Page 24

Some Like It Hot: An Erotic Romance Anthology Page 24

by Olivia Cunning

“So you’re into BDSM too?”

“No, not really.”

“Then why the club? You’re both hot, you can’t tell me that either of you have problems finding partners.”

I love that she’s so attracted to both of us, because God knows, we think she’s the sexiest woman on the face of the earth.

“Kevin has a tendency to be an exhibitionist, and there are usually like-minded people at the club.”

“Like minded as in threesomes or exhibitionists or both?”

“Both, I guess,” I rub my hands up and down her slender back.

“Oh.” I feel her frown against my chest, making me chuckle again.

“I’m more vanilla of the two of us.”

“Neither of you are vanilla,” she says with a smile in her sweet voice.

“I guess you’re right. Tell me about you. What are your tastes?”

She sighs deeply, as if I’ve just asked her to cure cancer.

“I haven’t ever been able to figure that out.”

“What do you mean?”

“Sex has always just been… okay. For a long time I hoped I was submissive so I could fit into that category.”

“There are no categories, sweetheart.”

“You know what I mean.”

“You’re no submissive.” I laugh at the thought of it. No, Bailey is no man’s submissive.

“No way,” she agrees with a chuckle. “But missionary sex is so boring. There has to be a happy medium, right?”

I give her a moment to process her thoughts, kissing her head and caressing her slender back.

“Is it weird that I like to be intimate with two men at once?” she wonders out loud.

“Clearly you’re asking the wrong person that question, sweetheart.” I snort and look down into laughing blue eyes. “I don’t think it’s weird at all.”

“Of course you don’t.”

“Does it feel weird to you?”

“No.” She frowns.

“What then?”

She looks like she’s going to say something, but she shakes her head and lays back down on me. “Nothing.”

I sigh as sleep weighs my eyelids down. Finally. My body is singing from the climb yesterday and the long hours being awake. Bailey’s breathing has evened out and I know she’s gone back to sleep.

I kiss her head, thankful that she’s here with us, and follow her into a dreamless slumber.


I wake to sunlight coming through the small windows of the basement and Bailey still sleeping soundly on my chest. I glance up to find Kevin leaning against the doorway, smiling smugly at us.

“I’m starting breakfast. No rush, man. Wake her up and enjoy her.”

“Thanks,” I whisper as he turns to leave. I brush the hair off Bailey’s face and kiss her forehead. “Wake up, sweetheart.”

“Mmmph,” she replies, making me grin. God, she’s adorable in the morning.

“Kevin’s making us breakfast, sweetheart.” She sighs and buries her face in my chest, takes a long, deep breath and wiggles against me, her small naked body moving against mine, making my hard cock even harder.

“You’re so hard,” she whispers.

“Every morning,” I agree with a wicked smile.

“Not that,” she laughs. “Well, yeah, that, but the rest of you too.”

“Was I uncomfortable?” I kiss her forehead and turn us carefully to the side, making sure she doesn’t fall.

“No, I haven’t slept that well in a long time.” She grins and kisses my chin. “Thanks for the talk. And the pool game.”

“My favorite way to play pool.” My smile fades as I watch her face.

“We didn’t use protection,” she whispers.

“Kev and I never go without protection, Bailey. Ever.”

“I’ve got the birth control under, well, control.” She smiles and buries her face in my chest again. “And I haven’t been with anyone in a couple years.”

“Years?” I ask in shock. Holy shit! Years? “How is that possible? You’re gorgeous and smart and sexy as fuck.”

She shrugs and hugs me tightly. “I just haven’t met anyone who interested me.”

“We are tested every year. We’re clean, sweetheart.”

“I wouldn’t be here if I thought otherwise.”

“Okay then.” I sniff loudly, the smell of bacon filling my nose. “Let’s go see what Kevin has cooking.”



“This is where you live?” Kevin says with a scowl. They’ve just climbed out of Kevin’s car behind me. We picked my car up and they followed me home so I could pack a few things for the rest of the weekend. I look up at the old apartment building and bite my lip with a shrug.


