.

He looks so much younger in slumber. Softer. Not the badass I know he is.

The man is a machine in bed. I didn’t know a guy could go so much and so hard and come so many times in one night.

Tom proved to me that it’s possible.

The guys I’ve slept with have all been one-timers and then lights out.

But not Tom. He just goes and goes, like the Energizer Bunny. Except, Tom is no bunny.

He’s pure primal male. The man is a beast. A very hot beast.

I should feel totally exhausted, but I don’t. My body feels worn but in the best kind of way.

I feel alive.

I haven’t felt alive in a really long time. And now, I do…because of him.

Because of him.

Oh God.

Shit! No!

I can’t have these sort of feelings for anyone, especially not Tom. Definitely not Tom.

I can’t feel anything but horny because of him.

What am I thinking? Saying I feel alive because of Tom is not good. It’s so far from good that it crossed the finish line to bad, and it’s heading for fucking insanity.

Feeling anything for him, attaching emotions to the sex we just had, is a slippery slope to a path I don’t want to end up on.

Panic grips me. I feel suffocated. I can’t breathe.

I have to get out of here.

Carefully, I lift his arm and slide out of bed.

I tiptoe around the bed, collecting my dress, panties, and boots on the way.

Heart pounding, I dress quickly in the living room and smooth my just-fucked hair down with my hand.

Turning back, I look through the open doorway and see the Angry Birds T-shirt on the dresser by the bed. I feel a pang in my chest. I can’t believe he bought me such a sweet gift.

Not wanting to leave it behind, I tiptoe back into the bedroom and pick it up. Holding it to my chest, I inhale and smell Tom on it. I can smell him all over me.

It makes me want to stay, yet I want to run away all at the same time.

I stare down at Tom, confusion raging in my head and heart. The feelings in my heart are way too heavy and happening way too quickly.

I need distance. Maybe I’m confused because we slept together after sex. It’s not very fuck buddyish.

Yeah, it’s the sleeping together. That’s the reason. I’m sure of it.

I do feel like crap, leaving before he wakes, but this is Tom. It won’t matter to him whether I’m here or not when he wakes up. He’ll probably be relieved at not having the awkward morning-after moment with me.

Holding the T-shirt, I grab my purse from the coffee table where I left it last night, and I slip out the door quietly.

I make my way to the elevator and press the button. It quickly arrives. I step inside and press the button for my floor, watching as the doors close, ending the night I just had with Tom.

As I exit the elevator, I pray that no one is around. Doing the walk of shame is bad enough without people bearing witness to it. The worst would be if one of the guys caught me. There would be no explaining that away. It would be catastrophic.

I quickly walk to my door and manage to make it inside without seeing another soul. I fall onto my bed with a sigh of relief.

Freshly showered and dressed, I’m seated in the hotel restaurant, having breakfast. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, and toast—I’m having a fatty-food-and-carb fest. I need to bring my energy levels up after last night’s sex marathon.

Cale comes wandering in just as the waitress has finished refilling my coffee cup.

“Mornin’, gorgeous.” He leans over and kisses my forehead before taking the seat across from me.

“Mornin’.” I beam at him.

He gives me a curious look and signals for the waitress to come over.

“God, it was so good to sleep in a proper bed last night.”

I try to direct my thoughts away from beds and Tom.

“Yeah, it was. But I didn’t think you’d be getting much sleep last night.” I give him a sly grin.

Then, I’m hit with a memory of Tom thrusting inside me. My whole body shivers in remembrance.

“She didn’t stay over.” He smirks. “Stayed for a few hours. We did the good stuff, and then she went on her merry way, so I could get my beauty sleep. Anyway, you look overly happy this morning, not that I’m complaining. I’m just wondering what sparked the happiness.” He looks to the waitress to place his order. “I’ll have the same as my girl here. Thanks.”

She gives him the sex eye like most women do, but he turns back to me, not even giving her the time of day. She looks a little downcast as she wanders away. I want to tell her that blondes aren’t Cale’s thing, but obviously, that would seem a little weird if I did.

“So, is that smile because of Robbi Kraft?”

At the mention of Robbi’s name, my lips turn down. Cale notices, so I have to tell him what happened last night. I just leave out the whole sex-with-Tom part and the fact that he and I are now fuck buddies.

“That motherfucker,” Cale seethes. “I’m gonna kick his ass when I get my hands on him.”

“Whose ass are we kicking?” Sonny asks. He and Van have just rocked up.

“Robbi ‘Cuntface’ Kraft.” Cale then proceeds to fill them in.

By this time, I’m feeling pretty small.

“Guys, please, can we just leave it alone? I know you’re looking out for me, but to be honest, it’s just really embarrassing, and I want to forget it.”

Cale reaches over and squeezes my hand. “I just don’t like seeing you hurt. You hurt, I hurt. And it makes me want to hurt the motherfucker who did it.”

