Page 18

Supernatural Academy- Year One Page 18

by Jaymin Eve

“No,” Ilia said, shaking her curls. “The carpet walk is chilly, but the dance will be magically warmed. They really just want the winter wonderland theme. The first dance is always winter themed.”

We slowly walked along the carpet that led across a land of white snow. Despite the chill, I didn’t rush, enjoying the white rolling hills and snow-covered trees dotted about. Twinkling lights filled the sky as music drifted across to us from the band. One of the few whispers I had heard were over this band. Apparently they were a big deal in the supernatural communities.

“Packmates,” Larissa said, her voice high and excited. “They’re the hottest band in the world. I’m already dying.”

“All shifters?” I guessed, based on the name.

She nodded. “Oh yeah. Two wolves, a bear, and a panther. Neil, the panther, is my favorite. He plays the drums.”

More of the main dance floor was coming into sight now, and their music grew louder. It was a mix of rock and jazz, with lots of guitar and a strong drumbeat. When we reached the main platform of the dance floor, which was wood, circular in shape, and absolutely massive, I looked back along the carpet to find hundreds of formally dressed supes trailing along.

This was going to be insane. Half the school was here already.

The moment my heels clicked onto the wood floor, warmth surrounded me, and I let out a low sigh. It was almost too hot after the icy walk, but soon my skin adjusted and the temperature felt perfect.

I had a pretty clear view at the setup—there was a raised platform across from us that held the band. They needed the height for security reasons—they were already surrounded by screaming chicks. I watched them for a moment; the lead singer was covered in tattoos, his hair falling just below his ears in scruffy curls, and his voice was damn sexy. Husky and deep, it sent tingles down my spine.

I could see—and hear—why they were so popular.

“Drinks first,” Ilia said, dancing her way across to the long bar that bisected one section of the round floor. “I need a cocktail.”

“They let you have alcohol?” I asked, astonished. We weren’t considered adults in the supernatural world, and back home, no school dance would serve alcohol to underage students.

They both laughed. “Of course,” Ilia said. “The only drink off-limits to under twenty-fives is faerie wine. I’ve been so messy on that stuff, so it’s probably for the best.”

And now I wanted to try faerie wine.

Our first drink was fruity and strong, and I took a long sip, enjoying the orange zestiness as it tingled on my lips. “Your metabolism will burn through these pretty fast,” Ilia said, smiling as she downed hers in one go. “If you want a decent buzz, trust the expert. You need to drink three fast, and then you can slow down with the rest.”

My grin grew. “Challenge accepted.”

Ten minutes later we were four drinks in and finally ready to leave the bar. The dance floor was packed now, and I waved at a few students I knew. I’d become a little friendlier in class, and while the Clovers kept some people from associating with the “human scum,” plenty ignored them.

The music grew louder as we walked toward the main section set up for dancing. Finishing my fourth drink, I dropped it on one of the tall tables that were scattered around. Magically, it disappeared, and I shook my head at the wonder of it all. Over a month here, and I still wasn’t used to this.

“Let’s dance,” Larissa said, seeming a tad more inebriated than us.

I hadn’t danced in years, but somehow my body knew what to do. The beat was sexy, perfect for slow hip swings and bodies grinding together, and after some time, I noticed we were drawing attention.

I was just drunk enough not to care, when normally I might have stepped back.

Josh appeared, dressed in a black suit, the open collar showing a slice of tanned chest muscles. He swept his arms around Ilia, growls rumbling his chest as he nailed all the guys around her with a dark look.

Shifters were possessive bastards.

Ilia spun in his arms, wrapping herself around him as they moved together to the music. “Possessive lion,” I heard her murmur. I hid my smile because I’d thought the exact same thing.

