Page 21

Souls Unfractured Page 21

by Tillie Cole

Maddie broke away, and her eyes blinked, once, twice, three times. “Maddie,” I murmured, and a small smile hooked on her lips.

A cough sounded beside us, and I snapped my head up, crushing Maddie to my side. My eyes searched around to find that all the brothers had surrounded us, watching me with mouths hanging open, obviously in shock. Maddie ducked her head into my chest and I could feel the heat from her cheeks on the bare skin of my chest.

I bared my teeth, ready to tell them all to fuck off, when Styx and Ky walked forward with Mae and Lilah.

Mae had turned to Styx. “No! Please! Do not go after him. He did not plan this. And he let us go. I spoke to him. He seemed confused and lost… but he let us go.”

“Why the fuck did he just fucking let you go?” Ky exclaimed.

Mae, who was under Styx’s arm, shrugged. “It was his twin brother who organized for Sarai to pretend to have escaped. Everything she said was a lie, designed to work out a way to get us alone and away from the compound. Church was the perfect excuse. I think… it appeared as though Cain did not know of any of it. He was angry with his brother. He was livid with Sarai for bringing us here.”

“And Sarai killed Pastor James. She just shot her in the head, with no remorse,” Lilah added, her voice quiet and shaking with shock.

Ky held her to his chest. “So we’ve now got fucking child soldiers to contend with? Fucking perfect!”

Styx’s hands worked at Mae and I watched him ask, “I just don’t get why the fuck Rider let you go? He’s wanted you for months. Isn’t that why we’re getting fucking attacked at drop offs and shit? What’s his fucking deal?”

Lilah’s attention snapped to Mae. Mae stood back from Styx and pushed the hair from her face. Styx focused on his bitch. “Because I told him something that changed the prophecy of my becoming his wife. In fact, it has completely destroyed it.”

“And what the fuck was that?” Ky asked, frowning.

Mae took a deep breath, and reaching down for Styx’s hand, she pressed it flat to her stomach. “That I am with child.”

My eyes darted to Styx and his face had blanked. His eyes lowered to meet his hand over Mae’s stomach. He swallowed.

“Fuck, Styx,” Ky whispered. Styx then looked back at Mae’s face. His mouth spread into the biggest smile I’d ever seen, and he wrapped his arm around Mae’s neck and crushed her to his front. I could hear him whispering something into her ear and Mae began to sob.

I squeezed Maddie tighter, feeling every ounce of their emotion in my chest. Then my eyes closed as Maddie’s hand began stroking along my stomach, and I froze when her warm lips pressed a single kiss to my chest.

All the brothers embraced Styx, but I wouldn’t, and even if I could touch the Prez, I wasn’t fucking letting go of Maddie for shit. I wanted to get her home to our cabin, and I wanted to kiss her some more… I wanted to…. I wanted to…

“So we gotta just wait for them to attack again?” Ky asked Mae. She shook her head.

“I do not think Rider will return for us. I know him and I could see it in his eyes. I do not think that his life at New Zion is all it is supposed to be.” Mae took a deep breath, and looking up at Styx, who was still holding his hand against her stomach, his face fucking blank, said, “I think it could finally be over for us and The Order. I feel that Rider will not come for us again. I feel he may have seen the error of his ways.”

“The cunt still deserves to die,” Ky said darkly. I nodded my agreement, my back teeth grinding together just imagining stabbing that fucker in his face.

But Styx didn’t answer, instead he wrapped his arm around his bitch and hurried the fuck back to his bike.

Ky turned to the brothers. “Think that’s our cue to get the fuck on. Prez wants his knocked up bitch back home and in his fucking bed!”

I wasted no time. Lifting Maddie in my arms, I cut across the tall grass to my bike and placed her down beside it. Smiler and Bull were dragging the bodies away in the distance, and I was fucking glad Maddie didn’t see what I’d done.

Climbing on the bike, I nudged my chin at the seat behind. “Get on.”

Maddie stared at the seat and shook her head. “I have never been on one before.”

I took my hand in hers and said, “Just climb on and wrap your hands around my waist. I’ll ride slow. You’ll be safe. I won’t let you get hurt.”

