Page 40

Southern Girl Series Bundle: Bohemian Girl, Neighbor Girl, Intern Girl Page 40

by Georgia Cates

She lowers the pull tab of my zipper. “I’m going to suck your cock dry.”

Whoa. Fuck.

She pulls my dick out of my pants and grasps her hand around it, stroking up and down. “You have a perfect dick. Perfect length. Perfect girth. It fits inside me the way a cock should fit. Other men dream of being hung like this.”

I should make her stop but what she’s doing feels so fucking good. So much better than what I’d be doing to myself at home later tonight. I don’t think I have the strength to tell her she needs to stop.

“You like the way my hand feels jerking you off?”

Is she kidding me? “Fuck yes.”

“Do you like my hand or mouth better?”

That is a tough choice. “I like both.”

“Okay.” She crawls over and straddles me.

“Whoa, Max. Your parents could come out and see us.”

I look at the window and see them both in the kitchen. Literally, all they have to do is open the patio door to get a peep show of their daughter on top of me.

“We can see them because they’re on the inside with lights. We’re outside in the dark. If you’ll think about it, you’ll know they can’t possibly see us.” Doesn’t feel that way. I feel exposed for them to discover at any moment.

Adelyn bobs, riding me as she glides her hand up and down my cock. “I am so horny. Please put your hand in my panties and make me come.”

I shut off my thoughts about the conversation with Adelyn’s father and slide my fingers up the leg of her shorts until I find her panties. But I don’t go straight for the clit. I stroke her pussy lips through her wet panties first.

“That feels good.”

“You’re already drenching wet.”

“Because of you. I want you inside me so badly I can’t stand it.”

I push two fingers inside her and turn my hand so I’m able to stroke that ridged dome in the arch of her pelvis. “Feel good?”

Her hips are moving in counteraction with my hand. “More toward the front.”

Clits are good for one thing. Clitoral orgasms. But the G spot? That’s where you build the big O.

Yeah. There’s a huge difference. Or so I’m told.

I move my fingers in and out of her quickly, applying upward pressure. “Am I hitting it now?”

I’ve learned the female anatomy varies a little from one woman to the next. What feels good to one may do nothing for someone else. The only way to know is to ask.

“That feels amazing. Don’t stop.”

Sounds like I’m right where I need to be.

Adelyn rides my hand while I thrust my hips into her fist. Not like being inside the real thing but it’s definitely getting the job done. “Max… I’m about to come.” I do not need to shoot cum on her clothes.

“How close?”

“Real close.”

“Got it covered.” She rises on her knees and moves my cock to the space between her legs so it’s aimed at the ground instead of her shorts. “All good whenever you’re ready.”

She grasps my cock harder and moves it up and down my length faster. Until I spasm and explode.

I wrap my free arm around the back of her neck and pull her down so her forehead is pressed to mine. “So… fucking… good.”

She releases my dick and wraps both arms around my shoulders. Her turn now.

She’s still on her knees so I change my angle. “Still feels good like this?”

“Mmm… hmm. Almost there.”

I finger fuck her faster, focusing all the pressure and my attention on that ridged nodule. She buries her face against my shoulder and grasps the neck of my shirt, pulling it so hard I hear threads pop. “Oh fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

Her hold on me tightens as her vagina grips my fingers with its contractions. Fuck, she’s wet. Soaking. And getting wetter with each spasm. “That’s it. I want my good girl to come hard for me.”

Her body twitches several times before she plunges completely toneless over me. “Damn, I don’t think I even realized how badly I needed that.”

I kiss the side of her face. “Good, eh?”

“Spectacular. You give me the best orgasms ever.”

“I’m glad you think so.”

I squirm beneath her and reach down to shift my parts. “Baby, you’re crushing my nuts.”

“Oh, sorry.” She lifts her leg and swings it around so she can sit beside me.

“You didn’t have to move off me.” I like being close with Adelyn. And being face-to-face.

She leans into me and pushes her shoulder against mine. “Straddling your cock like that had me considering things I shouldn’t, so this is a much safer position.”

“What kind of things?”

She buries her face against my arm. “I’m not saying.”

“Because you’re afraid it would scare me?” I feel prepared for anything she could ask of me.

She shakes her head against my arm. “No. Because it scares me.”

Must be something else if it’s enough to frighten this woman. “Tell me. I want to know.”

“I was warring with myself about taking off my panties and shorts and sinking down on your dick until you were balls deep inside me. No protection. That’s how much you make me want you. I lose my mind with lust. And it’s scary as hell.”

Fuck. She’s going to make me hard again saying shit like that.

I’ve never been inside a woman without a condom. Not even with Eden. Looking back on my relationship with my almost-fiancée, consistent condom use was a good idea, considering she was fucking around on me.

“I know. Dumb. Don’t listen to me.”

I asked her to tell me and she did. I can’t let her be embarrassed about this. Especially since I was thinking the same thing too.

I wish I could see her face. Her eyes. But it’s too dark.