He leaned down and whispered something, and she shot him a slow smile, followed by a seductive nod. It had taken me a while to get used to the sexual nature of supernaturals. To ignore it when I found them frolicking half naked in the long fields out the back of the Academy. Or the passionate kisses which could happen anywhere, anytime. They were free in a way humans weren’t, and the human-raised side of my brain had struggled with it, but now it felt much more normal.

I’d always had a high sex drive, and I finally understood why.

“Look at them,” Larissa said wistfully, staring at Ilia and Josh. “There’s too much pretty there for one couple. If they had kids … they’d be perfect.”

“I know,” I said. “It’s lucky Ilia is our friend or we’d have to hate her for being a goddess.”

We laughed and fell about each other, the alcohol kicking in stronger.

“Shouldn’t your date be here soon?” I asked, looking around.

Larissa shrugged, throwing her arms out to the sides. “I’m not sure. He didn’t seem that happy when I changed our plans, so … maybe he won’t show at all.”

I hugged her. “If he doesn’t, then he’s an idiot, and it’s totally his loss.” I pulled back. “You look smokin’ hot.”

She smiled and waved her hands wildly. “It’s cool. I’m used to being alone. Vamps don’t like to date the daughter of their princeps.”

“Why don’t you try another race?” I asked.

She shrugged. “Ilia and Josh, that’s not really a normal situation. We mostly stick to our own races. Everyone is looking for their true mate.”

We’d learned about true mates in class last week. Apparently it was a rare but very strong connection between two supes of the same race. It was a magical bond. Like … a soul mate or something. I had no idea if I believed in it, especially since it seemed that most supes did not have that sort of bond in their lives, but I understood why it kept them from straying outside of their race when dating. It was an elusive fantasy they were all chasing.

A new song started and the crowd around us screamed. I blinked before figuring out that this was a favorite Packmate song. Larissa grabbed my hand and we spun and swung our hips together. Ilia was still close by, but she was kissing Josh like he was the last supe on earth.

Just as I’d decided to get another drink, heavy hands landed on my waist and I was pulled back into a hard body. A gasp left me, and on instinct I jerked away. Spinning around, I faced a tall, blond shifter I didn’t know.

I stared at him, noting that he was good-looking with a lazy grin and golden eyes.

“Lion?” I guessed. This academy had more than a few lion shifters at it, despite them being a somewhat rare animal.

“Tiger, actually,” he all but purred. I snorted out a little laugh.

“Okay, then. How about don’t touch without permission, tiger.”

His face turned from smarmy to scowly in a heartbeat, and I dismissed him by turning my back and stepping toward Larissa, only to find she was now in the arms of a tall, dark-haired vamp. They were smiling and chatting together, and I figured this was the elusive date. He’d finally arrived.

Thankfully the tiger had taken my not-so-subtle hint and disappeared, so I decided to head to the bar again. I ordered two tequilas from the fey serving and downed both of them fast. The burn spread through my chest. In my old life, I didn’t drink much. No time or money for that. But on the three occasions I’d managed to get drunk, it had taken a shit-lot of tequila to do it.

“Would you like to dance?” a low voice asked from behind me.

I wiped my mouth as I turned, just in case any tequila escaped. I smiled when a dark-haired supe came into sight; Damon, a magic user from my Sword and Sorcery class. I didn’t know him well, having only exchanged a few
words before, but I knew his weapon was a broadsword and he was insanely strong. I could barely even lift the sword, let alone swing it.

“Sure, I’d love to dance,” I said.

He grabbed my hand, leading me through the crowds of supes. When we reached the edge of the dance floor, he pulled me a little closer, and we awkwardly swayed together.

“Come here often?” I said with a smile, hoping to ease the tension between us.

He let out a low chuckle. “I like that you joke. It was the first thing I noticed about you.”

I shrugged. “Humor is my shield, a deflection. It’s also helpful when schooling idiots who need a quick lesson in life etiquette.” Sarcasm and snark were considered humor too, right?

“I’ve noticed.”