Gray and Kevin share a look and cross their arms over their chests.

“What?” I ask in exasperation.

“This place is old, and it looks like it hasn’t been updated since the day it was built.”

“Which makes it cheap,” I agree and roll my eyes as I turn and lead them up to my small apartment. They’re right, I don’t exactly live at the Ritz. But it’s inexpensive and I’m hardly here anyway.

I lead them into my apartment and they both scan the inside.

“I don’t like this neighborhood,” Kevin says, his hands on his hips as Gray wanders through my space, looking under sinks and at my heating ducts.

“Then it’s a good thing you don’t live here,” I reply sassily and bat my eyes at him before walking into the bedroom to pack a bag. “What are we doing today?”

“We’re going out on the boat,” Gray says absentmindedly as he examines my heater in the bedroom. “You shouldn’t cover this vent with this desk.”

“There’s nowhere else to put the desk,” I search through my dresser for the new black bikini I bought last year.

“This is a fire trap,” Kevin calls from the other room. His voice is laced with disgust.

“It is not.” I roll my eyes and shove some jeans and a T-shirt into my bag. “It’s just old.”

“I’m the expert, princess,” Kevin says as he pokes his head around the doorjamb. “Trust me, this is a fire waiting to happen.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Move out of it,” Gray responds immediately, making me laugh.

“Right. That’s easy to do. This is what I can afford.”

“I know who your parents are,” Kevin says from the doorway where he’s leaning his shoulder, his arms crossed over his chest.

“Yeah, so does most of the state of Washington.”

“How does a senator’s daughter live here?”

“The senator and his wife want very little to do with their daughter,” I reply honestly, my voice void of emotion. “It’s been that way since said daughter decided to flip off her law degree and organize charity events for a living. Such a disappointment. I don’t need their fucking money. I am not cold or hungry. I don’t need designer labels in my closet, guys. I’d rather donate the money to someone else who is cold and hungry.”

Kevin advances on me and pulls me into his arms for a big hug as Gray swears under his breath.

“Your parents are idiots,” Kevin whispers into my ear.

“On that we can agree.” I smile and shrug. “This is old news to me guys, so if you expect me to fall apart and cry delicately because my daddy refuses to buy me a designer handbag, you’re going to be disappointed.”

“Strong girl,” Gray says and kisses my head as Kevin continues to hold me close. “Finish gathering your things so we can go enjoy the boat.”

“What kind of boat do you have?” I’m thankful for the change of subject, but I can tell by the look that passes between the guys that it won’t be over forever.

“A sporty one that goes fast,” Kevin replies with a smile as he moves away from me so I can finish packing my bag.



It’s the p
erfect day to be out on the boat. We launch her into the water and set out fast on the blue water of the sound, bouncing off the waves made by the ferries.

“Woohoo!” Bailey cries with a wide smile and high-fives Gray, who’s sitting next to her, his arm wrapped around her shoulders. I love seeing them together. I love that she’s so comfortable with both of us after such a short time.

Because I wasn’t lying when I said she’s ours and she’s never leaving. Bailey may think we were joking, but we couldn’t be more serious.

She won’t be returning to that death trap of an apartment. Just the thought of that place makes my blood boil. She’s lucky it hasn’t burned down around her as it is.

Damn stubborn woman.

“Wanna drive?” I call out to her. Bailey’s smile returns full-force, hitting me like a punch in the gut. God, she’s fucking beautiful.

She stands and hurries over to me and I tuck her between me and the wheel. She wiggles that barely-covered ass against my growing cock, making me want to bend her over and fuck the hell out of her right here.

“Behave,” I growl in her ear, making her laugh.

“How do I do this?” She asks excitedly, looking out over the water. “It’s so pretty out here!”

“Have you ever been on a boat before?” Gray asks from his seat, watching us both.

“Nope.” She shakes her head. “Mom was always afraid of water. Her brother drown when they were children.”

