Page 21

Sold: Highest Bidder Page 21

by Willow Winters

I swerve on the road, nearly losing control, but only for a moment. Fuck! I’m losing it.

Because I lost her.

I nearly throw the fucking phone out of the window when I see it’s Madam Lynn. I don’t know what the fuck she wants, but I don’t have the time. I almost toss it onto the floor, but I can’t. It’s late. It’s really fucking late, and if she’s calling at this hour, there’s a damn good reason for it.

“Fuck,” I curse beneath my breath and try to answer the phone without anger as I drive closer to Katia. I’ll have her back soon and then everything will be alright.

“Hello?” I answer.

“Hello, Isaac,” her voice is even and calm, no hint of urgency.

“Now’s not a good time,” I grit out between my teeth. I instantly regret answering.

“Oh? I thought you should know as soon as possible that Katia has agreed to go up for auction tomorrow. But I suppose if you don’t have the time...”

My blood chills, and my heart nearly stops beating. “Bullshit.”

“No, that’s what stomping on a woman’s heart will do to you, Isaac.”

I slow the car and drive off the road, stopping in the shoulder. My throat dries, and I can’t fucking stand the pain. It’s only been hours. It was one mistake.

One fucking mistake.

And she’s done.

I threw her out. I deserve this. I shake my head, denying it. I didn’t want to. I didn’t mean to.

I was scared. Scared to let her close. Scared that I would destroy the strong woman she is.

“I’m sorry,” I say into the phone, but it’s not for Madam Lynn, it’s for my Katia. “I fucked up.”

“I know you did.”

“She can’t go up there. I can’t let her.”

“You don’t have a choice,” Madam Lynn huffs into the phone.

“You don’t understand-” I start. I’m not going to let anyone else have her. There’s no fucking way anyone in there deserves her more than me.

“Oh, don’t I, though?” Madam Lynn’s voice is hard. “She fell in love; you fell in love. You need to go get her, Isaac. You need to apologize and make this right.”

Before she’s even finished, I’m slamming my foot on the gas and making my way to her.

“She’s not going up there tomorrow,” I tell her.

“I hope I don’t see her, but if I do, I will feel very sorry for you.”

“She won’t be there,” I say flatly and hang up without waiting for a response.

She belongs with me.

Knock, knock, knock. I slam my fist against the door. The outside air is bitter cold and harsh on my skin. Making my knuckles pain with every hard blow to the door. I relish the pain. I’d rather feel it than the hole in my chest.

As my hand slams down against the door, it opens. The swift swoosh brings the cold air past Katia’s bare shoulders and she covers herself with the shawl wrapped around her.

Her long blonde hair blows slightly and the chill causes her shoulders to shudder. Her cheeks are flushed and red, and obviously tearstained. My poor Katia. I did this to her.

But I’ll make it right. I’ll fix this.

“Isaac.” She says my name softly.

“Katia.” I want to pull her into my arms, but I can’t. Not knowing what she did. Agreeing to go up for auction. “You’re going up for auction?” I ask her, although it’s more of a statement.

Her eyes flash with a heated anger. “It’s none of your business, if that’s why you’re here.” Her grip tightens on the door and I know she’s going to slam it shut in a moment.

“I won’t allow it, Katia.” I say the words hard and take a step in. Katia slowly closes the door and it looks like it takes restraint not to shove it closed with an angry push, but the look on her face is anything but submissive.

She’s pissed.

She shakes her head and says, “You told me you didn’t want me.” She’s trying to be strong, but the pain in her voice is evident. It shreds me.

“I was wrong to say that,” I say calmly, holding my hands up and approaching her like a wounded animal. My poor kitten. I did this. This is all my fault.

“I will have a Master,” she says slowly, her voice gravely low.

“Then you will have me,” I say with conviction, balling my fists at my side. There is no fucking way I’ll let another have her that way.