I could tell by those two words that he enjoyed my smart mouth, and that made me feel a little more comfortable with him. Not everyone got my sense of humor. Plenty of guys took it as an insult, their tiny egos unable to handle any sort of teasing.

“How are you doing with finding a weapon?” Damon asked, his arms tightening as he brought our bodies even closer.

I grimaced. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Nothing is calling to me. I’m only halfway along the wall, but still, almost everyone else is weaponed up.”

Damon tilted his head, staring down at me with his intense gaze. “You should give the bow another go. I saw you with it last week, and I think there’s a spark there.”

I blinked at him. “You saw me?”

He nodded. “Yep, and to me it looked like you were displaying unnatural talent and skill with it. It might be your weapon.”

“It felt more right than anything else I’ve touched,” I admitted, thinking it over. I flashed him a wide smile. “Thanks for pointing it out.”

“No problem,” he said huskily before he leaned closer to me.

Maybe it was the alcohol, but in the low light his darkly handsome features looked extra striking, and I wondered if I would let him kiss me. I’d never been attracted to Damon before, but it was a dance, and there were pretty lights and snow fields, and maybe … maybe I’d get kissed tonight.

Just before our lips touched, there was a gasp from the crowd around us and I jerked my head back. Girls surged forward, pushing past me, no longer interested in the band. I couldn’t figure out what was happening until the Atlantean-five came into view.

Asher and his friends had arrived.


“Looks like they’re coming this way,” Damon said.

I shook my head, because why would they be, but then I realized he was right. Asher didn’t talk to anyone, even though plenty of supes were trying to get his attention—male and female alike. He just strode across the floor, his eyes locked on me. I shivered, rubbing at my arms as I wondered if I should back up.

Deciding I wouldn’t be a coward, I remained where I was, holding my breath as they surrounded me. Damon didn’t back away, and I reassessed his bravery. If I were in his position, I would have run away.

“We need to talk,” Asher said, his expression dark, face shadowed despite the twinkling lights above.

I forced my expression to remain neutral. “No.”

His lips twitched minutely. “No?”

Something told me he hadn’t heard that word much before.

“That’s right … no. It means I am denying your request to talk.” I waved rudely at him. “I’m busy dancing. You’ll just have to wait.”

Jesse was on his right side, and his grin was so fucking huge that it covered half his face. Rone was on the left, and he wore a neutral expression, which was almost friendly considering his usual scowl.

Turning my back on Asher, I paused at the sight of Axl and Calen on either side of Damon. I let out a sigh, recognizing that none of them were moving away, and we were starting to draw attention.

“Maddi, we’re sorry,” Axl said, and someone let out a groan from behind me. “We’ve been trying to figure out all of this Atlantean mystery, and we’ve neglected our friendship with you.”

“Way to play it cool,” Calen muttered.

Crossing my arms, I tried not to let his apology affect me. It had hurt when they all cut me out, and I’d guessed it was all to do with Asher. Asher the asshole. But now they were all back for some reason.

Supes pushed forward around us, everyone trying to hear our conversation. We were drawing way too much attention, and I was surrounded by Atlanteans, with no easy escape.

“Argh!” I snarled. “Five minutes. That’s it.”

I turned and shot Damon an apologetic smile. “Sorry, maybe I’ll see you later…?”

He didn’t seem too upset. Reaching up, he tucked a wayward curl behind my ear. “Definitely. Catch you later, Maddi.” He pushed through the crowd.

Turning my pissed-off face to Asher, I said, “You better have a very good reason for deciding right now you need to talk to me after all but ignoring me for a month.”

The crowds around us moved even closer, and I bit back a whole bunch of curse words when someone jostled me. The Atlantean-five closed in on me, protecting me from all sides.

“Move,” I heard Rone snarl, and almost like magic, we had space around us.

When we were much more alone, I let out a relieved breath and the guys backed up a little. Asher’s expression remained closed off as he stood staring down, making my breath catch in my chest. It wasn’t fair that he could make me feel this way.