“I second that,” Van says.

“Third. You’re our girl, Ly,” Sonny adds. “Nobody messes with you. They mess with you, they mess with us all. We’re a team.”

My insides warm.

Then, my irrational guilt reminds me that my team is missing one member, and I remember why. Suddenly, I don’t feel so great anymore.

Swallowing past my conflicting emotions, I say, “Thanks, guys. But, honestly, Tom took care of it last night, and now, I just want to forget about it.”

“Forget about what?”

My eyes flick up to find Tom standing over our table.

Um…definitely not the hot sex you and I had or the multiple orgasms you gave me only hours ago.

“Robbi Kraft,” I cough out.

Tom’s face darkens at the mention of Robbi’s name. I grab my coffee and take a sip.

“Ly told us what he did,” Van says.

Tom takes the empty seat beside me.

“Yeah, thanks for looking out for Ly and taking care of Robbi ‘Cuntface’ Kraft,” Cale says to Tom.

“No problem.” He gives
a one-shoulder shrug as he drapes his other arm over the back of my chair.

Why does he have his arm around my chair? He doesn’t do that normally. If he starts acting out of the ordinary, people might realize something is going on between us.

“And thanks for bringing her back here safely,” Cale adds.

My whole body tenses.

He did more than just that.

I can practically feel the smirk on Tom’s face from beside me.

A heat is burning up my neck, heading for my face.

“It was my pleasure,” Tom says, his voice smooth.

His fingertips touch the back of my arm. His callous fingers gently tickle my smooth skin.

And just like that, my body is immediately tuned to his.

I’m aware of him. Every movement he makes. The hitch in his breath as he draws a line down my arm with the tip of his finger.

A blazing trail is left in his wake.

God, I want him again.

How is that even possible? I would think my body had its fill last night.

Apparently not.

I’m getting horny and antsy at the feel of Tom’s touch, and I’m ready to bolt out of here.

He suddenly removes his hand from around my chair, leaving me feeling oddly bereft.

He waves the waitress over.

When she sees Tom, I see the way her eyes light up like the Fourth of July.

I find myself watching him closely for his reaction to her because she is exactly his type.

“Coffee, black,” he says to the waitress. Then, he turns to me.


He barely looked at her, and now, he’s looking at me.

He leans in close. “You left,” he says quietly into my ear. He doesn’t sound happy.

A shiver runs through me.

I quick a glance at the guys. They’re talking among themselves.

I meet Tom’s eyes. “You were sleeping,” I whisper. “I didn’t want to wake you.”

His eyes narrow. “Next time, wake me. I woke up with a raging hard-on, and no you to relieve it.”

Feeling daring, I give him a saucy look. Then, I give the table another check to make sure no one’s watching. I reach my hand under the table and palm his cock through his jeans.

His stomach muscles tense against my arm.

I meet his stare, biting my lip. “Shame. Guess you’ll just have to wait until tonight,” I whisper, removing my hand.

He catches my wrist, pulling me back. His voice sounds lethal as he says, “I’m not fucking waiting.”

I stifle a moan as lust coils low in my belly, bolting straight to my sex.

Tom lets go of my wrist and stands. “Bus will be up front in thirty minutes, guys, so be ready to leave. Lyla, come with me.”

I blink up at him, stunned. “Um…what? Come with you? Why?”

I’m pretty sure I know why. I just don’t want everyone else to know why.

His jade eyes harden, darkening. “Because I need to let Jake know about Robbi, and it would be best if you are there when I make the call.”

“Okay…” Slowly, I get to my shaky feet. “Guess I’ll see you all on the bus.” I wave to the guys and follow Tom out of the restaurant.

The instant we’re out of view, he grabs my hand, yanking me to his side. “This is a one-time warning, Firecracker. Next time you grab my cock in public, make sure you’re willing to do something about it right fucking then and there.”

My eyes widen while I search for a retort, but I’m moving again before I get the chance as Tom starts dragging me through reception. He stops abruptly at the reception desk, and I crash into his back.

Looking past Tom, I see a thirty-something, guy wearing a badge that reads, Todd Archer, Assistant Manager, standing behind the desk.

Tom’s eyes go to his name badge before looking at his face. “Todd, do you know who I am?”

The guy looks at him. “Yes, sir.” He nods. “I do. You’re Tom Carter.”

“Good. So, you won’t be surprised when I ask, do the elevators have active cameras in them?”

What the hell? Is he asking…?

Holy shit…he is.

My whole body freezes, but a fire starts between my legs.

The guy slowly shakes his head, eyes going between Tom and me. “No, sir, our elevators don’t have cameras.”

Tom reaches into his pocket and pulls out some bills. He puts what looks to be three one-hundred-dollar bills on the counter. “Thanks for your time, Todd.”

Then, I’m on the move again, being pulled toward the elevators. I’m trembling because of what just happened, but also with anticipation of what’s about to happen.