“That’s sad,” I mutter and position her hands on the wheel, keeping mine over them. God, her hands are so small. “Just keep her steady. Keep an eye on the boats around us, careful not to get to close to any of them, and take us wherever you want to go.”

“This is so fun!” She exclaims. “How do we go faster?”

“Oh God, she’s a speed demon,” Gray says with a laugh.

“My kind of girl,” I reply with a grin. “Here’s the throttle.” She pushes the throttle, sending us speeding over the water. “Whoa! Not that fast.”

She laughs and kisses me fast and hard then turns back to her task at hand, driving the boat through the blue water. There’s not a cloud in the sky today, and out here on the water it’s cool and perfect.

Perfect with the two people I care about the most.

“Where should we go?” She swipes at a strand of hair that’s escaped her ponytail.

“We can head north and you can see some pretty impressive houses,” I suggest. “Or, we can go around the islands and maybe see some wildlife.”

“Oh, let’s go around the islands!” She claps her hands when I pull mine off hers.

“Hands on the wheel, princess.”

With her driving on her own now, I rest my hands on either side of the wheel and lean into her, burying my face in her neck. Fuck, she smells of clean air and soap and I can’t get enough of her. I nibble her soft skin, then catch her earlobe between my lips and suck softly.

“I can’t concentrate when you do that,” she warns me, but she leans into me when I press my cock against her ass.

“I’m going to bury myself inside you tonight,” I whisper in her ear. Goosebumps break out over her skin. I grin and press a kiss to that sensitive skin under her ear. “I’m going to make love to you until you can’t remember your own name.”

“Well that sounds like fun,” she replies and glances up at me with bright, lust-filled eyes, then glances nervously over at Gray. He catches my gaze, and I nod. I take the throttle and slow us down to a stop, content to let us drift while we talk to our girl.

“Bailey, I know that you and Gray made love in the basement last night.” Her cheeks pinken and she bites her lip. “And that’s awesome. There will be times that we will have you to ourselves. And other times we’ll have you together. There’s no need for you to feel guilty that you enjoy having sex with each of us separately.”

“I don’t want to make either of you jealous because I am attracted to you both and I enjoy being with both of you,” she admits with a shrug. “I don’t want it to get weird.”

“It’s not weird because we’re not jealous,” Gray says and takes her hand in his, kissing her palm. “Remember what I said last night, sweetheart. It’s what we decide between the three of us. It’s our relationship, no one else’s.”

“Relationship?” she asks in surprise.

“Do you think we bring women out on our boat often? Ask them to stay the weekend?”

“I have no idea,” she replies with a frown.

“We don’t,” I reply and tip her face up with my finger. “We don’t.”

She looks back and forth between us and then laughs ruefully. “Okay. I guess we’ll figure it out as we go.”

“That’s the plan.” Gray kisses her forehead and then her lips, then passes her off to me and I do the same. “My turn to drive,” he says with a wolfish grin. “Let’s see how fast this fucker can go.”

“Alright!” Bailey exclaims in excitement. Oh yeah, she’s perfect for us.

Chapter Five


“That was delicious.” Gray sits back in his seat on the patio and pats his flat belly. “You weren’t kidding when you said you love to cook.”

I smile proudly and sip my wine. “Thank you, but all I did was throw a few steaks on the grill and toss a salad.”

“That’s heaven to us, princess,” Kevin says with a wink. These guys are so… amazing. What’s the catch here? They’re sweet. All day on the boat they made sure my sunscreen was fresh. They brought me diet sodas. Gray pulled my feet in his lap and rubbed them while Kevin drove us back to shore. They’re the most affectionate, attentive men I’ve ever met.

A girl could get used to this, and that’s something that scares me. This is a weekend fling. I’ll go home tomorrow and back to my normal life. I guess we could continue a sexual relationship now and then, but their work is demanding, and so is mine. I have no idea how our schedules would mesh.