I tilted my chin up so I could look him directly in the eye. “You might be hot, Asher. You might have every single person in this school under your spell. But … not me. Not anymore. Say what you’ve got to say, and then stay away from me.”

I waited a moment, and when he didn’t speak, I decided “fuck it” and went to make a dramatic exit. He reached out and caught my hand before I could take two steps. I gasped—this was our first contact since the whole “almost blowing up the school” incident. The six of us tensed, the silence heavy and filled with worry, but there was nothing except a low swirl of warmth in my center.

“Our energy isn’t fighting anymore,” I whispered, staring at our joined hands.

“Is the block still in place?” he asked, expression unreadable.

I nodded. “Yeah, but it’s starting to wear; I’ll need to see Louis soon.” I shook my head, lifting my eyes to meet his. “I can’t believe we can touch now.”

We were still holding hands; he could have let go, but he hadn’t.

Asher’s eyes flared, burning silver through the green, and I barely stopped from throwing myself at him. Jesus. Could I be any more pathetic?

Frustrated with myself, I tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t let me. “There’s so much you don’t understand,” he told me.

“I think I can keep up,” I replied drily.

His laugh was raspy and dark. “I don’t know what the fuck to do with you. You’re everywhere. You call to the water … and me.” He leaned in closer, his lips brushing across my cheek. “I can’t get you out of my head.”

His words set something on fire inside of me, flames scorching my center.

His friends had faded into the crowd by now, reassured that we weren’t about to blow up the school. “Where have you been for the last month?” I asked, our bodies still close.

His scent was all around me again, and I tried not to close my eyes and breathe it in. Why did he have to smell like my idea of home?

“I’ve been searching for the missing books of Atlantis,” he said, distracting me from my messed-up needs. “I’ve half ripped this school to pieces and … nothing.”

“You’re trying to figure out how I’m connected to Atlantis?” I wondered.

He pulled me a little closer. “Yes,” he said huskily. “These books are our best chance of figuring out how you can have the energy of the originals but not the blood … figuring out why our powers reacted that way. I’ll be honest, despite Louis’ reassurances, I wasn’t sure we’d ever be able to touch again.”

My heart clenched when he admitted to having the same worries that I’d had.

“Why did you stay away from me?” I asked again.

He took his time answering, his gaze never wavering. “It was the safest thing for you. The first time I touched you, Arterian assassins tracked you down. The second time, I almost killed you.”

“But we’re touching again,” I murmured. “Do you think something bad is going to happen?”

I immediately wished I could take that back, worried he’d withdraw from me.

But he didn’t. “I think the worst has passed. Both of those events occurred because whatever lock was on your power was designed to react to Atlantean power. Maybe it was a safeguard. Maybe a warning system. Either way, it’s been disabled now. I don’t think we can trigger more bad luck.”

I let out a shuddering breath. “What made you decide to risk it all tonight?”

His eyes shimmered in the twinkling lights, his hands strong and firm on mine still. “I couldn’t stay away any longer,” he said softly. “I tried my best. I focused on the library. But you look—”

He broke off, and I forced air into my lungs.

“Do you want to dance?” Asher asked, and I was sad that he didn’t finish his sentence but also glad that something had broken the intensity. It was beyond…

“I’d love to dance,” I told him.

We drifted onto the dance floor, and he wrapped his arms around me. Heat and ocean and power surrounded me, and I squeezed my thighs together to ease the ache there. My entire body felt like it had been touched by a live wire, and while it had definitely been too long since I’d had sex, this was all to do with Asher.

He moved gracefully for such a big guy, our bodies sliding together in perfect sync. “Damon is not the one for you,” Asher said, and I narrowed my eyes on him. “Trust me. You deserve better.”

I snorted. “Thank you for that unwanted advice.”

He smiled, and I eyed him with suspicion. “What’s got you smiling like that?” I asked.