Maddie’s shoulders sagged, and meeting my eyes, she said quietly, “I know.”

My heart started to pound again as Maddie climbed on the back. Her long dress lifted up, and her bare legs sat next to mine. And I couldn’t look away. I couldn’t stop looking at her bare legs, my cock hardening and pushing against my leathers. And then her small hands wrapped around my waist and I groaned out loud.

I heard Maddie inhale a quick gasp. Then she pressed a kiss to my shoulder, and gripped my waist harder. My eyes closed and I had to ball my hands into fists to calm down.

I was so confused. I didn’t understand these feelings ripping through my fucking body. All I knew was that Maddie never felt so perfect as she did right now, hugging my waist. And my blood was hot for another reason now. There were no flames, but there was heat. Heat shooting straight to my cock.

Maddie dragged in a stuttered breath and whispered, “Flame...” I tensed as the tone of her voice changed and my lungs squeezed so fucking tight.

Kicking the bike to start, I pulled out onto the road. I traveled slowly with Maddie on the back. My brothers had long disappeared, and here on this road there was just Maddie and me. Maddie’s hands flat to the bare skin of my stomach, her warm breath blowing in my ear.

I gritted my teeth, trying to focus and to catch my breath, but all I could think of was getting Maddie’s lips on mine… of feeling those bare legs. The legs that I’d never seen under her long dresses. Then I wondered what she’d look like without the dress at all. If her skin was smooth everywhere, and what it would feel like with her naked body pressed against mine.

I groaned as that image filled my mind, then my heart sank when I thought of what would have happened if Rider hadn’t let them go. If she’d never come back to me.

My hands began to grind on the handlebars. We had miles left until we got home, but I needed to stop, I needed to fucking stop.

Giving a sharp left, I pulled onto a dark patch of dirt and cut the engine. I breathed in and out, in and out, Maddie still behind my back. But the feeling never left, and I jumped off the bike. I set to pacing beside the bike, then I looked up. And Maddie’s huge green eyes were looking up at me, her cheeks pink and her lips full. And those legs, those legs were on show.

I groaned and ran my hand through my mohawk, then I stopped. My heart was as loud as thunder in my chest, and I couldn’t stop looking at Maddie… at those naked legs.

Then on a long groan, I rushed forward and threw my leg over my bike, my back to the bars, my eyes directly on Maddie. She swallowed as I sat before her, and I shuffled closer, my hands lifting to land on her cheeks. Maddie was breathing hard, and feeling the heat of her cheeks under my palms, I closed in and brought my lips to hers.

Maddie sighed into my mouth. I liked her mouth on mine, but it wasn’t enough, I wanted closer. I wanted to get as close as I could. There were no flames and I needed to fill the dark that was in my heart with her fucking light.

As Maddie’s soft mouth opened, I pushed my tongue against hers, Maddie moaning as they met. She was hot and wet and I moved my tongue faster, but it didn’t feel like enough. Dropping one hand from her face, I ran it over her arm, down her waist and to the top of her thigh. Then I moved it lower still, until my hand met her bare thigh.

Maddie’s tongue stilled, and pulling back, I stared into her eyes. We were both breathing fast, then I looked down. My hand was flat on her bare skin. And I couldn’t take my eyes off the sight. Her skin was so soft, so pale and I had to move my hand. I had to feel it.

My hand began moving down, then when I reached her knee, I moved it back up un
til my hand lay at the top of her thigh, my fingers slipping under her dress. Maddie’s hips rolled forward and a shocked gasp slipped from her throat. Her green eyes were glistening and my heart sank.

“Don’t be afraid,” I said as I ran my finger down her cheek.

Maddie’s eyes closed as she sighed, but when they opened, she took a deep breath and whispered, “I am not scared. I… I cannot explain what I am feeling right now.”

My cock twitched again, and groaning, I shook my head. “Maddie, I… I… I need…”

“I know,” she rasped. Her hand lifted to land on my face. “I understand you Flame. And I am beginning to understand myself. What you and I are to each other.”

“And what’s that?” I asked gruffly.

Maddie bowed her head. “Everything.” My heart missed a beat, then she lifted her head and said, “Love.” Maddie’s hand dropped down over her racing heart, and she whispered, “You, to me, are the only one I could ever love.”