“Will I?” she asks, crossing her arms. I tilt my head slightly, my heart beating frantically and anxiety coursing through my limbs.

Please don’t deny me, kitten.

I don’t show fear. I take a step closer to her, and she holds her ground. “You will,” I answer her.

“You will never lie to me again, Isaac.” Katia stares at me with red-rimmed eyes. Her bottom lip is trembling, but strength is the dominant feature in her expression.

I’m struck by the strength, but also the hurt in her voice.

“Lie to you?” My eyebrows raise in surprise.

“You said you didn’t want me.”

Fuck, my heart drops in my chest.

“I’m sorry, Katia. It wasn’t true.”

“I know it wasn’t true. But you will never lie to me again,” she says as she brushes the tears angrily away from her face.

“Never,” I say just above a murmur, moving forward to take her in my arms, but she takes a step back.

“You need to tell me,” she says softly. Her defenses are crumbling around her. My breath is stolen from my lungs at the raw vulnerability on her face.

Tell her what? Whatever she needs to hear, I’ll tell her. Anything, just to get that hurt look off her face. I need her happiness back. “I’ll tell you anything.”

“Then tell me!” she yells at me, and I’m at a loss for words. I take a step toward her again, so close to touching her, but she steps back, moving from my reach. I drop to my knees in front of her. Desperate for her to stop moving away from me, to stop denying me.

“I’m sorry! I’m so fucking sorry! I’m broken. I’m hurt. I need you in my life. I need to lean on you and learn to put faith and trust in you like you do me!” I reach out for her, gripping onto her thighs and pulling her closer to me. “Is that what you want?”

Her shoulders rock forward with a sob as she shakes her head no. My heart shatters into a million shards.

“Just tell me what you want to hear!” I’ll tell her whatever she needs to hear. Whatever it is, I need her. I have to have her back.

“I told you I loved you!” she yells at me before covering her mouth and breathing in deep.

That’s what she wants?

“Of course I love you!”

She falls to the ground, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and finally letting me hold her again.

“I’ve loved you since I first laid eyes on you,” I whisper in her ear, kissing her shoulder, her cheek. Finally, her lips. She kisses me with the same intensity I feel. She's equal to me in every way.

“You deserve better than me. More than what I can give you. But if you want me, I won’t deny you.” I give her a soft chaste kiss, pressing my lips to hers and feeling closer to her than I’ve ever been to anyone. “I fucking love you, Katia.”

“I love you, Isaac.” Her voice is soft and gentle. “My Master,” she says in a whisper. “I love you.”

“I love you, kitten.”


“I’m gonna bring you home to daddy,” I coo, rubbing Toby’s belly, the Golden Retriever I’ve fallen in love with, even if he is a stubborn dog sometimes. Toby grins at me, his mouth open, his teeth exposed as he paws playfully at my hands. “Yes I am, boo boo.”

Looking at him makes me think of Roxy, but today I’m not filled with sadness when the image of her pops up in my mind. Roxy would be ecstatic for me right now. I’ve finally found someone who I can spend the rest of my life with. I only wish Roxy was here to spend it with us.

“But you’re going to fix that, aren’t you, Toby?” I ask, tick
ling his belly, eliciting a cute whine from his canine lips. Toby will never take Roxy’s place in my heart, but I think he’ll be a good substitute. I just know that Isaac is going to love him. He told me he’s ambivalent with dogs, but I’m positive that Toby will win him over. He can win anyone over. His adorableness is infectious. “Aren’t you, boo boo?” Toby continues to grin at me, pawing at me and my eyes fill with tears of happiness. God, I’m so happy. I can’t remember ever feeling this complete. Things are going far better than I expected.

It’s been two months since I moved in with Isaac, and everything is perfect. Not just between us, but everything. Absolutely everything.