“You’re thinking awfully hard over there,” Gray murmurs and sips his water.

“What’s on your mind?” Kevin asks.

I’m not going to tell them that I’m not sure how our schedules are going to mesh for casual fucking. Not in this lifetime.

“I was just thinking about the strawberry shortcake I’m about to whip together,” I lie easily and smile at the men. Gray narrows his eyes on me and he looks like he’s about to say something when his cell phone rings on the table at his elbow.

Saved by the bell.

“McDermitt.” He doesn’t take his eyes off me as he listens to the voice on the other end of the line. “Give me ten.” He ends the call and stands, rounds the table to me and pulls me out of my chair. He covers my mouth with his and kisses me firmly before pulling back and cradling my face in his hands. “This conversation isn’t over, sweetheart. I have to go to work for a while.”

“What’s up?” Kevin asks.

“Multiple car accident,” Gray responds with a sigh.

“How bad is it?” I ask.

“I have no idea,” Gray replies. “Won’t know until I get there.”

“Be safe.” I wrap my arms around him and hug him close.

“I’ll be fine.” He kisses my forehead, waves at Kevin and takes off through the house.

“It’s already pretty late,” I comment. We didn’t come off the water until dusk, and now it’s dark. “Does this happen very often?”

“Sometimes, yeah. We get called in at a moment’s notice, even on our days off.”

I nod and begin clearing dishes, carrying them to the kitchen. Kevin joins in and before long the patio table is cleared off and cleaned and we have the dishwasher loaded and the kitchen clean, too.

I’ve just finished wiping down the countertops when I feel Kevin move up behind me and wrap his arms around my middle and bury his face in my neck.

“Hey you,” I whisper.

“Hey beautiful,” he responds. “I think you’ve done enough work for the day.” He takes the dishrag from m
y hands and tosses it into the sink then turns me in his arms and pulls me against him. “What can I do for you, Miss Whitworth?”

“I don’t need anything,” I reply honestly and brace my hands on his chest as I look up into his kind, happy face. His blonde hair is still wind-blown and his green eyes are smiling down at me sweetly. I nuzzle his chin with my nose, then place a kiss there. “Although, I could use a shower.”

“I think that’s the best idea you’ve had all day,” he says with a grin and kisses my forehead before leading me up the stairs to the master bedroom. I love this room. The bed is super comfortable and the room is big, with plenty of floor space to add a chair and ottoman to use as a reading nook. I can picture pretty paintings on the walls, and all of our clothes mingling on the floor and in the closet.

Keep dreaming, sister.

Kevin leads me into the spacious bathroom and starts the shower, then turns back to me and pulls my swimsuit cover-up over my head. “You looked gorgeous today,” he says softly.

I smile as I hook my finger in the waistband of his swim shorts and tug him closer to me. “So did you.” His stomach muscles flex beneath my finger as I run it back and forth over the smooth flesh. “But I think you’ll look even better when we shed these shorts.”

“Yeah? Let’s find out.” He winks and pulls the shorts down his legs and kicks them aside. “Better?”

I lick my lips as I stare at his hard cock, firm legs and numerous abs. “Oh yeah. Much better.”

“You’re a naughty girl, Bailey,” he murmurs and tugs the strings holding my bikini together. The scraps of fabric fall away and we’re left standing in the bathroom, facing each other, naked. “Mm, I think I prefer you this way too.”

I reach up and cup his cheek in my hand, then pull my fingertips down his face, his neck, and lower, down his chest and abdomen and finally find his cock.

“I haven’t tasted you yet,” I say softly. His cock twitches in my hand as Kevin growls low in his throat. “Do you mind?”

“Do I mind?” He laughs and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. “Baby, that’s like asking me if I mind if you breathe. You can do any damn thing you want to me and I’ll fucking love it.”

I tilt my head to the side and watch his face as I pump up and down the length of him, reveling in the velvety feel of his cock. The room is filling with steam as I lower myself to my knees and circle the head with my tongue.