I fought against my clogged throat. But with what just came from her mouth and my hand touching her thigh, I couldn’t. I couldn’t catch a fucking single breath. Groaning, I crashed my lips to hers once again, but Maddie’s hand pushed my chest back and she said plainly, “Flame. Take us home.”

Her cheeks were blazing red, but I nodded my head. I removed my hand from her thigh and clenched my hand into a ball. It felt different. Touching her that closely had felt different.

Then Maddie’s hand was in mine and she said, “Let us go home. I wish,” she took a deep breath, and leaning closer, her forehead kissing mine, said, “I wish to be alone with you. I wish to… touch you more. I wish to see you more… I wish, I think… I need to show you my love.”

Dropping her hand, I turned in the seat. My skin felt on fire. My soul felt on fire. But this time, I wanted the heat to stay. Because it was burning off the bad memories in my head, and it was filling me with Maddie’s light.

In my fucking head was Maddie’s light.

As I started the engine, Maddie’s hand sipped low on my stomach, my cock reaching for her touch. And with her mouth at my ear, she said, “Home, Flame. Take us home.”

She didn’t have to ask me again.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I did not know what had overtaken me. But it was both terrifying and liberating at the same time. My body felt alive with Flame’s touch. On my thigh was a brand, the searing brand of Flame’s touch.

And my heart swelled when it had not felt like that of Brother Moses. It felt… special, and right, and only good things.

And after fearing I would never see him again, any barriers I had left crumbled to dust when I saw him running my way. I forgot to breathe, watching his dark eyes set on mine. In that moment, I had no past, nor did he, it was just us. One boy and one girl feeling the heady relief of reunion after separation.

And all I had wanted him to do when he was before me, was to hold me. I wanted to feel small and protected under the heaviness of his inked and pierced arms. I wanted to feel his hot skin beneath my cheeks, and I had wanted to feel his soft lips on mine.

And he had delivered. He had cared for me so softly. And I could see the same desperation to feel one another’s touch reflected in his eyes. And then something else took root. A feeling between my legs. A craving to have more of him. Because, and I was sure of this, I would never feel like this about anyone else. So mindless and free with my body and touch, so at ease and willing to fall into his arms.

And that is when I knew. I knew that what I was feeling was love. It had to be. Because it was all-encompassing and irrational, yet at the same time it felt so perfect and true.

And it had to be true, because in front of me was my Flame… and I was his Maddie. Two fractured souls made whole only by the other’s unconditional love.

My arms tightened around Flame’s waist, and I pressed a kiss to his shoulder, smelling the leather from his cut, as a falling tear from my eye was swept away in the cool breeze.

Flame stiffened, but I knew it was not from abhorrence of my touch. No, he too was feeling the same searing sensation that ran through me, running through him. And it was heady, and frightening, and delicious, in the most beautiful of ways.

The Hangmen compound appeared on the left, and my heart kicked into a sprint knowing that in just a few minutes we would arrive at the cabin. And I knew that after tonight, our lives would change forever.

Because they had to.

There was no way to stop what was coming for us with the force of a hurricane. And there was no desire for it stop either. It would finally free us both. In the only way it could—with each other.

Flame veered onto the dirt path that led to his cabin. He pulled to a stop and switched off the engine.

The night was still, and the owls hooted from the trees. My hands were still wrapped around Flame’s waist as he breathed in deep controlled breaths. I counted eleven, then on twelve his hand lifted and lay over mine on his waist.

For an inexplicable reason, my eyes filled with tears. I lay my head against his wide shoulder and inhaled. A wisp of gentle wind wrapped around us. Inhaling its earthy scent, I lifted my head from his back and released my hands from around his waist. Sliding off the saddle, I walked round the bike and entered the open cabin door.

I could feel Flame right behind me, and when he closed the door and turned the lock, the room temperature seemed to soar. Flame stood at my back, and I closed my eyes and breathed.

My hands shook with nerves, but I vowed to myself that I would do this. I would do this; not only for myself, but for Flame also. Though still trapped by the heavy weight of our demons, we needed to be freed. We needed to do this, to finally be free.