I know it’s early to say that I want to spend the rest of my life with Isaac, but what we have is stronger than anything I could ever imagine having with someone else. I can’t even imagine being with anyone else. Isaac is my heart and soul. My Master. But he’s so much more than even that. One day, hopefully soon, he’ll know how much meaning he’s brought to my life, how much I appreciate him for saving me.

I feel normal now. Which is a weird thing to say, since I’m anything but. But I’m making friends and feeling at ease. I feel whole.

I’ve even made a friend at the club named Dahlia. Isaac’s been taking me to the club more and more. I love it there. Not only because of the allure, but for the company. Like Dahlia. Her Dom and Isaac are close. I don’t know what all they’ve been through, but I know he helped heal Dahlia. They’re going to therapy together, which is new for them. Lucian said they should go together. She’s proud of it. She’s proud of him. But she still hasn’t told me why. I understand not wanting to open up to me just yet, but she tells Lucian everything. And it shows when they’re together.

“So is this the one?” asks that deep familiar voice.

Speak of the devil.

I suck in a breath as I take in Isaac standing in the doorway, his hands casually stuffed inside his pant pockets. He’s a fucking vision today, wearing a breezy dress shirt that’s unbuttoned at the chest, showing the beautiful tanned skin beneath. I almost feel guilty at the sinful thoughts that run through my mind as I pet Toby, ashamed that I’m aroused in my place of work. But I can’t help myself. Isaac always does this to me. I could be in the same room with the pope, and one look from Isaac would have me blushing violently.

“Why yes he is, Master,” I answer playfully. I’m not supposed to call him Master in public. Only at home or at Club X. But fuck it, I can’t help it. He shouldn’t be so fucking hot, and then there’d be no issue.

Isaac smirks at me, looking to his left and to his right, wary of any employees as the dogs bark in the background. He needn’t worry. They’re all in the back. “Are you looking to be punished, kitten?” he says threateningly under his breath.

I return his smirk as I say, “Maybe I am.”


“Please, Master,” Katia begs me from the bed as I walk to the dresser.

She’s heaving for air and her fingers are digging into her thighs to keep herself from taking over.

She wants more. She always wants more. I’m going to have to take a fucking Viagra just to keep up with her.

Fuck, she feels so good. I’ll never get enough of her. I could fuck her all day and still not be sated. All I want to do is give her unmatched pleasure.

Not today though. We’re helping her cousin move into Katia’s old apartment. Lyssa's excited to be moving to the big city, and Katia’s happy to have her close.

In fact, she’s been wanting to see her family more and more. Especially her mother. It’s about time she opened up to her. She doesn’t talk about the depraved aspects of our relationship. But she tells her mother everything else. She’s honest and open. She’s raw and vulnerable. She’s not afraid to share her pain, because she knows with that there’s healing. For all of them. Katia and her family.

She’s finally accepted that.

I’ve never seen her happier and more confident. She’s a beautiful woman, inside and out.

How I got suckered into helping her cousin move, I have no idea. Well, the movers I hired will be doing most of the work, but still.

I have to admit, it’s nice being included. There wasn’t even a question as to whether or not I’d be there. They all just assumed I would be. If it were anything else, I’d be irritated. But it’s Katia’s family. She says they’re my family too, and I may one day feel that they are. But not yet.

Just like Katia, we need time.

I’ll have more of it to dedicate to her now that I’m not taking new clients for the security firm.

I don’t see the point. I don’t want to be the man I saw in myself when I pushed Katia away.

I want to be the man she sees. She keeps telling me every night what a Master means to her.

And I promise I’ll be that man. I’ll make every effort to be the perfect Master for her.

As I open the dresser drawer to pick out what toys I’m going to use on her, I see the black velvet box in the corner of the drawer.

Her family is having a dinner to celebrate Lyssa’s departure into her independence, or so Katia thinks. Her entire family already knows that I’ll be proposing. I promised them she’ll forever be surrounded by love. She deserves it.