“What the hell was that?” I hiss when we come to a stop outside the elevators.

Tom presses the button before staring down at me, his jade eyes blazing hot. “What the hell do you think that was? You got me worked up, and now, I’m gonna fuck you in one of these elevators.”

My jaw hits the floor. A door pings open.

He gives me a gentle shove. “Get in the fucking elevator, Firecracker.”

I stumble in, hot with embarrassment, but turned-on beyond rationale.

Tom follows in behind me, then, presses the button for his floor.

We wait for the doors to close, and with each ticking second, the sexual tension between us becomes a living, breathing entity.

It’s fire crackling hot.

My whole body is wired and jittery. I can’t even remember wanting a man as much as I want Tom in this moment.

The second those doors come together, we’re on each other.

Tom has one hand in my hair, the other grabbing my ass, as his tongue plunders my mouth.

I’m not exactly on the side of finesse as I try to climb his body, like a monkey in a tree.

Tom lifts me off the floor, using the hand on my ass, and then he slams me up against the metal wall. His hand is now on my breast, squeezing with just the right pressure, as his tongue licks in my mouth.

His cock is rock-hard and pressed up against my stomach, but I don’t want it there. I want it against my clit.

I’m wiggling, trying to shift it to the right spot, when Tom suddenly stops kissing me and drops me to my feet.

On seriously wobbly legs with my breaths heaving out of me, I watch as he presses the Stop button, bringing the elevator to a grinding halt.

Then, he starts to back up. Stopping, he leans against the metal wall across from me.

I have a flash of memory from last night when he did the very same thing, except things were a little different between us then.

He is clearly turned-on. I can see that. I just can’t figure out why he stopped what was just getting started.

“Strip. Now.”


Hearing the command in his voice, I start to remove my clothes without hesitation. I go a little slower to tease him, but I don’t go too slowly as I’m very aware of the fact that our time is limited.

I toe my sneakers off and step out from my jeans. Then, I pull my T-shirt over my head and drop it to the floor, leaving me in just my bra and panties. I thank God I had the foresight to put on good underwear.

Lacy pink panties and bra. Very girlie.

By the look in Tom’s eyes, he seems to approve.

“Pink’s a good color on you,” he says, his voice hoarse.

I give him a coy smile. “So, now that you have me here in only my underwear, what are you going to do with me?”

From out of nowhere, his eyes harden, and he straightens up. “First off, you’re gonna get down on your knees and suck my cock. Then, when I’ve had my fill of fucking your mouth, I’m gonna fuck your pussy…hard.”

Um…what the fuck? Where the hell did that come from?

Feeling a little knocked off-balance, my hands go to my hips. “Are you being serious right now?”

He stares me down. “Sugar, I’m always serious when it comes to blow jobs.”

I don’t
like the way he calls me sugar. It feels patronizing and impersonal.

A sudden chill descends down my arms. I rub my hands over them. “Don’t call me sugar. And really, you couldn’t ask me nicely to suck your cock?”

He frowns. “I don’t ask nicely, Lyla, because I don’t need to. Most women are more than willing to get down on their knees and suck my cock without a fucking word.”

Jesus, that stings.

Hiding the hurt I feel at his callous words, I bite out, “Yeah, well, I’m not most women. You want me to suck your cock, then you learn to ask nicely.”

His eyes narrow dangerously. “Yeah, well, you want me to talk nice to you, then don’t sneak out of my bed before I wake up. You do that, and then maybe I’ll feel like being nice to you.”

And there it is—the reason for his assholery.

Meeting his hard stare, I think I see a flicker of hurt in his eyes.

Did I hurt his feelings by leaving this morning?

I honestly thought it wouldn’t bother him. But, apparently, it does.

I feel a strange tightening across my chest, so I press the heel of my hand on the ache to relieve it. “Tom, I’m sorry if I hurt you by leaving this morning—”

He lets out a harsh laugh. “You didn’t hurt me. No one can hurt me. I’m just pissed off because I wanted to fuck, and you weren’t there. As I made this deal to have sex with only you for the rest of this tour, it wasn’t like I could go get myself some other pussy to bang the hell out of.”

Tears hit the backs of my eyes, but I force them away along with the obscenities I want to throw at him. Irrespective of what he says, I know he’s being an asshole and lashing out because I hurt him.

I ease my voice into a neutral tone and say, “Well, as our agreement stands, we only have each other to screw, and if you want me to suck your cock, then you need to say please.”

Suck on that, asshole!

He’s so used to getting what he wants with women always falling at his feet…or cock as the case might be. Well, if he wants this woman to suck his cock, then he can ask nicely.

If he doesn’t, then I’m done.

His frown deepens, giving him that cute little line between his brows. “You want me to beg you to suck my cock?” The distaste at that idea is clear in his voice. His face tightens as his jaw tics. “I don’t think so. Begging isn’t something I do.”