I put my hand to her face and my thumb rests against the carotid in her neck. It’s pounding so hard. Thumping so fast against my finger. “I had the same thought, Max. Except it went a little more like ‘Man, I wish she’d let me pull her panties down and put my cock inside her right now. But I’ll take her hand if it’s all I can get.’”

“And I’ll take your hand as well if it’s all I can get.”

I place a quick kiss to her lips before wrapping my arm around her and pulling her close. “Thank you for having me over for dinner. It was nice to meet your parents. I have to say that dessert was exceptional.”

“I know Daddy cornered you. I hope it wasn’t too bad.”

I don’t have many experiences I can compare to my meeting with Brother Maxwell. I’ve never been that guy a girl takes home. I don’t have a lot of experience in the girlfriend’s father department.


“He’s your father and he loves you. He just wanted to make sure I had honorable intentions where you are concerned.”

She nudges me with her shoulder again. “Well, I hope like hell you don’t have honorable intentions. I’m optimistic your intentions are completely crude and ungentlemanly.”

“I shot my cum into your mouth and you swallowed it. I don’t think it gets much cruder than that.”

I bet Brother Maxwell would shit and die if he knew we did that right underneath his nose.

“Yeah. That was pretty lewd.”

“I loved every second.” Watching her swallow my semen was literally one of the biggest turn-ons I’ve ever experienced. Not all girls do that.

“I guess I won’t see you until Sunday.”

This time I nudge her. “I’m hoping you don’t mean so we can go to church together like we promised.”

“No. We’re going to the bedroom instead.”

And I’m going to worship her body. “Which bedroom? Yours or mine?”

“I was thinking yours since you’re more comfortable there. Unless Drunk Lacey plans to come back.”

This is the first time she’s brought up my unexpected visitor. “I fixed Lacey. She
won’t be coming back around anymore.”

“Good. Because it made me jealous having another woman around. Especially when I know you’ve fucked her.”

Possessive lovers are sexy as fuck, and Max is about as sexy as they come. She doesn’t want me hard for anyone but her. And knowing that—hearing her profess her jealousy—makes me want her more than ever.

Infidelity can fuck so hard with your head. Eden’s betrayal made me question everything about my manhood. That’s not an easy thing to admit, even to myself. I think it’s why I’ve spent the last three years bed-hopping. Proving my virility.

Going through all that pussy only managed to prove one thing: I didn’t need woman after woman. I just need the right woman. Because not a single one of them—women whom I can barely even recall now—made me feel like more of a man than Adelyn does.

This beautiful girl wants me. Only. Me. And, God, do I ever welcome that.

“You’re the only one I want to fuck. And I fear that desire is going to become a huge problem really soon if I don’t get up and go home right now.”

She’s already told me she’s considering pulling down her panties and letting me have it bare. As much as I like that idea, it’s a bad one. We both know this.

I lean over and kiss her lips. “Sunday night, baby. Be ready.”

She grins like an imp. “See you then.”


Adelyn Maxwell

Lawrence texts me when she and Oliver are approaching the gallery.


Cueing the band to my announcement, they end their song. I cross the stage and go to the mic on the stand. “Can I have everyone’s attention, please? I’m Adelyn, the event coordinator for this party.”

There are a few whistles and catcalls from the audience.

“Thank you. Our guest of honor is about to enter the building. Can I get everyone to gather in the center of the dance floor?”

It’s a huge crowd and it’s taking longer than I’d like for everyone to shift into place.

“That’s it. Everyone on the dance floor.”

Lawry invited all of their Birmingham friends, hometown friends and family, and their most important business associates. Three hundred on the guest list. Definitely one of the bigger birthday bashes I’ve planned.

“Okay, everybody. When Oliver and Lawrence make their way around the bar, I will tap the microphone three times to cue the band to stop playing and for you to yell surprise. Until then, as you were.”

Lawrence: Coming in now.

Lawrence has made this party preparation so easy. She mostly left all the decisions up to me, which actually made things much simpler. And it doesn’t hurt that she’s notified me of their every move since they got in the car to come this way.

I’m in my hiding place, peeking around the maroon velvet curtain when Oliver, Lawrence, and Lucas come around the bar toward the performance stage.

Damn. Oliver is so hot.

And all mine later tonight.

He’s wearing dark-washed jeans—typical Oliver—but his usual T-shirt has been traded for a black button-down. The sleeves are rolled to his upper forearms, showing off the tattoos on his lower arm. And he’s had a haircut since the last time I saw him. It’s closely buzzed around the bottom. I can’t wait to see if it’s as prickly as it looks.

I see recognition on his face. He’s made contact with someone he knows. It’s now or the surprise is blown.

I tap the mic three times. “Surprise!”

He stops dead in his tracks, looks around at the crowd, and then his sister. He says something to her, but I can’t make out what it is. However, I am able to read his lips when he says “fuck.” That’s my boy’s favorite word.

When the band finishes a single acoustic chord of “Happy Birthday” they flow into the next song and the congested crowd surrounds Oliver. I don’t want to interrupt so I make my rounds, ensuring every detail is as it should be. I want this to be perfect for Oliver. The perfect start to the perfect night I have planned after this party.