Forcing my legs forward, I walked into the bedroom. As I entered the doorway the small bed, pushed to the back of the small room, seemed to dominate the entire setting. The ironed white sheets that I had laundered and pressed, were still perfectly spread over the mattress. I swallowed in trepidation.

Heavy footsteps entered the room behind me and I could feel Flame’s presence at my back, like I was standing in the heat of the midday sun.

Taking a deep breath, I turned silently, only to see Flame’s huge frame blocking the doorway, hands fisted tightly at his side.

Stepping forward, and without looking up, I lay my hand flat to the bare skin of his heavily muscled stomach, gently moving my palm to run over the ridges and valleys of his abdominal muscles. Flame’s entire body tensed and a long hiss escaped from his mouth.

Lifting my other hand to join its partner on Flame’s hot skin, I drifted them up to his chest and pushed off the leather cut he always wore. The heavy material dropped to the ground, leaving only his fully inked and pierced naked torso. My hands stroked his hard body, edging over the scars and snakebite marks from his youth. As the pads of my fingers traced over those scars, Flame released a hard breath, skin twitching. But he did not stop me. Then as my hands continued north, I steeled myself to look up. And when I did, it was to find his dark eyes watching me with an expression so trusting, it almost brought me to my knees.

Flame’s lips parted and he whispered, “Maddie…”

Stepping closer until my body was flush against his, I tilted up my head, searching for a kiss.

Flame watched my mouth, then lifting his cold hands onto my face, guided his head down to mine. As our mouths connected, his lips were feather-light and they brushed so softly against mine.

I had never felt so treasured, so safe, as I did at this very second.

Flame’s mouth withdrew, and his forehead pressed against mine. Sucking in a breath, he rasped, “Are you afraid?”

My heart skipped a beat. “Yes,” I whispered truthfully.

“Me too,” he replied, so softly his voice was barely audible.

Laying my hands on his waist, I drank in his heat, then stepped backwards. Flame’s eyes stayed with mine the whole time.

Lifting my shaking hands to my messed-u
p hair, I began unthreading the pins that still remained, the ones that held up what was left of my bun. Six pins later, long black hair fell over my shoulder and I dropped the pins to the ground. Flame shifted from side to side as he watched me, nostrils flaring and lips tightening.

It was strange. I had always resented my beauty. Had always hated the fact that men found me attractive. But right now, standing before Flame so uncensored and unbarred, I wanted him to want me. I wanted him to be breathless at my face. I wanted him to want to touch my body, to cherish me like I dreamed it could be. Without the pain, and without the cruelty.

“Maddie,” Flame murmured. Spurred on by his plea, I lifted my hand to the back of my dress. Finding the zipper, I pulled it down. Flame’s eyes flared, when the top of my dress sagged, baring my shoulders.

My eyes closed as a sudden flurry of nerves accosted my senses, but then I heard him moving forward, feeling his body heat pushing toward me.

I felt a finger running along my neck, and it traveled down onto my newly-bared shoulder. It traveled across my collarbone, then stopped at the falling neckline of my dress.

On a deep inhale, I opened my eyes to see Flame’s head tilt to the side as he watched me. Although his face wore a blank expression, his soulful dark eyes told me everything I needed to know, everything I needed to feel.

He wanted this.

He wanted me.

Not once breaking Flame’s focus, I dropped my arms. With them came my dress and it fell to a messy heap on the ground. I sucked in a nervous gasp as the cold air in the cabin washed across my bare breasts. The only thing now protecting my modesty were my small white undergarments.

Flame’s finger was still on my lower throat, and I trembled as he viewed me. He was a statue, frozen to the spot. But his eyes were exploring, drinking in my body.

A low groan eventually tore from his lips, and he murmured, “Fuck… Maddie…” then his eyes snapped to mine and he hushed out, “Mine. My Maddie… My beautiful Maddie…”

Feeling tears build in my eyes, Flame’s finger gently moved and drifted down my chest to rest between my breasts. I breathed hard at the unfamiliarity of such a soft touch, then I stilled and released a moan as his finger ran across to my right breast, his fingers skimming the flesh and circling the nipple.