Her mother cried when I told them, and even her father got teary eyed. I feel an odd sense of family with them. Something similar to what I had with my Aunt Maureen before she passed.

With time it will grow, and I’ll make sure Katia is there, front and center, surrounded by love and family.

“Master, may I touch myself?” Katia begs me, her voice desperate but respectful.

I pluck the vibrat from the drawer.

“No, you may not.” I’m stern with her, and she nods her head in recognition. My kitten is needy. “On your back,” I command her. “And hold onto your knees. ”

My kitten instantly obeys, falling backward and gripping the inside of her knees. Her pussy is glistening and clenching around nothing. She glances at me as I click the switch to turn on the vibrator and the gentle hum fills the room. Her head falls against the bed, and a lusty moan spills from her lips.

“Please hurry,” she begs me, and it forces a chuckle to rise up my chest. She makes it hard sometimes to stay in this Master mode.

One truth I’ll never deny is this:

I’m more of a Slave to her than she ever was, or will be, to me.

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A Bad Boy Next Door Romance By Lauren Landish & Willow Winters

One look, and panties drop. One night, and they’re ready to marry me.

Too bad I’m not interested in anything more than a taste.

Until I’m tempted by Little Miss Goody-Two-Shoes. She’s a good girl, the kind I want to possess, dominate, ruin. No one’s ever told me no, and I’m not about to let it stop me now.

She keeps pushing me away, even with her curvy body pressed against mine and those soft moans spilling from her lips.

But I’m persistent. She doesn’t stand a chance. And now that she’s moved in next door, it’s only a matter of time before I'll have her screaming my name.

She can try to run, but she’s not getting away from the bad boy next door.



I turn on my side and face my window, waiting for him to come into view. I feel so naughty. So needy. This is turning into a bad habit.

I bite my lip as he moves his curtains so he can see me.

Our eyes meet, and the hunger I see in his makes every doubt disappear. I want him, and he wants me. There’s nothing wrong about that.

His lips turn up into a sexy smirk as his eyes roam my body. He takes his shirt off, his corded muscles rippling with the movement. He’s the epitome of power and sex. His jeans are slung low, and the urge to lick the deep “V” at his hips makes my legs scissor. My hand dips
down to my pussy and I love that he sees. I love that he watches me.

“Covers off,” he mouths, and I obey. I’m wearing a tank top and a skimpy lace thong. He tilts his head and tsks. A small laugh escapes my lips as a blush creeps into my cheeks. I knew he’d want them off. But tonight I want him to take them off of me.

A few weeks ago I would’ve given him the finger and yanked my curtains closed. But not tonight, not now that I’ve become addicted to the inked-up bad boy next door.

“Come over.” I whisper my plea, and his eyes heat with desire.

“Get wet for me, peaches.” I smile shyly at his command and slowly push my fingers against my clit, massaging small circles over my throbbing nub. My head falls back against my pillow, and a faint moan escapes from my parted mouth. I turn my head to the side and with my eyes half-lidded, I watch him watching me.

“More,” he says in a deep, rough voice that makes arousal pool in my core. I make my movements faster and hold his heated gaze. His breath comes in shallow pants, and his hand pushes against the bulge in his jeans. I know he wants me. I want him, too.

“Please,” the word tumbles from my mouth as I feel my back bow and a hot tingle take over my body. My eyes close as I almost fall and crash with an intense orgasm, but it escapes me. I’m on edge. I need him.

I open my eyes, and he’s gone. I bite down on my lip and slow my movements. He’ll be here soon. He’ll fill me, stretching my walls with his massive cock and thrusting his powerful hips until I’m writhing beneath him and screaming his name.

When did I turn into a slave to his lust? I don’t beg. I’m not that kind of girl, but he broke my walls down, and I’ve learned to love it.

He’s bad for me. I know he is, but I still crave him. And now that I’ve given in, I’m all his. Until he’s done with me, anyway. I know it’s coming.