My phone buzzes.

Oliver: I know you’re here somewhere.

Adelyn: In the back ensuring everything runs smoothly.

Oliver: Come see me when you can. I want to introduce you to people.

With the room full of friends, family members, and business associates, I was a little worried he would get busy or get caught up with his friends and forget about me. But he hasn’t. And that makes me grin like a big fool.

Adelyn: K. Give me 20.

I find a few problems in the kitchen but nothing I can’t handle. This is what I do. I always find a way to make the car go even when it’s rolling on four flats.

But delegation? I could stand to work on that a bit. And I think I’ll start now. “Michelle, I’m going to step away for a bit. Think you can take over for a while?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Michelle has been my employee for a year. It’s time I give her the opportunity to demonstrate her abilities to handle an event like this. If she does a good job, perhaps I can delegate some of the smaller events to her. And maybe that means I get some weekend time with Oliver and my girls.

“I’ll be around if you need anything. Just drop me a text.”


I navigate through the crowd. No Oliver. Until I look up and see him on the catwalk, talking with two women. My heart’s speed instantly switches from that of a tortoise to a hare and my gut plummets to my feet.

This is the physical form of jealousy stirring in my belly. And I hate it. But it’s what happens when you have feelings for someone.

I’m developing more than lust for Oliver.

I’m falling for him.

He spots me looking at him from below and waves for me to come up and join him, which feels reassuring. I don’t think he would have done that if he were trying to hit on one of those women.

He wraps his arm around my lower back when I reach him and his fingers squeeze my hip. He knows I was jealous about Lacey. Maybe this is his way of telling me to not worry because these women mean nothing to him.

I hope so.

“This is Iron City’s event coordinator and my neighbor, Adelyn.”

I know I’m not his girlfriend, but we are involved, so the way he labels me as his event coordinator and neighbor causes me to pause. Deflate.


He’s gone down on me. Fucked me. I’ve sucked him off and swallowed his cum. We’ve agreed to try things in the relationship aspect and bedroom as well. I think I qualify as more than the person he hires to coordinate corporate events or the woman living next door.

“These are Lawrence’s best friends from home. Ivy and Kelsey.”

I definitely want to make a good impression with these women even if Oliver has irritated me by glossing over our relationship. “Nice to meet you. I hope you’re having a good time.”

“Everything is great.” Kelsey turns and points at the balloon chandelier with photos. “Adore that. So creative.”

“People always love those. They usually turn it into a game to see who can send in the funniest pictures.”

Kelsey laughs. “Whoever sent in the one of Oliver in the womanless beauty review wins.”

Ivy raises her hand. “That would be me. You made one fugly woman, Oliver.”

Oliver squeezes my hip and grins. “Maybe that’s why I never took up drag.”

“You did everyone a favor when you didn’t.”

I suspect they’re right; Oliver is very much a man. Full dark beard. Broad shoulders. Bulging biceps. Rippled abs. V at his waist.

Perfect dick.

No. He’d make a terrible drag queen. I don’t think Maurice could do a thing with him.

Oliver turns and faces me. “Oh shit.”

“What is it?”

“It’s Marlana. She’s coming this way.”

Who’s Marlana?

The question barely registers before I see her and recognize
Bootylicious from the event I planned for BBC. She’s traded her skintight red dress for a black one, equally as tight and hoochie. And her sights are set on Oliver. Again.

“I didn’t tell Lawry how Marlana acted at BCC’s grand opening party, but I should have. I know she wouldn’t have invited her if she knew what happened.”

“What did she do?” Ivy asks and I’m glad. He never really told me exactly what happened.

“She lured me outside to fuck.” Oliver’s voice is low.

“Hel-lo, birthday boy.” Her voice, dragging out the el, reminds me of Marilyn Monroe doing “Happy Birthday, Mr. President.” A bad cross between babyish and the intent to be sexy.

“Marlana. So happy you could make it.”

She leans in, embraces him, and presses a kiss to his cheek. For real? Oliver’s arm is wrapped around me. Can’t she see that?

“What a wonderful party. Everything is done so well.”

“You can thank Adelyn for that. She organized everything, just like she did with BCC’s grand opening.”

She smiles at me. “It’s so hard to find good help these days.”

Bootylicious is going to need some good help getting my foot out of her ass if she keeps on.

She loops her arm through Oliver’s. “I must have a dance with the birthday boy.”

“Actually, Adelyn had asked me to dance with her just before you walked up.”

I might have gone along with him had he properly introduced me to his sister’s friends, but I’m still annoyed even if he has kept his arm around me. “It’s okay. Dance with Marlana. We’ll have our dance later.”

He digs his fingers into my hip. “You sure about that? I already told you I would.”

“Oh, I’m quite sure. Go cut a rug, Thorn.”

I sort of feel bad as I watch Oliver walk away with Marlana.

Ivy laughs. “I’m thinking Oliver must have pissed you off about something.”

I must look like a total bitch. Not the impression I wanted to make with women so close to Lawrence. “He did.”

“Don’t forget we’ve known Oliver for years. So we also know he probably deserves worse.”